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Part 2 of the holiday snaps. Apologies for being photo heavy.

A lot less rail related.


The wedding was in Greenville SC and we were there for two days.

Part of the fun of the trip was spotting various state licence plates and whilst heading for breakfast one day, we came across this.



Nothing unusual in a SC plate in SC, but the window sticker needed closer attention.

Just for Judge John.



We though we'd struggle to see Alaska, but we did get this personailsed gem.



Loads of Ford Mustangs about, but only one in an appropriate shade.



And this is me with my truck



It had the turning circle that was larger than a small country and sometimes my forwards parking was a bit awry. Junior NB took delight in pointing this out.



However, as pickup trucks go, it was a lot smaller than many others. Junior and myself catching the early sun whilst waiting for Mrs NB to get ready.



We then spent three days in Savannah GA. We'd been there before on a day trip from Hilton Head a few years ago and it was rude not to return for more.


Savannah has quite a rich and mostly recent history involving the Revolutionary War (War of Independence to us Brits)

The river waterfront has seen much rebuilding and these are the warehouses built up from the riverfront.



Crossing one of the many access roads to River Street. (Our truck is parked on the front - straight this time)



The cobbles are mainly offloaded ballast from the many sailing ships over the years. Large quantities of stone from the northern US seaboard and UK are all readily visible.



Especially for John KillyB. The "Laura K. Mann" and "Savannah". The building across the river is the Westin Hotel next to the Savannah Exhibition and Convention Centre and had just hosted a three day gun expo.



The "Juliette Gordon Low". One of the three free ferries across the river to the Convention centre. We had a quick trip to the other side and back..



I've ridden a Segway before, but Mrs and Junior hadn't. A 5 minute training session - they are that easy to ride - and we headed out onto the streets for a guided tour.



This is where the seat for the bus stop in "Forrest Gump" was located. Not a bus to be seen. After the film, the seat was donated to the city, but after numerous attempts to steal it were made, it was re-located in the city museum.



Savannah Cathedral. The largest in Georgia. Quite small by comparison to European cathedrals, but still very pretty.



A triple balancing act.



After the Segway ride, (especially for Ian RH) we went to the Crystal Beer Parlor - Forty or more on tap.



As Mrs NB is very interested in Guides and Girl Scouts, we returned to the first meeting place of the Girl Scouts of the US - she got photobombed..... :jester:




On the last day we visited "Savannah's Beach" at Tybee Island. The C******** decorations were being put up.



The Tybee lighthouse - the tallest in GA and still illuminated.



The beach was very quiet.



Finally, our last full meal. THis thing is about 10" wide.... (Note, two knives to share)



Driving back to Charlotte NC, we detoured via Augusta to pass the home of The Masters. I had been told that the outside was quite unassuming. This is the gate used by spectators for the event and is closed for the other 360 days or so. The member's gate about 100 yards down the road looked simply like an entrance to a gated housing estate. Unless you knew that the course was where it is, there's no way the casual passer-by would know.



As for the orange connection from the previous post. The parent company is Genesee & Wyoming Railroad, who own or lease about 120 lines in the US. They are the owners of UK based Freightliner.


Hope you enjoyed the pics. No real holidays until April next year.


Now preparing for a weekend at the NEC Warley show next weekend. Come and say hello on stand A53.




Edited by newbryford
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Morning all.


Just dropping in to record my ongoing respiration.  Been very unwell the past week as a cold has developed into bronchitis and the voice is again MIA.  The joys of a low immune system (a permanent legacy of radiation oncology six years ago) meaning every little thing knocks me for six.  It has also been extremely busy at the Palace which I have managed to attend for all but one of the rostered nine day stretch.  Today is the last.  I can sleep all of the next two.


I'll do some caching up soon but suffice to say thoughts are with Debs as I was made aware of her loss.

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Evening all from red dragon land.

Good sunny day but stayed indoors out of the cold.


One of the things I look forward to when I make the once a year cake, is having pancakes for tea to use up the lemon, its grated peel having gone in the cake.  Great with freshly squeezed lemon juice (with the juicy bits!) and a bit of sugar.  Another opportunity for pancakes comes round when I ice the cake, just needing a few teaspoons of juice there is plenty left over.   :nyam:


Enjoyed a bit of modelling today as well.  


Wishing everyone well.

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Good evening everyone


It's been a day when not everything went to plan. I managed to get the Christmas tree bucket painted with primer this morning. But when it came to putting on the top coat on the inside, the spray can wouldn't work, tried a different nozzle, still wouldn't work so I ended up going to the shops to buy some more. When I got home it started to rain, but by then it was getting dark so I decided to give up. Hopefully I'll be able to try again tomorrow.


Goodnight all

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Chippewa Square in Savannah probably commemorates the battle of Chippawa which is my ancestral home, one of the few that the Americans won in the war of 1812. My father told me that the American troops were advancing north from Buffalo area. The British commander thought they were militia from the uniforms and deployed his defenses accordingly. When the Americans advanced, he said, " My God, those are regulars!"

How is Tybee Island now? We had reports of a lot of storm damage. We camped there some years ago.

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Today we went to see my sister perform. She was in a new work called Operation Daddy/War Brides which was a musical with appropriate songs set in stories about the British girls that married Canadian soldiers. She had a prominent part as one of two ladies recalling the war years, but she didn't get as much singing as I thought she should -- that went to the younger cast.

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Good morning one and all


I had a good trip to Portsmouth yesterday.  The outward run took under three hours including a pit stop for breakfast but the homeward journey was impeded by congestion on the A3 all the way from Guildford to the M25.  I had forgotten just how good the school dinners are so my sarnies had to wait until 8 pm.  There were cuppas with a few chums including JohnDMJ.


