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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


As this weekend is the first of December, I'll be putting up our Christmas Tree, I'll be able to see how it looks in the new bucket I've just made. I'll also be putting up the rest of the decorations too.


Goodnight all

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. In view of certain celebrations later this month some of todays purchases were of the alcoholic variety. These included some miniatures of single malt and included was four dice sized cubes of granite to be placed in the whisky glass instead of ice. Although they feel cool to the touch does anyone know if they have to be cooled before use? Another purchase was a bottle of Swedish Rekorderlig cider complete with a ceramic mug to drink it from and a slice of dried orange to add to it.

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New computer still confounds. SWMBO got me out of bed because the browser and mail weren't connecting. and she needed Word, which she couldn't find. Looked as if something wasn't talking to Microsoft HQ.

Afternoon visit to supplier; couldn't replicate the problem in store. Still off when home. Will try again Monday.

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Good morning one and all


Yesterday was not the finest hour of Virgin Trains.  The 8.50 am from MK came in full and standing, with reservations not honoured, first class declassified and two train loads of punters spread unevenly through 11 coaches.  It seems that the preceding Euston - Manchester had been cancelled for "operational reasons", which could cover a multitude of sins.  Fortunately, as it turned out, I did not have to stand, or slump, the whole way to Manchester.  Two kind young people, on their way to Huddersfield to visit friends, took it in turns to give up their seats for this ageing crock and I cannot thank them enough.  The return journey on the 18.15 out of Piccadilly managed to squander five minutes by ill-timed trundling somewhere so my five minute bus connection dematerialised.  For once the eastbound X5 had been punctual.  When I did get home it was straight to bed, pausing only to whip up a large mug of Horlicks.  This morning my inbox contained a request from Virgin Trains for feedback. Gentle reader, you will not be surprised to learn that the link to the VT webshite did not work.


Between these troughs was the peak of a good show.  TheSignalEngineer introduced himself to me.   Later CorneliusLundie and I took afternoon tea together.  I know that other notables were present but our paths did not knowingly cross.  'Twas ever thus.


Today I plan to make a good old-fashioned beef stew, with dumplings and myriad vegetables.  This is why I had chicken and mushroom pie for lunch yesterday instead of - er - beef stew.  The filled rolls that I had prepared were duly munched on the concourse of Man Picc while I trained one eye on the departures board.


Best wishes today to everyone except Virgin Trains



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Mawnin' awl. Frosty and crisp outside while inside, I am trying to maintain caffeine levels. Shift today doesn't start till 6.24 pm, so a lot of time for being lazy yet!


And I was just wondering worrying…



After that I have a new clock to hang on the railway room wall. Those of a nervous disposition look away now because this means GDB will be on a step ladder, leaning across the layout and wielding a power drill and screwdriver. LAS & HEMS will be put on red alert.

If all goes well this afternoon I will be watching England v Australia and hoping that they can make it 13 wins on the trot this year (and 4 against the Aussies). It will not be easy, the Aussies are always dangerous especially when poked with a big stick. (and Eddie Jones has been doing a bit of poking!) 

Have a good one,



 …whether Bob did get to watching England vs. Australia, considering the activity he planned to embark on prior to that, which I highlighted…  :O 



'avagoodun, m'lads…

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. In view of certain celebrations later this month some of todays purchases were of the alcoholic variety. These included some miniatures of single malt and included was four dice sized cubes of granite to be placed in the whisky glass instead of ice. Although they feel cool to the touch does anyone know if they have to be cooled before use? Another purchase was a bottle of Swedish Rekorderlig cider complete with a ceramic mug to drink it from and a slice of dried orange to add to it.


Put them in the freezer Phil, they work very well.  After use I rinse and dry  them, then put them back in the freezer.  An empty ice cube maker is a useful receptacle for them.


Morning all from a Holiday Inn in the wastes of Northamptonshire.   A family christening is due to be attended later this morning then it's off to Folkestone for Le Shuttle.  I spent yesterday morning packing the car with a multitude of boxes and items that are all absolutely essential according to the boss.  We then attended the old girls carol service and despite having used her voice rather a lot instructing me in the error of my ways that morning, Beth's sol for the first verse of Once in Royal was fabulous and even made my cynical eyes start to water.   Someone then gave us 2 barometers to take to her sister in France.  Finding space fro them was quite a task and I had to wear my suit jacket to drive in as there was nowhere to put it.  Daughter and partner are staying in another nearby hotel so we met p for a meal and a good time was had by all. 


Hope you all have a good day/night wherever you all are.



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I am an ER this morning, as I have some Santa Special guarding on the Ratty today. Many layers of clothing being taken, as it is likely to be very cold. As long as it doesn't rain, I don't care.


Yesterday afternoon was spent fixing a friends connection between his PC and printer. In the end, I had to remove the printer drivers and reinstall, which seemed to take forever, as the PC was in desperate need of some TLC to clear out all the internal junk. All the while, my friend was plying me with drink! Wild Turkey bourbon to be precise. I more staggered home than walked when the PC system was finally working OK again.

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It's still dark up in the North West Leeds Highlands at the moment. All is calm.

Breakfasts to be cooked (one without black pudding) before we set off to accumulate more presents for something happening later this month. Leeds city centre was very busy yesterday and complaints about rucksacks etc at shows are no longer a concern. Biggest problem was people with wheelie bags which are an aid to tripping up the unsuspecting.

Have a good 24 hours good people and try to have a good time.


