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Afternoon All


Well, I appear to have missed a happy event while away, so I've sought out the post in question, and congratulations are sent to Kelly and Richard from this quarter as well.


Couple of days away were enjoyable, and as we set off so early on Friday morning (up at 4.00 am and on the M6 by 5.30 - whoop-de-do, mamaged the M6 without a stop of any sort until we got to Thelwall and the M56 when we can vacate that three lane version of hades for the more tranquil travel on the A49 - running by then so early that we didn't even get stopped much on the Shrewsbury bypass.  So our two days actually felt more like three.  However, acute knackeration set in, and eyelid inspection started early last night during Casualty - woke up and the end and concluded that we hadn't missed much as it was a carp episode (again - these scriptwriters seem to enjoy insulting our intelligence with semi-allegorical story lines, two in three weeks is three too many - Wizard of Oz, and Christmas Carol  - if I want that I'll watch the originals thanks....).  Lily picked up early, and most agitated when in the car, as well as very smelly as she always is when back from kennels.  Agitation was due to the fact that she needed to relieve herself, as she was so keen to get in the car today that she forgot to do so....


This afternoon I head off to Tatham Fells Church where Maire Ni Chathasaigh and Chris Newman are appearing - hope their driving directions are better than the ones the organiser sent me, and three mapping and driving directions sites all give different routes to the same destination!  I think that as almost everybody will be coming by car, I'll get to the general vicinity, and if I can't find the place, I'll wait for somebody who knows the location, and follow them in.  Sat Nav will be useless here as the postcode is enormous, and covers a number of lanes, and the actual venue isn't in its database.  I'll root out my good old fashioned OS 2.5" I think.  I am looking forward to this gig, as they are both superb musicians, and also as I have three CD sleeves which need signing as I bought them from a source other than them, as I usually do.


May check back in later, may not.  Depends on what other domestic tasks have been dreamed up while I'm out.


Regards to All



ps Hi Jamie, I see you lurking there in France - your Christmas card probably didn't get to your UK address in time, as I posted it the day before you went, so will be awaiting your return. 

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ps Hi Jamie, I see you lurking there in France - your Christmas card probably didn't get to your UK address in time, as I posted it the day before you went, so will be awaiting your return. 

Thanks for that Stewart.   We have actually had one addressed and delivered here from the UK but there will no doubt be quite a pile waiting when we get home in January.   Have luck with Tatham Fells church is in a lovely area.   Just further south and over the watershed you get to the catchment area for Stocks reservoir and the remains of the Forest of Bowland Light Railway that featured on my old layout Long Preston.  There is still a lot of rail in the ground near far Crosty Clough plus a standard gauge steam crane in the old quarry that could only be got out using a heavy left helicopter. I hope the music is good.



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Good afternoon everyone.


I've not been posting for a couple of days as I've not been up to it, although I've been reading and rating posts though. The good news is I'm feeling better than I have over the last few days, but I'm still not 100%. However, over the last few nights, a full nights sleep has eluded me, and as a consequence has eluded Sheila too, so we have both been very tired, I just don't know where Sheila gets her energy from. I do wonder however, if my immune system has been compromised to some degree having had 2 years of chemotherapy a while back. Sheila thinks I should look seriously into having a flu injection next year, but as what I've had has been a bad cold and cough and not flu, I can't see that it would have done anything for prevent that, but I will enquire anyway, nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say. Not much has been done over the last few days either, apart from an awful lot of eye lid inspection that is!


Yesterday we had a family get together at ours, (although the that was nearly cancelled), its a bit early but it's the only time that everybody could all make it at the same time! Just mince pies and cakes but it was a very pleasant afternoon all the same and it's always nice seeing the grandchildren.

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No need to go shopping. Aditi remembered that there was a packet of coffee beans somewhere other than the cupboard where I keep them.

Robbie still needs a walk though. At least it is still sunny.


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Congrats to Kelly and Richard, I hope you have many happy years together.


Post-Groudle knackeredness for us both, we went out for breakfast!  A quick shop while it was quiet, and home to a roast and bake-athon by Mrs NHN and flopping like a loppy dog for NHN!


Layout design thoughts are occupying my mind - a sort of southern Bradfield rather appeals.


Sleep has been a problem for me for quite a few years, a combination of post hip surgery issues, arthritis in the other one and middle age's seeming need for less sleep, but still being knackered. Eventually I reach a point where I dose up with painkillers and get a reasonable night, once a week maybe.  I haven't had an unbroken night's sleep for 8 or 9 years now.  :-(

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3 scorers assessed.. 3 did very well!


Missed lunch... not good so I understand her indoors is set on having a Chinese takeaway.. Sister Drac doesn't know so .....


