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Andy, apply! You need to update your CV anyway. If you get called then go, sus out the job and be honest with them. Unless things have changed since I left teaching (which they may well have done) they will ask if you still wish to be considered for the job before they offer it, so keep your options open.


Remember, not long ago you were a bl66dy good teacher and you still are. It is obvious to me that you are not being given the time for the management responsibilities, and you seem to have had more than your fair share to deal with in a difficult time for teaching (when wasn't?).


I gather Dom has seen the news that Derby is to get trams. I wonder if he is suggesting a change of career! :jester:



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Damp out. I don't think it has rained just a heavy dew.

A quiet day is planned, some household cleaning, waiting for Sid the courier between 1.14 and 2.14, a walk with Robbie and possibly a trip to Waitrose for shopping and to return packages for John Lewis.

Tomorrow we will be going to a housewarming afternoon tea in West London. I think we may just drive by the most direct route rather than go round the M25. I suspect we will decide at lunchtime depending on what traffic reports say. We can't go by train as Aditi's housewarming gift for her cousins is a tree.

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Ah, a little milder as we head towards what those younger than I call 'the weekend'.  Just back from giving blood sample for six month diabetes check in two weeks time.  Usual grumpy people in the surgery, many of them, like myself, older than the NHS - so why moan ?


Mrs RhBBob off to buy up Asda and I am steam cleaning the kitchen floor tiles with my little 'Vax'.


Happy poets day to those at work and a great weekend when it arrives !

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

AndyRam - apply now. Don't wonder if you were good enough or try to second guess it. Enfin, it's for others to decide whether you fit the new role or not. 

If nothing else, showing that you want to leave and have ambition should at the very least give your local managers something to ponder. 

From experience (very limited) teachers and LSAs/TAs do settle into particular year groups and get comfortable with that age group. As you're still young it could be a good move to try and add a second string to your bow and take on the challenge of teaching a different year group.  


Anyway found I had 10 minutes in hand when dropping my eldest off at school, so did the shopping as a filler activity. Brownie points squirreled away to be spent dans le pub later.

Today's challenges are quite exciting. 1. Figure out a software development strategy that learns from previous c@ckups by a govt department and body swerves round them1, 2.Cut a piece of Vero board into stripsfor "Project Carpentry".  


Onwards and upwards. Have a nice day everyone. 


1. A blind idiot would struggle not to see why they made the errors they did but other people's mistakes are just opportunities for the rest of us. Hey-ho. 

2. Trying to find a small fret saw as scalpels don't seem to do much more than scratch it. Now, where did I put my fret saw???? 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


 A brief visit and read through before various tasks for the day (chiropractor then Pangbourne to the butcher) then this evening we have the 'Christmas Festival' which solves most of the town centre traffic problems by closing the roads to vehicular traffic and erecting things like roundabouts and stalls dispensing food and drink and includes the turning-on of the Christmas tree lights and illuminations plus Day 2 of the Living Advent Calendar.  So a browse of that lot then off to our favourite Italian restaurant.


Have a good day one and all


And Andy if you've been in the same place for 17 years I think a move would do you good.  I know we're all different but a change of scene (and job) is often far better than a rest for many folk.  Oh and as for dealing with 'the expert' take heed of Baz's advice - definitely the way to deal with such folk, whichever way it turns out.

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You are such a spoil sport!


Don't get me started on the state of the Health service here. Be thankful that you have the NHS despite its problems. A problem we share is not being able to empty beds. A huge number of nursing homes, that would in the past have taken elderly patients or those recovering from an op, have closed because it's just too expensive to comply with the ever increasing demands of legislation and bureaucracy.

Edited by Killybegs
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  • RMweb Premium

' Morning all from red dragon land.

Cloudy.  Damp.


Youngest coming for long weekend, no doubt off to do some Chr****** boom binging with village friends in town tomorrow.  Chuff chuffs for us.

But for now, it is cuppa time.


Hope you have a quiet/exciting/other (edit as necessary) day and weekend.

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I currently have the joy of reviewing some documents which have some very interesting grammar and punctuation.


Grammar:  The difference between feeling you're nuts, and feeling your nuts.


Punctuation:  The difference between helping your Uncle Jack, off a horse and helping your uncle jack 0ff a horse.



Edited by Robert
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  • RMweb Premium

I currently have the joy of reviewing some documents which have some very interesting grammar and punctuation.


Grammar:  The difference between feeling you're nuts, and feeling your nuts.


Punctuation:  The difference between helping your Uncle Jack, off a horse and helping your uncle jack 0ff a horse.



Should not, there  be a comma after documents? :no:  :jester:

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Many thanks for all the birthday wishes, a splendid time was had by all and there was no need of the air ambulance Jamie which is just as well if it was over Essex as I'm in Surrey. (Or South London if you prefer the official version) 


That's me failed my geography O level late resit. It's all darn saarf to me.



