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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

A second night good sleep in a row, something of a miracle these days and very welcome with a 200 mile drive today.


Down at the MRC last. Night we had a huge downpour and squall run through ( outside)( mostly) at about 19:30, the wind has dropped to about 35 mph now till Connor arrives.


Having had fun felting rooves in the past, on my railway shed I fibreglassed over the osb3. I have no intention of climbing up there as I get even morE decrepit. The new extension is metal, which is being lined with insulation and wood. At work they replaced the old cementacious asbestos roof with insulated metal you definately know now when the heavens open.


Right time to check the road reports in case someone has been doing something silly overnight we are setting off at first light..

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

I knew it would happen. At 5.30 I was greeted with the immortal words " We need to go to Sainsbury's - I've forgotten something."  Hooray,

I'll  be back later!   :banghead:

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl, and a very happy Christmas to you all!


Here's sending out a big round of very best wishes for 2017 turning out well for everyone and that all problems which may be bothering you at present will sort themselves out soon – whether they be illness of any kind, mortgages or anything else.


A pleasant stay was had on the Baltic coast and we'll certainly be happy to return on the next suitable occasion. Possibly in spring when the weather's a bit better, though I must say being on the coast in winter is cosy in its own way.


I hope I'll be able to pop in now and then over the holidays. Certainly looking forward to a couple of quiet days.



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Good Morning All,


This December Mrs iD and I were invited to Venice to help celebrate her Aunt's 90th birthday. Accommodation was found for the Wolfpack in a Hundepension (Dog Hotel - for want of a better translation). The Hundepension had a very good reputation and before we made the arrangements we toured the facility (and they "scoped us out"). So Schotty and Lucy had a doggie holiday whilst we were enjoying the crisp weather in Venice. Upon our return, when we collected the mutts, they couldn't contain their happiness (remember, both dogs are from a shelter) and it was clear which dog "belonged" to whom: Schotty shot straight at Mrs iD vocalising like a dog possessed; whilst Lucy rushed over to me - her tail wagging so hard and fast her that rear end was in danger of helicoptering off the ground. It was, in short, a heartfelt greeting the like of which I had seldom experienced from humans. No wonder Madame de Stael said "The more I see of men the more I like dogs".


It seems that ERs is, in light of recent events, teetering on the edge of being political. Certainly recent events have strongly polarised public opinion, with a majority voicing grim approval and a handful of the usual apologists trying to "explain" such events. Without, I hope, getting political I offer my thoughts for ERs to consider....


The concept of "Human Rights", although first explicitly voiced by Jean-Jacques Rousseau in the 1700s, is - as we understand it today - a totally necessary and justifiable safeguard against the crimes committed by dictatorial regimes (of all political persuasions) in the 20s, 30s and 40s being repeated by today's Governments - again of all political persuasions. Unfortunately, in my view, this concept has become tainted by the actions of those who - for political, ideological or merely financial reasons - have stretched the concept in some case to the point where belief in, and support for, this important enlightenment idea has started to erode. "Why" the general public ask, quite rightly "is a criminal afforded comforts and "rights" that their victims are often denied"?


At the risk of being slightly contentious, I offer the following food for thought:

  • The role of a defense lawyer (or Barrister in the UK) should NOT be that of getting their clients acquitted regardless of the fact that such a client may truly be guilty of the crime, but rather to get the truly innocent acquitted and get the guilty given a sentence appropriate to the severity of the crime (so no more disproportionate sentences for minor crimes as were reported as being handed out after the London riots of a few years ago).
  • The judiciary, in many countries, needs to rethink the concept of sentencing. It seems both absurd and unjust that - for example - destroying property can sometimes incur a severer sentence than causing harm (of whatever type) to an individual.
  • Despite what many believe (and the TV show 24hours tries to show) torture does just not work. Full Stop. Experts from the intelligence community have repeatedly stated that the only way to get reliable information is to coax it out of the criminal by establishing a dialogue with that person - unpalatable as it may be to do so.
  • All evidence, unless demonstrably fabricated or tampered with, should be admissible, no more disregarding evidence on a technicality.
  • Prisons should be places of rehabilitation (providing - of course - prisoners are willing to rehabilitate). Assuming that all prisoners are provided with an acceptable minimum (clean, heated when needed, uncrowded cells, an uncrowded prison with basic but nutritional food and basic exercise, personal safety assured by adequate prison staffing and basic medical care) then "extras" such as TVs, cooking your own food etc., should be earned by both participating in rehabilitation programmes and by good behaviour. I am firmly of the opinion that an individual convicted of a crime and sentenced to prison should have his/her "rights" reduced to the minimum of basic food, basic shelter, medical care and personal safety.
  • What is frequently forgotten is that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: "The ideal of free human beings enjoying civil and political freedom and freedom from fear and want can only be achieved if conditions are created whereby everyone may enjoy his civil and political rights, as well as his social, economic and cultural rights". In other words (and I know this may raise the hackles of some) I believe that this means that everyone in a country should be treated equally, so no special treatment just because you are "X" or "Y".

Finally, an interesting philosophical thought from Voltaire: "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise"


As I'm off to the Holiday Hovel in a few hours, I'll take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and offer my commiserations to those who find themselves in a less than agreeable situation this Yuletide (and my congratulations to those upon whom fate has smiled).



Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning again,

Sainsbury's safely negotiated and surprisingly quiet.

I have offered to assist The Boss today in any way I can and to do her bidding. The first thing she came up with was "How about a forum free day!"  :nono:

She's having a laugh because that is not going to happen so here I am and as a matter of principle I will be back throughout the day.  However at the moment I'm needed to shift some furniture. I think it's the same furniture I shifted the other day which "we've" put in the wrong place.  :scratchhead:  :banghead:

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning to most, evening to Rick, sleep well our ERs elsewhere here on Planet Earth.

