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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


More fist & mog but gradually clearing although I still can't see Boris's palace across the valley, fortunately - in fact the tv relay mast hasn't appeared yet either and that's usually the first thing to emerge from the mists on that side.  Slightly damp feel so Mrs Stationmaster has cancelled the G word and the words dining room are now to the fore - again.   I shall seek sanity by popping down to Tesco for the 'papers and fighting my way through the milling crowds growling at idiots and, no doubt, their uncontrollable children running wild about the shop volunteering to be tripped up by this a passing OAP.


Enjoy your day everybody and I hope Baz's tea is now to hand

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A misty start here and will be mainly cloudy with chance of brighter spells this afternoon followed by more mist and fog later.

Last night's steak was superb although I say so myself. 




I've also just enjoyed a rather large breakfast courtesy of The Boss and apparently there is roast lamb to look forward to later today. The diet is going well!  :yes:

All this comes at a price of course and as it is C-Day minus 7 bedrooms etc need to be re-arranged and tidied to accommodate visitors. Guess who drew the short straw.

Somehow I've got to fit in watching some rugby as well so the railway may have to take a back seat today.


Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a misty Estuary-Land. I will have to brave the town centre this afternoon to shop for a few items that look as if they will run out by Christmas. The main shop for Christmas food will take place mid week, I have yet to decide on what will constitute Christmas dinner as I'm not a great lover of turkey so I will have to see what alternatives there are.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good afternoon everyone


It was morning when I started reading the posts, honest!


Another foggy start to the day which has now thankfully cleared, so another day will be spent in the workshop with only a few more gearboxes left to build, I may even get them all finished today.


Back later.

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Good morning one and all ......


 I failed to buy the book I sought but thanks are due to the lady at the London Transport Museum who found it available on Amazon. 




IIRC you were going to buy the new expensive Cardiff Trolleybus book - bought mine in Lord & Butler a few weeks ago - I thoroughly recommend it as the pictures show some of the background as well as the buses themselves.


On page 81 you will find the picture includes a lorry with sacks and a couple of blokes sat on top of them - imagine the H & S mob today!





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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Posts all read and rated, and greetings are, as usual, on offer.


A good time was had last night, and we managed to get a-bed just about midnight, and Lily didn't disturb us all night - but the beer and coffee meant that a full night's sleep was still not a feature.


The light bulb in the bathroom decided to pack in on a nocturnal visit, and needed to be replaced this morning.  The fitting in question uses a screw bulb, not a bayonet, and I knew that I had one.  Was it with the other bulbs?  Of course not, though I didn't find that out until I'd turned out the light bulb drawer - and I was about to get the car out for a trip to get a new one, when I looked up in the office room, and there was a box with two of these critters in it - of course I'd put them somewhere "easy to remember" as they are only used in one fitting. 


Then there was the comment that there was a mess upstairs, and when I queried where, the answer wsa "upstairs", so all upper floor rooms cleaned, hoovered, and now looking spick and span.  And I'm cream crackered now...


Back tomorrow at some stage.


Regards to All


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Good morning one and all


Turkey curry was on the menu in the canteen and seemed OK at the time.


Tonight I will be at The Stables for Maddy Prior and the Carnival Band.  Dead cultural.


Warm thoughts to the usual list



Tandoori is usually a non-spicey grilled dish worthy of taste.


Maddy Prior - now that's well established!


Counting down to the departure on Wednesday, no doubt!




IIRC you were going to buy the new expensive Cardiff Trolleybus book - bought mine in Lord & Butler a few weeks ago - I thoroughly recommend it as the pictures show some of the background as well as the buses themselves.


On page 81 you will find the picture includes a lorry with sacks and a couple of blokes sat on top of them - imagine the H & S mob today!





L&B - a fine emporium i've ever encountered

Edited by JohnDMJ
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-28 isn't really much different than yesterday's -16 when there's no wind!

Just sodding cold :O

The wind is supposed to pick up soon, THEN we really worry about frostbite.


We're off out to Trevor and Meagan for lunch as its her birthday (yesterday), so I/we have to brave the cold anyway.


Some modelling expected today but who knows...

Enjoy the day everyone, stay warm


EDIT: Crap, just dropped a degree to -29 as I was writing this!!!

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all


A treat last night - actually watching Sherry live on stage for the first time, in various support roles for A Christmas Carol. And she excelled, since however objective I tried to be, whenever singing was going on she was by some margin the singer most engaged with the audience. The whole thing was a great success, audiences all week have been large, and the company goes on its way into the New Year rejoicing. I was in my dj, as front of house staff, which made me feel a little conspicuous at the after-show party, but so what? This morning we spent a couple of hours helping to dismantle the set. And tonight the cast and partners are guests of Scrooge, who doubled as Music Director, for which he is eminently qualified, having worked in various capacities in professional theatre over many years. And in the party speeches he thanked the company for the chance to act, as if he'd never quite got the chance in his career.


Among the small number of people taking down the set this morning was a former railway mechanical engineer who also enjoys restoring trolleybuses. A couple of years older than me, he did time in the old Lancing carriage works.


Maddy Prior? Certainly one of Deb's favourite singers, but I also knew a couple of chaps who in their early 30s were in effect Prior groupies, attending many of her concerts and enjoying the inevitable bar sessions afterwards. Folk musicians tend to have their feet firmly on the floor, and are 'accessible'.


