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  • RMweb Gold

There was no Yorkshire Gold tea in Waitrose either. I don't drink it but I thought I would look to see if appears to be a national shortage.


The local branches of Waitrose stopped stocking it a long time back however we discovered an alternative source at Savacentre - but I reckon a visit there either tomorrow or the next day would more likely need a Challenger 2 rather than a Scimitar just to elbow our way into the car park.

I think there are tea plantations somewhere in Cornwall if the Yorkshire tea is no longer exported.


We do happen to have some Cornish tea in stock and we have visited the estate, or rather the entrance to the estate, where it is grown.  However as we hadn't booked a guided tour, at £60 (yes SIXTY) each beforehand we didn't actually get to see it growing - but if you get the right version it makes a  good strong brew.


Yorkshire Tea comes from a packing plant (and presumably blending?) at Starbeck and is very nearly on the site of Starbeck NER shed.


And G'night all.   I'm told we will be leaving for Pangbourne 'straight after the morning rush' tomorrow - so that'll be about 09.30 then

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Well, it's pretty much official, the bank is foreclosing on my house :angry:  They've promised to make a new calculation, based on new income data I got this week, but in reality I doubt that'll make a significant change to the outcome. But "fortunately" the person doing the calculating and handling my case, is off sick, so probably next week. Great, that's the 2nd time in short succession my X-Mass is completely ruined: the first was being told on X-Mass Eve I was sacked, back in 2013 :rolleyes: :mad: I shall refrain from venting my opinion about these ******** as it's a family forum :ireful:


fuming from the hollow lands :devil: :butcher:


Really sorry to read that.

About 20 years ago I wasn't working due to illness and our expenditures were greater than income. We were constantly trading credit card balances, turning energy bills into budget pLans etc. We managed to just about pay the mortgage but it wasn't fun while I was also unwell. I used to hate every bill or letter that came in. It did sort itself out eventually but I can understand the anger you are feeling.

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Evening all. Generic greetings, wishes and commiserations as appropriate. Thanks also for the good wishes. Today has been another busy and difficult day. Sarah is still not well and, on my advice, called the doctors this morning. She was hoping to get a prescription for the antibiotics that treated this sort of issue before. At that point her own doctor prescribed them over the phone. He was not duty yesterday, nor was he today. The other practitioners were unwilling to do this, despite the evidence in Sarah's records. The resulting call back from the doctor suggested she attend at the end of afternoon surgery when she would face a potential long wait. Sarah was unwilling to do this, especially as she continues to cough up mucus. It was only after I called the surgery later in the day, and stood my ground in an argument with the doctor that she agreed to refer the issue to the senior partner. He duely called back and promised to see Sarah straight away if she attended at 3pm. He was true to his word and Sarah was in and out in less than five minutes. Following examination she had the prescription she feels she needs. Hopefully that will help her to feel a little better for the big day. Sadly she will miss our trip to Butterley tomorrow do i will be taking Amber on my own.

All of the above telephoning happened whilst I was out and about. There were presents to deliver before braving the city centre shops. Thankfully they were not that bad and the final shopping was completed very quickly. Then it was off to the crematorium to lay a wreath before picking up some supplies from the local supermarket. All of this was done with Amber in tow. She was extremely well behaved and was rewarded with a new toy from the city centre branch of Toys R Us. Since our outing spread across lunch time we also enjoyed a pub lunch together.

More Avon books were delivered in the evening and I helped Amber put up her Christmas tree before bed. Sarah and I sat down and watched a Christmas movie together - some much needed time together. Admittedly I spent part of the time playing with some bits of track on a small 2ft X 1ft plank I found in the garage. I am just wondering about a small shunting puzzle to play about with during the holiday period. Nothing finalised yet


Hope your Christmas Eve Eve goes well!


A quick edit to pass on my support to Dutch Master. I hope you get better news next week. My thoughts are with you.