Bob, just you be careful moving furniture. You could trap a finger, twist your back.....


It's still slightly breezy here but the hoolie has gone for the time being here, next one due later.


I have been tasked with preparing and cooking the Bacon joint for consumption at tea time (and beyond). Question is: do I makes some pease pudding as well?


No shopping planned for today so, with 2 weeks of fixtures to rejig I can do some modelling. Yippeedddoo!


Have a great festive season!


May I wish everyone a healthy and prosperous 2017 and I hope that those who are in pain or suffering have a good recovery.




PS still missing the whelks!

Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Must go swap cars over at Mums then back home ready to catch a train to Haywards Heath for first beers of the day with a small groupo of us. We plan to finish in Brighton.


Planinng on using Thameslink as much as possible thus avoiding the Southern cancellations.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the Charente where the streets are aired. Breakfast has been consumed and the TV schedules are being perused by the boss so that the next few days can be planned.


Bill I'm glad that you are getting out and about. Andy I'm glad that a recovery is under way. Flavio I'm glad that you had a good break and that the wolf pack gave you such a good welcome.


Yesterday various jobs got done and the kitchen lights were completed and look good. In the afternoon we set off to collect the turkey bit after quarter of on hour waiting in the car park I consulted my phone diary to discover that the bird is due to land today. I was not in the boss's good books. Off we set home on a route that passes the winery. It was suggested that we better call and get some wine for No 1 son who is coming for New Year. We at getting to know the owner quite well (Obviously a good lifestyle) and he asked if we would like to see the distillation of the new Eau de Vie from this year's harvest.

We admitted the still and commented on how clear the product was as it flowed into the holding tank. We were then offered the chance to sample some. The boss certainly warmed up when she had a mouthful of what we were told was 71% spirit. As the driver I only had one tot, she had another large mouthful and on the drive home it appeared that my earlier sins had been forgiven (but of course never ever forgotten).


We then went into the local town (2o miles away) with some friends and walked round the lights which were nice before having an all you can eat Chinese buffet. Nit a bad day.


Tasks are now being allocated and it appears that if I get the dining room tidy I may be allowed some free time in the shed. I will of course have to collect the missing bird.


Regards to all.



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Phew ! Looks like Christmas at the Grandkids is back on again !  


Mrs RhBBob is responding to the strong antibiotics prescribed on Wednesday and has returned from the strange land where she has been since then. Not helped by taking 2 Anadin Extra every two hours although she has a cast-iron constitution  :)


So I only have to invade B*st*nia today to pick up some more A-xtra and we shall head for Miss RhBBob's residence to stay the night and thence to the city of W*rks*p for C-day and B-day with the much more handsome version of me and family.  Pressys at midnight - always assuming we are still awake  :jester:


Thanks for your support!

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Morning all. Sarah still on the settee and out of paracetamol so Christmas Eve in Asda beckons. Whilst it is in walking distance, I need to take the car because I need to fuel up in case Sarah is fit enough to go to the inlaws tomorrow. The thought of a Saturday Christmas Eve in a supermarket is rather fulling me with dread! At some point I hope we can feel slightly festive.

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Morning all. Alarm not set last night and today can be a lazy one for me although plenty of caffeine will be consumed.


Andy - Good to hear that Sarah is recovering


GDB - Be careful. We don't want injuries especially at this time of year


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning again,

Sainsbury's safely negotiated and surprisingly quiet.

I have offered to assist The Boss today in any way I can and to do her bidding. The first thing she came up with was "How about a forum free day!"  :nono:

She's having a laugh because that is not going to happen so here I am and as a matter of principle I will be back throughout the day.  However at the moment I'm needed to shift some furniture. I think it's the same furniture I shifted the other day which "we've" put in the wrong place.  :scratchhead:  :banghead:

Have a good one,


Don't forget to wear your PPE gear. :girldevil:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. I think I've got everything I need for Christmas, if I've missed anything its just too bad but at the very least I won't be going hungry or thirsty. So here's wishing all you ER's out there a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

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Shopping finally completed, which is just as well, as the fridge and freezer are full! No 2 son arrives on a train at 3pm, so I have some time to wrap a couple of prezzies, clean the woodburner, vacuum the living room and other minor tasks. As the list is growing rapidly, I had better abandon this forum and get on with it.


Storm Barbara has passed by and the wind is now only about 30mph, but tomorrow we are due to get storm Conor, so more wind and rain in store.


Wishing all ERs a great Christmas, and peaceful New Year.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning again,

Sainsbury's safely negotiated and surprisingly quiet.

I have offered to assist The Boss today in any way I can and to do her bidding. The first thing she came up with was "How about a forum injury free day!"  :nono:



Post duly edited.




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Belated good morning from a bright and breezy Somerset.


I had to be out early to miss the madness of later today, when the streets are filled with last minute shoppers who are in an ever increasing panic because they cannot find a present; and then later they are joined by the bargain hunters who wait until perishable goods are marked down by supermarkets just before closing.


Although I have no objection to either of these activities, I just can't be bothered doing all that myself. I would rather pay extra and get produce early; then sit on the sofa with a glass of cider and relax.


So, it was out after 9 a.m. and pick up extra veg that we seem to have run out of; mainly because carrots, peas and assorted beans seemed to have a poor year on the allotment. I think I am all sorted now, and have only another batch of mince pies to bake.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


I've no intention of going out today, other than going to collect our Indian takeaway this evening. Other than that I'm staying put and what we don't have in stock, we can do without until it's all over. Although I may go to the workshop after lunch.


I hope that everyone has a great Christmas.


Andy. Glad to hear that Sarah is improving.


Robert. Congratulations on passing your test.


AndyB. That would be great.


Back later.

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