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  • RMweb Gold

Sad news at the Nestlé factory today, when a member of staff was seriously injured as a pallet of chocolate fell more than 50 feet and crushed him underneath.

He tried in vain to attract attention of his workmates but every time he shouted,  “The Milky bars are on me”,  everyone cheered!


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  • RMweb Gold

A duck walks into a pub and orders a pint of beer and a ham sandwich.

The barman looks at him and says, "Hang on! You're a duck and you can talk!"


“If you don't mind, can I have my beer and my sandwich please?"


"Certainly, sorry about that," says the barman as he pulls the duck's pint. "It's just we don't get many ducks in this pub.. What are you doing round this way?"

"I'm working on the building site across the road," explains the duck. "I'm a plasterer."


The flabbergasted barman cannot believe the duck and wants to learn more but takes the hint when the duck pulls out a newspaper from his bag and proceeds to read it.

So, the duck reads his paper, drinks his beer, eats his sandwich, bids the barman good day and leaves.

The same thing happens for two weeks, then one day the circus comes to town.


The ringmaster comes into the pub for a pint and the barman says to him "You're with the circus, aren't you? Well, I know this duck that could be just brilliant in your circus. He talks, drinks beer, eats sandwiches, reads the newspaper and everything!"


"Sounds marvellous," says the ringmaster, handing over his business card. "Get him to give me a call."

So the next day when the duck comes into the pub the barman says, "Hey Mr. Duck, I reckon I can line you up with a top job, paying really good money."



   I'm always looking for the next job," says the duck. "Where is it?"

  "At the circus," says the barman.

   "The circus?" repeats the duck.

   "That's right," replies the barman.

   "The circus?" the duck asks again. "That place with the big tent?"

   "Yeah," the barman replies.

  "With all the animals who live in cages, and performers who live in caravans?" says the duck.

   "Of course," the barman replies.

   "And the tent has canvas sides and a big canvas roof with a hole in the middle?" persists the duck.

   "That's right!" says the barman.


The duck shakes his head in amazement, and says .. . ..







"What the f*** would they want with a plasterer??!"




As you may have gathered Mrs GDB is still hogging the big TV.   :banghead:

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.

We left Ellesmere Port at about 2 pm and got home about 7.40. We did stop for a cup of tea near Kettering with Aditi's brother and his family. 4 year old Maya seemed very excited by our visit.

The weekend in Chester finished with a shopping trip to the outlet centre at the aforementioned Ellesmere Port. Aditi had thought it might be a good place to get a posh frock but gave up and went and bought food gifts from Carluccio's. I said we should have a look at luggage as we could do with some modern lightweight cases. We found that there was a special offer of 50% off blue suitcases for some reason. As I nearly bought one at couple of weeks ago in Southampton I am glad for once to have found a genuine bargain.

Matthew arrived back in the Netherlands for a week to sort out accommodation. His flight left at 6 this morning and he needed to check in well before that so got the last bus to the airport on Saturday evening and slept for a few hours before his flight. He said the security people at Cork just check you have a ticket and leave travellers in peace and don't keep waking you up.

Tomorrow is retrieve the doggie from kennels day. I am not planning anything else.


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  • RMweb Premium

' Evening all from red dragon land.

Gorgeous red sunrise this morning with some blue sky though that soon disappeared behind another load of clouds.

No Tolworth / other event for us today.  One up stairs playing t***ns.  One downstairs wishing she was playing t***ns.  Er, not exactly.  :no:
Sorry, not into the electronics bit!  DId enjoy watching the sound fitted Thumper running, though!


A bit of modelling today - making a model of the model.  Yup, that's right, a model of the model or rather doing a test run before completing the kit. So, took a photo, printed it, stuck it on card, started cutting it out and sticking it together.  The difficult bit is yet to come.


I'll sleep on it.


' Night all.  Nos da.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Managed to find a few bargains at Rayleigh today. First was a Classix lorry in new condition in its box together with a pair of the old Matchbox J2 pick-ups and a 00 scale VW convertible of indeterminate manufacture, all for the grand total of £3. Also a pack of half a dozen early (gas) working street lights for £2.50 well pleased.

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A duck walks into a pub and orders a pint of beer and a ham sandwich.....

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ...."What the f*** would they want with a plasterer??!"



                                                                                                               As you may have gathered Mrs GDB is still hogging the big TV.   :banghead:



I've heard the joke before, but the ad lib was a definite LOL !!

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Rather interestingly my Grandfather  spent much of his war (WW1) on the Italian front fighting Austrians. He received a medal from Italy for holding a bridge with his platoon against spirited attacks by the Austrian Army ( not all of them ). He was in the Honourable Artillery Company and spent the rest of the time, seemingly,  patrolling the Tower of London - where they would wind each other up by pretending to be apparitions...


I have no idea what happened to all his medals but suspect that my eldest cousin has custody as he was the favorite of my Grandmother (being her first Grandchild).


I do have a photo of my Grandfather in front of the Sphinx (it appears to have been still buried up to it’s neck at the time but it may be a the perspective of the photo).


People often forget that the Italians were on “our” side in WW1.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

Mrs BoD made the sprout soup.

Mrs BoD tasted the sprout soup.

Mrs BoD threw the sprout soup away.


I could have saved her a lot of time and effort but would she listen?


