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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather frosty here (weatherwise, not Bosswise - see below). Forecast is for a dry, sunny but cold day.

Many brownie points earned yesterday after my oven cleaning efforts. It has been suggested I should start a business! No chance, it's bad enough doing your own let alone someone else's.

One and a half rugby matches watched last night, another one and a half to go. Apart from that it's time I got back into the railway room and did some modelling.  The Boss has actually suggested I should do this.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

I suspect there will be further changes if and when UK leaves EU. I don't think that what is going to happen to ex-pats (either way)  is clear yet.



According to my Solicitor it's nothing to do with the EU as such, it's some sort of bilateral thing between us and France but there are apparently similar provisions available for some other countries including IIRC Germany. For France all we need to do is have a new will made with an appropriate clause inserted that we wish to have all our assets dealt with under English inheritance law.





Ivan thanks for your posting I will take advice, I need to chase my Solicitor up. Fortunately at the moment we will be OK but we want it to be right when we actually move over there.

Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. Frosty and sunny outside, so I expect to encounter fresh, sharp air!


Got an appointment at ten and work doesn't start until 12.55, so still a bit of time for dawdling. Thursday and Friday are off and I notice I also got some overtime and public holiday compensation left, so I asked to take a bit of either next week.


Christmas shopping has been largely taken care of already, thankfully. May those of you who still need to address this find themselves with sufficient fortitude...


Have a good one!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from our village north of Ikea. Beth is busy making up her dossett boxes for the next fortnight and watching Jungle Z list or whatever it's called so I am being left in peace to browse on here for the moment. Coffee and breakfast has been consumed. Then it's time to set off for Morley to get my hair cut and various other tasks. Tonight I'll be going over to my late friends Tony's house with a friend to finish off valuing his model collection for probate purposes. We got over half of it done last Thursday. The task has been made much easier due to the way that Tony had catalogued most stuff and put it in numbered boxes. It was all on a series of spreadsheets. All being well we should finish tonight. We've got the Welsh Narrow Gauge, much of it scratch built, plus the O gauge stuff to do. The 00, HO and EM are done. Neither Dave, Elaine (Tony's daughter,) or I were looking forward to the task but Thursday actually went very well. There was a surprising amount of laughter and we hope that this continues. The disposal of the items will have to take place next year but now that we have started the process I think that it will go better than we were expecting.


All the best to everyone.



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  • RMweb Premium

Wills: Reading Ian (OD)'s post about French annexation reminds me of one of the reasons I've chosen not to retire (slim chance anyway) to la belle France. Dare I say it would be Gauling to have one's hard earned cash (much of which would be tied up in a French property) purloined by the state to the tune of 60% rather than going to the children.


Weather: clear skies and about -6oC here over night.


Vero board arrived. How come when building a model railway and installing insulated rail joiners you salvage all the ones you can find and yet there's still a need for just one more. I anticipate spending about an hour rooting around in the garage looking for a clear piece of plastic about 5mm long to save a 10 minute drive to the nearest vendor! Doh!


Mum: doing well although she may be in hospital for a couple of weeks. Thanks each of you for your "friendlies" yesterday. Much appreciated!


Powerpoint: I've been asked to re-work a Powerpoint as it was too clear and insufficiently lethal to those reading it. 


Anyway, have a nice day everyone. Andy

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Frosty out, very sunny though.

It was -1C at 4am and is -2 now.

Aditi is off soon to Brentwood for a haircut. I will finish restoring the garage contents. I cleared access to the corner where all the central heating and hot water drain points are located in case the plumber needed access. I started to put stuff back yesterday and just about every piece of timber or sheet material that had been leaning upright fell over. I have picked all the large pieces up, today will be putting stuff in bin bags.

I hope everyone has a good day.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. 


Still somewhat under the weather though a slight and steady improvement is discernible.  Little other than the barest essentials is being achieved as a result.  Not a position I wanted to be in right now but neither is it the end of the world.


Continued best wishes to all.  See you again soon.

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Hello from a frosty Somerset, although the sun is up and the skies are clear.


Garden birds have their breakfast provided and ice broken on their water supplies. I always like to make sure the birds have their food before I have mine in these situations, because at least that way I get to appreciate conditions outside where they live 24/7, rather than the centrally heated comfort that I have provided for myself.


Having seen and heard of the dreadful conditions in Mosul with young children just skeletons covered in skin, I feel rather guilty about having breakfast at all; but a donation to one of the relevant charities may ease my conscience somewhat.

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  • RMweb Gold

G'night all


(I shall recount my encounter with the consultant tomorrow for your delectation and  - in one place - amusement when a nursey type came rushing into the room to find me with my trousers round my ankles)

Did nursey rush in to see whether your tattoo read Ludo or Llandudno Junction?


