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  • RMweb Premium

Welcome to Saturday where it is already well into the afternoon here.


Those who follow my Facebook feed will have read that last night was not the most fun I've ever had at the Palace.  The city seemed to be full of "entitled yoof" which perhaps relates to the start of the Christmas party season and / or an end to their compulsory education.  From sign-on it was crazy.  By mid-evening I had been soaked in soft drink thrown quite intentionally in my direction, had cigarette smoke blown full in my face from a foot away and received a couple of gratuitous kicks.  All duly reported of course though the perpetrators are unlikely to be identified and dealt with. 


Stepping off the train home at my suburban station just after midnight I was surprised to see two very young lads, perhaps ten and seven, waiting outside the door.  Elder lad delivered a swift kick to the shins while trying to grab my bag.  Both hopped smartly onto the train as the doors closed.  This too was reported as our stations are attended by Protective Service Officers, effectively a limited-powers police constable.  


No real harm done but we don't go to work to be abused and assaulted.  


Weekend off now.  Sleep well and soundly.  Live long and prosper.

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Whadda mistake'a to make'a.



You might also be interested in Father Guido Sarducci.


Quote: "One of Sarducci's most memorable SNL pieces occurred on February 16, 1980, when he actually managed to corner Richard Nixon at 1 a.m. outside of the former President's New York City home for an interview. A stunned looking Mr. Nixon did not respond to the one question that Sarducci managed to get out before the end of airtime: "Mr. President, Mr. President, if you coulda be any animal in the world, whata would it be?"

Edited by AndyID
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Morning. Not posted for ages here it seems. Up early due to waking too early, but little point trying to go back to bed as got to be at Cov station before 8.30 to go to Warley, oh what fun that journey will be!


Got the DEMU stand 90% set up yesterday evening at least, and took all the stuff I'll need for tomorrow mostly (well Natalie pushed it on a pallet truck) so we didn't have to lug it and my scooter on the train in the morning, though it'll all come back this evening probably or some tomorrow maybe.


Now, wheres the tea?!

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  • RMweb Premium

Just time for a quick visit before Bill and I set of for the NEC.   Hochstadt set up and tested.   A good natter in the bar lat night and now coffee being consumed.  Looking ofrward to the day.


Regards to all.



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Good morning one and all


Here is a summary of yesterday's irritations.  My digi box failed to record the programmes on BBC1 that I asked it to capture on Thursday afternoon and evening.  Two minutes into a live programme it decided that the signal was bad or scrambled and went to a black screen, banished by retuning to Channel 4 and then to BBC1.  Why does the signal not return of its own accord instead of just dying?  My viewing of one of Thursday's lost programmes on i-player was punctuated by a ringing phone.  "Hello?  This is central technical support service, it's about your com -".  "F--- off!" I roared and rang off.  It sounded like the clown who rang me last week with the same spiel.  "You must think I was born yesterday" I said and he rang off before I could complete the sentence, which would also have been "F--- off!".  About half an hour after I had climbed into bed, admittedly not all that late by most standards, the phone rang again.  This time it was a friend who wanted to pick my brains about layouts at Warley ahead of his visit today.  I wonder if he is descended from King Ethelred the Unready?  Now what layouts are at Warley is a subject about which I have little constructive to say.  Despite this the call lasted almost 15 minutes.


Now the good news from yesterday.  I made pancakes for tea!  They were very nice with runny honey and lemon juice, which is by nature also runny.  I have more or less given up sugar since the advent of Type 2 diabetes but it struck me that honey is nature's way.


Today I may venture into the throbbing metropolis that is Bedford to post the two seasonal greetings cards destined for far flung climes.  I do not know how much it costs to post cards to Brussels and Canberra but none of the self-adhesive stamps in stock would come close.  Taking the cards to the post office, now cunningly hidden in a newsagents, will make the most of the delay built in by the weekend.  The last collection on Saturdays from my nearest pillar box is 7 am!!!  That, Royal Snail, is taking the p!ss.


