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Yeah, replaced the O ring seal, tried spraying WD around it, nuthin.  Always a good trick though!  Mixture shows OK at the plug when the float and needle are in the factory settings, but then the pick-up is awful, it misses a couple of firing strokes then goes OK after it decides to light up - classic rich mixture sign.  I have tried two factory needles and an aftermarket one - not a jot of difference.  A friend at the old farts club may have another carb as he restored one ages ago and had a spares bike, if he shows with it we'll see if that is any better!  Thinking of trying a carb off something else if he hasn't got one, I have a box of suitable carbs off various 250 singles!  S model one with an accelerator pump is the first one to try.


Yes, sounds like it's getting starved by the low vacuum when you open the throttle until the revs pick up and restore the vacuum. I was going to ask you if those carbs have accelerator pumps, but you already answered the question.

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Morning All,


Where is everybody?!?


We have a fairly mild morning here - with a fantastic sunrise.  Of course, red sky in the morning - but we'll have to wait and see how the weather turns out!


The language test went Ok on Saturday.  To be honest, it was harder than I expected.  It certainly seemed harder than the two mock tests that I had done beforehand.  However, I am not sure whether that is to do with the tests themselves, or due to the pressure of having the test under exam conditions.


Yesterday we had a quiet day, and I went for my Sunday afternoon walk.


Oh well - time for a coffee.


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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  • RMweb Premium

ER time was about 02:50, but I stayed in bed till 04:45 then got up to get ready for work. it's a cold northerly wind with heavy rain again this morning, most annoy to here some weather forecaster on the local radio, sitting in her office in London saying the East will stay dry this Morning as the rain spreads in from the west. When it's been bucketing down for hours and I'm almost as east as you can get in Norfolk .


 A calibrator to calibrate for the next three day and we have another boss due in from America with any luck he'll pay for the section Christmas dinner like he did last year....

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Morning all. Yet another wet start to the day but no plans to go out today.


Another day of writing reports so nothing too taxing to start the week.


Time for another coffee before I start.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning to most, evening to some.


Lots to do today as I have been informed that I need a haircut. I also have some parcels to prepare and post and some signs to prepare so that the demonstrators at the nEC this weekend know who they are. Top that up with some domestic duties and some crust earning and.....it's going to be a busy day.

bye for now!


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning


Everything back to normal after the weekend.


Bus very late so had to walk but uckily it had stoped raining. However our train cancelled due to staff shortage. Well it's actually running but as it's over 20 late it's missing many of its stops including ours.


So on a busy Thameslink that's also late.


Can't put up with the carp much more especially as we now have three days of strike starting tomorrow.

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Now here's a fine kettle of fish, or a stinking pile of dog poo if you prefer.


I'm sure you will all remember (yeah, right) that I am the president of our community water association (no other mugs were available at the time.) It turns out that a plastic sturgeon surgeon who owns three houses in our community, two of which he rents out, has been purloining water via an unauthorized connection from one house to another house. We charge a very reasonable annual fee of $150 per house and I reckon this chancer has been stealing from us for at least five years.


I'd like to get him to cough-up without things getting too nasty (or expensive).



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Good morning one and all


I apologise for my late arrival.  It was caused by sleep interrupted by a coughing fit and consequent lateness in crawling out of bed, rescheduled bath and having to move the car [twice] to stop it fouling Mrs Electric Chair's gate. 


You were right, folks.  I enjoyed Gervase Phinn immensely but was a tad surprised when he walked on and started telling jokes.  Somehow I had imagined him reading from his books about life as a school inspector but he entertained without notes, switching effortlessly and instantly from uproarious humour to deadly serious as and when required.  This last is a power given to few: the young singer-guitarist Ethan Thomas is particularly adept at it.  I was stunned to see how many books Gervase had written but did not add to my collection of five which he signed for me.


What does the week portend?  Fodder runs tomorrow and Friday, watching the autumn statement on Wednesday, visit to Poorly Pal on Thursday and completion of the joyous task of writing the C*****mas cards prior to despatch early next week.  One, I confess, has already been entrusted to its recipient as he and I happened to be in the same place at the same time.  In addition I hope to be rid of my ruddy cold.


Best wished to all beset with the lurgi, to all travellers, to the lonely and depressed and to the ailing not smitten with aforesaid lurgi, recovering, supporting, grieving and missing.  Anyone not covered by this announcement should stand over there while we decide what to do with you.



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Morning all from the soggy, damp, miserable looking, boring borough. Its Monday. Blech.


Work is stupid already. All of the planned travel and project work for the next 2 weeks has been fobbed off to someone else and I've been drafted into another fire fight for a new client. Money doesn't just talk it bloody screams. Of course they couldn't tell me this on Friday. No that would have meant some sort of planning and coordination. I found an email this morning that had been sent at 21:37 last night. Good thing I checked this morning before setting off to the beautiful medieval market town of St Evenage. Otherwise, I'd now be using some language that would send the naughty word widget on the forum into terminal meltdown.


Andy: might I suggest hooking up the sturgeon's illicit water connections to the nearest septic tank. Then have a community curry night.


B*gger all else happening here. The weekend was a total washout. Although to be honest I planned nothing and managed to accomplish just that.


Enjoy your day everyone.

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Morning all. Another carp night with little sleep.


I like to listen to Radio 4 during the day whilst I potter. Pottering involves visiting many rooms in the house, so I like to have a radio on in each room. This used to be no problem and over the years I have acquired many wireless sets. My latest three have DAB which my son introduced me to (and up with which I will put!). These are out of phase with their forebears, such that I get 7 pips on the hour. On investigation I find that I have not only DAB and FM, but also LW. internet radio, TV radio courtesy of the virgins, TV radio by Freeview, mobile phone radio and possibly others. 


NONE of the bl00dy things are in time with each other. My son seems to think I should invest in several Bluetooth speakers, but he doesn't really listen to the radio at all. This is progress?


And another thing. This computer uses Windows (10 I think) and something called Google Chrome which my son arranged because he thinks I will find it easier. My minii-pad uses iOS (I think) and my phone is a jelly-bean Android. All of these are very different from each other but, worse, it seems that nowadays the darn things decide at random intervals to turn themselves off and re-start with many things altered. Grrrr...


If you are still reading I don't want your sympathy, but should you wish to send money...... :stinker:


Best wishes



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Ivan, I'm missing certain booze related additions to the outfit, or have you "conveniently" erased them in Photoshop? ;)


The grey object next to the rider's left knee looks rather like a drink carrier.


Grey and dismal here; the weather's not too great either. A rough night means I'm tempted to go back to bed.


Back later, have a good day, stay dry.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. It is damp out but not raining just now. It isn't even windy.

I dont think much is planned for today. I was planning to replace the,central heating thermostat but as Amazon delivered it yesterday I replaced it last night. I also fixed the flame effect (dead bulb) in the lounge fireplace. Robbie likes to stretch out near it!

Matthew got back to Cork. His plane was delayed taking off but although there were announcements in 3 languages, none mentioned why they were late. He had an hour to wait for a bus so spent most of it chatting to me about the differences between life in Cork and Utrecht.


Edited by Tony_S
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Hello from a very soggy Somerset. 84.2mm of rain recorded here in the last 6 days.


I am surprised that the garden is not under water, but the wet stuff seems to be draining away somewhere. I think I may prepare myself some bacon and eggs to start the week.

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