Hat, coat, trousers(up).......... off to muddy hollow(f)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Didn't get to post yesterday, but I have managed to keep up with contributions and to rate them.  As usual, much seems to be happening on our community, and for all of that, I offer my usual wide reaching greetings.


Cold this morning here, and it seems to have got colder since 3 when Lily decided to get me up for wees, and it was -4 when I got the cover off the car at eight in preparation for today's taxi duty.


Yesterday was an unmitigated disaster of a day.  I was due to have a small growth removed from my eyelid at the hospital, and was due to attend at 13.00.  Call at 09.00 to check if all OK.  So called at 09.00 (answering machine), 09.02, 09.03, 09.04, (engaged) 09.05, 09.07, 09.09 (answering machine), and finally got my call taken at about 09.15, to be advised that the consultant had been called away to A&E to deal with an emergency, and his list was being pushed back by at least half an hour, so attend at 13.30.  So I got a later bus (no car as eyesight might be affected) and got to the hospital and was admitted, and advised that the three "minor" procedures were being given low priority due to the earlier emergency, which needed surgery.  So there we sat, and sat, and sat, until just before 16.00, none of the minor cases had been called, so we were sent home.  So then it was a mad rush to the bus station, and of course a trip home on the school bus or mobile zoo which passes for many of the buses at that time.  Still, I hope that the person who needed the surgery as an emergency got the care that he or she needed.


Back later, or perhaps tomorrow.

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit chilly this morning but dry with wall to wall sunshine. I started getting chest pains yesterday so I dialed 111, it turns out that I cracked a couple of ribs in my fall. At the time they checked everything including blood glucose and all was fine.

Did nursey rush in to see whether your tattoo read Ludo or Llandudno Junction?


Hat, coat, trousers(up).......... off to muddy hollow(f)

It could have read Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwlllantysiliogogogoch.

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  • RMweb Premium

I awoke at the correct time for work this morning, pity  I didn't need to be up for another two hours, this was was because it was time for my bi-annual visit to the Vampire.

Chiselled the car out from the frost, even with thermal gloves on arrived at the surgery with frozen fingers. 

Surgery opening time 08:30 , first appointment 08:45 which I had booked, Lady Phlebotomist called me in as soon as she was ready, very good she is, I don't feel a thing, two tubes of blood later...

Collected SWMBOs carrier bag of drugs from the dispensery, out of the door by 08:37 !!!


 Great won't be too late for work....

First, car doing 40 to 45 in sixty limit slowing even more at road junctions where we went straight on, eventually got past. ( roads dry, no ice, sunny weather)

I pass 4 / 5 schools on the way, one is actually on a side road,and of course I'm now driving to work past  all these schools during the worst time... There were all the parents in their ice encrusted cars, having come all of a hundred yards off of the nearest estates queueing up to get as close as they can to he gates and then doing U turns in front of you to drive home again.

 So I arrived at 09:20 at work so I'll have to work the extra 20 minutes off during the week, the company gives us 2 hours off for doctors visits, next week will be worse as the Diabetic clinic doesn't open till 09:00 and the prodding takes longer.


Oh, on the way home from work yesterday still on hour industrial estate, while peering through the glass against the setting sun, I espy blue flashing lights, slowing more, while desperately trying to see whats going on I see a car impaled on the front end of an Artic trailer, Plod taking notes from driver, Plod had a long way to come, less than a hundred yards from their front door!!

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  • RMweb Gold


Still, I hope that the person who needed the surgery as an emergency got the care that he or she needed.


I hope you get sorted out soon as hanging around in hospital is no fun, especially with eye issues.


As someone who has had a detaching retina and was operated on pdq, I was very grateful for the rapid appointment, but was also well aware that other poor souls with a non urgent surgery scheduled were going to be going home disappointed.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bright and sunny with a really good frost - major panic in the Daily Wail over 'freezing temperatures' - perhaps they should look at a calendar?


And so to the hospital - first of all not only free parking but actually a space available in which to park.  However I noted one of the consultant's cars - a big suv people carrier type thing was parked at an angle and right onto one line of its parking space - I do hope the owner isn't a surgeon if he/she can't even park straight.  Having been redirected to the correct building we duly entered to be warmly greeted by the receptionist and directed to the appropriate waiting area - where there was only one other patient waiting to be seen.  accordingly we went in to see the man right on time.  Nice bloke as well as having an impressive CV (although as I can't understand half of it it might not be as impressive as I thought it was - but he seemed happy that I'd bothered to read up about him).


So we got to the examination - involving of course dropping of trousers and feeling around the relevant area accompanied by repeated instructions for me to cough or cough louder, just as this was coming to an end nursey came bursting in saying 'Is someone ill, I've heard lots of terrible coughing?'  Fortunately although my trousers were still round my ankles my underpants were more or less in a decent position and Doctor duly explained that he had been asking the patient to cough, nursey retired looking slighty puzzled - clearly not entirely familiar with the way some examinations of males are carried out by the medical profession.  


