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Radio update is no change.

Cotton bud to large.

Cotton bud trimmed and isopropyl placed on it.

Still not fitting.

Isopropyl put onto headphone jack and pushed in and out rapidly.

No change.

Isopropyl put onto thin wooden skewer and pushed in and out rapidly.

No change.

Put radio back onto night table.

Drank Isopropyl alcohol.

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Radio update is no change.

Cotton bud to large.

Cotton bud trimmed and isopropyl placed on it.

Still not fitting.

Isopropyl put onto headphone jack and pushed in and out rapidly.

No change.

Isopropyl put onto thin wooden skewer and pushed in and out rapidly.

No change.

Put radio back onto night table.

Drank Isopropyl alcohol.


What I would do is to get an old headphone plug, stick it in the line-in socket and jiggle it as required.



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A very frosty start on FR this morning, the street was as white as if it had snowed.  Heated windscreen on the Flawed Fiasco B-Max is a good thing indeed.


Work went mostly to plan, busy but controlled.  Have an issue to discuss with John DMJ though, I think! 


Another cold night here, minus temperatures on the way home, but oddly not up a height on the mountain road, where at almost 1500 feet it was 4 degrees warmer than down here at a towering 90 feet ASL.


Out early tomorrow to take Jayne's dog to kennels for her as she is off to see her little sis for the weekend and the kennels don't open early.  Saves a nights fees.


Meetings, ahhhh how I don't miss social care meetings.  The police ones were fine, they speak and act in bullet points - but social work managers....grrrrr.  And I was stuck in the middle.  Life at Trackshack is so much nicer, semi-retirement is highly recommended Ivan!


Old farts bike club tomorrow after dropping Doona off (Jayne's dog) hopefully on a bike (yes, that one....) if the frost has melted.  Then as Mrs NHN is off too, no doubt my life will not be my own for the rest of the day.

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Further news on SWMBO visa.  It seems the timeframe (allowing for holidays) means she will not be able to obtain that until January.  So starting work in Kew during February.  Two months later than we thought but it gives me a few more weeks here.  Easter is still a target date to move but it's now more likely to be in May.  


Goodnight all.  See you in the morning.

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I have received an e-mail from Model Rail magazine inviting me to join them at Warley for what I read as a goody bag and a pint. In fact it was a goody bag and a pin. I already have all the pins I need, do you think I could have a pint instead?



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catching up with a day's comments.

We have a line of fine cotton balls on plastic sticks called Microbrush that would fit in a socket. The last time I had a tooth filled, the dentist was using one to put glue in the hole.

Several of my co-workers thought that Dilbert had an informant in our office.

I put labels on the rear-view mirror of our motorhome with the height on -- one each in English and Metric. You don't want to be doing conversions at 70 mph. The mirror on the motorhome is wider than needed to see through the back window.

My wife's nephew was thrown out of the U.S. because someone in the firm had used the wrong immigration/work permit form. That wa after he had worked there for nearly 10 years.

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Good morning all!


My hall 5 at the nec is big!
6:30 am start for the ta le putting out/up team so time for some sleep.


Don't envy you marking out Hall 5; can you do B06 first, they're probably waiting!



Work went mostly to plan, busy but controlled.  Have an issue to discuss with John DMJ though, I think! 



Oh Ooh, What have I done now? I'm in the usual hours if you want to call!

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Morning All,


We have another mild morning - although there is a bit of a nip in the air due to a nasty biting wind.


Yesterday evening the builders returned to fit the fly screen on our French Windows which didn't fit last time.  Thankfully, this time it fits!


I put labels on the rear-view mirror of our motorhome with the height on -- one each in English and Metric. You don't want to be doing conversions at 70 mph. The mirror on the motorhome is wider than needed to see through the back window.


A very sensible thing to do!


Having driven both RHD and LHD in both the UK and on the continent, I can swap and convert between mph and kph without any problem - but height (not being something I normally need to do in a car) isn't something that I could easily do.


