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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up everyone.


Sunny morning here, her indoors has already loaded the washing machine and started it. Mention has been made of getting the ccard address list ready as cards need to go to some good friends in Oz.


Cricket to umpire tonight, so chance to get some modelling done.


Have a great day.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a sunny and dry village.  Much has already been achieved this morning.  I'd been asked by a friend to do the sound for our village remembrance ceremony as he's down in London for the big one.  No problem, all I need to do was set up a mike, a couple of speakers and power it all from the 12v socket in the boot of my car. No probs so far, my mate came down to the cenotaph one afternoon and we set everything up and tried it.   Then yesterday the vicar rang to say that the trumpeter had let her down.   So it's been a frantic time finding the right lead to connect my laptop to the amp then finding and downloading the requisite MP3 files for the last post, reveille, the hymn and the national anthem.   Anyway it's now sorted and tested.   I hope it all goes well.   I will be remembering my father's cousin who was killed near Arras in 1917. 


Anyway must get going as breakfast has now been consumed.  Once church and the cenotaph are finished then it's start preparing the house for the outlaws to come for dinner this evening. Ccards are being written as we will be in France over Christmas.  Various bits of shopping have already been done.   The upside is that we will have a good dinner of stew and dumplings as that's soft enough for FiL to eat.  Hopefully I may get a bit of modelling done at some point.

Regards to all

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


I do hope Ian (the Abel one) isn't consigned to the belfry as it will be awful noisy up there with the bells swinging to & fro and the timbers creaking.  The ringing chamber, or wherever they ring from as it might be at the base of the tower, will no doubt be where he will watch but if (unlikely) a rope goes do not, repeat not, try to grab it as that process has a habit of removing fingers or parts thereof or breaking wrists and arms - don't overlook the fact there are several hundredweights of bell on the other end and it could be moving from vertically up right to hanging down.  But a very interesting process to watch so enjoy.


Weather looking reasonable, G word not mentioned but I bet 'tidying the dining room' will be - the G word might, on reflection, be better :O


Have a good day one and all.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Good morning all. White goods problems. The fridge has been smelling of fish. Couldn't find what it was, so I've emptied it and thrown the contents away. Washed all the removable bits yesterday, will clean the inside today. Meanwhile the washing machine has made a flood, and on inspection it's been going on a while. The output hose appears to have split. I'm sure I kept one from an old machine (that'll come in useful!), but even if I find it it probably won't fit.


Would like to have gone to Tolworth, but I can't face the journey. Off to find some breakfast now as nothing in fridge-see above.


TTFN as Sir Jimmy would have said.



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Morning all. I hope this morning finds you well and that those recovering from excess alcohol consumption recover quickly. Thanks to everyone for the good wishes regarding the show. Those of you who have read the show thread will already know the outcome, but for those who haven't, I am pleased to report all proved to be a great success. We had a good turn out of visitors, lots of positive comments and raised £972 for school funds. That total is approximately £10 up on last year.

Thank you to those who issued their advice. Unfortunately it is impossible for me to hand over the organising reigns. The show is probably unique in the sense that it is not organised by members of a model railway club. There is no club at the school. In fact there is no other model railway enthusiast amongst the staff. Therefore if I do not do the job there is no show.

Today we are due to attend the local church for the Rememberance Day service. However Armber's cold seems to have got worse so I think I will be staying in to look after her. Hopefully she will feel better this afternoon because I have promised to take Sarah out for a pub lunch as a small thank you for putting up with me during the busy lead up to the show.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


I am apparently fit enough to return to the Palace for 9.30am unless the morning brings no further relief from the Dreaded Lurgy and Galloping Gout.  We'll see.  Uniform is neatly pressed and ready.


Our Dutch neighbours invited us over for afternoon tea at short notice.  They had some news.  Daughter who flew the nest earlier this year to start university in The Netherlands was expected home for Christmas.  She isn't coming.  Instead Father is going over there as he has been offered work starting on 2nd January.  Mother and son will pack up here and sell the house thereby coming from behind to beat us back home by a few weeks.  We wish them well.  They won't be neighbours any more of course but we already plan to visit each other in our respective home countries before 2017 is out.  