Tomorrow I will be at Warley.  Best wishes to those who stand to be trampled underfoot there today by hunters of alleged bargains.  We remember in our thoughts also today all travellers, especially those using the M6 this evening.  What's that, Skippy?  Ah yes.  Best wishes also to the ailing, recovering, supporting, lonely, depressed, grieving and missing.  Was that what you were trying to say, Skippy?  Phew.  Thank goodness for that.



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  • RMweb Gold



The german beer didnt happen for me as a number of consecutive trains home were cancelled (no reason given) so I caught an earlier one home.


Anyway I will be having a fair few beers with an ex work collegue on the coast this afternoon to make up for it.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Frosty start to the day here but it should stay dry but cloudy.

Hope all going to Warley or any other shows have a great day.

Just been informed that another visit to Sainsbury's is needed - deep joy. After that C#####mas lights etc have to be checked to see if they still work as they will be going up this weekend. Early for a lot of people I know but the family are visiting for lunch tomorrow and the grandchildren want to decorate the tree. I will just go with the flow.

One rugby match enjoyed last night and the main event, England v Argentina, is this afternoon. Warnings about not bothering me for a couple of hours have been given.

Tonight we're having a meal with friends. No cab needed as we only have to travel about 20 yards across the road.

Don't think I'll have much (or any) time for working on the "thing" upstairs.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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No bright start to the day, it's misty outside but at least it's marginally warmer at 2 degC, so the roads should be OK. 


I am now being reminded that it's 'Black Friday Weekend'. I guess in a couple of day's time it will be 'The Monday after Black Friday'!


What rugby did I miss last night Bob? I was going to watch Ulster's game in the Pro12 last night but it was postponed due to the pitch being frozen.


Oh well, it's now light enough to walk the dogs, so I had better make a move.

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The german beer didnt happen for me as a number of consecutive trains home were cancelled (no reason given) so I caught an earlier one home.


Anyway I will be having a fair few beers with an ex work collegue on the coast this afternoon to make up for it.

Old Ales festival at the Sloany Pony today. That's where I'm heading.


At least with you missing the Bierkeller you also missed the oompa band. The sombrero in Coventry was bad enough. Can't picture you in lederhosen.

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Morning all. Late on parade this morning as I couldn't be bothered to set the alarm last night as there is nothing special planned.


A frosty start but at least the wind has died down.


Some more modelling may take place today, but first, another coffee.


For all those attending Warley today, enjoy the show and hopefully no injuries will be reported (except to wallets, credit cards etc.)


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Premium

Woke up.  Result.


Seaweed twirlers on the steam radio saying it is the coldest morning of the year and all sorts of icy hazards to be aware of......of course they are way down south in Ronaldsway, up here a whole 30 miles away it isn't even frosty.  Unlike yesterday, which wasn't reported.....  This is the Manx equivalent of the north south divide we used to experience when we lived in the UK.  If it isn't London (or Douglas) it isn't worth reporting. The rolled car yesterday left some impressive marks in the road, as it bounced from side to side on it's roof.  I bet the bobby has something to say about it too!

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  • RMweb Gold

What rugby did I miss last night Bob? I was going to watch Ulster's game in the Pro12 last night but it was postponed due to the pitch being frozen.




Northampton v Newcastle on BT Sport John. Other premiership games available today and tomorrow and the England game is on Sky which I get via Now TV.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


And for the first time in more years than I can remember this particular Saturday is not one where I would have been fighting for seat in a northbound Voyager (and that's in the posh bit) or engaging in major gymnastics in order to get with 20 feet of the door in order to actually alight at In(fernal)national  amid a throng of whatever else shows are on visitors (however Comic Com visitors were great - lots of fun and minimal clothing on some of the young ladies).  What's more I shall also meet the 13.00 meet - if it happens, it was just two of us last year; and will be reduced to playing Warley Bingo as a string of announcements and revelations flood RMweb and t'net and I can shout for each one I got right.  Ah well a change is as good as a rest and all I'll miss is meeting folk (the best bit), fighting my way to teh front at some layouts (the exercise bit), and spending money (the exhausting bit.