To be perfectly honest, I am very much a metric person.  It was pretty much all I ever learnt in school!


Interestingly enough, I read an article this morning about some <insert chosen insult here> who goes around removing metric road signs.  Presumably because they don't conform to his insular view of the world.  Either that, or he has far too much time on his hands.


Time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Unlike the youngster up above, I was confused as H*** when I was issued with a hire car at Heathrow that only had Kilometres on it's speedo  :senile: ( I think that was Ilegal I did complain when it was handed in)


ER time 04:30 which for me is late, I can't have caffine as I get the shakes, just one cup of full fat coffee and my heart starts racing.

The roads are finally dry, except for one point on a main road which seems to be increasing in water flow I suspect we have a broken water main. If it is it will cause chaos when they repair it, as it's not too far from the NDR road works and on a S bend.

 I had to follow a deer down the road today for about a hundred yards,  a Muntjac I think, it got trapped between two high grass banks, so I had to wait until it found a gap.


The student union in University of East Anglia have voted to put white poppies out for sale as well red next year, because some students think "the Red Poppy is to celebrate atrocities by the British Army", and these students qualified for University?

Edited by TheQ
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Mawnin' awl. Apologies for having missed looking in yesterday, so I hope you have all been well, or, if not, that things will be on the mend soon. 


Feeling better on this end and as an additional bonus, I was able to use this extra time for sorting out a transport-related matter which we had on our agenda for a while. More of that in a couple of days once we are able to take ownership of the result!


I seem to have lost my earphones, so a trip to the electronics store will be required later. Rather gloomy outside and it's slowly getting cooler again.


Enjoy what you're up to, folks!  :bye:

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Good morning one and all.  As the first sentence that I typed has disappeared I will start again.  Harrumph.


I've just been outside to move the car, which as is so often the case was fouling Mrs Electric Chair's gate.  Someone finally decided to go to work so a space became available.  It's chilly out there.


Yesterday was spent with Poorly Pal and while he was watching American morris dancers on YouTube [yes, really] I got on with a bit of m*d*ll*ng.  This was fine until two small brass bits took a dive from the baseboard to the floor.  They bounce and tend if and when found to be nowhere near where they fell.  As I have mislaid my head torch and need to replace it the search will have to wait until the next visit.  Grrr.


Today I will do a fodder run.  Move along there, nothing to see.


Best wishes to all deserving of them.



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Moaning all from the boring borough. As predicted yesterday's meeting with the mindless gang of w*nkpuffins has been rescheduled for late, late, this afternoon. Wot joy. Still it almost beats commuting to St Evenage which was the other project's plan. The late afternoon means that POE ain't gonna happen, and that scuppers tonight's meeting in West London with a bunch of former co-workers in the pub. :ireful:


Last night's BBQ marathon went is still going well. The jambalaya worked out well and there is enough left for a small army. Note to self: make a smaller batch next time. Another hour or so and the slow smoked pork shoulders should be ready to come off the grill and be shredded. T'was a late night getting it all going properly and a stable temp due to the high winds. My first overnight unsupervised long cook. (11hours) Latte made and consumed. A second large coffee on the go. I should be coherent enough to form complete sentences any minute now.


In honor (deliberate sp) of black Friday I plan on not buying any crap today. Basically it's retailers shifting all the junk they couldn't sell over the rest of the year.


The people at BRM must be getting desperate. I had an email from them the other day. The first one in over 11 years since I let my subscription lapse. Talk about scraping the bottom of the database. Safe travels to all heading to the NEC this weekend.


Like David I used to think that Dilbert creator Scott Adams had a mole in our office. I've worked with just about every character in that comic strip over the years, including Bob the dinosaur and the Elbonians.


Have a good one all. Think of me around 5pm when you are downing your first après work-week pint while I'm still suffering death by a thousand PowerPoint slides.  

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