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Andyram, if others have left then the chair of governers should be looking at the common denominator. However as the head is the only person directly employed by the Governor's sometimes they are a bit concerned that they are responsible.


Just keep writing it down. A sign of pi&& poor management is to ask someone else to carry a rebuke.


Sleep well all! Well except Rick who, hopefully, will enjoy the day in Melbourne. Send us some sun and heat Rick please.



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Andyram, if others have left then the chair of governors should be looking at the common denominator. However as the head is the only person directly employed by the Governors sometimes they are a bit concerned that they are responsible....


You could be describing the crisis at my old school, which - according to my mole who works there - may have a funding crisis in about a year's time despite the eye-watering fees it now charges. To my eternal disgust, David Beckham's two younger sons were admitted this term; not being particularly academically gifted, they failed the entrance exams, but the current Headmaster, nicknamed "Weirdy Beardy" (he was formerly a deputy Head in Brighton), is a slave to celebrity and waved them in.


The Head has also tried to run the School like some sort of corporate enterprise, so he's got rid of practically all the experienced teaching staff in favour of newly-qualified (and quite low-paid, by all accounts) teachers, and now has a number of managers who allow him to float, like some deity, above the mess he's created.


From time to time, I get invitations to old boys' dinners (£60 a head) and appeals for cash. No chance.

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Sleep well all! Well except Rick who, hopefully, will enjoy the day in Melbourne. Send us some sun and heat Rick please.




Thank you.  And I shall do my best.  It's struggling to reach 20C at the moment and while I know that is 20 more degrees than some are enduring it's about half of what is forecast for the weekend!  


Melbourne sits right where the cold Antarctic southerlies meet hot desert air from the north which gives rise to its famed "four seasons in one day" (yes there was a song ..... ) and violent mood changes at times.  Poly-blocks are being applied to the smaller landscape to protect what cannot be packed away from the forthcoming Christmas roasting.  I predict the beach will be full and the car parks overflowing.   The trains will be very busy too, especially those serving bayside destinations such as Brighton Beach, Edithvale and Frankston.  We run a full service right through Christmas with some lines offering as much as a train every 10 minutes.  How different to the Old Country which struggles to provide anything at all for two days .....




Ich bin ein Berliner

What ever it should have been in correct German this is the actual JFK speech


 Two thousand years ago, the proudest boast was civis romanus sum. Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is "Ich bin ein Berliner!"... All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin, and therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words "Ich bin ein Berliner!"


While the scholars and linguists may argue over the jelly donut theory the JFK version is considered to be not grammatically incorrect.

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....Melbourne sits right where the cold Antarctic southerlies meet hot desert air from the north which gives rise to its famed "four seasons in one day" (yes there was a song ..... ) and violent mood changes at times.  Poly-blocks are being applied to the smaller landscape to protect what cannot be packed away from the forthcoming Christmas roasting.  I predict the beach will be full and the car parks overflowing.   ....


Apparently not too far away from Melbourne, a tiger snake had wrapped itself around someone's Christmas tree.... 

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Afternoon All


Chilly here with a lazy wind - ie it doesn't go round you, it goes through you.  Just waiting for Storm B to arrive here - our speeds are estimating about 25-50 mph.


Regards to All



“It’s a cruel wind, screams and moans,

Don’t know  where from, don’t know where it goes,

Rustling the leaves around your door

Cold, cold  fingers through the cracks in the floor,

The Mystery Wind.............”


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Apparently not too far away from Melbourne, a tiger snake had wrapped itself around someone's Christmas tree.... 


Not just "not too far away" but only a few streets away.  Apparently Hissing Sid was somehow already in the tree when delivered / collected and revealed himself once it was up in her home.




"Oh Tiger snake, oh tiger snake

We see you fangs are drooling

You wrapped yourself up in the tree

You quite surprised the wife and me

Oh tiger snake, oh tiger snake

You'll love the air-con cooling."


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Sad times in Germany - hopefully they can find the person driving the lorry during the incident so that we can really find out what was in his/her mind.




IS have claimed responsibility. So we now know what was going through his mind - not that it makes any sense, of course.


It’s a pity a bullet was not going through his mind, though, but before the “incident”, which should be called mass murder, really....


These A$$holes are everywhere.


Best, Pete.

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It has taken three days but I have put up the Christmas tree, decorated it and also found the two backup trees that Aditi likes elsewhere in the house. I will probably go to the shops tomorrow. I could get stuff for Christmas but mainly we seem to be running out of all kinds of normal stuff.