Edited by andyram
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Tomorrow (Friday) is a floating holiday for me and I'm very much looking forward to a long weekend with a visit from my son and his intended on Christmas Eve through Christmas morn.
Meanwhile it is 5:00pm on a holiday eve and I am still at the office (I'd much rather be home like everyone else, none of whom made an appearance today anyway) tediously waiting for someone (curiously in a time zone three hours ahead) to call so we can collaborate on a project important to him, but apparently not enough so to make time available during his afternoon and early evening - working this evening being my compromise for not wanting to work on a holiday.
I'll take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas holiday, hopefully surrounded by family and/or friends, and a healthy 2017 to you all and those you care about.
May 2017 turn out to be a year of less strife than 2016.


2016 reminds me of this:

“I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else.”

I've never seen myself as a pessimist. Rather the engineer in me has always noted that the quantity in the glass occupies 0.5 x the volume without commentary.


I don't necessarily hold with the corollary, being that the volume of the glass is twice as big as necessary - one should always design with some margin of safety.


2016 makes me see the value of optimism. Hopefully my optimism will grow with the return of the sun.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Morning all. A later start than originally planned after getting a message at 23:30 giving me today as an admin day to catch up on some reports. Luckily I hadn't left any tools on site ready for today.


A few things now need to be re-arranged to keep the job on track and give the guys an early finish.


Dutch Master - My thoughts are with you.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning to most, evening to Rick, nighty night to others.


Mike, a Challenger 2 doesn't need a car parking space because it makes one for itself. It's better with a dozer blade fitted though. Would cause chaos at the mini roundabout in Pangbourn though.


I must wrap and post a prechristmas parcel, deliver a cheque to the bank and collect Christmas meat from the butcher.


Dutch_Master I wish you a better 2017.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl,

A good nights sleep for a change 7 hours :no:  :no: , I awoke to think "whats that noise?" yes I was woken by the central heating coming on it's a long time since I was awake late enough to hear that.


It rained over night but most of the roads were dry, I stopped to refuel and check the tyres ready for tomorrows trip,  we probably could be stuck in some heavy traffic once we get up North...


 There were on the way in a new set of road works lights have appeared where they will cause absolute chaos once the traffic builds up,  planning to do the work over the next few days?. I must remember to take a diversion on the way home to avoid that.


Up till 12:00 today the managers will be charging around the lab outside mine trying to get everything out of the door, before the end of the American tax year as far as we are concerned, then most of the staff will sit about with not a lot left to do, as much of our work needs more hours than those left, or you have to restart it anyway.


So today the managers normally will come round a couple of hours early and say why are you still here?  :no:

Unfortunately that 2 hours early is the time I finish anyway, so I don't get any extra time off.... :beee:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the Charente where it's damp but calm. Dutch Master, very sorry to hear about your troubles and your attest news. Andy I hope that Sarah improves.


I took the old Rover for it's CT yesterday it failed on emissions but everything else was OK. Unfortunately I'd not checked the coolant level and it expired 100 yards from home. After it had cooled down and been refilled it still wouldn't start but did turn over. Hopefully we can get it going again. I then towed it back into the garden with the Volvo. A very nervous Beth steered the Rover. In the afternoon some Brownie point were earned by me getting the first half of the new lights working in the kitchen. They are much brighter and modern 7W LED's. Hopefully I'll get the remaining ones down today.


Breakfast has now been consumed and shortly I will be off to the Mairie to get permission to have a garden fire to burn the brash from all the trees that we've felled or thinned out. Then this afternoon we go to the local town to collect a pre ordered turkey. This evening we're off to the larger town about 20 miles away to see the lights and have a meal with some friends from the village. No doubt we will see a few cars and some tractors en route. We don't do traffic jams here.


Rick, those photos are brilliant. I look forward to visiting Kew in a few years and seeing it transformed.


Regards to all and John DMJ I hope that the leg is sorted.




Rick, those

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It's cloudy and a bit dark, but the sun is trying to show it's self, but I think storm Barbara might have other plans.


