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  • RMweb Gold

A jolly hour or so was spent in the front garden this morning, clearing leaves and digging drainage channels to clear the floodwater off the drive.


It's lucky that I like water and mud, because next doors gardener had managed to block the drains which take the rainwater from both houses and driveways into muddy hollow (forward) with leaves from over enthusiastic use of the leaf blower.


The road between our two villages is flooded at the point where the stream runs over under the road, this has happened every time we have lots of rain, but now it is being enhanced by the run off from the new storage depot and hard standing which is being built close by.


I have no objection to the military depot getting a modern storage facility, but I do question the accuracy of the crystal ball and the ignoring of many locals who told them about the flooding that would (and is) happening as a result of nearly 40 acres of fields being turned into a  large concrete pad.  The existing stream cannoot cope especially as it is culverted under the road, and the culvert is regularly blocked by natural detritus.


It will be interesting to see how much flooding will occur due to this lack of comprehension of lacal concerns, and more importantly, what they will do about it if the flooding becomes serious.


Fortunately we have never been affected....yet.

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Isn't this where that Fargo film was set?

It was actually filmed in a large number of locations, mostly across Minnesota and a few in North Dakota (where Fargo "actually" is!!)

Minnesota (often due to weather requirements, but not always) has a fairly strong film location connection and a local board promotes the state as such.

Of particular interest, the "Brainerd Police Department interiors" were actually shot inside MY local cop shop, the Edina police, about 1/4 mile from me here! Brainerd is a couple of hours north and whilst a nice place to visit I wouldn't want to film there :jester:

Several other locations, a stones throw from me, were used as well...

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Yesterday uneventful as I cautiously worked my way through the day, taking various remedies and mostly feeling sorry for myself with a continuing head cold and congestion.

Only highlights were;

i) Getting my Flight Sim computer 99% available for purpose, works a treat and well pleased

ii) Making my famous (at least within the confines of our family/house) beef stew with parsley dumplings. Just the thing for a wintry Minnesota day.


Still congested but working today <sniff><sniff>, at least I've only a THREE DAY WEEK, given Thursday is Thanksgiving (colloquially Turkey Day) and I have BLACK Friday off, like many folks do. I WILL avoid shopping Black Friday, it's crazy out there and unless someone offers something I want for 90% off, I'm not daring to venture into the fray.


We're making serious inroads into our real weather today, mmmmiiinnnuuussss ffffiiivvvveee (-5C) and sunny on retrieving the paper this morning, though 4 for the balmy high forecast.


Hope your day starts the week well.

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon, arrived back from Philadelphia yesterday on time with a decent flight apart from some lumps and bumps endured over New York on Saturday night.


Have to say 4 flights with American, all departed on time, all arrived either early or on time, luggage safely transported so I cant complain about them.


On the flight home it did occur to me that my car stood in the long stay carpark for 33 days in the cold weather might not start due to a drained battery but it did thankfully and at the first go!


Trying to adjust to the weather here, lashed it down all day and its cold!


Major supermarket shop done and sorted a "wifi does not have a valid ip configuration fault" on this computer. After reading how to fix this via my iphone for about 10 mins I thought I would stick to the old fashioned method of fixing ie turn it all off and start again!!

Problem sorted, lets see if it comes back!


Leaves all over the place so if we get a couple of dry days that will have to be sorted.


So going to backtrack over a few pages on here before I start to get tea ready.


Enjoy the evening folks

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  • RMweb Gold

 Jamie wanted to go ice-skating so we got one of my friends to take her on the rink as Anamaria and I can't skate!




Skating ain't hard. I am no-one's idea of a sporting type, but a skool trip to Streatham Ice Rink showed that I could, within the first hour, manage well enough to do a full lap at sedate speed but without either tumbling or grabbing the rail. If I can do it so can anyone who is remotely fit! 

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Yes, it is.


In that case, I'm going to have a wild stab in the dark and guess that this is the intersection between Zwickauerstraße and Arno-Nitzschestraße, looking northbound.


As to which tram route this is, no idea. Ich bin nicht Leipziger.

Edited by Horsetan
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Skating ain't hard. I am no-one's idea of a sporting type, but a skool trip to Streatham Ice Rink showed that I could, within the first hour, manage well enough to do a full lap at sedate speed but without either tumbling or grabbing the rail. If I can do it so can anyone who is remotely fit!


The first winter we were here in Canada, my wife took our three young sons to skating lessons. After that, they would go to 'family' skating sessions at the local rink. I never went on the ice, and our 3 year old asked me why. I told him I couldn't skate. He assured me it was easy, and kept insisting I should try, so one day I did. I managed once round the rink, close to the boards, with one hand poised above the dasher. Meanwhile, he skated backwards in front of me, all the way round. As we finished the circuit, with me feeling a mixture of achievement and relief, he said very matter-of-factly "Yeah, you were right, Dad - you can't skate!".