Just talked to my sister - full of flu, my brother in law..... full of flu so hopefully my jab works as I am seeing both of them next Friday (family present swap)..


May be back later but TTFN



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Evening. A day of helping out at the Gresley and Wychnor Model Railway Group Mince Pie Weekend and today was mainly taken operating the fantastic Deesdale Road. I got so engrossed in it that 3.5 hours went without me realising.


Now safely ensconced in my hotel in Wolverhampton and looking forward to my food a bit later. 


Many ideas/changes of plan for my layout are running around my head at the moment so eyelid inspection is cancelled.


Back later

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Just a quick check in after returning from a successful gig - two of the best accoustic musicians on the planet for two hours, a brilliant afternoon, and highly recommended - fifteen quid well spent, and for anybody in Yorkshire, they're on at the National Centre for Early Music in Walmgate in York on 21st of the month. 


Managed to find the venue, as the orgnisers had signed it well from the main road all the way to the Church, and the place was packed with every seat taken - bet the vicar was jealous!  Got my CDs signed, and renewed my acquaintance with the duo.  As I walked in Maire was tuning up and greeted me as though we had only seen each other a few weeks ago and not six years.


Now it is certainly a back tomorrow scenario.


Nighty night


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Evennin all,

Another bad sleeper here, im not sure if it's was the 27 years of shift work in the past, or joint pains or getting older or a combination of the three, that is the cause. I've tried everything but drugs. Being "Susceptible to Malignant hyperpyrexia under Anaesthesia" means many drugs would put me in hospital if I got that far. People have recommended various "natural" remedies over the years but research on all of them shows they contain substances lethal to me.


Today being Sunday is sailing day, so as we had a westerly / northern westerly wind we rigged the boat to the tones of the whistles of the Bure Valley Railway about 2 miles away. Santa specials I suppose.


Wind today 10 to 15 mph, high tide about 10:30 so a steadily increasing speed of tide going out all race day. Sunglasses required!!


Race 1

Due to the angle of the wind the best place to start was the starboard ( right) hand end. Unfortunately for us everyone else got there first. A gentleman in his eighties with quadruple bypass came out of the pack first we came out 5th. It was a long tack, short tack till the first corner, the short equal tacks up to bouy four. We all played follow the leader up till that bouy.


On rounding the bouy everyone pulled up their Spinnaker's, we at the back of the lead group then had the advantage of blocking the wind of the others so we drew up alongside then slightly ahead of that boat. As we rounded the corner, there was bouy three, and a dinghy round that . The other boat did not see it, hit it, and therefore had to do a 720 degree penalty turn. That got them out of our way.


We were then clear to chase the others and by the times we were at buoy 2 outside of the club house and dropping the spinnakers we were in second place with the bow alongside the first place boat which meant we had to go the long way round, into the wind shadow of the club losing speed rapidly.

Once we recovered, we were then about 100 yard behind the leader and chased them back to buoy 3 rounding just behind them. Pulling up our spinnaker again we chased then back down river if unattempted to steer above them they also move out so I went below and amazingly sailed through being able to reach the bouy first. After that we tacked round the bouy and gradually pulled away. So that by then end of another complete lap we were 400 yards ahead and finished first. With the gentleman with quadruple bypass in second.


Race 2

We almost got to where we wanted for the start, but another boat going the wrong way blocked us, theoretically we could have protested causing them to take a 720 turn, but as they are beginners and appologised, there would have been benefit to anyone.

As the buzzer went off, both boats below us went away first and we sailed into the hole in the wind we had tried to avoid (but had pushed into by the wrongly pointing boat) caused by a willow tree.

As we slowed another boat went past, so this time we were chasing from 4th.


We had a very bad first leg of the course probably 200 yards behind by buoy 4, rounding that Spinnaker's up and start the chase again, too far back to block their wind this time so for the rest of the lap we just closed up. By the end of lap 2 we had only passed one boat and finished third.


Time for a couple of cheese rolls and a sausage roll for lunch. Sadly we had no one else stay for the third Race. So we packed up and went home.

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Thanks for that Stewart.   We have actually had one addressed and delivered here from the UK but there will no doubt be quite a pile waiting when we get home in January.   Have luck with Tatham Fells church is in a lovely area.   Just further south and over the watershed you get to the catchment area for Stocks reservoir and the remains of the Forest of Bowland Light Railway that featured on my old layout Long Preston.  There is still a lot of rail in the ground near far Crosty Clough plus a standard gauge steam crane in the old quarry that could only be got out using a heavy left helicopter. I hope the music is good.




I bet the remains of the crane would disintegrate if it was to be moved. The land is owned by United Utilities and the tenant who has the grazing rights is a good friend of Mrs NB.




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Afternoon all.



TonyA should be home and posting before next weekend, I'll pop over to visit him once I can drive.