I've only got 2 jobs planned for today, 1 each in Westhoughton and Bury, as we usually get a phone call about lunch saying we can finish early, so I'm hoping to be home for lunch toady, fingers crossed. Once all my work is completed that's me done until the 3rd.


Dutch-Master. Sorry to here about your predicament.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

I have not posted on here lately as I found there just wasn't enough time to keep up. I was hoping to wish all was well with you all but see by the few post above that one's partner is unwell and another is being kicked in the teeth by life. Perhaps that is not surprising many of us have washed up on ERs when battered by life and the support found has been of great strength.

So I do wish you all a merry christmas and all the best for the new year



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It should hopefully be a fairly quiet day today.

I would prefer not to go shopping, and can't imagine why we would need to, unless there are any requests to take something to Enfield on Boxing Day.


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  • RMweb Premium

Just been listening to the local radio, the national average of second homes is 5%, in North Norfolk where I live it's 60%, I suspect our population is going up as I speak...


 Could be heavy traffic (for us) trying to go to the MRC tonight.

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Hello from a dry but windy Somerset.


Commiserations to Dutch Master; life has an unhappy knack of kicking folk in the teeth at the most inappropriate times.


Little miss chaos (aka eldest granddaughter) is due in the next hour together with her 2 week old brother and their parents, so most moveable items have been hidden and I am preparing to be told what to do and when to do it (usually - now ! ). Where do toddlers get all this energy from?


This feels like the calm before the storm....


Turkey and a rather large ham should be delivered this afternoon, and I hope for chilly weather so that their 48 stay in a cool box out in the garage will not need too many ice pack replacements, as I do not want everyone to get food poisoning.

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Morning all,


My commiserations to all of you sane drivers (bbishop, The Stationmaster, BSW01, etc.) who are suffering from severe GI problems. Driving amongst the Genetically Impaired frequently makes one wish for the return of the Black Death or some similar pandemic that would sort out the useless ('cos they can't follow simple instructions: such as the rules of the road or basic hygiene) from the useful (those who can follow such instructions).


That may be a bit misanthropic of me to say, but given the rate we are either destroying or disrupting the environment, it shouldn't be too long before some cute little virus or bacterium - currently living in an arrived at harmony in some small little furry creatures - is forced out into the wider world where it makes Ebola or HIV look like kindergarden sniffles. Fortunately, the really nasty ones we do currently know about (Marburg hemorraghic fever, Ebola), seem to be geographically confined (for now).


On another medical note, I hope that JohnDMJ gets his leg "sorted" pretty bloody pronto. From his description (and from the reaction of the doctor who wanted to do an immediate ultrasound), it could be a DVT. Potentially very nasty indeed, but one that is easily diagnosed and easily treated.  Of course "easily treated" depends upon the individual, in my case (when I had a DVT in my calf) I had no problem in self-injecting the low molecular weight heparin subcutaneously and the haemtologist was just near work, so I could pop in once a week to have my INR done and my warfarin dose altered if so needed. Beats being treated for arthrosis (current score = Arthrosis: two new knees, two bu99ered up hips, one dodgy shoulder, two frozen proximal interphalangeal joints. iL Dottore: nil). Still mustn't grumble, still upright (except after a video game and Negroni evening with my GP chum) and breathing...


I have been playing surgeon to poor Lucy. Earlier this week the wolfpack was out with Mrs iD and Schotty decided to bark wildly at another dog, given that Lucy is aware that Schotty is all mouth and no trousers (so to speak) she rushed out in front to bark protectively and "get up close and personal" with the other dog. Big mistake! Poor Lucy got an ear bitten for her troubles, which must have been painful as Mrs iD informed me that the poor little lass ran around yelping for a few minutes after being bitten. I examined her and found two 1/2 inch long scratches: one internally and one externally. So they were cleaned up and a chunk of sausage provided as analgesic/sedative. Unfortunately, the internal scratch started suppurating, so a quick trip to the vet resulted in provision of medical supplies and now Lucy is being treated twice a day (wound cleaned, disinfected and then annointed with medication). She is NOT very happy about this, but trusts me implicitly, even when (at the start) it hurt her to have her treatment. Sausage, during and after the procedure, helps reduce the unpleasantness of this procedure for her.