All change at the top of the court then.  Ours will be leased through an agent and theirs will go for sale.  Ours is one bedroom larger and the block has a slightly greater footprint but theirs in in better condition generally.  I'll be interested to see what they can get for it.  Their initial appraisal was rather more than I would have expected.  I know what I'd put this place on at if I had to sell tomorrow.  I may need to revised that upwards by a good $50K if theirs does as well as they expect.  The market here is pretty strong.  No reason why there should not be significant interest.


Now it's off to the Snorium though my chances of a good night's sleep have been diminished by spending much of the past five days thus engaged.  Tomorrow is another day.  The sun will rise.  I hope it brings us all a smile.

Edited by Gwiwer
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  • RMweb Premium

Good afternoon everyone


UP, like yesterday much later than planned, but it's Sunday so who cares, not I for one. Once again last night before we went to bed, I dismantled the last picture frame ready for painting this morning. I'm so glad I did, as it means that the frame has now already received its first coat of paint.


Mrs W is another who starts C shopping in January, taking advantage of some of the bargains to be had in the post Christmas sales, she also does some of the shopping for our youngest son too! He just coughs up the readies when required.


The weather is very calm today, but slightly overcast, but no rain. More brownie points to earn!


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

A lovely sunny day here. Not so warm that I fancy spending leisure time out in the garage over the coming months, so an idea is germinating for a very portable layout that can be brought into the lounge. I've been down this route before but 6' x 18" x 15" height is not portable enough! Clearly so as it's been hanging at one end of the garage for months, and having now taken it down the extra light and space is good. 


So, a day of salvaging points and scenery beckons. Onwards and upwards! 

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  • RMweb Premium

Medals awarded to Petty Officer Thomas Mark Watters Chislett, RN (1882-1956) who served during the First World War, along with his tin identity disc. He is my grandfather.

Left to right:


  • The 1914-15 Star
  • British War Medal
  • Victory Medal
  • Good Conduct Medal
The first three are known, collectively, as Pip, Squeak and Wilfred after newspaper cartoon characters of the time.

Photos showing obverse and reverse.



They are not for sale, and never will be.

They were given to me by my Uncle (Arthur) who turned 100 last month. I am now the custodian of our family history.

And my grandfather, his sisters, wife (my grandmother) and two of his daughters (my aunts) in 1951


attachicon.gifChislett reunion 1951.jpg


Please excuse the indulgence.

John. No apologies are necessary!

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  • RMweb Premium

Got back from the cenotaph and the cup of tea in the village hall.  Everything went well except when I clicked on Windows media player for the Last Post the unmistakeable drum roll at the start of the National Anthem rang out.  I managed to get it sorted but my wife and the vicar, both of whom had parts to read, were looking at me and hiding their faces behind their service sheets trying not to laugh during the silence.  


Anyway the rest all worked well, unfortunately I suspect I may be asked to help again next year.



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Just got back from the Tolworth show. Not a busy show and spent a fair bit of time with Bob and Bob (GDB and 81C). Also met Ian A and caught up with Ian (IDL). My wallet took a light hammering this time.


A quick coffee before sorting myself out for an early start tomorrow and not returning until Tuesday evening.


Back later

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Thank you to those who issued their advice. Unfortunately it is impossible for me to hand over the organising reigns. The show is probably unique in the sense that it is not organised by members of a model railway club. There is no club at the school. In fact there is no other model railway enthusiast amongst the staff. Therefore if I do not do the job there is no show.


People such as yourself are to be applauded for their willingness to give precious time towards the pleasure of others. Well done, Andy, and long may you reign! (sorry!)

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  • RMweb Gold

Just got back from the Tolworth show. Not a busy show and spent a fair bit of time with Bob and Bob (GDB and 81C). Also met Ian A and caught up with Ian (IDL). My wallet took a light hammering this time.