My father reported that at a RCAF reunion dinner, part of the dinner listing was "ONE Brussels sprout".

Dad did grow them in the garden for a few years after the war.

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My father reported that at a RCAF reunion dinner, part of the dinner listing was "ONE Brussels sprout".

Dad did grow them in the garden for a few years after the war.

David, have you read this book? https://books.google.ca/books?id=4TwfAAAAQBAJ "Boys, Bombs and Brussel Sprouts", by a WW2 RCAF bomber pilot.


(He mentions a pub in North Yorkshire they used to visit by rowing a boat across a river from the base. Years later, I worked with the granddaughter of the landlord of that pub, and he had told her about his Canadian customers.)

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Good morning one and all


Lunch with an old friend yesterday was most enjoyable.  We dined on roast beef and the trimmings but both of us cannot stand cauliflower cheese and left that particular joy for others - not on the side of the plate, you understand, but back on the kitchen having asked the barlady to ensure that it was not included in the meal.  Earlier, I did not get to grips with the C*****mas message as I had hoped but did complete the ironing, at last.  It's all go here.


The fodder run will return to its normal slot tomorrow as I am satisfied that my dwindling supplies of Horlicks and Ovaltine will last for one more night.  Stocks of other commodities are good with the exception of tinned rice pudding, to the last can of which I succumbed at teatime yesterday.  It is a useful standby.  Wednesday evening will see Chris versus the M1 once more as I head for Harpenden and the Area Group meeting.  A more sensible time for using that particular highway to hell is first thing in the morning on Saturday, which I will need to do if I am to reach the Portsmouth show in time to park near the venue.


Best wishes, then, to the lonely and depressed, to all travellers [not that I am at all self-interested!] and to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving and missing.



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Morning all. Monday morning has arrived again and seems to have arrived quicker this week. Being in school for all of Saturday may well have had something to do with that of course. Yesterday was enjoyable although plans did get affected by Amber's cold becoming worse through the day. She decided that she did not want to go to church so Sarah went alone. I observed the two minutes silence at home on my own in front of the CBeebies animated tribute, considering my daughter was able to tell me exactly what it was about it seemed to have achieved its aim.

Amber felt well enough to venture out for a pub lunch. A nice Sunday roast was consumed and she ate like a horse! Once home though she did go downhill and took herself off to bed late afternoon with ear ache. She perked up later and went to sleep at her usual time although she woke up just before midnight and came into our bed. Her constant tossing and turning in her sleep left little room for Sarah and I so I spent the rest of last night in Amber's room.

At least Sarah and I got to spend done time together. We enjoyed the pub meal and sat in front of the tv in the evening chatting about a few different subjects. Much needed time.


Enjoy the day if you can!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning from a drizzly Surrey.


And the trains... well you probably guessed what I was going to sy. All messed up at the moment due to a broken down train at Littlehaven. Ours is cancelled and the slightlyvearleir Vic service is now delayed so Redhill station a bit too cozy.


Just four days of Southern Fail this week.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning to most, evening to some.


Glad to here you are OK in South Island Wigan! Rick I hope your shift isn't too stressful.


A huge pile of parcels to be posted today.one parcel to be completed.


More cricket umpiring today. Some of the players have never played indoor cricket before so this could be interesting.


Positive thoughts to all especially any one I'll



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Morning all from the village by the M62.   Breakfast finished and very glad that all of our New Zealand members and connections seem to be OK>  Just hope that it stays that way.  Anyway must dash as the boss's foot is giving her some serious gipp so it's off to the minor injuries clinic.



Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, awoke at 03:30 so for me that was a good night sleep of Six hours.


 The sleep was probably encouraged by yesterdays race, held after the silence. Due to the delay for Rememberance and the very light winds, we just had a very long race round the cans, instead of the long passage race we were supposed to have. The two ends of the bouyed course were put much further out than normal.

We sailed in very light conditions struggling to keep moving along the southern bank of the river heading  generally in a westerly direction. (the wind was a northerly)

Luckily for us, at a 90 degree turn towards the south we just popped out into the lead, were able then to pull up our spinnaker, while the others blocked each others wind. After that they never really got close to us and we won! :no:


This morning it's raining again, the rain having washed all the mud off of the first 1.5 miles of road caused by the suger beet lifting.  The road now looks gravelled as it's left all the stones on the road.


Later on on the journey into work (about 06:20 pitch black and bucketing down with rain), I came across a soggy jogger, wearing all black on the road!!  there was a perfectly good foot path the other side of the road. the only thing I saw of him to start with was a white trim on his trainers...


My sympathies to anyone involved with the New Zeeland earthquake, I have distant relations out there but not heard anything (no news is good news).


We know that earthquakes are caused by tectonic plates moving.

We know the earths tides and gravity are influenced by the movement of the moon.

Today is a supermoon, while the earthquake would have happened anyway sometime, was it's actually timing altered by the supermoon?


Measuring more current shunts today...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather grey out but I don't think it is particularly cold.

I will be collecting Robbie later this morning. Hopefully he will still like us. I will buy buy some dog food on the way to the kennels just in case there isn't any left from the package we supplied to kennels. Robbie definitely likes people who provide food.

Matthew has two house viewings today. He has retrieved his bike from the person who was looking after it for him so at least he can cycle to the appointments.


Edited by Tony_S
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