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  • RMweb Gold

When I was a child I used to get upset if a favourite programme was postponed because of some news or sporting event. I can't say I am bothered nowadays, mainly I suppose because I don't watch much television, it is usually off and only turned on for a specific programme.

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  • RMweb Premium

This sort of thing irritates me no end.  inevitably these 'rolling news' things seem to centre on irrelevant garbage at the expense of normal programming and I simply can't understand (as already said) why they are not banished to the BBC's news channel.

Because the news channel has no viewers.

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  • RMweb Gold

A few notes if I may;


I should probably seriously re-think my visit to the UK - I'm not sure I can stand the embarrassment and never ending stream of "what were you/they thinking"


Everyone laughed at the Brexit result over here, now we're truly the biggest joke.


When Matthew first went to Cork he went to a Language Exchange group where people could chat to each other . He said the Germans only had one joke and that was "So, you are here for an Irish Passport? ". Edited by Tony_S
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When Matthew first went to Cork he went to a Language Exchange group where people could chat to each other . He said the Germans only had one joke and that was "So, you are here for an Irish Passport? ".


Who was it who said the Germans have no sense of humour?  :jester:

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My apologies for intruding. (I don't usually make time for Early Risers, I spend too much time on RMweb from my workplace as it is). 


Today however productivity in the US is probably at an all time low. It has been a remarkable election on so many levels and the outcome, while extremely surprising based on polling data is simultaneously very unsurprising given the evidence of the Brexit vote, where similarly (I suspect) a sufficient number of people dared not speak openly to pollsters of how they were prepared to vote in the privacy of the voting booth.


The prospect of President Donald the First and First Lady Melania the First makes one's head and stomach reel. It is literally nauseating. (And yes, I know what "literally" means. This is not a metaphor.)


The irony of the xenophobic pandering abuser with his immigrant trophy spouse was always too much and is more so today.  I fear for all the Western democracies with what I see as ubiquitous recent trends to populist, nationalist hyperbole. We've seen it before about 80-90 years ago. After immigration. racial purity is next slip down the slippery slope.


The three ring circus that was this election campaign wrote the jokes for the late night comics. One wonders whether that will continue, to the detriment of the gravitas due the office of President or whether the short fingered vulgarian* (or mango Mussolini**)  will attempt to resurrect John Adam's Alien and Sedition Act of 1798 and finish the job the internet is already doing and shutter the fourth estate for continuing to be be 'mean' to him.


* Vanity Fair

** Late night satirist Samantha Bee (there are countless other hilarious pejoratives)


Flavio's "Orange is the new black" is perhaps the wittiest one-liner I have read today.

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It is most interesting to observe the "meltdown" on the internet about the election of "The Donald" to the US presidency. Something that does, however, seem to be missing from all the hand wringing, tearing out of hair, wailing and gnashing of the teeth is any sort of insightful introspection as to why he was elected - at least any sort of introspection that doesn't throw up the usual -ists and -isms. Whether it's Birmingham Alabama or Birmingham, England; Paris, France or Paris Texas; Athens Georgia or Athens, Greece, once voters are taken for granted and their concerns (which may only be "perceived" but are none the less real to them) are either ignored and/or ridiculed, is it no wonder that they turn to those that offer to listen and who propose solutions - no matter how improbable to implement. For what it's worth "The Donald" does have - in my view - some positives: namely he financed his own campaign - so he is not indebted to special interest group donors; he seems that he'll focus primarily on domestic matters - so perhaps a wind down of the mess caused by Dubya and continued by Obama and, finally, he has a good rapport with Putin. And, like or not, a good relationship with Putin will be of great importance in the years ahead. His acceptance speech was a far cry from the usual "The Donald" bombast and - to my ears - sounded quite inclusive and conciliatory. We'll see what his presidency will bring, we'll see...


So you're in "Switzerland" then Flavio?


Oh, wait a minute.....

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BBC News have a vastly over-inflated view of their own importance.


