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  • RMweb Gold

Such a pity that you can't supply your own gas for central heating.

Well if they can plumb solar panels in I don't see why they can't connect a pipe to.......


........on second thoughts, perhaps not.

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  • RMweb Premium

Why not? It's all just a matter of capture and store, isn't it?


So,  I'm thinking of activated charcoal underpants. 

After a suitable period of collection they can be compressed into briquettes and thrown on the bbq or wood underpants burning stove.  :declare:

Just don't blame me if your hot dogs and burgers get blown onto the neighbour's roof!   :bomb_mini:  :mosking:

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  • RMweb Premium

BoD ...is Mrs BoD from Vane Tempest? :-)



Herself enjoyed her assessor training so much I have been taken to the pub. Kirkstall Brewery Ivatt was on offer. A very nice Ruby Ale but the beer pump was adorned with a picture of , Riddles STD 4 tank.


Sleep well most, have a good day Rick.



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So,  I'm thinking of activated charcoal underpants. 

After a suitable period of collection they can be compressed into briquettes and thrown on the bbq or wood underpants burning stove.  :declare:

Just don't blame me if your hot dogs and burgers get blown onto the neighbour's roof!   :bomb_mini:  :mosking:

There are stoves designed to run on compressed dried horse manure briquettes, so why not use similar principles and use our own gas? All it takes is a bit of veg curry to get going, and Bob's your Uncle.

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  • RMweb Premium

 All it takes is a bit of veg curry to get going, and Bob's your Uncle

activated charcoal underpants. 

 underpants burning stove.  :declare:

Just don't blame me if your hot dogs and burgers get blown onto the neighbour's roof!   :bomb_mini:  :mosking:


If you allow your hot dog to be burned along with the underpants then Bob's your Auntie :O

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.   Seaweed-mongers please be advised that it is alternately warm and dry / cool and showery.  Breeze is persistent however.


Feeling rather unwell yesterday afternoon so had a half-decent sleep and woke to find we had company.  A work-mate of Sharon's who is also a fellow guitar and ukulele player dropped in for company as his squeeze was otherwise engaged.  We enjoyed dinner around the table before he too felt off colour.  It being well into the evening and he having to drive some way home Sharon duly offered him our other spare room (myself already being in occupation of the "spare" room on the grounds of ill-health) and we all duly retired by 22 o'clock.  I was awake in the night and thought I heard his car start and leave at around 2am but didn't investigate further.  This morning it was evident that he had in fact upped and left at that hour and had driven safely home.  What ever was first afflicting him he was then suffering the more from being cat-allergic and 15 miles or so from his medication.  


I explained to the cat that making others allergic to him was not a part of his duties but he seemed indifferent and demanded more breakfast.


I am now off to re-stock the pantry and the pill cabinet.  Hopefully returning with an excuse-me note from the doctor which will allow me two further days rest and coughing-for-Cornwall in relative peace and quiet.


In other news there is no question for which the correct answer is "mucus". Or so I am assured by the Leader of the Opposition every time she asks what the problem is ......... 

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  • RMweb Gold

And good mornign again.


Busy fitting Kadees to Czech stock that I picked up off a fellow rmwebber about 6 weeks ago. They are coming out of their boxes and gonig into a stock box which will help tidy up the living room a bit.

Edited by roundhouse
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Good morning one and all


Much of yesterday was spent either at Tolworth or trying to get there or get away.  All was OK until the appointed time for the shuttle bus came and went.  A taxi pulled up and the driver told the multitude that the bus had failed.  His advice was to take the 281 but wiser counsel prevailed and we all piled aboard a 71, followed by a brisk walk in the rain along the Kingston Bypass to the show.  On the bus I found myself sitting beside RMwebber Chris116 who I had not met for over 40 years!  At the show I admired Banbury for a while but sorry, Roundhouse, you were not there to greet.  Getting away was precipitated by incoming news of a signal failure at Walton on Thames which turned out to be less than beneficial to the smooth running of South West Trains.  At Surbiton station a train for Waterloo, non-stop, cleared quite a multitude.  This is not where I wanted to go but in London it is easy to spin an alternative route.


Today I am due to have lunch out with an old friend.  Before that the choice will be between two lots of ironing and starting to write my C*****mas message.  What, already?  Yes, I know, but since 1979 I have managed to get the cards out at the beginning of December.  This stems from having been off work for a week and a half after having had my wisdom teeth out and with nothing better to do.  File under sad.


What of the rest of the week?  Area Group on Wednesday evening, Portsmouth show on Saturday and not a lot else.


Best wishes to the lonely and depressed, to all travellers [pick a train company, any train company] and to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving and missing



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Seems to be dry at present and the forecast says it should be a fine day although there was a bit of a pink tinge to the sky a little earlier.

I watched and enjoyed a couple of rugby matches yesterday. No spoilers from me in case anyone hasn't had a chance to watch them yet.

Looking forward to the Tolworth show today and should/will see some of you there. I have promised myself I won't spend much today.  :scratchhead:  :haha:  :rolleyes:  :rofl:

The Boss is going C######## shopping with daughter and grandchildren. They may be gone some time.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold


The Boss is going C######## shopping with daughter and grandchildren.


Because we are off on our hols in December, all our Cshopping has already been done.


The Ccards are all written and just await despatch the morning we leave.


The downside is that the PH has the hippodrome all to himself for the best part of a fortnight.


I think a trainins session on the use of polish and duster; vacuum cleaning and the use of hot soapy water for dish washing might be required prior to our departure!





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  • RMweb Gold

The Boss has already done the bulk of our C/shopping (she starts in January for Pete's sake!) but is mainly going to assist Nicki & the children. I suspect that (knowing her) she will come back with extra stuff that wasn't intended particularly if the youngsters take a shine to something!

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