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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


GDB seems to be a prolific poster today I wonder if he is trying to hoodwink us.  :mosking:


Would I do that Bob?



Another dry start and the sun has made what should be a fairly long appearance for the day.


A pleasant couple of hours spent yesterday with Gemma & Joe here. Once again Joe had us in stitches with some of the things he says whilst Gem always makes me smile as soon as I see her.

Nothing seems to be planned for today so I may possible do some modelling or rather what passes for it in this location.

Have a splendid day,


The man (not) in ward 10 from somewhere officially in South London although I still call it Surrey.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from a late running Southern service. Not sure if it's a knock on form last nights chaos but at least ours is only five late unlike numerous trains heading south. There hasn't been aSouthbound service for over half hour with the Brighton service cancelled last minute probably due to it being twenty late. So it was probably diverted via the quarry line.


Talking of phones, I think they are a brilliant invention and it's allowed me to meet up with friends at last minute when finding out that they are nearby.

However ther are many downsides.

I saw another near miss the other day at London Bridge. Two girls texting nearly walked into each other.


I particularly dislike it when people don't have the manners to end a call when being served at a counter. People on mobiles at the wheel that I see tend to be in either 4 x 4s such as Range Rovers, kiddies in their souped up cars or van drivers. Must be a clause in the law that exempts them as far as they are concerned but I have seen people reading books balanced on the steering wheel.


This morning I managed to retire the Bachmann N & W N scale steamer and its working fine . Just need to reassemble the body etc.tonight.


Another Refer weathered and now just requires the plastic couplers replaced with Kadees.


Edited by roundhouse
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Morning all from a very chilly yet sunny boring borough. I fear SWMBO may have lost some plant life as it wasn't expected to drop so much in the night. No doubt this evening will be a mad dash to clear space in the greenhouse for some of the more tender items from the garden. Luckily the last of the tomatoes and peppers were harvested at the weekend.


Little else happening, so I shall bid you all a good day.

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Up early this morning as the window company are returning to remove and inspect our leaking window. After years of water ingress, this might just finally be sorted today, though I have my doubts. Still it is a sunny morning, so we won't have rain issues while the window is out. I will report back on progress later. Rain will be simulated by the use of the hosepipe to test the window when it is reinstalled.

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  • RMweb Premium

 she goes to the back of the list, having defered a couple of times already, and that means waiting another year. Recent pain makes that a most unappetising prospect.



Personal experience here - the pain relief is almost immediate, and dramatic once the post-op pain wears off.  It is essential to follow the exercise and aftercare regime, so as to avoid any possible dislocation while the new joint beds in.  Once all that is done (about 8 weeks) she'll be skipping about like a kid.

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  • RMweb Gold

Yep  :jester:

I'm having a new garage door fitted today this one does not encroach on the layout so I will be able to put a back scene in to hide that end of the garage. :yahoo:

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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnn' awl. Windy weather conditions predicted for today, with rain also possible by nightfall at the latest. Today's shift will be fairly short but a bit out of the usual, so I'll see to reporting back tonight.


As a further hintoid (is that a word?) re my quiz...




...concentrate on the signs rather than light signals in this scene! :yes:



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It's a lovely a sunny start to the day, but it looks a little chilly, I can't tell if it's frost on the workshop roof or not. This afternoon I'm planning on another short walk, but today's will be a different route as I'm going to pick up some fruit whilst I'm out. But first I'm off to the workshop to put some paint on the lamps I made yesterday, so I may be some time.


Back later.

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Morning all !


Inflation rocketing to 4% seems to be the stand-out headline today.


Back in the 1980s, it went to 26% with Halifax mortgages at 17%  :O   Still, it was easily solved by putting 4M folk on the dole. Trouble was a further 2M folk saw 'the writing on the wall' and started the search for another job....  


