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  • RMweb Premium

​Morning all from a rather white village. yes there is a small dusting of the white stuff but it's raining at the moment.  Breakfast consumed.  Off out to salt the drive so that Beth doesn't slip then off to the stadium to set up the show.   Hopefully see some of you over the weekend.  I'll be demoing loco construction.


Regards to all.



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Morning all. A definite chill in the air this morning but at least the there aren't any clouds to be seen.


Another day of report writing which I hope will be an early finish.


Robert - Just in case I forget tomorrow, good luck


Time for another coffee before starting the days work.


Have a good day everyone.

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pH, on 18 Nov 2016 - 00:05, said:

$10 for a two-four, Andrew? That must have been quite some time ago!

The Olympia should have been a dead giveaway. This would be Lake MacDonald in Glacier Park Mt back around 1986.


<old curmudgeon mode>I remember way back when I turned 18. A case of 12 stubby bottles was $4.55. $0.24 of that was deposit on the bottles. Shame the only beer you could get back then in Alberta was sh*t. Probably why I started drinking in the "English pubs" that started appearing at the time. $3.99 for a pint of real Guinness was a far better option than Molson or Labatts.


Moaning all from the boring borough. Work is still a steaming bucket of yak excrement. No idea where I'll be or what I'll be doing next week yet. They are still fighting over my time.


Here is some secret video of one of the management meetings. Still can't get the bloody video to embed for me.




That's about it from here. Enjoy your day and weekend.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Should be mainly dry with sunny spells today.....should be.

As we're having a bit of a do tomorrow it has been decreed that the house is in a mess (it's not) so we should spend all day and tomorrow putting it right (wrong!)

Further discussions will be taking place shortly.

I may be some some time.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold



We may visit Iron Bridge, as most of us haven't been there before. I was rather surprised by their prices, i.e. 10% higher with gift aid. Given that they then get another 20% gift aid from HMRC, this gives the, a total of 30% extra with gift aid. But why would anyone choose to pay an extra 10% for no gain to themselves. I just don't understand this. Perhaps someone could explain it to me?

Ironbridge gorge is part of Telfland.


Does that answer your question?

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Hello from a decidedly wet Somerset.


Lots of heavy rain, hail and thunder yesterday evening and overnight. A few big bright flashes of lightning as I visited the bathroom in the small hours, but the thunder seemed quite distant at times, so I presume the worst of the weather went over the Mendips.


Mind you, we have had over 30mm of rain in the last 48 hours with another 7mm since midnight so we must have copped a few while I was asleep.


Man cold seems to have stabilised into the almost bearable category, so it may be another tv cricket morning and a tv snooker afternoon.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


What terrible news for Debs - deepest condolences.  And if 'merican Airlines are worse than Ryanair they really truly must be utterly appalling.  I wonder if Mick will get the ultimate Ryanair example of customer 'care' - on a flight running over 1 hour late 'would passengers please help clear up any litter so that we can get a quicker turnround to avoid delay to our return flight', I promptly and very carefully spread my litter of sandwich wrapper and empty orange juice bottle over as much of the area around my seat that I could manage; absolutely bunch of total incompetents and very obvious why they don't offer free alcohol to their passengers - it would be beyond them to organise it.


Today we are going to the pics but we have also decided to take ourselves off to the Root One garden centre for lunch (or, in my case possibly a late breakfast).

Edited by The Stationmaster
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this evening's thunder and lightning is no longer promised but just as we got home with the shopping it absolutely tipped down with rain - didn't last long but plenty of it for a while.


It turned up here instead, along with snow showers. Not a pleasant drive back from Donegal Town last night, in freezing conditions, after a rather acrimonious AGM.


The sea has wreaked more havoc on the dunes and I had to rescue a lifebuoy complete with cabinet and post this morning and drag it to safety higher up the dunes. A little warmer but the hills are still white.


Hope you didn't get hit by the tornadoes Polly.


Oh, and I had better defend Ryanair. I fly with them on a regular basis and find that the flights usually arrive early and the service is good, certainly better than that on the bus that takes me to the airport, which would cost me twice as much as my air fare if I didn't have a travel pass.

Edited by Killybegs
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Cold, dry and sunny here this morning.

I don't recall any bad experiences with Ryanair. Well to be honest their website used to be terribly difficult to navigate but they sorted that out a couple of years ago. Matthew said WizzAir make Ryanair look sophisticated.

I suspect my task for the day will be tidying the "lawns".


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

I see Pete is denying having a birthday today; you can run Pete, but you can't hide!  ;)


American Airlines. I travelled with them once. Panic set in among the Brits almost immediately on the aircraft pushing back from the stand.

"Good morning, thank you for travelling American Airlines. We'll be serving a variety of juices on the 11 1/2 hour flight to San Francisco."


"They didn't mention alcohol."

"They've shut the doors."


"The engines are revving up."

"I didn't hear anyone mention alcohol."

"11 1/2 hours and JUICE?"


As the stewardesses worked their way down the cabin passengers were offered "Juice or water?"

Finally they arrived at the cheap seats. Passengers were starting to sweat, glancing nervously at glasses of pineapple, apple and tomato."

Two grannies sat their winging their way to Palm Springs for some gambling.

"Juice or water?"

"Whisky. We'll have whisky."

An elicit, secret, drawer was opened on the trolley, revealing a stash of booze. 

Passengers stopped praying. The grannies were hailed as heroes for breaking the will of the juice police.. 

The Scotsman next to me asked for "a beer"..... 

The flight attendant smiled sweetly, knowing that Rows 1-50 had had one of their 5-a-day; she'd done her bit for world health.

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.... Not a pleasant drive back from Donegal Town last night, in freezing conditions, after a rather acrimonious AGM.....

Is all not well in the CDRRS/CDRRL? I'm just after receiving a request for money to help publish a book, but have no idea how much the Society wants.

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A 14 year old girl has won her wish to be frozen and brought back to life if a cure for her cancer is ever found. Her grandparents have paid £40,000 for this.

I just wonder;

1. One night the fuse blows.

2. The guy owning the freezers just takes the money now for his lifetime and doesn't maintain the freezers or have any freezers in the first place.

3. The company goes bust.

4. A plethora of other reasons or scams.

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  • RMweb Premium

My deepest sympathy to Debs, we don't have any of the collies in the avatar left now, but are just starting the hunt for a new one again, now the cat we inherited has also departed recently.




I've done many flights in Saudia, they DO NOT serve alcohol. the only alcohol i've ever seen on board someone had injected into oranges...

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A 14 year old girl has won her wish to be frozen and brought back to life if a cure for her cancer is ever found. Her grandparents have paid £40,000 for this.

I just wonder;

1. One night the fuse blows.

2. The guy owning the freezers just takes the money now for his lifetime and doesn't maintain the freezers or have any freezers in the first place.

3. The company goes bust.

4. A plethora of other reasons or scams.

Why do I suddenly hear the Futurama theme playing..........

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A 14 year old girl has won her wish to be frozen and brought back to life if a cure for her cancer is ever found. Her grandparents have paid £40,000 for this.

I just wonder;

1. One night the fuse blows.

2. The guy owning the freezers just takes the money now for his lifetime and doesn't maintain the freezers or have any freezers in the first place.

3. The company goes bust.

4. A plethora of other reasons or scams.

Sounds like a meltdown, followed by decomposition.

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I thought about this freezing thing. If they had, or could find the money, then that was no problem. How much can you put on making a dying 14 year old feel better? I suspect that the "cure" may not work, but then I have been wrong about several recent events.


If she was my kid I'd have sold the house and anything else I could.


BBest wishes



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