The fog here has come and gone several times today. Let's hope it now stays away.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning.  Ah....


Arising took some effort for us this morning (no euphemism alert) due to post-Santa Train knackeredness.  8am became 9am, and at that point we managed to shake a leg!  An achy breaky, seized leg in my case.


A bit of work in the garden freed things off a bit, we were pressure jetting the paviors for our Christmas Eve BBQ next weekend, they had got very slimy when wet. We have a whizzy round adaption for the pressure jet for this task, works well. 


We then took the van out for a drive, thinking toasties at Laxey prom kiosk, but they were closed - 'end of season'.. Went to the Peel one on the breakwater, one, very busy, no out of season for them, only closed 3 days a year unless the waves are coming over the top.  Heaving with folk.  Why don't other places realise people are looking for something to do on winter Sundays?

Edited by New Haven Neil
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Selected my Christmas dinner today, a nice looking piece of caught wild salmon that is now residing in the freezer until Friday evening. That only leaves the vegetables which will be cooked during the week and then will spend about 5 minutes in the microwave Christmas morning. John, a proper tandori isn't grilled, it is made in a special oven. The meat is first marinated in a special marinade that includes things such as honey, lemon juice and cinnamon which gives it its distinctive red colour. Then it is placed in a metal dish on the ground and the tandori oven is built around it out of wet clay in a bottle shape with a vent at the top. Then kindling is placed around it and lit, this is allowed to burn for several hours andthen removed and the oven broken up and the meal is served. Of course in the UK open cooking fires are at the very least frowned upon certainly in resturants but it has been found that a pizza oven makes a fair substitute. Its also a lot quicker as the prcess described above can take 24 hours.

Edited by PhilJ W
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  • RMweb Gold

Modern tandoors are clay lined stainless steel. Cheaper methods of getting reddish hues in the food involve food colouring. If you spill Indian food on your clothes and the colour doesn't come out after washing and exposing the clothes to sunlight, avoid that source of food again! Traditional bread like nan are the shape they are as they were cooked as dough slapped onto the inner surface of the bottle shape at the top of the tandoor.

We don't have a tandoor. We buy nan from the supermarket. We don't use food dye in chicken tikka either. Aditi only makes chicken tikka for people who don't like Punjabi vegetarian food. Moat of the dishes on a British Indian restaurant menu are quite foreign to someone from Aditi's original part of India.

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Since I've been home the car has been unloaded and re-packed for tomorrows work, eyelids have been inspected, lots of coffee consumed and a roast dinner (pork) with all the trimmings eaten. Not bad for 6 hours.


Back to being an ER tomorrow.


Night all

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  • RMweb Gold

....although various establishments in Birmingham and Bradford would claim they created it. Likewise the Balti is a Birmingham invention, but unknown on the subcontinent.

Many north Indians I know have interesting discussions about balti cooking. Now there is a place called Baltistan in Pakistan. There are those that suggest it is the original of balti style meals. However as Ivan suggests that food popularised in Birmingham isn't particularly indigenous to that part of Pakistan. The most popular belief is that the style is named after the balti. This can mean bucket or cooking bowl. Now when my brother worked in Pakistan in Karachi and Lahore his hosts took him out and told him he won't have seen and tasted food like that in the UK. He told them it was just like the Balti places he ate at in Birmingham.

Last year we went to lunch with one of Aditi's former colleagues. They originated from Peshawar and gave us an Afghan meal which was interesting,

Tomorrow we are off to Aditi's sister's birthday. It will be Chinese takeaway. Matthew has been told not to complain that it won't be "real" Chinese food. Aditi's sister does have Chinese friends who feed her authentic food but I think she just wants "convenient" tomorrow. Last weekend she entertained people who don't mix meat and dairy produce, people who only eat "bland" and MiL was there too who although vegetarian will eat fish. So we are fairly easy to feed in comparison.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


Another good day in the workshop, I managed to build 3 more gearboxes, despite not getting out there until after 12:00, I've only got a couple more to build now, however, I did find a duff Mashima motor, one broken brush and very stiff bearings, I'll have to see what, if anything can be done with that one.


We've spent most of this evening wrapping Christmas presents, we're about 95% done! so we're almost there, we've just got a few more bits to do, then it's all done and we can sit back and relax!


Well it's back to work tomorrow, this'll be my first day for 8 weeks, but at least I'm putting in an appearance before Christmas. My first task will no doubt be to sort out 8 weeks worth of emails, not something I'm looking forward to, but it will have to be done.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Tonight I have finally removed the tree from the loft and assembled it. For an artificial tree over 20 years old it still realistically sheds leaves. Of the four working sets of lights I put away last year, three still worked and I got the fourth set repaired fairly easily without wasting a lot of time. I will put the baubles on tomorrow.

I think I have done enough to satisfy anyone coming round to check we are meeting our minimum "British values" requirements.

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  • RMweb Gold

Now that's kosher.

Apparently the visitors to SiL's keep strict kosher at home but relax when visiting non kosher houses but don't eat various combinations.

Aditi's sister is married to Ian who is Jewish. However his only food rule is "lots" and "frequently".


Edited by Tony_S
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