I switched on to watch Pointless but it is still News24 spouting speculative nonsense. I did the only thing possible which was to watch The Chase.

and how lucky you and I were. £10,000 in his cash builder, 18 against the clock and a win by a small margin. One of the best solo performances I have seen.

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Something that does, however, seem to be missing from all the hand wringing, tearing out of hair, wailing and gnashing of the teeth is any sort of insightful introspection as to why he was elected - at least any sort of introspection that doesn't throw up the usual -ists and -isms. Whether it's Birmingham Alabama or Birmingham, England; Paris, France or Paris Texas; Athens Georgia or Athens, Greece, once voters are taken for granted and their concerns (which may only be "perceived" but are none the less real to them) are either ignored and/or ridiculed, is it no wonder that they turn to those that offer to listen and who propose solutions - no matter how improbable to implement. 

I'd be happy to tell you why I believe that happened though I think would be beyond what is acceptable (relative to refraining political speech on RMweb).


My last post was more political than I normally choose to share here. I hope no one finds it inappropriate.

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Speaking of Switzerland, the slope in our back "garden" is not unlike some of the terrain in that country. I had to add some steps to get to the shed.






Even when cut-down those sleepers are still bo00dy heavy. I've almost recovered.



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the USA is not, and never has been, a dicatatorship, and even if the figurehead has ideas of his (or her) own (now his again) they do need the consent of the legislature, and can't just be steamrollered into legislation, regardless of the views of the numerlo uno. 


Yes, but ... the Republicans also control both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Plus, there is a vacancy on the Supreme Court, which Mr. Trump will now get to fill. And there are another three members of the Supreme Court who may retire within the next four years. That is all three branches of government which may soon by under Republican control. Whether everyone concerned will agree with Mr. Trump's aims is still a question, though.

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Perhaps if we all went and took a shower at the same time, when we stepped out we would find it had all been a dream.

The funniest news stories I saw today were related to the crash of the Canadian immigration website last night.


The Cape Breton Island one is up.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Finally caught up on yesterdays posts.


Yesterdays job turned into a complete nightmare. The outside temperature was -2 but it was a lot colder inside where I was working. Generally I was warm but for the first time, my hands got very cold and not capable of dealing with small parts. Nothing went right and I ended up finishing on site at 20:30. A drive of 2 hours including a stop for food should have been on the cards but an accident on the M40 closed all but lane 1 and many cockwomble drivers including so called professionals decided that the lane closures and the speed restrictions didn't apply to them.


Some very sad news from less than a mile from me with the loss of life in the tram accident. My thoughts are with the families and also the emergency services that attended.

It puts my 3 hour drive for 20 miles to site this morning into perspective.


Gordon - Great to see you back posting


In other news, Toblerone has been on a diet.


There is no other news

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Yes, but ... the Republicans also control both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Plus, there is a vacancy on the Supreme Court, which Mr. Trump will now get to fill. And there are another three members of the Supreme Court who may retire within the next four years. That is all three branches of government which may soon by under Republican control. Whether everyone concerned will agree with Mr. Trump's aims is still a question, though.


Don't be surprised if there is a flurry blizzard of Executive Orders. I may find it necessary to reconsider my position on the Second Amendment.

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When Matthew first went to Cork he went to a Language Exchange group where people could chat to each other . He said the Germans only had one joke and that was "So, you are here for an Irish Passport? ".


He should have replied "Yes, so I can legally enter the EU and do your job for half the wages".

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  • RMweb Premium

Braved the snow early today and attended dentist on time, then a trip to Hull - yep John two visits in one week! And it was a lot warmer in Hull than in Leeds.


Back home in time to fit sound chips and speakers to a Blue Pullman.


Tea made and eaten and then a quick trip to Leeds MRS - Came out of the Club to come home and the temperature has dropped like a stone! Time for a decaf and then some sleep.



Sleep well most - hope you get better soon Rick



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