TonyA is able to browse posts from the ward but not able to type in the right place


Everything went very well and I was chatting to my daughter by 7pm on Thursday. Still a bit sore but just wanted to thank everyone here for their support. It made a very big difference.


Typing on an iPhone is a pain so probably won't post again until I am a home on the PC.


Very best wishes to everyone.




P. S. In the end it was a triple bypass with no extras.

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Good evening everyone


I'm slowly getting better, thanks for all the support, my cough has greatly subsided now, but my cold is STILL hanging on, it's a persistent bu99er, that's for sure. Sheila says "I'm looking and sound more human like", mmm, not sure what she means by that, but there you go!


My appetite has started to return, I've not eaten an awful lot over the last few days. This afternoon I decided that I felt able to do something, so I made another batch of 'celery, leek and potato soup' which really went down a treat the boss! So hopefully by the end of the week I'll be back to my usual self and I may even get a bit of work done in the workshop, if it's not too cold!

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Evening all.

We very had a quiet day. Lunch was leftovers from the feast that Aditi's sister arrived with for lunch yesterday . Punam (Aditi's sister) also arrived with a giant brisket pot roast so no need to cook this evening either.

We read and then listened to "Sounds of the 70s" this afternoon. Then Aditi wanted to watch a film. She chose "Dirty Harry" .

Not a lot planned for the rest of the evening.

Unlike some ERs I don't have any problem sleeping even when in pain. I am very very fortunate that paracetamol is very effective as an analgesic. Though some of the other daily medication is a modified aspirin and I suspect that may have some effect too even though it isn't suppose to.


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Evenin' each,

It's been a pretty good day today. Visited the Bexley show for a couple of hours with t'other Bob although the journey to and from was a bit of a pain.  Not a bad show with quite a few small layouts, one or two of which were very good. I managed to pick up a bargain thanks to Bob spotting it - a Hornby limited edition Terrier (Fulham) for only £30 and it doesn't appear to have ever been run. Checked when I got home and it works OK. My big problem will be fitting a chip but thanks to advice from Bob and the Hornby website even I should be able to do this. (With luck, perseverance, extreme care, a following wind and no interruptions, no R's in the month and a Tramadol or two, possibly, maybe). It was nice to meet PhilJW albeit very briefly - another ER with a face ticked  off the list!  :yes:


Later on I managed to watch some rugby although a disappointing result with Exeter being beaten by Bordeaux in a very tight game. At one stage towards the end of the first half the fog got so bad there was a chance of the match being abandoned but luckily after half time it lifted.


Now after being fed and watered beered, wined and more beered I am am feeling pleasantly relaxed. This will mean later that when my head hits the pillow I will sleep instantly but will then wake as I normally do every couple of hours until I get up in the morning. That's been the story of my life for as long as I can remember but it's never seemed to cause me a problem.


Enough of this waffle, my pint glass needs filling.



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Early start today to go via train to Bath Christmas Market. Pretty spread out affair and not so much variety on offer as there was in Exeter Xmas market in my opinion. We still managed to buy some items and we caught up with Phat Bollard who were busking by the Pumphouse. There was a good audience and the cd's were selling well. The Millionaires song went down well.

Cross Country trains appeared to be doing a "Southern" on the way home and cancellations and overcrowding happened.

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that 68 looks awful.. the old engineering idea if it looks right it will work right seems to have been well and truly dumped! A streamlined brick would be better .. but i don't order these things ....but I have a mate who does and he will be getting it right in the ear next time we meet!


time for a decaf then.. some sleep!

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Actually, it's quite easy; clear sheet of 1mm acetate, cut to size, glued in a box, roof on top and plastic/brass profile for the 'support structure' imitation. Thin plastic strip for window and door frames, splash of colour here and there and presto, one modern image building done :yes:


An inside view (an action shot from a moving escalator.......)




The tricky bit could be the working sliding doors.........




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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not a bad day at Bexley, slight problem in that the 'six foot' table turned out to be a tad under four feet so my diorama had to double as a display for my plant and farming machinery models. One advantage was that the trailer was (just) small enough to wheel through the doors into the exhibition hall. One problem when packing up though, I'd parked the car near the entrance and unhitched the trailer and taken it into the hall. when I returned I found a van parked inches from the drivers side of my car, and not only that it was on a patch of grass that was part of some decorative planting. It belonged to one of the exhibitors but when I asked him to move so that I could access my car I was rudely told that I will have to wait until he'd finished loading, what an @r$ehole. Someone told me that he and his attitudes was well known and that several local exhibition managers would not accept him at their exhibitions. Nice to see GDB and Bob81C, I hope you weren't shocked by the sight of my ugly mug, and I've just realised that I was probably the one wearing the most bandages.

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