A quick coffee before sorting myself out for an early start tomorrow and not returning until Tuesday evening.


Back later

So you found Ian A in the end was GDB with you at the time? sorry I missed you Ian maybe next time, I had to dash early for a poorly dog.  

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


Well that's the last picture frame painted, the print re-fitted and then re-hung on the wall. Mrs W quite fancies all the knobs/furniture painting. So, whilst I had the paint out I painted a small spare drawer knob, once it had had two coats it was then buffed up. The paint I've been using over the last few days can be left either as a MATT, or it can be polished to give a nice SATIN finish, with just a bit of elbow grease and a scouring pad (yes honestly). So (now, no sniggering at the back please) yes, this afternoon I've been polishing my knob. Once it was completed I removed a knob from a drawer in the living room and replaced it with the painted one. Mrs W is so pleased with the result that she's now quite happy now for just the knobs to be painted and the furniture can remain in the wood! Result!


Not much else planed for this evening, maybe a bit of recoded TV to watch.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening.  Busy day at Grumble, fitting big end brasses to the new Steamplex engine. My arms ache from all the filing!  We also had Annie in steam, she is still having a few tweaks after her boiler having been fitted with a new firebox this year.  Her first turns in traffic will be the Santa trains, I'm rostered to drive one of the four days and Guard on another.  It is the hardest work of the year, really busy and a 'jazz' service - up and down as many times as we can!  We top and tail our three bogie coaches with two locos to save running around.


A dull day though, and a little rain at the end. Absolutely knackered now!

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We lowered our flags at the 2 minutes silence, and the entire club stood at the front even a gentleman rowing past Stopped near the flag pole.


A club member who has in recent times served, fought and lost friends, was on tea bar duty. He made lots of cup cakes each decorated with a poppy, they were sold and the money put directly into the poppy appeal tub on the counter.


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People such as yourself are to be applauded for their willingness to give precious time towards the pleasure of others. Well done, Andy, and long may you reign! (sorry!)

Given myself a "should do better" mark for missing the typing of "reigns" instead of "reins". At least I did not get caught it a rain shower!!

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Just heard that our son and his family in Dunedin, New Zealand, are safe and well. The earthquake was north of them close to Christchurch but there was fear of a following tsunami that may have affected the Otago peninsula so they were awakened in the night and told to move to higher ground from their house near the beach. They are back home again now, all part of living in a country on a fault line. Our thoughts go out to the families of those who were not so lucky. The only earth tremors we get around Morecambe Bay cause very little damage.


Stay safe all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Just heard that our son and his family in Dunedin, New Zealand, are safe and well. The earthquake was north of them close to Christchurch but there was fear of a following tsunami that may have affected the Otago peninsula so they were awakened in the night and told to move to higher ground from their house near the beach. They are back home again now, all part of living in a country on a fault line. Our thoughts go out to the families of those who were not so lucky. The only earth tremors we get around Morecambe Bay cause very little damage.


Stay safe all.

In-laws are in Nelson, had a good ol' shake apparently.

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  • RMweb Gold

A great weekend at Tolworth. The layout behaved itself most of the time.


Good to see quite a few  rmwebbers. We had Gordon D, Big P and Hawkingetyppd helping us plus Geoff and Mike - thanks for their help.


Good to see Ian A again and helped him spend some of his dollars, ironically on a US product only sold over here.


Show closed at 5pm and we were loaed and away by 5.36.


Home and unlaoded by about  7.20 then to fit the new vlave head. All fully working again by 8pm. Just need the plumber to service the boiler on Thursday.


Friday we are off again this time to Wakefield.


Meanwhile, going back downstairs to fit Kadees to Czech wagons.

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  • RMweb Gold

Mrs BoD made the sprout soup.

Mrs BoD tasted the sprout soup.

Mrs BoD threw the sprout soup away.


I could have saved her a lot of time and effort but would she listen?

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