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  • RMweb Premium

Safely back from picking up new curtains rails and all the other associated bits etc, I'll probably put it all up next week.


It's been raining on and off, but got heavier just after tea, when we also had thunder and lightning. It's been quite heavily since then, except for the hour or so that we were out. We'd been in the house for only a few minutes when it started raining again and it's absolutely p!ssing it down now, it looks like it's set in for the night too!


Goodnight all

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Good morning one and all


An early night last night seems to have done a bit of good.  The head is still congested and the cough lingers but if I can remember where I put my shopping list I will add some high octane cough jollop to it before I brave the elements on the fodder run.  Most of what I planned to do yesterday remains undone because I felt so dozy all morning.  On the good side I was able to help a couple of e-chums with information and once again realised the benefits of having a roomful of archive magazines.


Will it ever stop raining?  I thought St Swithun's Day was in July.  I need to get out into the jungle to decommission the tomato plant and harvest any serviceable fruit, though the chances of finding any of the latter recede with every drop of rain and squall of wind.


Huzzah, the shopping list has surfaced.  It is short enough for the journey to the supermarket by bus to be feasible so the car can stay where it is, ready to be loaded on Wednesday evening.  Unfortunately the bus shelter where I long for the bus home go appear, chronically unpunctual as always, is a shelter in name only and it is often better for staying dry to stand outside.


OK, time to stop moaning and carry on. Best wishes to the ailing [did you spot the self-interest there?] as well as the recovering, supporting, lonely, depressed, grieving and missing.  Today all travellers deserve a special thought because it's just not nice out there.



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Morning All,


We have a very mild morning today.  No sign of the winds which have been plaguing the UK over the past couple of days.  I hope that all of the ERs have weathered the storm Ok.  I spoke to my parents last night, and apart from a couple of sheets of glass in their greenhouse, and a short length of guttering they had no damage.  However, my Mum remarked that the wind was "unsettling" - which given that they have lived within sight of the English Channel for over forty years means it must have been pretty incredible.


Interestingly enough, the shipping forecast for Dover noted "Rough or very rough - occasionally high" during the last storm.  It isn't often you get high seas in the English channel!  At the moment, according to P&O, the ferries are running about an hour and half late.


Oh well - software testing today, so I guess I had better get on.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

I didn't ER this morning but slept in a bit till about 05:15  not bad I got around, 8 hours sleep that means tomorrow I'll be lucky if I get 3.


 I slept through all the high winds, we must have had, as the local roads were scattered with small branches. I have no doubt they will be added to as the coastal forecast I heard on the radio on my way in said gale force 8 , gale force 9 later. The idiot doing the local news said there were 78 flood warnings in the UK today but only one in Norfolk, and then promptly named two local rivers. I'll have a look at the sailing clubs web cams after first light so see how the rivers is and my boat. At least it's not raining at the moment.


 The Norwich Northern Distributer Route is progressing, the two sections I cross both have temporary lights on now as they start work to build the roundabouts. it will be a bit of a pain when it's built because there are very few bridges on it. Norwich is at the centre of a star of roads and where it crosses the NDR there will be a roundabout. So  it also means using the NDR as a bypass will mean slowing to a stop every mile or two.


Skating isn't easier for youngsters, it's just they bounce better. We know how much our bones ache before venturing on to ice...

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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. Didn't sleep that well for some reason or other, so in need of coffee right now...



In that case, I'm going to have a wild stab in the dark and guess that this is the intersection between Zwickauerstraße and Arno-Nitzschestraße, looking northbound.


As to which tram route this is, no idea. Ich bin nicht Leipziger.


Yes, that's the place. More specifically, I was stood at Triftweg where Lines 10 and 16 meet after the former took the western route to Lößnig through Karl-Liebknecht-Straße, upper Bornaische Straße, Wiedebachstraße and Arno-Nitzsche-Straße, and the latter the eastern route through Philipp-Rosenthal-Straße, Semmelweisstraße and Zwickauer Straße. Which means that I proceeded straight ahead a few moments later as...






...I was driving 1223 "Houston" on Line 16 at the time, which fortunately had no problems of any kind :mosking: .


Avagoodun, peepl...

Edited by NGT6 1315
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning from awet and windy Surrey.day 1 of a 2 day strike on a Southern.


We were planning on catching one of two Thameslink services around 6.30 but one cancelled and the other one is normally wedged anyway.


So it was the first bus of the morning to Coulsdon then to Coulsdon Town station to wait in the rain. Train late as the taxi taking the driver to Tattenham Corner was late. At Purley we have been delayed further whilst coupling up the rear portion from Caterham.


At least last nights visit to The Rake to meet a friend over from Ottawa was good.




Sat outside Norwood Junction for some time so probably around 20 late. So it looks Iike we will get to LBG about two hours after leaving home. A distance of only 20 miles

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  • RMweb Premium

Hey up!


Garden awash again due to the precipitation.


Why do they add roundabouts instead of fly overs/unders? Every roundabout on the Leeds "ring" roads ( neither of which form a complete circle) cause severe delays. Of course the bricks and sticks guys will say it's costs..well yes as a first off but just think in holistic terms...oops that's far too difficult!


Almost ready for my trip to the NEC. I need to be there for 1pm on Thursday for marking out duties.