Consultant decided he couldn't feel much of a lump on one side - although I duly directed him to it - but there was a more extensive one on the other side hoewever he has decided the next step will be an ultrasound scan so that he will know exactly where he ought to be heading in the event that he gets the knife in - method duly explained as it  would be microsurgery type of thing.  So now waiting for scan appointment - which will also be at the same establishment so yet again avoiding car park bingo at the RBH.  Any op and the timing thereof will be dependent on the funding being agreed (well it is the NHS paying for it).


In and out in approx 45 minutes so missed the worst of the Reading rush hour on the way home.  All I have to do now is 'take things carefully' and wait the next stage of the process.


Have a good day one and all

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bright and sunny with a really good frost - major panic in the Daily Wail over 'freezing temperatures' - perhaps they should look at a calendar?


And so to the hospital - first of all not only free parking but actually a space available in which to park.  However I noted one of the consultant's cars - a big suv people carrier type thing was parked at an angle and right onto one line of its parking space - I do hope the owner isn't a surgeon if he/she can't even park straight.  Having been redirected to the correct building we duly entered to be warmly greeted by the receptionist and directed to the appropriate waiting area - where there was only one other patient waiting to be seen.  accordingly we went in to see the man right on time.  Nice bloke as well as having an impressive CV (although as I can't understand half of it it might not be as impressive as I thought it was - but he seemed happy that I'd bothered to read up about him).


So we got to the examination - involving of course dropping of trousers and feeling around the relevant area accompanied byalthough m repeated instructions for me to cough or cough louder, just as this was coming to an end nursey came bursting in saying 'Is someone ill, I've heard lots of terrible coughing?'  Fortunately y trousers were still round my ankles my underpants were more or less in a decent position and Doctor duly explained that he had been asking the patient to cough, nursey retired looking slighty puzzled - clearly not entirely familiar with the way some examinations of males are carried out by the medical profession.  


Consultant decided he couldn't feel much of a lump on one side - although I duly directed him to it - but there was a more extensive one on the other side hoewever he has decided the next step will be an ultrasound scan so that he will know exactly where he ought to be heading in the event that he gets the knife in - method duly explained as it  would be microsurgery type of thing.  So now waiting for scan appointment - which will also be at the same establishment so yet again avoiding car park bingo at the RBH.  Any op and the timing thereof will be dependent on the funding being agreed (well it is the NHS paying for it).


In and out in approx 45 minutes so missed the worst of the Reading rush hour on the way home.  All I have to do now is 'take things carefully' and wait the next stage of the process.


Have a good day one and all

Mike Carry On Doctor springs to mind.  :jester:

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So we got to the examination - involving of course dropping of trousers and feeling around the relevant area accompanied by repeated instructions for me to cough or cough louder, just as this was coming to an end nursey came bursting in saying 'Is someone ill, I've heard lots of terrible coughing?'  Fortunately although my trousers were still round my ankles my underpants were more or less in a decent position and Doctor duly explained that he had been asking the patient to cough, nursey retired looking slighty puzzled - clearly not entirely familiar with the way some examinations of males are carried out by the medical profession.  



Titter ye not, Madam........ :mosking:

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Morning from Long Island...


Fairly uneventful yesterday, just working away quietly.

The evening trip to NY was made passable by having a brief encounter with Jemma at the airport. Start of her 4-day trip had been out-and-back to Saskatoon (get the maps out folks :) ) and arrived back at MSP right as I got to the airport, her gate for her next leg to Dallas was three away from mine in an area where 5 gates share a common waiting area, so we had a chance to chat and be amused by the oddities of the self-loading freight average air travelers for about 20 minutes   :jester:

Most flights slightly delayed yesterday due to weather "everywhere" it seemed, but we still managed an on-time arrival (11:30PM!!) at JFK. Exited plane, easy walk through the empty wasteland of the terminal building - 50+ gates in terminal 4 but only three departures left at that time of night - grabbed the rental car and was in the hotel/bed by around 12:45AM. Not quite a record, but wasn't too bad all things considered.


Now I'm on the east coast, and adjacent to that vast expanse of water usually referred to by UK dwellers as "the pond", it's much warmer than home.

14 driving to the dungeon under cloudy skies and light rain, only 15 for the forecast high ,and light rain expected all day.


Hope Tuesday meets with your approval, I'm in the dungeon/bunker for the duration...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit chilly this morning but dry with wall to wall sunshine. I started getting chest pains yesterday so I dialed 111, it turns out that I cracked a couple of ribs in my fall. At the time they checked everything including blood glucose and all was fine.

It could have read Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwlllantysiliogogogoch.

There's no 'U'

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