My employer gave us a 33% pay rise (!) although banking eventually ruined my nervous system and I joined the 4Million  :cry:


No, you're wrong, it was probably my best move :yes:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a bright and sunny though rather cool village. The boss has been taken to Leeds and her car has now been dropped off to have a windscreen problem fixed. I'm now back home with the courtesy car and having a sit down after an ER. My excuse is that I'm waiting for the doctor to phone about my blood pressure so I obviously need to be relaxed. However various errands need to be done and at some point the other half needs to be collected from Leeds and the car will have to be collected this afternoon. Then an evening at the clubrooms where more mud will be sculpted.


Regards to all and stay safe out there.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all !




Back in the 1980s, it went to 26% with Halifax mortgages at 17%  :O



I remember that, We'd just got our first mortgage 6 months before when that happened, Ouch. We made a loss over the year, all our savings were gone and living on beans on toast. IIRC we were paying £600 mortgage plus about £150 endowement on a tiny house (two of the bedrooms were 6 foot 6 inches by 7 foot)


We were getting smaller pay rises but every 6 months.


Once the interest rates finally went down, we kept paying the same amount in, we were so used to having no money. This meant a lot less MUST pay on the bill, over the years it saved a lot on the total paid back.


 I talk to the youngsters here on their first mortgage and they don't see how they would cope with paying out that amount of money. Yet their wages are vastly more than my wage back then.

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Morning all


Another beautifully sunny day here - chilly tho'but. Out for walk soon heading to the seaside, well, Portobello and its faded Victorian glamour, as they say, including a trip to the bank and for some groceries.


We certainly did apple dooking with my Scots grandmother, can't be sure about primary school. Never saw pumpkins until the 90s when Hallowe'en became popular in Britain.


Re phones - always hate it when you're in a shop being served and the assistant has to break off to answer the phone - think that's really rude! But at the hospital yesterday was with receptionist making another appointment and she just let the phone ring and ring until she'd sorted me out. Wonderful!


Have a good day



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Morning all.


Did I mention my Partnercard problems? Anyway, the replacement arrived quickly, but of course it is contactless. Despite my request that I didn't want to be ripped off by every passing payment machine (*). So I've has two sessions of 20 minutes each time listening to Maria Theresia's sister telling me that all "the advisors are busy"; there is a modicum of hope when the musak goes silent but only because the tape is rewinding. A visit to Oxford Street is needed because they seem to be able to short circuit the queue, meanwhile I have my low balance credit card just in case.


Writing about short circuits, I had better get out to the layout ..... Blue sky, yellow object, lovely at the moment, but probably cold later. I may have to turn on the central heating soon.


(*) you all know my luddite tendencies but at least my money is safe and be spent on sensible things, like the Lenz BR 50. Rhetorical question, but do these people who wave their credit card at everything, ever check their statement?


Meanwhile, TonyA is coming over on Friday to set up my new laptop, with Windows 10. That would have been in bold, if RMWeb would actually let me use bold. But me, using Windows 10, could be interesting! Actually, I was using it yesterday and had to ask where the shut down button was!!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Posts all read and rated, and generic greetings are proferred to those celebrating/ailing/deserving......


I do wish Debs would put in an appearance - AWOL here for a couple of weeks, but she's active on FB a few days ago, which is great.  If you're lurking/reading, please post on here soon.


Bl&*dy cold here this morning, and well below the predicted overnight low of 4oC - in fact our back garden thermometer was showing about minus the same level at 6 this morning, though I do wonder about the accuracy of that device - but the car needed a thorough de-ice this morning when I took 30747 to work as yet again, she's been called on to cover staff sickness.  So a taxi run at lunch time.  Ice warning was active on the car, and display said -1.  Winter appears to be on the way here.  We're running the stove now, though it's been a tickover to get it warmed through and the usual bedding in/new cement/hot polish/soot smell away, but tonight it'll need to be run in earnest. 


Memories of high inflation seem to be a topic today.  I worked for the Civil Service back in the 70s and there was very high inflation then, and it seemed that every time you went to the shops, things had gone up - well they had.  The unions agreed a "threshold agreeement" which meant that if inflation in the MONTH had risen above a pre-agreed level, then a pay rise was granted.  We got quite a few. It was running around 25% pa in 1974/5 or thereabouts.