Actually, I'm with Lucy on this one: there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that can't be made better by a sausage or a pie (the wolfpack and I are particularly partial to Cumberland Sausages and Melton Mowbray Pork Pies).


Am I the only one, this year, feeling greater kinship with Ebeneezer Scrooge than with Bob Cratchit? Despite local Christmas markets, the arrival of Christmas cards (getting fewer by the year), Christmas displays, it doesn't feel at all Christmassy. Wet, cold and grey weather does not help. Granted, it is unrealistic to expect Dickensian Christmas weather, but bright skies and a crisp frost would be a bit more in keeping with the season.


Finally, there are only 1.5 Shopping Days to Christmas and I still have not acquired a Christmas gift for Mrs iD. Dogs, country walks/hikes (more like military route marches in her case) and "Murder Mystery" films are all pleasures for her. Can anyone of the long married ERs help me out with some suggestions for a present for Mrs iD. If no present (token or otherwise) is found on Christmas day, I'll be sleeping outside on the terrace of the Holiday Hovel (not to be relished at -5*C weather)


Stay Frosty Guys



Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, no rain at the moment however the wind is starting to pick up in time for this afternoons forecast.


Sad news and commiserations to you  Dutchmaster.


Time in the shed planned for later on more so as other half is at the hairdressers then off for a manicure. Eldest along with future wife arrives about 9 tonight assuming Virgin Trains from Euston are on time.


I am picking up other son in the morning around 0830 in Manchester and bringing him back for the festivities,I offered to do this as it gets me out of the way lol!


No doubt I will be back later on today


Take care folks!

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Morning all. We're nearly there now!


This is the last day in work and various people have brought children in for a kids' Christmas party. Elder Lurker when asked a few years ago said "No Way" so he hasn't been asked again. Younger Lurker also declined the opportunity. He did however pass his brazil nut allergy challenge, so he is now only allergic to peanuts, although apparently his blood readings are so high they wouldn't challenge that allergy.


I am at work but Ocado should have delivered the Christmas shop by now. It included the turkey and the ham, and the potatoes and sprouts so I hope it was all included. Most alcohol was acquired the other weekend so even a visit from the FiL should be catered for!


Best wishes to Dutch Master - I hope that 2017 turns out much better and that the situation can be sorted quickly.


And if I do not post again, Merry Christmas to all the ERs, with thoughts for those who have not been able to post here recently.

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Morning all from a blustery and damp Scottish HQ. Planning a POETS day, as it's pretty deserted in here. Have a few things I need to get done, so today won't be an end of term board games day like we used to get at school.


Gatecrashed another team's Christmas drinks last night (I was invited along as I know a few of them) and sang karaoke with them. Think a big breakfast is on the cards this morning...

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Morning all,


My commiserations to all of you sane drivers (bbishop, The Stationmaster, BSW01, etc.) who are suffering from severe GI problems. Driving amongst the Genetically Impaired frequently makes one wish for the return of the Black Death or some similar pandemic that would sort out the useless ('cos they can't follow simple instructions: such as the rules of the road or basic hygiene) from the useful (those who can follow such instructions).


That may be a bit misanthropic of me to say, but given the rate we are either destroying or disrupting the environment, it shouldn't be too long before some cute little virus or bacterium - currently living in an arrived at harmony in some small little furry creatures - is forced out into the wider world where it makes Ebola or HIV look like kindergarden sniffles. Fortunately, the really nasty ones we do currently know about (Marburg hemorraghic fever, Ebola), seem to be geographically confined (for now).


