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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Has anyone heard from Dave Torr Gifford? He was going to take to the water, I wonder if he did so, and if he still follows RMweb.


Best wishes




Funny I had the same thought on holiday, last posted Sept 16th I enjoyed his photos. Apart from that I know nothing of his whereabouts.


Leaf collection suspended at 70% removal ( I am knackered) 4 dump bags collected and took to the tip.  Mostly Beech tree leaves the price of having two listed trees ie TPO orders on them at the back I guess.


Will clear the rest tomorrow or Saturday, time for a coffee in the shed list making I think.


Enjoy the rest of the day folks

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  • RMweb Premium

Good time of day as applicable to one and all.


Sorry to have to report that I am still very much under the weather though there are signs of a slight improvement.  A nasty cold turned into bronchitis and has left in its wake a persistent tickly cough which whilst dry is most troublesome given that the employment requires talking virtually all the time.  And I remain tired.  Very tired.


I was advised to leave the Palace early on Sunday as I was coughing fit to bust, was quite unable to speak and was shaky with it.  It's not like me to leave half-way through but on this occasion I wasn't even going to protest.  I returned on Wednesday and have been getting very slightly better by the day.  


The problem goes back six years to the cancer treatment which had an effect on my immune system.  That never returned to its previous level meaning that while I maintain good health most of the time if I do come down with something it hits me for six several times in an over.  I take a month to get shot of a cold which most people deal with in a week or less.  But I'm still here to talk about it which is good as I don't fancy the other option much.


Good news arrived from the UK in that parents are making progress against expectations and despite advanced ages and both have managed assisted shopping trips recently.  Dad gets pushed around though tries to walk a few steps; mum manages for herself but won't go alone.  


Update on the big move: Sharon is still waiting for a visa with the delay apparently being caused by someone the other end applying for the wrong type.  Her start date is effectively now put back another month until mid-late January though with me still hopefully over by Easter.  Husband neighbour leaves for the Never Lands on 17th December with Wife and Son neighbour following very soon after.  We'll all meet again in London next Spring or Summer.


Weather doing its usual strange thing here.  One day 38C, next 15C.  Some suburbs endured an "asthma thunderstorm" the other day which actually caused two fatalities and many places to run out of asthma medication.  


I'll be back again soon.  Best wishes until then.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all,


I've bought a piece of Veroboard.

In other exciting news I glued a piece of plywood to something before cutting a slot for a tube with some wire in it. Such is life. 

I may use the awl that I found inserted into my left eye  :blackeye:  by person/persons unknown to channel out a slot. Or chuck more ballast over the top!  

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What a bunch of hoofw*nking bunglec*nts I'm stuck with. This meeting has only been in the calendar for a week. Nobody at the client thought to make sure their Webex meeting number hadn't expired. Muppets. That's 90 minutes of my life blocked out for nothing. No doubt they will reschedule it for the most inopportune time. Herd of arsebadgers. This marks 4 out of the 10 days I'm contracted for pissed up the wall. Wonder if BetFred will give me odds on me having done b*gger all by next Friday and the client begging for another 10 days. W*nkpuffins the lot of em.

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  • RMweb Gold

What a bunch of hoofw*nking bunglec*nts I'm stuck with. This meeting has only been in the calendar for a week. Nobody at the client thought to make sure their Webex meeting number hadn't expired. Muppets. That's 90 minutes of my life blocked out for nothing. No doubt they will reschedule it for the most inopportune time. Herd of arsebadgers. This marks 4 out of the 10 days I'm contracted for pissed up the wall. Wonder if BetFred will give me odds on me having done b*gger all by next Friday and the client begging for another 10 days. W*nkpuffins the lot of em.


So you wouldn't recommend doing business with them ...   ...

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Have a word with their CEO. If that doesn't help, take a stash of MRR magazines with you :rolleyes:

Luckily I can do all this remotely since the work is cloud based. Its the meetings and constant idiocy that are wearing me down. Not to mention the fact that I've wasted a week that could have been used to bring another client's project to completion on time. Meh! Instead of the meeting this afternoon I ended up fielding 20 separate skype message threads. All asking the same fooking question that would have been answered in 5 minutes during the meeting if the client could have...... enough of the rant.  


It is now an early beer o clock. I have done my 7.5h for the day and now its time to fire up the Kamado and the Weber for some double bbq action. (slow smoked pork shoulder overnight on one, Louisiana Jambalaya on the other. A couple of bottles of De Molen Weer & Wind to keep me company.

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What a bunch of hoofw*nking bunglec*nts I'm stuck with. This meeting has only been in the calendar for a week. Nobody at the client thought to make sure their Webex meeting number hadn't expired. Muppets. That's 90 minutes of my life blocked out for nothing. No doubt they will reschedule it for the most inopportune time. Herd of arsebadgers. This marks 4 out of the 10 days I'm contracted for pissed up the wall. Wonder if BetFred will give me odds on me having done b*gger all by next Friday and the client begging for another 10 days. W*nkpuffins the lot of em.

on the plus side you are blocked out for 90 minutes allowing you to get on without interruptions.....


I am having joy on the resurrected Bulgaria project.