Today's challenges are quite exciting. 1. Figure out a software development strategy that learns from previous c@ckups by a govt department and body swerves round them1, 2.Cut a piece of Vero board into stripsfor "Project Carpentry".  


2. Trying to find a small fret saw as scalpels don't seem to do much more than scratch it. Now, where did I put my fret saw????

I tend to scribe hard with a Stanley knife and eventually snap the vero board off. The other thing is an old fashioned guillotine like we used to have at school before they banned them. They work a treat. Just don't let GDB near it.



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Since we've been on about grammar, E.T.C. Should I point out that Cock-up isn't swearing . It's derived from putting your arrow incorrectly to your bow.



And (yes I know you should not start a sentence with and),


"Balls -up" is also not swearing, but is a sailing term, if you have run aground you are supposed to haul up the Mast, 3 balls one above the other, to indicate, you have made a "balls- up" and are aground.!


Edited by TheQ
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I tend to scribe hard with a Stanley knife and eventually snap the vero board off. The other thing is an old fashioned guillotine like we used to have at school before they banned them. They work a treat. Just don't let GDB near it.

Agreed - the best way to cut vero board (other forms of strip board are available) is to score along the line of holes with a Stanley knife and then snap off.  You can file the edge down if the row of half holes disturbs.


A scalpel blade is too thin, and it is difficult to cut straight with a saw.

Edited by Robert
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  • RMweb Premium

I currently have the joy of reviewing some documents which have some very interesting grammar and punctuation.


Grammar:  The difference between feeling you're nuts, and feeling your nuts.


Punctuation:  The difference between helping your Uncle Jack, off a horse and helping your uncle jack 0ff a horse.



As in:


Come on, let's eat, Grandpa




Come on, let's eat Grandpa.



Proving that proper punctuation may save lives! :mosking:

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and of course - "...eats, shoots and leaves..." acknowledgment Lynne Truss.

In my mind a MUST read for anyone with the slightest notion that the English language is being abused and used incorrectly.


Happy POETS one and all (and awl!!).


Yesterday was another day isolated in the dungeon, punctuated by an hour with one of the IT support staff who became amazed by what I was "responsible for".

Assumptions apparently being it was just a "couple of simple reports".

Uh huh, that's why I've spend A BLOODY YEAR ALREADY IN THIS DUNGEON!!!! :triniti:  :butcher:  :rtfm:


My sentence (not the language kind for those following along with the grammar lessons) ends at 1PM, and I'm "on my bike", well rental car actually, and headed for JFK and home.

All indications are that everything will be on time, there's no unusual weather at either end of the journey, therefore something MUST result in a pear-shaped trip I'm sure! :jester:


Not a lot in the way of major weekend plans, with the one exception of the family taking MiL out to dinner Saturday evening for her birthday (which is today, but I don't get in until around 7PM). Celebrating her 99th today, so the Mrs is obviously blessed with good genes!

Other than that, hopefully some free time to model, and that statement puts the kibosh on THAT possibility.


6 and sunny with a light breeze driving in, supposed to remain that way with a high of 11 for the day.

Contrasting with home which is currently ZERO and overcast with an expected high of +1 and dropping to -4 tonight.


POE those that can/need to - I certainly WILL BE.

Edited by Ian Abel
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Afternoon all,

Vero board scribed and snapped, and now glue is drying. 

Thanks for the tips, Jamie, Robert. 

New fashioned guillotines - you can keep those.

"I didn't get where I am today by using new guillotines. Oh, no, old fashioned is the way to go." Maximilien Robespirre, July 28th 1794.

"Well, on your head be it....." 


I may have missed it, but has anyone seen our correspondent from the New Amsterdam area posting recently?  

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Well I'm not going anywhere near Foulsham, but I am going home, the lab is shut down and it's chucking it down with rain outside. Time for hat, coat, bag and the keys of the land rover...

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Good day so far - duly chiropracted and I've lost a couple of kg in weight.  So from that excellent, and useful, starting point it was off to Pangbourne to the butcher for a nice leg of lamb for Sunday, a couple of their chicken and leek pies for Monday and one their exceedingly good pork pies for somewhen; thence a nice bag of chips - duly consumed in the car park while watching the trains go by.  


Thence home via Tesco and into a queue of traffic, and quickly out of it into a side road heading our way;  left me wondering what part of 'road closures' some motor vehicle pilots simply don't understand?

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Good afternoon everyone


We had a good trip back, once again no real traffic problems. All the cars are unpacked and put back into storage until they are needed next, I think that's a record for them being emptied and put back in storage.


Just about to get ready for tonight's meal, I've no intention of staying out late as I want to get an early night so I can be up early tomorrow for the Manchester Model Railway Show.

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