On another medical note, I hope that JohnDMJ gets his leg "sorted" pretty bloody pronto. From his description (and from the reaction of the doctor who wanted to do an immediate ultrasound), it could be a DVT. Potentially very nasty indeed, but one that is easily diagnosed and easily treated.  Of course "easily treated" depends upon the individual, in my case (when I had a DVT in my calf) I had no problem in self-injecting the low molecular weight heparin subcutaneously and the haemtologist was just near work, so I could pop in once a week to have my INR done and my warfarin dose altered if so needed. Beats being treated for arthrosis (current score = Arthrosis: two new knees, two bu99ered up hips, one dodgy shoulder, two frozen proximal interphalangeal joints. iL Dottore: nil). Still mustn't grumble, still upright (except after a video game and Negroni evening with my GP chum) and breathing...


I have been playing surgeon to poor Lucy. Earlier this week the wolfpack was out with Mrs iD and Schotty decided to bark wildly at another dog, given that Lucy is aware that Schotty is all mouth and no trousers (so to speak) she rushed out in front to bark protectively and "get up close and personal" with the other dog. Big mistake! Poor Lucy got an ear bitten for her troubles, which must have been painful as Mrs iD informed me that the poor little lass ran around yelping for a few minutes after being bitten. I examined her and found two 1/2 inch long scratches: one internally and one externally. So they were cleaned up and a chunk of sausage provided as analgesic/sedative. Unfortunately, the internal scratch started suppurating, so a quick trip to the vet resulted in provision of medical supplies and now Lucy is being treated twice a day (wound cleaned, disinfected and then annointed with medication). She is NOT very happy about this, but trusts me implicitly, even when (at the start) it hurt her to have her treatment. Sausage, during and after the procedure, helps reduce the unpleasantness of this procedure for her.


Actually, I'm with Lucy on this one: there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that can't be made better by a sausage or a pie (the wolfpack and I are particularly partial to Cumberland Sausages and Melton Mowbray Pork Pies).


Am I the only one, this year, feeling greater kinship with Ebeneezer Scrooge than with Bob Cratchit? Despite local Christmas markets, the arrival of Christmas cards (getting fewer by the year), Christmas displays, it doesn't feel at all Christmassy. Wet, cold and grey weather does not help. Granted, it is unrealistic to expect Dickensian Christmas weather, but bright skies and a crisp frost would be a bit more in keeping with the season.


Finally, there are only 1.5 Shopping Days to Christmas and I still have not acquired a Christmas gift for Mrs iD. Dogs, country walks/hikes (more like military route marches in her case) and "Murder Mystery" films are all pleasures for her. Can anyone of the long married ERs help me out with some suggestions for a present for Mrs iD. If no present (token or otherwise) is found on Christmas day, I'll be sleeping outside on the terrace of the Holiday Hovel (not to be relished at -5*C weather)


Stay Frosty Guys




I tend to buy Mrs Jonny books for Christmas presents.


This year I have got "500 Crochet Stitches" and the "New Vegetarian Cookbook"; both probably highly inappropriate for anyone but her, but I find it easier to purchase weighty tomes which are relevant to her interests rather than take a chance on other surprise items that she would not appreciate.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all, 

Dry and fresh start to the day, looks like a dull and windy day in prospect with the chance of some heavy rain later.

Sainsbury's duly attended at 6.45 and final shopping for turkey(s) and vegetables done. I though it wise to add some more wine and beer as well to tide me us over.  :yes:   It was getting pretty hectic there when we left and I wouldn't fancy being there later.

Both fridges and the freezer are now full along with the beer/wine cellar. I think we can survive for the next couple of days months!

Our visitors are not due until Sunday so I'm a free agent again for a while. 

After being told by the Liverpool shop that my little blue loco was being sent this week they've now told me it's not as they've run out so I will not get it until after Christmas. Apparently they're expecting another delivery today. Good job I bought myself something else for Christmas.

Flavio, if Mrs iD likes murder mystery type films how about tickets for a stage show for a change.

Have good one,
Little blue loco less Bob of Sutton.

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

I think next year I should get Aditi some garden railway stuff. I showed her a photo of the Hornby Peckett I had ordered and told her it was really big. She seemed disappointed when it was about the size of the Smokey Joe that Matthew had on his trainset many years ago.



Bob, my loco is green not blue!

Edited by Tony_S
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