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I have to unload the car and remove some bird deposits on the paintwork but it could end up being a lazy day.


Before anything else I need tea!


Enjoy your day



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Morning all. Like Ian, a good run and early escape from the Midlands was achieved. Home around 4ish, unloaded, beer, and chillax by 4:30. My knee really suffered during the weekend so I'm off to book another referral to the "specialist". I have a feeling that this time will be surgery. It's been living on borrowed time for the past 18 months so not too bad. My back wasn't too special either. My factory warranty has definitely expired.


The modules behaved themselves apart from one bad RJ12 connector that was soon replaced. Now for a quiet week and some recovery. No trains for me this week. Just chillax and get caught up on all the tv that's been recorded on the Sky box for the past while. New box coming next week so we either have to watch or lose the recordings.


Have a great week all.

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Good morning all,

Slightly misty start here but should remain dry and sunny spells are forecast.

Lazy day yesterday and no modelling done but rugby was watched although the game took about an hour to liven up so I nearly dozed off.

Deep joy this morning as we have to go to Hobbycraft & Toys"R"us (for herself) and the blue & yellow Swedish place that I believe should begin with Ick but most people I know start it with Eye. Personally I think it should be Yuk, I hate the place with a vengeance but I'm trying to find a storage solution for certain (non modelling)things so will have to bite the bullet.

Oh and belated birthday greetings to Dom for yesterday. Hope you had a good one.

All the best to each and all,

Yukea hater of Sutton.

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Morning all.

Just off to Rome from the nearby (not really) port. We haven't been to Rome before. We will be restricting ourselves to Roman ruins today. Lots of others are off to the Vatican.

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Just off to Rome from the nearby (not really) port. We haven't been to Rome before. We will be restricting ourselves to Roman ruins today. Lots of others are off to the Vatican.


Have a great time, Tony.

Don't know what reception the Roman ruins will get at the Vatican.

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Good morning everyone


It's a sunny day and not a sign of any fog here in Manchester. Mrs W will be off to Zumba shortly so I'll be home alone, what shall I do to pass the time? I'm sure I'll think of something!


Belated happy birthday Dom.


Back later.

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Morning all. A bright, sunny and fairly warm South East Devon. Hopefully it will stay that way.


Some food shopping followed by some modelling planned.


Belated happy birthday Dom


Have a good day everyone

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Morning all. A bright, sunny and fairly warm South East Devon. Hopefully it will stay that way.


Some food shopping followed by some modelling planned.


Belated happy birthday Dom


Have a good day everyone

Wish that I was down that way.


Shame about the hotel in Exeter. We used to visit the Well House Tavern in the hotel. My brother could see the smoke from where he lives quite some miles away from Exeter.

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A light grey cloak over the Suffolk countryside now being burned off by the sun. Planning to get the MGB out for a run later - probably last of the year - to meet friends for lunch at a picturesque pub overlooking the Orwell River.


Next door neighbour's cat begging for admittance earlier as  her middle aged daughter and two offspring have moved in owing to insufficient funds to continue renting a house a few miles away in Ipswich. Despite apparent lack of funds the new neighbours run a car apiece. 


James the moggie prefers our company but we always send him home at night. I am concerned he'll start living outside at night (not good at his advanced age) so we may have to give him squatter's rights.

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Good morning all


Just returned from a few days at Pitlochry with Gabe and my mum. The autumnal colours were pretty spectacular. Good food, good wine, some good walks, and both ladies did some C*******s shopping. Saw a great version of Para Handy at the Pitlochry Festival Theatre, very funny. You may recall the b&w version on the BBC in the 60s. Incredible that these tiny puffers were a vital lifeline for West Highland villages.


Plan to read back through ERs later once I've managed the washing up, gone shopping, been to the refuse centre/dump and so on...


Lifesize skeleton wearing a top hat in the front window with flickering leds in the eye sockets to be switched-on later. Sweets at the ready in case there are any callers. Happy Day of the Dead (Día de Muertos), then. I see that it wasn't celebrated in such spectacular style in Mexico until the lasht Jamesh Bond film, Spectre.


Have a good day



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Morning all,


Mist and soggy fruitfulness outside at present but sun is promised - hope they've got the right kind of seaweed in use at Ex'ter today.  Happy birthday for yesterday Dom - assuming your Farcebook information is more accurate than mine (which shows my birthday as 01 April, there's a clue to its (in)accuracy in my date of birth on there  :jester:  - yes, I'm a firm believer in not giving away personal info on the 'net if I can help it.


The 'Halloween decorations need to be brought down from the attic, I think (hope) the Good Doctor knows where they are and as she is day off today she can do the searching.  Fortunately the local code seems to work quite well - if you have 'decorated' the front of your house/porch it implies trick & treaters are welcome (the stock of sweets is ready) but if you don't decorate then it means they're not welcome.