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  • RMweb Premium

Not me!

I am only in one group on Facebook and it is trains related. There must be few people with my name locally who at one time must have been irritated by my students back in the 1970s. They used to like phoning up teachers in the middle of the night and shouting rude words. I had an ex directory number!

Just as well that one of the other admins deleted the application. It was amongst a list of names submitted by one individual who is now barred.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


That's three coats of paint on the Christmas tree bucket. I'm letting the paint really harden before I buff it up tomorrow. The whole thing has cost very little to make, the only items that I've bought have been the bendy MDF and the paint, total cost has been less than £30.00. Sheila had seen wicker skirts to go around the bottom of Christmas trees, but they were in similar price bracket, but storing them would have been a bit of a problem, as the were non-collapsable, whereas mine is!


Sheila has been on line shopping this afternoon, taking advantage of some of the Black Friday offers so she's decided to pug her kindle to one which has a back light. The one she's already got is only about 7-8 months old. When she bought it she wasn't sure wether or not she'd like it, will she clearly does, as its almost glued to her hands.


Last week we put in and order for new curtain rails, she's just had a phone call saying it's arrived so we will be popping out to pick that up later.

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Yesterday (Sunday) morning I got a call from our new GP. I wondered if I was going to have to send for an ambulance PDQ, but no. He was calling to let me know the results of my blood tests (which all seem to be normal fortunately). I must say I was pretty impressed. I've had very few calls from any doctors - ever, and, in the words of the old song, "Never On A Sunday".


Thanks for all the suggestion re. the water situation. More on that later, but it's along story and Shona and Torri are agitating to get the paw-patrol under way.

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  • RMweb Premium



Do you have a diagnosis?




Crikey, the other patient only has one cylinder - hopefully Bob has more!


I never have had hassles with carburation like this even with much more complex motorcycles with many more cylinders.....Hobgoblin seems to work on GDB so maybe I will pour some of that in!

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  • RMweb Gold

Skating ain't hard. I am no-one's idea of a sporting type, but a skool trip to Streatham Ice Rink showed that I could, within the first hour, manage well enough to do a full lap at sedate speed but without either tumbling or grabbing the rail. If I can do it so can anyone who is remotely fit! 


Oh dear Ian, you do realise that I read that and thought "Well if he can - I can."  I then had another (more sensible) thought and that reminded me that as the local A & E depts haven't seen me lately it would probably be best to keep it that way.

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

There are no Water Board’s out in the sticks... which, I suspect, is presumably why Andy is Chairman of an association. Even a couple of miles away from me individual householders are responsible for their own supply, usually via well (using modern methods to draw). It’s a vast country.


Thanks for any birthday greetings on the 19th! I’ve been out of town and must play catch up...


Best, Pete.


I suspected as such. But it does make Andy the Chairman of the Board Association.


I can see why the neighbour has got under his skin. Personally I'd vote he takes action, cuts their supply leaving them with all of nothing at all, sits back and says "I did it my way".

If the surgeon complains, he should just nod sagely and say "That's life, I'll be seeing you."    :whistle:




If you lot thought you wanted a groan button before.....  :declare:  

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  • RMweb Premium

Andy, our GP (remember the 'good man') will communicate by e mail at just about any time, seemingly.  He has been there twice when needed in the last couple of years when things were going very wrong.  The emergency doctor service here presumably works a rota but he has responded himself each time we have sent something.  I presume the get a ping and can pick a call up instead of the 'duty Dr' if they desire.  I was quite ill the last time as it turned out!

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  • RMweb Premium


Major supermarket shop done and sorted a "wifi does not have a valid ip configuration fault" on this computer. After reading how to fix this via my iphone for about 10 mins I thought I would stick to the old fashioned method of fixing ie turn it all off and start again!!

Problem sorted, lets see if it comes back!




My laptop has turned in a similar fault. Ever since the last auto upgrade on the first day of holiday. I thought I'd fixed it last night after finding a fix on the net via my desk PC, but then repeated the same fault about half an hour ago. Same fix worked. I wonder if it'll trip up again?


Country commute today was a bit wet. Especially on the homeward trip. I would've fared better with pontoons on the side of the car.

 Near home, there was much more traffic than usual as it was being diverted around Whalley. Whalley made a bit of fame for the wrong reasons last Christmas, when it was flooded and the picture doing the rounds was a "Land with Planning Permission for 39 homes" (or similar) which showed a field about 6 feet deep in water.

I hope the village hasn't been hit again, as some of the homes have only just recovered from 11 months ago.


Off to sort stock for the NEC and an item or two to put in the new showroom at work.


Catch up later.




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Drove home from town today at about four o'clock and school kids were walking home in near darkness, wind, and rain. School uniforms were black from head to toe with a white shirt, that can only be seen from the front. I don't know who designs school uniforms but road safety doesn't seem to feature highly in the specification.


Stay safe all.

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