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Good morning from FLUSTERCUCK CENTRAL, aka the client in Nashville....


Past weekend was a good time away in Iowa visiting with friends.

Then as we were about to leave got a text from our friends who we vacation with, that "he" was admitted to hospital as he was suffering from some confusion over where he was for about an hour coupled with a very high pulse rate. Mostly put down to low blood pressure and an atrial flutter .

Took a detour of a couple of hours on the way home to see him at the Mayo clinic, seems better now and they are reviewing all the tests.



Arrived yesterday amid no access to any parts of the systems I need to get on - they DID have a laptop for me at least.

Pretty much everyone confused as to my role, and availability, most folks here expecting me to be full-time on this project from NOW! That isn't happening given the Long Island client and no exit strategy. Apparently this client are some slow moving my role will likely not be determined for weeks :O

Net result, I'm sitting on my arse staring at the ceiling (and reading through/posting on RMWeb) whilst they get me access and we determine what the point of it all is :jester:

On the positive side, I AM on the sixth floor and about 20 feet from very large windows with some decent unrestricted views, therefore MUCH better than a dungeon.


Time to read back through the weekends worth of posts...


Weather down here rather warmer than Minnesota, and expecting record temperature today into the bargain.

Driving in was 15 already (overnight low!!) and clear, expecting a high of 31 today. A few degree cooler as we move through the week with a chance of showers by Thursday.


Hope your week is progressing well.

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When I turned 45 last Wednesday, I did wonder whether I was now entitled to have a midlife crisis......*starts looking at classic car adverts*



There's got to be a double entendre in this somewhere.  :jester:

Having long past that and not noticed anything different in my life, I decided my life was one long  crisis.



I've not got a mortgage, :sungum:

I've got a motor boat( I'm rebuilding post-15969-0-57383100-1478008185.gif )

I've got a sailing boat (I'm rebuildingpost-15969-0-89886300-1478008123.gif)

I've got a motorbike( that works post-15969-0-98258500-1478008842.jpg)

I've got a landrover 110 (That works, but I'm rebuildingpost-15969-0-88316700-1478009029.jpg)

I've got a huge garden( thats too bigpost-15969-0-21027800-1478009242.jpg)

I've not got a model Railway yet (But I'm finally working on it :no: )

I've got a SWMBO (if you think I'm adding another comment here you've got no chance :you: )


 Who has time for another crisis??? :O

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No halloween callers here, as we don't advertise that we are open to callers and didn't expect any. We have two bins here, a green one for garden waste and a grey one for non-recyclable household waste. Also tubs for glass/tins/plastic and paper/cardboard. There has been a proposal to charge extra for emptying the green bin from next year, so I am expecting an increase in fly tipping. A fine sunny day here but not really warm.

Stay safe all.

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We used to celebrate Jack shine the Maggie at home scaring all of the children (but mainly ourselves) with ghostly tales and the flickering light of our turnip lanterns fitted with a lit candle -- yes that smell of slowly charring turnip from the lid.....


Fitted sound to a loco today. Good job I have some expertise in engineering systems! I may even post some more weathering photos but I have a new task. We were "Lent" a HP office printer, which, after the scam of non HP inks has been OK but has now ceased to function (a known HP 6830 fault it would appear). I am off to buy a new printer....and another different set of flipping ink cartridges...


Bob stay away from all things electrical, fluid and or wind driven.. you have had enough excitement for today!



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Last evening Martyn and I got out just as the first callers came by. Around here they'll knock at any house with a light on and often at those without. We had a meal and sat in the pub for two hours reading. Later three young (to me) mums from near us with about 10 kids in fancy dress came in with buckets of sweets and were a bit loud. Fortunately they were kept in reasonable order by said mums (zombies) and had a bowl of chips each before leaving.  Some loud fireworks later kept Tigger indoors until nearly midnight when he briefly popped out to do the necessary.


It's turned cold this morning with a northerly wind. Winter's not far away.


Have a good day, keep warm.



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Right, almost forgot... Shall we see how much you have learned about tram driving already? :jester:




Take a look at this photo and tell me what you think has to be kept in mind while crossing this intersection!


Also, where is that? Vincent will probably know!

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Thanks, for you reply, That makes me feel old you started when I was already working...


I got used to that feeling a long time ago although it is rather an odd one isn't it - sort of 'can there really be anyone that young interested in model railways?', or 'did they still have schools that late in the century?'

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... Shall we see how much you have learned about tram driving already? :jester:




Take a look at this photo and tell me what you think has to be kept in mind while crossing this intersection!

All I can see is a points indicator showing route set for left "turn". Clear signal to move is not given as horizontal bars are showing. Even when you turn left, the amber pedestrian warning light at the far left corner may still be flashing.....

Edited by Horsetan
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All I can see is a points indicator showing route set for left "turn". Clear signal to move is not given as horizontal bars are showing. Even when you turn left, the amber pedestrian warning light at the far left corner may still be flashing.....

All correct, Ivan, but I'm referring to something else. Don't look solely at point and route signals!

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with or without water?



Have a  good day folks and take care with the electrickery Bob.



GDB didn't say which mains it would be attached too.



Gas would be my bet. 


You lot really haven't got a lot of faith in me have you? I suppose I really shouldn't be surprised given my propensity to create havoc, mayhem and general bloodshed whilst attempting the simplest of tasks.