PS checked and yes Sunderland had won yesterday.

Edited by Barry O
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Morning awl. Once again many thanks for the advice and kind messages. Yesterday proved to be a quiet day. With Sarah and Amber staying over at her mum's post Forest match I was able to benefit from a good, and much needed, lie in. Then it was off to Cromford to visit the Hornby outlet at Masson Mill in order to return the Hornby locomotive I purchased last weekend. I thought I had picked up a bargain during their whole store 20% off sale - a weathered Thompson O1 already reduced to £90, became £72 with the additional discount. I had not gone to buy a loco but could not resist. When I arrived home I opened the box to find the box contained a weathered Churchwood 28xx instead. It was still a great looking model, but not what I purchased so it got returned and they refunded my money with no questions asked. They have promised to contact me should they receive another weathered 01.

I had a relaxing festive roast turkey dinner in their resturant before picking the girls up. We came home with a loaded car, full of some of Sarah's old "junk" that she has cleared out of her mum's prior to their house move next weekend. It contained bags of soft toys and more folders containing her collection of pin badges. I am not sure where we will be able to store them.

In the evening Sarah was out with the playgroup committee. Perhaps I should have spent the evening marking the pile of books I had bought home from school. Somehow I could not find the motivation to do so. Instead I downed a couple of bottles of strong, dark ages in front of the television. A Facebook friend of mine had told me that he had found the old BBC series "The Train Now Departing" on IPlayer. I had enjoyed this series in the past and have long wanted to see it again so I searched it out and enjoyed the episode about the Fort William to Mallaig steam service. I would have watched more, but I spent 40 minutes on the phone talking to an old colleague of mine. She retired a couple of years ago and filled me in on a few more negative aspects about the current school management. These were things I did not know and she also encouraged me to apply for the deputy headship post. As a previous mentor to me during my training, and a valued colleague and friend for over 15 years she reminded of how she, and many other people rate my teaching ability. I think she is under the impression it is "my turn" to be forced out. She felt that she was driven to retirement a year after the new head arrived and since then three other staff members have left with two facing similar circumstances to myself.

The evening also saw a nice chat over Facebook with my old school mate. Our lives have rather taken different directions in recent years. He has struggled with depression and anxiety for many years. The loss of his dad last year has added to those problems and now he struggles to leave the house. When he does venture out he struggles to walk far due to arthritis in his left knee. This problem first appeared in his late teens and early twenties and prevented him from pursuing a career as a professional footballer. He had trials at Aston Villa and Derby County. He was due to have trials at West Brom, but a coach there detected his problem as he was warming up before the trial. He was also watched by a Nottingham Forest scout a couple of years later during a game we both played in. He scored a wonder goal that day, but nothing ever came of it.

The chat last night was enjoyable. We have promised to catch up over the Christmas holidays and I will make the effort to go round to his flat. He also advised me to apply for the new job.


Anyway time to go and make the little ones breakfast. Have a good day.

Edited by andyram
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Morning all. A frosty start to the day but at least there are no external ventures planned.


Ironing, packing, a bit of writing and hopefully a bit of modelling planned for the day.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Premium

Yesterday afternoon was spent fixing a friends connection between his PC and printer. In the end, I had to remove the printer drivers and reinstall, which seemed to take forever, as the PC was in desperate need of some TLC to clear out all the internal junk. All the while, my friend was plying me with drink! Wild Turkey bourbon to be precise. I more staggered home than walked when the PC system was finally working OK again.

I have often found that trying to fix computers can be greatly helped by doing something totally unorthodox, so perhaps that bourbon may, in fact, have been giving you an edge there! :mosking:

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Morning all !  Off to the land of my birth, Sleaford, today to Argos, to collect yet another present for our Granddaughter, Mia.


Going with both Mrs and Miss RhBBob so no doubt Lidl's specials, stollen etc., will be on the list.


Sadly Grandson Liam's chosen item, a Paw Patrol wagon is completely sold out according to several internet sources so new ideas will have to be investigated.  Yes, the little tearaway, 4 going on 14, is to be Joseph in the School Nativity Play.  They must see a different side to him! Named after his Dad's love of Oasis, he speaks very well for his age so probably he needs stimulation.


According to Liam, he got the main part, although I think a small child is the real reason for the celebration.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. In view of certain celebrations later this month some of todays purchases were of the alcoholic variety. These included some miniatures of single malt and included was four dice sized cubes of granite to be placed in the whisky glass instead of ice. Although they feel cool to the touch does anyone know if they have to be cooled before use? Another purchase was a bottle of Swedish Rekorderlig cider complete with a ceramic mug to drink it from and a slice of dried orange to add to it.


Remember not to drop the cubes into the glass - It won't do it a lot of good - and may cause the contents to spill! Never a good thing!  :nono:

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Morning all


A beautiful clear morning, very little breeze, but frost still all around. Lovely to be out, if properly dressed first. 


Sometimes things fall in yer lap. For a while now, Alison and I have been discussing bringing the horses back here for the Winter. It just makes the feeding simpler, and since she is likely to be feeding them for some weeks while I am in Blighty with Sherry, 'nursing' her after her forthcoming hip replacement, it is a good idea all round. So I was elated when she rang yesterday afternoon to say she'd fixed a horse-taxi for this morning. And it all just happened - Xavier and Alison appeared just before 10, in the standard French small white van, with the butcher's trailer on the rear, and by 10.15 the girls were cropping grass here. Result! 

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