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Doesn't everyone? One never knows when the British Values checkers will burst in.



As Tony has fed the cue ...


In the early years of the 16th 21st century, to combat the rising tide of religious British unorthodoxy, the Pope (politician of choice) gave Cardinal Ximinez of Spain the chief British Valuer leave to move without let or hindrance throughout the land, in a reign of violence, terror and torture that makes a smashing film. This was the Spanish Inquisition Checker of British Values...


Chapman: Trouble at mill.

Cleveland: Oh no - what kind of trouble?

Chapman: One on't cross beams gone owt askew on treadle.

Cleveland: Pardon?

Chapman: One on't cross beams gone owt askew on treadle.

Cleveland: I don't understand what you're saying.

Chapman: [slightly irritatedly and with exaggeratedly clear accent] One of the cross beams has gone out askew on the treadle.

Cleveland: Well what on earth does that mean?

Chapman: *I* don't know - Mr Wentworth just told me to come in here and say that there was trouble at the mill, that's all - I didn't expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition Checker of British Values.



[The door flies open and Cardinal Value Checker Ximinez of Spain [Palin] enters, flanked by two junior cardinals. Cardinal Value Checker Biggles [Jones] has goggles pushed over his forehead. Cardinal Value Checker Fang [Gilliam] is just Cardinal Value Checker Fang]

Ximinez: NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition Checker of British Values! Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency.... Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope (Politician of Choice) .... Our *four*...no... *Amongst* our weapons.... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as fear, surprise.... I'll come in again.

[The Inquisition Value Checkers exit]

Chapman: I didn't expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition Checker of British Values.


[The cardinals Value Checkers burst in]

Ximinez: NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition Checker of British Values! Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as: fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope, (Politician of choice) and nice red uniforms - Oh damn!

[To Cardinal Value Checker Biggles] I can't say it - you'll have to say it.

Biggles: What?

Ximinez: You'll have to say the bit about 'Our chief weapons are ...'

Biggles: [rather horrified]: I couldn't do that...

[Ximinez bundles the cardinals value checkers outside again]

Chapman: I didn't expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition Checker of British Values.


[The cardinals Value Checkers enter]

Biggles: Er.... Nobody...um....

Ximinez: Expects...

Biggles: Expects... Nobody expects the...um...the Spanish British...um...

Ximinez: Inquisition.

Biggles: I know, I know! Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition Checker of British Values. In fact, those who do expect - 

Ximinez: Our chief weapons are...


And so on and so on.


But the Comfy Chair stays in - that fits.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Slightly damp and a mild 8oC. Rain or drizzle forecast becoming drier and brighter followed by more,perhaps heavy, rain. Good Oh.

C-Day minus 4 and of course there is more shopping for supplies to be done today and apparently every day this week. My cries of "the shops are only shut for I  day" have fallen on deaf ears. Lookng at the quantity of provisions already at GDB Towers I assume we are expecting a long siege. I better start boiling some oil.

The latest missive from Liverpool informs me that although the 4 pin decoders aren't expected until February they will be sending my little blue loco before Christmas. I foresee a little analogue circle of track being prepared. I've been meaning to do that anyway to check out DCC ready locos before fitting chips.

Have a good one,

Bob The Unready, Defender of Sutt.

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Morning all. A damp start to the day but I'm definitely expecting it to be very wet later. It also feels colder than the 8OC on the thermometer.


A day of visiting friends and I may get chance to visit a modelling emporium as well.


Have a good day everyone

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Especially with their VW designed emissions control


Hat, scarf, mittens etc


I believe the credit should really go to Robert Bosch for developing the software. VW still takes the fall of course because they were silly enough to deploy the circumvention.

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Up early in the North West Leeds highlands. We are to go to moreasons first thing. As Smiffy hasn't been on here for a while cockles have been added to the list.


Pete, despite the I, no one who has knowledge of the book would blow themselves up, kill anyone else or use it as an excuse to be a large scale criminal.


Hope chrisf has a good trip to Switzerland.


Time for tea.



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Woke up at 3am and couldn't get back to sleep.

Just managed to get the last seats on the Thameslink service so I can doze. The next service heading North from here is in an hour as the three services in between are all cancelled. It was a scrum to get on though as two women behind us still managed to get on before my other half despite we were right next to the doors.