I thought the cold was better but not this morning it isn't.  It will probably be a good idea to take things quietly today, saving myself for this evening when I will go to The Stables for "An Evening with Gervase Phinn".  For those who can't quite place the name, he is a retired school inspector who tells a good tale and has written several books which I shall take with me in case he signs autographs.  As usual, there are plenty of jobs that need doing but the 64 dollar question is whether I feel like doing them.


Best wishes to the lonely and depressed, to all travellers [from the TV news that is on now it doesn't look too clever in the south of England today] and to the ailing, supporting, recovering, grieving and missing.



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Angus arrived here on the coast of Norfolk about an hour ago( 05:30,) as I type they have just reported a gust of wind mid English channel at 97 mph.

I suspect there will be little sailing at the club, the first race is supposed to be 10:45, no sailing for me next week either it's SWMBOs weaving groups Christmas dinner.


The dinner went well last night I'm fit to explode for the second time in three days.


School dinners good? They must have changed since I left school!!

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Good morning


Another good night around Wakefield finishing in the Red Shed.


Woken up around 4am by a bunch of people returning to the hotel completely rat arsed. Apparently I slept through the worst part of the noise as the hotel security chucked some of them out off the premises. I wish that I knew which rooms he remaining ones are in as would like to go wake them up as we go for breakfast to see how they like it.


Weather all peaceful here unlike back home. Our CCTV is showing some of our plants being battered by the wind.

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Morning to most, evening to ERs in the Southern hemisphere.


Concert duly attended. It was a mini last night of the proms. Her indoors played side drum, cymbals and triangle. She managed to cover up mistakes from the brass section on Woods Sea Songs.

A bottle of Adnams Southwold duly consumed on our return to the hotel.


This morning we attend a celebratory brunch, then off to see Dr Eldest Herbert in Hull, then back to Leeds for tea and umpiring.have a great day/evening



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Morning all. Definitely a wet and windy start to the day and it looks like it will stay that way. At least there are no plans to go out today.


Lots of modelling planned and a bit of ironing planned for today so nothing too strenuous.


Have a good day everyone

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Morning all from slightly north of Ikea.   Breakfast consumed, cats fed and having to put up with watching Celebrity on catch up as Beth has got up early.  had a good day yesterday at the show.  the highlight for me was showing two youngsters  (8 and 10) how to solder, and then seeing their faces as the chassis of my 2F ran up and down the 14" of track that I've got.   Magic. We also got a prospective new club member, so the demonstrating had been very worthwhile.  I might even get a bit of the body of the 2F built today.  Fortunately we seem to have escaped the worst of storm Angus so far and there is no more white stuff.  


Regards to all.




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Hello from a soggy Somerset. A wet and windy night in these parts, but it is getting a little brighter now.


My man cold persists, but I managed the night without the cough mixture. We have now had 70mm rain in the last 4 days and the gardens are turning into a pudding consistency. Mind you, the lack of insects has brought the birds back to my garden feeders.


Not a lot on the agenda today, although I have about 4 month's worth of Backtrack magazines still in their plastic bags, so I might have a catch up.

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Morning all.

Wet and windy here. Plenty of leaves on the lawn to feed the worms.

We are off to Enfield for lunch with MiL today. Nephew Josh may pop round for tea while we are there too. He lives in Brighton but is in London for the weekend.

Matthew should be on his way back to Cork from Schipol now. He did find somewhere to live and did have a couple of good meetings with his tutor.


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' Morning all from red dragon land.  Clouds brightened by morning sun.

Angus arrived here on the coast of Norfolk about an hour ago( 05:30,) as I type they have just reported a gust of wind mid English channel at 97 mph.
I suspect there will be little sailing at the club, the first race is supposed to be 10:45, no sailing for me next week either it's SWMBOs weaving groups Christmas dinner.

The dinner went well last night I'm fit to explode for the second time in three days.

School dinners good? They must have changed since I left school!!

All the schools I went to had excellent school dinners, including the ones I taught in.  Guess I was pretty lucky, eh!

One favourite and tasty item on the menu, which I had not heard of before I went to that particular school, was kromeskies.  The school version, which I still enjoy as "pigs in blankets," doesn't include anything other than sausages and bacon, and they are done in the oven, not fried.

Not sure I would enjoy school dinners today though - so different.  When we exhibited in a school earlier this year, they had the weekly school menu posted up on the board right by us.  I took one look and thought, "I'd starve on this lot!"  not because the food was poor quality or anything like that, I just did not see much I liked on the menu!  Needless to say, going out for a meal these days is a challenge!


Nothing planned today as far as I know so might do a bit of modelling.


Hope your days goes well and those inflicted with colds and stuff get better soon.

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Morning all,


Chris an evening listening to Gervase Phinn sounds as if it will be great entertainment - we went to listen to him at the local literary festival some years ago and he was marvellous; his books are good too.


Yesterday we paid a second, slightly longer, visit to what has been billed as a 'Christmas Market' - bit daft in some respects as it is only on for this weekend!!  Some stuff for sale plus a number of tempting food stalls and in the end I settled for a bratwurst, mit senf, and very nice it was too.  The senf and tomato ketchup dispensers were most peculiar - large containers hung upside down on a high frame with a sort of teat at the bottom which you squeezed to get the stuff onto your sausage, and they worked superbly well even if it was a bit like milking a cow.


Wet & miserable outside but mushrooms will be appearing for breafa brunch before too long accompanied by a fresh pot of tea.


Have a good day folks

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