So have a good day all those who are there or heading that way.


In the meanwhile and of significant importance we tried the offerings of the very recently restaffed local Chinese takeaway yesterday evening - definitely of a very high standard of delectability and hard luck on the town's one surviving Chinese restaurant which isn't even in the same league.


Have a good day one and all.  And Rick if it was me I'm afraid my foot would occasionally slip upwards and I trust you fellahs wear safety boots with steel toecaps.

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  • RMweb Premium

And Rick if it was me I'm afraid my foot would occasionally slip upwards and I trust you fellahs wear safety boots with steel toecaps.


Indeed we do.  However our designated locations (marked with a yellow spot on the floor) are also permanently monitored by CCTV meaning the review of a "slipped upwards boot" would likely generate a temporary hiatus in income.  We are, incidentally, not "chained" to the yellow spot; that only marks the location where we are best seen on CCTV, are best-place to provide the required service and where we are expected to be if not engaged in any other task such as assisting Granny Zimmerframe who has got herself wedged in the far-end barrier :O

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Steel Toe Caps are a real blessing when dealing with the public, in any country, as is the “Oops, Sorry!” phrase.  One is simply not allowed to cuss the public out so remember to be polite when putting the knee in...


Not that I would countenance any such thing, of course (beware of iPhones).


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

Steel Toe Caps are a real blessing when dealing with the public, in any country, as is the “Oops, Sorry!” phrase.  One is simply not allowed to cuss the public out so remember to be polite when putting the knee in...


Not that I would countenance any such thing, of course (beware of iPhones).


Best, Pete.


And possibly even better are what is now demanded on NR territory - steel insoles ... tehehe 

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  • RMweb Premium

Good afternoon everyone


It was morning when I first started this entry.


We had our youngest granddaughter Eve stop over last night and as usual she was no bother. Up earlyish (for a Saturday at least) and Eve and I had finished our breakfasts whilst Sheila was getting herself ready. Then I popped out to pick up her older sister Ava, who will be spending the day with us too.


However, before I could go and collect Ava, I had to defrost the car, as it was frosty and foggy start to the day, -2C according to the cars thermometer when I set off. Some of the morning was spent reading with Ava, she's really struggling with her school work, maths in particular, but her reading is slowly getting better and she tries really hard.


Frustratingly I've been unable to get on the RMWeb for most of the day, it seemed to be taking an age to load up, not getting online until just before midday.


I received an email from Hornby some interesting news from The Warley Show! Enjoy the show those that are attending.


Back later.

Edited by BSW01
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I thought I may not have been able to get near the pet shop this morning. There seemed to a lot of Police activity at the bottom of one of the A13 slip roads. It seemed a lot for a couple of apparently undamaged cars but later while walking to the nearby Tesco I noticed an upside down car on the embankment. I am not sure how it got there.

I couldn't see if it had Manx number plates.


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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Been AWOL for a while, as we haven't been too good recently with a sick and out the other end type bug, which started by wiping out 30747 early in the week, then made its way to me.  30747 started eating proplerly yesterday, and I am still on light soups and the like.  So I am many pages behind now, with no hope at all of catching up. 


Just a trip to town for an hour or so was enough. 


Also had a domestic hiatus the other day when I went out to clear the drain gratings, and reached out to steady myself and knocked the downpipe from the sink to the drain, and the elbow shattered into a million pieces.  No worries, it's the sort of thing I have spare in the garage from other jobs, or from having to buy two to get one.  32mm/90o 40mm/45o, 40mm/90o reducing to 32mm.  In fact everything else apart from a 40mm/90o And I couldn't cobble one together from any of the bits that I had either.  So a trip to the DIY (no so) superstore at a mad rush before the drain was used again, as it carries the waste from the dishwasher also.  Not a scenario I could have envisaged at all, as it was just old age on the coupling.


Hope to be back tomorrow - and I did see that Debs has put in an appearance here, which of course is great to seem


Regards to All


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