Only one more day this year of this for work.




As we crossed the M25 the train slowed to a crawl then start stop snails pace through the tunnel and on towards Purley. No announcements. Couldnt be congestion with so few trains running. Arrived into Elephant & Castle station nearly a half hour late.

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Morning All


I was a real ER this morning, and posts were all read and rated by 07.00 this morning.  Greetings to those celebrating, ailing, etc.  It has been quite quiet here this morning, though I see that a few of the usual suspects are lurking now.


Hospital appointment this morning, to get the results of my lump - then lots of domestic tasks, and a sausage and mash dinner.


Not a lor more at rhe mo, so I'll try to get back this afternoon.


Regards to All


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Morning all.

Not very cold out but starting to become breezy.

I have been given a little list. I suspect Tesco may be able to supply most items.

DPD tracking indicates my present is in Basildon. I assume they are subcontracting for Santa.


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Visited a cardiologist today. (My new GP was concerned that my pulse was rather slow.) I think the cardiologist concluded that I'm basically a malingering twit but he thought it might be best if I have a stress test - no rush he said, so we set it up for March.

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morning all from a bright Charente where a strange yellow object appears to be lighting up the sky. the fist and mog of the last few days appears to have gone, who knows where.


Various trees were crown lifted yesterday and some rather poor ones will be added to the log pile in due course. I also spent some time pulling very thick ivy off the wall that we share with the Mairie. I've even discovered the tiles on top of said wall. If anyone can recommend a good way of killing off Ivy I would be grateful. That's the flora not fauna that bears the name.


This morning we are off out for the day to look at the town of Saintes. We've not been there but I need to visit an insurance office so it seems like a good excuse.


I hope that the missing ER's are OK. As Baz has mentioned we seems to have lost our supply of whelks.


Regards to all.



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Morning awl,

A damp and drizzly morning ranging into light rain when it feels like it. The rain is the very leading edge of Storm Barbara :O , which is all we will get down here (I hope).


The shortest day (sunrise to  sunset) of the year, which for:

The Scilly Isles is approximately 8 hours 5 minutes.

London is 7 hours, 49 minutes, 40 seconds, or

Here in Norwich 7 hours, 37 minutes, 52 seconds or

Inverness is 6 hours, 35 minutes, 33 seconds.

or for Unst approximately 5 hours 38 minutes.


 Tomorrow it starts getting lighter for longer..... :no:


 As for Christmas trees I think I've got 2 Big plastic Chrismas trees in the loft, there were 4 at one point, like the ones they put in the entrance to Tess Coes, Very like the ones in the entrance to Tess Coes. Every year head office sent out a new one complete with decorations, which I assembled and put  by the door and then the staff would decorate it. After Christmas, I'd ask the senior manager what to do with it and I'd be told to store it in the Pump room in case they didn't send one the next year. So after a year I had to dispose of a stored tree.

I found them difficult to get rid of, some were donated to places like the sailing club, but Most charities already had their own and they are too big for a normal house. Luckily I have Edwardian Height Ceilings and a suitable bit of pruning got one in our house , but not this year as we are spending Christmas with SWMBOs brother and wife. So I haven't had the struggle.


I'd love to kill off the ivy on my house I keep trying, I've used roundup, sodium chlorate  before they banned it,  salt and vinegar. It dies  off but then the following spring......


We have a big holly tree (25ft?) in the back garden in a very Christmas tree shape, one day when I have the spare time I'll find a way of getting power out to it and light it up, that'll confuse the deer...


Tthe computers here have gone stupid, going into a reset just after you start typing on them the first time, no warning message no nothing. I hope this doesn't spread to the computers in the main lab running equipment, you could loose 8 hour work, I Just lost a couple of minutes work plus waiting time for it to boot up.


I'm measuring 10 Gohm Resistors today, each takes about 20 minutes to settle, there are 10 measurements to do, plus paperwork, labeling, and setting up for each one,  currently wait for the first one to settle, if i move much more than my fingers the values change. so that's my day.


Time for the first measurement...

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I'd love to kill off the ivy on my house I keep trying, I've used roundup, sodium chloride  before they banned it


Ye Gods! I know the UK has turned into a "nanny state", but that's ridiculous. What do people put on their chips?

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  • RMweb Premium

Ye Gods! I know the UK has turned into a "nanny state", but that's ridiculous. What do people put on their chips?

oops Sodium Chlorate

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