The last meeting (just finished) was not too agonising because the main protagonist had to leave to catch a flight back to Sofia, so people had to make decisions without worrying about their personal hobbyhorses.

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So on Tuesday night some organisation (RB Greenwich, TFL, DafT) decides to resurface the road at the Yorkshire Grey.  Do they tell the London Ambulance Service, no.  Do they block an Ambulance station, yes.  We were on a "red two" when we came across the blockade but luckily I knew an alternative route to the patient.  Jobsworth told the Ambulance station they couldn't drive their trucks over the nice new tarmac, you can imagine the answer and that jobsworth had to do some resurfacing.


Which reminds me, off to the charity now and to Warley in the morning.  Normal service will be resumed on Monday.



Edited by bbishop
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Happy Thanksgiving to those ERs celebrating...


Late check in as we've been working at the dinner preparations, turkey duly stuffed and into the oven now, and I'm off to do some last minute cleaning so we're "presentable" for the guests.

Forgot MiL is also going to be here, so have to make the place spotless apparently :O

I'll be picking her up in barely three hours so need to do an extreme makeover to avoid the MiL commentary wrath!!


Looking forward to dinner with a smaller group than usual and will miss Jemma who's in Vancouver until tomorrow.


2C and overcast with some fog in places, 3 expected high with zero overnight and some rain/snow mix expected.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

What a bunch of hoofw*nking bunglec*nts I'm stuck with. This meeting has only been in the calendar for a week. Nobody at the client thought to make sure their Webex meeting number hadn't expired. Muppets. That's 90 minutes of my life blocked out for nothing. No doubt they will reschedule it for the most inopportune time. Herd of arsebadgers. This marks 4 out of the 10 days I'm contracted for pissed up the wall. Wonder if BetFred will give me odds on me having done b*gger all by next Friday and the client begging for another 10 days. W*nkpuffins the lot of em.

My my you are a happy bunny today is it you being cheerful that keeps you going. 

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Yak turd can be collected and used as fuel.


And burns with a rather pleasant smell, I seem to recall.

Just failed MoT!!!


Was that you,the car or the horse?


On another topic ....... Listening to all the hassles that other ER's seem to be having in their work environment, how glad I am to have put all that hassle behind me. Isn't retirement a wonderful thing.

Edited by Killybegs
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Another day of reports completed along with numerous phone calls, all of them problems to be sorted out.


Back on the road tomorrow to 2 sites. The first one is easy but the second site there have already been access problems in the past.


Time for a shower and food before heading out to the Model Railway Club

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I've just lost an hour having my brain killed by recorded power point poisoning. mostly on our companies future  plans and products.

But when you get statements like "that'll be a great circle dot for the future",  "we have great stability in our funnel conversion rate", " let the rubber hit the road on this one" your mind decides it wishes to expire, it's like being in a Dilbert cartoon... :dontknow:

The company prides it's self on engagement, but uses different language to anyone else in the world, outside of senior American management, and so we ignore what they say and tick boxes to keep them happy, they send messages but do not communicate.

I can assure you that senior management doesn't understand it either.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


This morning I had an unexpected visit from No 2 son, he'd been to the dentists, which is at the top of the road and popped in to see me afterwards, which was nice, as I hadn't seen him for a few weeks. So whilst we chatted over a cup of tea I offered him one of the spare cupcakes, he gave it the thumbs up, Sheila's Zumba friends enjoyed them too. Apparently I made a got of women very happy (and I kept my clothes on), this morning with some even asking her if they could hire me! So they will definitely be on list for our pre-Christmas afternoon tea we've decided to hold in a couple of weeks time.


After he'd gone home, I had a walk into the town centre to pick up a leek as I'd planned to make homemade celery, leek and potato soup for tea and we hadn't got one. So whilst I was out I picked up a crusty wholemeal loaf to go with the soup too! I also fancied a bit of a walk as well, as I've not been on one due to the awful weather we've had recently, although I have done quite a bit of walking inside the Trafford Centre. But I much prefer to be outside in the fresh air.


It's the first time I'd used that particular recipe and very nice it was too, so nice that I've been told "you can make that again"! More brownie points earned me thinks!

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  • RMweb Premium

Listening to all the hassles that other ER's seem to be having in their work environment, how glad I am to have put all that hassle behind me. Isn't retirement a wonderful thing.

I'll be finding out for myself next July!

Can't wait!

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...you,the car or the horse?....

The car has failed. Both track rod ends are life-expired, resulting in both front tyres wearing down to the steel bands. MoT tester's face was a picture when he emerged from the pit. Was wondering why there was a slight increase in fuel consumption. Still, being fixed tomorrow.


I don't know why people go on about retirement. My generation will probably keep on working until our dying day (because we can't afford to retire).

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Went out this morning to do some shopping and the clutch was slipping badly so I popped into the workshop and they took the car in immediately. The clutch is well worn despite my keeping my left foot on the floor except when changing gear and as it turns out there was a fault in the clutch cable that contributed to the clutch wear. As I will be needing the car to take my exhibits to the Bexley show in a couple of weeks I have to get it done. From what Andrew and Ian have said is there a secret breeding program for Fusterclucks? Or do they keep in touch with each other through the dark web?

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