Enjoy whatever you are doing today wherever you are.




PS we are still missing quite a few ERs , hope they are ok

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  • RMweb Premium

 Hi Brad :no:

River level update, not over the banks but will be splashing over, one of our web cams is down so I can't see my boat. :fool:

http://www.horningsc.co.uk/ click on regatta week or 3 rivers race to see our or others web cams.


I see the Trump is recommending farage to be ambassador to the USA, well that one way of making sure he won't ge the job...


Just heard the first ******mas song on the radio.

The good thing about it.... its the new one from Kyle MInogue

The bad things about it, it's just a boring generic *******mas  song, and it's still November. :nono:

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Moaning all from the boring borough.


I see Deb has made a point of popping in.


More bunglec*ntery at work. Still waiting for the arsebadgers to figure out what they are doing. The time wasted so far would have been better used on one of the other projects that are now stalled. Oh well its on their dime. (well a hell of a lot of dimes considering what my employer charges for my day rate)


Little else to say so I'll hobble down stairs for more coffee. Enjoy your day.

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  • RMweb Premium

I see Deb has made a point of popping in.




Cripes, all I thought was to possibly mention a rectangular, flat woodwork project that is shaping up nicely and she appears! 

So I won't. 

I know what's good for me without even quoting Corporal Jones.  

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all and nice to see you Debs, you are obviously prepared to point out the error of our ways.  :yes:

Very wet and windy here at 4.30 whilst taking Chris to work but the rain has eased off, wind hasn't. Scattered showers, some heavy and brighter intervals forecast.

Nothing much planned today except I need to try and find some manual point levers that I'm sure I've got for another member here.

I may then do some of that which we are not supposed to mention (No tittering at the back Dudders!  :jester: )

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning.

Not raining at the moment.

I don't know what we will be doing today. There may be a trip out to collect some "click and collect" items that Aditi ordered while she had a discount code this weekend.


Now raining.

Have a good day.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, Not raining here...at the moment!


Off to play tennis this morning (indoors obviously) then the 4 of us are off for a pub lunch and catch up which will be good.


Even better a trip to the model shop on the way back is planned!


Enjoy your day folks

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Hello from a dull and wet Somerset. More rain falling at present but nothing like yesterdays total which was 40.8mm, and brings the amount received in my rain gauge since the 16th Nov (6 days inclusive) to 107.4mm; and I know folk nearer the high ground who have had about 40% more than me.


Is it any wonder places are flooded.


My thoughts are with those who have to travel in these conditions. It is no fun. Shopping on the agenda for today, and I may invest in some logs for the fire as I notice that the forecast is for many days of cold northeasterly winds with a high pressure over Scotland/Scandinavia and those can be remarkably persistent at this time of year.

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  • RMweb Gold

Skating ain't hard. I am no-one's idea of a sporting type, but a skool trip to Streatham Ice Rink showed that I could, within the first hour, manage well enough to do a full lap at sedate speed but without either tumbling or grabbing the rail. If I can do it so can anyone who is remotely fit! 

I can't!


I kept falling over.


Same with roller skates, and a skate board.


The only skiing I ever mastered was cross country.


When I tried down hill I just fell.


All this falling probably accounts for why I was a good parachutist!

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Morning all !


Our plumber friend Martin and his Son Olly, sorted the ancient central heating yesterday and all is now warm - just in time as it has stopped raining about 15 minutes ago.  Back lawn looks like an overgrown lake; this is the 'drier side of Britain' of course, or so it says in the Tourist bumf.


At hospital for hearing test today - got out passport and driving licence to smooth matters in ENT.  That line from John 'O Gaunt's speech in Richard II 'against the envy of less happier lands' springs to mind.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It's not raining here and the wind has dropped too, but it rained for quite some time during the night.


I will be spending the morning in the cellar buffing up the paint work on the Christmas tree bucket, once that is done it will be ready for use next month.


This afternoon I've got a couple of click and collect packages to pick up, but I will go out just after lunch to ensure I don't get caught in any teatime traffic.


Back later.


P.S. Nice to see Debs popping back in.

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  • RMweb Premium

I learned to skate when I was 11 and we were still living in Canada. I found skating quite easy, but then I was still quite young. I could probably still skate now, I'd just be a little rusty, I think it's a bit like riding a bike, you never forget how to, you just aren't as quick as you were.


Never could roller skate though.

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Morning all,


Yesterday was a stock day for Warley.  Wheels cleaned and I took the locos up to SEGOG for a belt round the test track.  I just needed 10 seconds with a screwdriver on one of them.  Jamie will be pleased to know that all the controllers have all the numbers in the same logical sequence.  Home and I thought that I would remove the remaining lights from the beer garden, only to find one of the trees in a state of collapse.  A liberal application of araldite means it will survive Warley.  Speaking of which, I've just watched the "clock" tick under four days - concentrates the mind!


Off to a funeral, then a meeting with the Chief Exec of LAS, then an overnight on a fast response car..  Home tomorrow morning, then straight off to the vet - hate to think what my blood pressure will be by then!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit late on parade this morning as I overslept, not that it matters being retired. One advantage is that I am feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning, I wonder how long it will last? Nice to hear from Debs this morning, I hope your feeling better Debs. Better get on now as I'm all behind, be back later.

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