When we took our first mortgage, I was working in the financial services sector, and got a staff loan, and the interest rates were 4% on the first £20,000 and the Sum Assured On Deposit rate was payable on any balance - at that time, the rate on the upper tier was 15%.  I then moved to another company, and their rates were a bit lower, but not by a great deal.  When I left that company, I stayed with their Home Loans operation, and the interest rate went up and up and up, and it seemed that every post brought an increase in the mortgage payement.  I think that we got to about 17.25%.


So the concept of 4% inflation has to be seen i context....


Back later once I've been to town for the shopping list and to get 30747, who also needs a taxi trip tonight as she's going to a leaving do, starting at 19.30 and the last bus from here is at 17.45.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

A sunny start to the day here.


If the papers are to be believed then inflation may be wiped out by nuclear war. 


First job of the day was to set and mark a writing exercise for my youngest. My aim for him is to write clear, interesting and carefully self-checked pieces of work by the summer. 

It doesn't have to be vast numbers of pages at a time but enough to get into the habit and show progress. 

Lots of praise but stressing how tough secondary school will be if he hasn't got a grip on this over the next 18 months.  

Any advice from educators (retired or otherwise) gratefully received! 


Next job - getting to grips with the company's CRM system. 



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bright and sunny and the frost has no doubt cleared away - I haven't bothered to look but laddo had to defrost his car this morning so there was definitely some about earlier.


Ah, 'the good old days' of 15% mortgage interest (if you were lucky) and annual pay rises that enabled you to carry on buying bread & beans if nothing else.  I recall one of our slightly pompous Signalmen boasting how he'd traded in his car for more than he had paid for it new 2 years earlier - he couldn't quite grasp why that had happened when we explained it to him.  Ah well, what goes around comes around but no doubt it will come as a shock to some, especially the Daily Wail illiterati who write that rag's garbage.


I have very mixed views on mobile 'phones - I only turn mine on when I need it, recharge the battery about twice a year and top up with another £10's worth of credit once every 18 months or so.  It does something called TXT which I can usually understand but am utterly unable to write (is 'write' the correct word for such nonsense - it isn't even decent précis?) and haven't got a clue how to transmit the message if I could manage to punch it in.  However in contrast the Good Doctor has an 'app'  (abbreviation of appliance, or apparatus, or apparatchik I wonder?) which can tell where stuff is in Tesco and laddo can get Realtime Trains so the things have occasional sensible uses.


Ah well back to RMweb, enjoy your day folks.

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  • RMweb Premium

I remember the high inflation of the 1970s as well, In 1979 it was around 16 % and the labour government had given us in the Military IIRC a 3% pay raise on the back of several previous years small pay rises, M Thatcher came in and we got a 26% pay rise which went down well. But before you think that then made us wealthy,  the Firemen, who we had to replace,  went on strike for a week £100, my pay was about £100 a MONTH.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright but cold outside this morning. A couple of minutes ago I heard a noise outside so I went to investigate. An old TV that even the charity shop wouldn't take despite it being in working order has been collected by the metal faries, though judging by the noise they made faries is not an apt description. I wanted to order a few extra's for the new trailer last night but Paypal was down for some reason but I was able to place my order this morning. I too remember the high inflation of the 80's, I had an endowment mortgage which was 'all the rage' at the time but as the signs of the crash in property values were becoming apparent I switched to a repayment mortgage just before they did so and I managed to escape the negative equity trap and like theQ I kept the payments up when the interest rates fell.

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  • RMweb Premium

If the papers are to be believed then inflation may be wiped out by nuclear war. 



Well if you must read the Daily Wail. Speaking of which yesterdays headline* was about how many millionairs now pay little if any tax and how few are chased by HMRS. The Daily Wail is owned by Lord Ashfield, a millionair who has avoided paying tax for years. *I only read the headline when purchasing my newspaper.

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