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  • RMweb Gold

45532, "Illustrious" indeed a "Patriot", allocated at one time to the Camden shed, 1B. It was duly ticked off my me but I could never tell you where and when I "spotted" it.


I think I saw it at either Camden or Willesden - most likely the latter as by the time I regularly 'visited' Camden it was mainly the home of diseasals.

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There seem to be a lot of woodwork tools on ERs at the moment.


It's grey here and I now have a cold. It didn't stop me enjoying the office Christmas party last night.


Pleased to hear that Sherry is having her hip done so soon; my Dad is on the waiting list for a second hip replacement and has been for some while. He has had the pre-op appointment but nothing else. His mobility is severely limited at present - the normal 10 minute walk down the road to church took the best part of 40 minutes the other week. Still he managed to get up to pour the red wine when we were there on Sunday!!


Best wishes to Tony A for his op on Thursday


And best wishes to all

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  • RMweb Gold

When it comes to saffron cake in this household the main challenge would be to beat herself to getting the first slice.

Fortunately for me Mike SWMBO does not like it and she's on a diet and SHE says I am as well so leave well alone for the week-end.  :nono:  


You'll have to quick on the draw for that one, or she may get another knife out of the drawer. :no:

the only knife SHE would get out of the draw quickly is the one that would go between my shoulder blades. :girldevil:

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  • RMweb Gold

I have returned from upstairs where I have spent a pleasant 3 hours or so muddling*. I am now over halfway with the ballasting. At this rate it may get done before Christmas. Possibly.


*For the avoidance of any doubt this is an accurate description of what happens in my railway room and not something invented by Speelchook.

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  • RMweb Premium

I'm ready to head out into the continuing fog,


I may be some time....certainly longer than I'd like...

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Back from the dentist following a check up. Nothing out of the ordinary but she took two x-rays; don't you love it when the dentist clamps the machine on the side of your face and dashes out of the room. My wife has been making a little diorama for the grandkids, my contribution was cutting polystyrene sheets for the backdrop. We keep saying we will cut down on decorations but something new always appears.

Stay safe all.




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Sorry to hear your sad news Alan, thoughts are with you.


Jonny, congratulations on the addition to your family.


Tuesday arrives with nothing to show for Monday, just another work day.


Definitely becoming "normal" winter weather here, -5 and overcast this morning, wind chill -10 with light blowing snow.

Major difference from last week is that everything is now dry and cold, so any snow falling is not melting/fading away. Not expecting any accumulation today, but that's just according to the seaweed twirlers. Supposedly less than 1/2 inch expected! High no more than -3, then headed for -9 overnight.


On we go towards HUMP day...

Edited by Ian Abel
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45532, "Illustrious" indeed a "Patriot", allocated at one time to the Camden shed, 1B. It was duly ticked off my me but I could never tell you where and when I "spotted" it.




I think I saw it at either Camden or Willesden - most likely the latter as by the time I regularly 'visited' Camden it was mainly the home of diseasals.

Seen on September 7, 1963 on Carlisle Upperby shed.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A bit late today as when I switched on this morning there was no internet, phoned Virgin Media who confirmed the whole district was out. Made a start on getting my stuff ready for the Bexley exhibition on Sunday instead. Sorry to hear your news Alan and I hope your BiL doesn't suffer too much.

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Temperature here is minus5, there is about 4 inches of snow on the ground, and we have just seen a hummingbird! It was desperately touring any shrubs still with blossom on them in the yard. So the hummingbird feeder has been taken out of store and will quickly be filled and hung out.

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  • RMweb Premium

Well I got home, heavy fog from the edge of Norwich, as I approached Wroxham, there was a queue of vehicles, then slowly onto the S bend that is the bridge over the railway. The you come to a mini roundabout from the right which had more queueing traffic including an artic wanting to turn in our direction but needed the whole road to do so. Much shuffling of cars.


Having finally crossed the mini roundabout, there is a garage on the left, with a car stopped coming the other way trying to turn in. He was holding up the traffic into the road works behind him, so when the lights went green, we still couldn't move. Eventually he got he idea and moved off went to the mini round about behind me to turn round.