As it happens no injuries were sustained.(for once)  :imsohappy:

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You lot really haven't got a lot of faith in me have you? I suppose I really shouldn't be surprised given my propensity to create havoc, mayhem and general bloodshed whilst attempting the simplest of tasks.

As it happens no injuries were sustained.(for once)  :imsohappy:


Bob,  I am genuinely concerned that you keep yourself safe until at least Saturday enabling you to get to Wycrail in one piece so that you can enjoy the show and spend a reasonable amount of money (with me).  So there you are - some of us really do care (No cheques thank you :jester:

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The car is now spotless (including windows which have been cleaned with vinegar and newspaper as mentioned on another thread and which I've been using for years)

Mike, fear not, my wallet is already primed and loaded with Coin Notes of The Realm.

Further good news is that grandchildren x 2 have just arrived here from school and will be here for 2 or 3 hours.

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We had a lot of younger kids Trick or Treating with parents last night all between 6.30pm and 7.30pm. All had great make-up, but had to insist that their parents, especially the dads, were made-up next year. All well behaved taking just a few sweets each.


At skool (thanks, Ian and Nigel Molesworth) we did apple dooking on Hallowe'en, and one year at Cubs we were blindfolded and had our hands put into things like cold porridge with concealed pickled onions which felt like eyeballs and other nasty things. Good fun.



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Afternoon All


Been on of these days all round.  Have been feeling a bit under par recently, and got to see Dr this morning, and my symptoms all indicate a Potassium deficiency, which is "probably" a side effect of one of my other meds, and he has prescribed a supplement, then a series of blood tests over the next few weeks.  I do love it when one medication causes problems which need another etc...  However, with diabetes, and high blood pressure, I just have to take on board what I need to do, and what pills I need to swallow.


Also, one thing leads to another day, as we had a false alarm from the smoke detector which the fire brigade installed a couple of years back - finally found the user guide, and checked the trouble shooting section, and it seems that I have been remiss in not cleaning it properly periodically.  So out comes the hoover - odd, no suction on it worth a bean.  So then started to check the hoover, and one of the interceptor chambers was blocked, causing a block back into the hoses.  So then dismantled the machine, and managed to unblock the chamber - took ages as it was pretty impacted.  Hose also took a while jiggling the mass with a curtain wire - finally got there, and then managed to clean the errant smoke alarm.  Then a trip to the PO as two more items on Ebay were paid overnight.


Anyways, that was my day, which then ran into a taxi session, then the shopping arrived right at the start of the delivery slot. 


Generic greetings are on offer to everybody.


Walkies call, then I'm off to relax with a bottle of Westons vintage cider, currently on offer at the Co-op at three for a fiver.


Back tomorrow.


Regards to All


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I am going to sound like a broken record again.

Loads of trains cancelled out of LBG tonight due to a track defect at Wivelsfield and staff shortages.

Caterham and Tattenham Corner service only 4 coaches and terminating at Purely. Many people couldn't get on including a woman in a wheelchair.

Eastbourne service (12 cars) cancelled.

Our train late in (Tonbridge portion cancelled for second day in a row) and it was a scrum to get on. We were right next the doors but not even in the first dozen on. My other half got shoved in the chest.

Our next service cancelled as ar numerous others. Ours is just about the only train in the terminal part of the station at the moment.

Even one of our directors was moaning about his recent commutes Between London and St Albans


Awaiting a relief driver at East Croydon so we will be sitting here a while by the looks of it.


Further update


We eventually got a relief driver but decided to bail at Merstham as we owuld miss our normal bus and later buses all delayed plus our train would get delayed further due to a Reigate service blocking platform 3 (cancelled??). We still had to wait 15 minutes for the late running Soutbound bus and it was very busy as no bus for a while. Two buses due a fewm inutes after that one aswell.


Off to Mums now.

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Presumably there hasn't been a reduction in your annual council tax bill to reflect the reduction / elimination of refuse collection services......

No. And neither is there a refund when they 'accidentally on purpose forget to visit to empty the recycling' and then also fail to attend later in the week. However I do get an assisted service, as I have umpteen steps, a level path, an uphill path and a carpark to traverse. On a dark night its like the Khyber.



(Opening there Mick)

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tea eaten. cricket umpiring next..


I have a parcel to pack and post tomorrow and a load of crust earning to do..


may also be posting some photos for more critical acclaim on my weathering thread.


Stay calm, enjoy life!



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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Collected my new trailer this afternoon and very pleased with it. It did mean however that I had to evict my old trailer from the garage not helped by one of the tyres being partially flat and the flat rotating with the wheel. The only place I have to put it is in the front garden with the only security a padlock on the ball hitch. A neighbour had his trailer stolen a few years ago despite a padlock and a wheel clamp, all that was needed was for the scrotes to bodily lift the trailer into a Transit truck. That won't be so easy with my trailer as I've filled it with a quantity of old building blocks, if it does get stolen I will just have to tell the police to look for those with hernias. :jester:

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A good journey back from Devon. Suppliers of kits were raided on the way and it appears that someone raided my wallet at the same time. :scared:


I certainly don't remember anything about Halloween while I was at school


Bob - I'll have to bring my car round tomorrow. It's filthy inside and out after driving along proper country lanes for a few days. :jester:

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