By now the lights were red again and we had to sit longer, as time went on we finally got through and trundled slowly down to the bridge over the river Bure, that divides Wroxham from Hoveton. This medieval bridge is not strong enough and is surmounted by a metal over bridge to take the weight so there is quite a hump, also it's narrow, two cars can get past each other but not a lorry and anything.


There was of course a couple of lorries coming the other way, over the bridge into the suicide area, that is where in the summer all the tourists play chicken with the cars trying to get to the; chip shop/ Chinese / Indian / turkish / italian, take away or cafe. The tourists of course think they are in Wroxham , because most of the other shops Say "Roy's of Wroxham" which never had a branch in Wroxham since its founding in 1899 until a couple of years ago when it bought the aforementioned garage. Then a road junction and few yards to a busy pedestrian crossing between two branches of Roy's that went green and red twice before I got there.


Past the police station to an off set crossroads controlled by a pair of mini roundabouts, where some cars were playing Mexican stand off, or is that stand still. Someone eventually made a decision, and we crawled up the slope to the next set of roadworks by now it's getting dark and the fog is encroaching even in the village. Round the next roundabout and freedom!!


Yippee we made 30 mph on the 60 mph road in the fog for the next 7 miles, shortly after that I turn off onto winding single track roads for another few miles. When I get to my road after a mile or so I am faced by a artic lorry parked in the single track road, being loaded with sugarbeet. Because I know the fields I drove into the field in my landrover 110, around the loading machinery ( giving lots of space) and then back onto the road, past the amazed looking face of a driver of a Japanese 4x4 sat behind the artic.


Journey time for a normally 40 minute journey of 25 miles? One and three quarter hours...

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Temperature here is minus5, there is about 4 inches of snow on the ground, and we have just seen a hummingbird! It was desperately touring any shrubs still with blossom on them in the yard. So the hummingbird feeder has been taken out of store and will quickly be filled and hung out.

Will you add some Scotch to prevent freezing?

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  • RMweb Premium

I have been a busy bee today and only just got back on the interweb.


Shopping accomplished, present for her indoors has been purchased.  (I hope she likes it)


Tea has been readied - once her indoors last pupil goes home we can eat it!


Very foggy here too. 


Stay safe everyone!



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  • RMweb Premium

Foggy drive home here too, at almost 1500 feet the mountain road gets well into the clouds.  20 mph was a luxury.


Q, that was 25,000 hp of Sulzer - it would power one hell of an over the horizon radar! 


We have a Tempur Cloud memory foam mattress too, I am not convinced it is any better than its pocket sprung predecessor for a quarter of the price!  It was bought to help my knackered hips, but SWMBO seems to get more comfort from it than I do.


Lot of folk ailing again around here, puts mere arthritis into context. Electronic wishes of support to all in need.

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In fact, she was home by 1045 this morning.


Here is the little fella - looking very content.





Congratulations! First thing on the list of 'stuff to do' is get the wee fella's name down for Eton and / or tea boy for the bottom passenger shunt link at Old Oak.... delete as applicable, but either one might take some time to come to fruition!

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I'm very sorry to hear about your brother in law, Alan; I hope that he'll be comfortable and that the family will find the strength for the next few weeks and beyond.


It was my company's retired Partners Christmas lunch today at the Crowne Plaza Roxburghe hotel in Edinburgh today - very pleasant and great to see old colleagues and friends, spending some time in a pub afterwards. Also good to see a colleague, just 50, who was diagnosed with vascular dementia a year or so ago - the light seems to have gone out behind her eyes and she finds talking difficult. Sad for someone so relatively young whose kids are around 20. A very difficult time for her husband, too. Good that the company provides a Christmas lunch for its retirees.


Chilly day here but summer promised for tomorrow...



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Yet another long day. Plenty achieved and a horrible trip home with more than the usual quota of cockwomble drivers.


jonny777 - Congratulations on the birth of Leon


Alan - So sorry about you BiL


A late start tomorrow so I'm going to see what else has happened in RM land today and set the alarm clock later than normal.


Back (not much) later

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