Have a good day one & all

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Is rather foggy this morning, glad that I don't have to drive in it, burning off very slowly so probably lunchtime before it clears. Just had a phone call from Halfords to tell me that my trailer should be ready this afternoon which means I've got to find space for it in the garage, not as difficult as it sounds as its designed to be stored up ended taking up very little space. Belated birthday wishes to Dom, hope you had a good day. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Stewart, you will enjoy Chris and Maire, I guarantee it.  I last saw them at Fleetwood a few years ago and I have never heard such sparkling harp playing before or since.  The present day Welsh bands who include harpists are very good but not quite that good IMHO.

I should think so, Chris, as I've known  them since just after they got together all those years ago - and I knew Chris from his Boys Of The Lough days, and have bumped into them here and there - and have floor spotted them at a couple of clubs in the past - Croydon for one.  I have yet to hear better exponents of their instruments.  When they were working for Spot On (Lancashire's rural entertainment scheme), I saw them at a local village hall, and when I walked in, Chris was tuning up, and looked from the stage in my direction, put down his guitar, and walked over, shook me warmly by the hand, and it was as though the 15 or so years since we last met hadn't existed.  And the gig was, like always, stunning - Maire is without doubt among the world's best harpists.  I recall standing at the back of a venue once with Fred Wedlock, when he commented "it's a good job nobody ever told Maire that what she was doing was impossible on the Irish harp, otherwise she wouldn't do it" - quite....

Edited by 45156
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Morning all. 


Weekend with Höchstädt at the Wimbledon show.  GDB came over for a chat on Saturday.


The layout behaved disgracefully.  I sorted out one point motor failure on Saturday morning, only for another one to fail, so the goods siding was unusable all day.  Sorted out on Sunday morning, only for the first motor to fail again , shutting down the entire layout.  That took half an hour, the another 10 minutes to correct the self-induced short.  I do not enjoy working upside down under a layout. 


I won't bore you with the inadequacies of the Cobalt point motor, but I need to modify them before Warley.



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Morning all. 


Weekend with Höchstädt at the Wimbledon show.  GDB came over for a chat on Saturday.


The layout behaved disgracefully.  I sorted out one point motor failure on Saturday morning, only for another one to fail, so the goods siding was unusable all day.  Sorted out on Sunday morning, only for the first motor to fail again , shutting down the entire layout.  That took half an hour, the another 10 minutes to correct the self-induced short.  I do not enjoy working upside down under a layout. 


I won't bore you with the inadequacies of the Cobalt point motor, but I need to modify them before Warley.



it is comments like this that made my decision to mount all point motors and wiring on the back of the back scene seem a good Idea just haven't completed it yet...

Good luck with your repairs and future shows.

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Mornin' all from a fairly bright Gateway to The World.


Samhain greetings to all.


Belated birthday greetings to Dom; I was out most of yesterday and missed that.


The trip out to Woburn Safari Park happened. Fog on the northern part of the M25 and the M1 didn't bode well but we drove out of it quite suddenly north of Luton. We met up with the birthday girl, had lunch and a walk round the smaller animals area. Vauxhall were having a test drive event with two of their new models and as Mrs mole didn't want to take her Motability car through the monkey enclosure we went round the main safari circuit in a new Zafira driven by one of her friends. The only removable bits on the Vauxhalls were the rear wipers and  they had lost several to the monkeys, although we went round unscathed. One monkey deftly removed the aerial from the Transit alongside us. I saw another failing to break one off another car, he then jumped up and down on the roof in apparent rage before leaping off.


Later we drove over to Silsoe for birthday cake and tea, passing through my old home town of Ampthill but without time to stop. Came back through Luton and fog, with heavy traffic on the lower end of M1 and on M25.


Martyn and I are going out for the duration of the Trick or treat period. We did last year, after several years of providing sweets to the local kids. I didn't mind but these days I can't be bothered. They knock on any door if there's a light on and in our house it's  not possible to lurk in the back part of the house except upstairs with no TV. Also it's not good for me to be left with the leftover sweets; there were always some that Martyn wouldn't eat and I didn't like to waste them. I'd rather spend the money on a pub dinner and sit there and read for a while.  New(ish) neighbour next door has gone totally OTT with decorations and turned his front lawn into a graveyard with plastic headstones and fake cobwebs round the fence. If that's his effort for Halloween I'm dreading the 'festive' season. I expect nothing less than an illuminated Santa on the roof.


Things need doing, so good wishes to all.



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Mawnin' awl, folks. Thanks for your birthday wishes, which in fact haven't been belated if you're in any of the European time zones!


Fairly calm shift so far as Reformation Day is a holiday in Saxony. We will be out for dinner tonight, which is just as well as I'm booked for another dental treatment tomorrow. I am trying not to think of it too much yet!


Have a good one...

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Beaulieu has a couple of inches behind the backscene for sliding switches.  Höchstädt has a flush mounted backscene, because I thought the Lenz points were bomb proof.  However the solenoids burn out and the three way points need external motors.  The problem with the Cobalt motor is the "slide in and grip" connexion, I've thought of a modification which won't invalidate the warranty but need to run it past Peter Clark.



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So far as I am concerned, this is All Soul's Day. Unfortunately no meetings tonight. Maybe I just lock myself in the garage with the layout and let the little scroat's knock on the front door to their heart's content. I suppose it's for one night only, whereas the "penny for the guy" routine went on for a week or more.



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Back from shopping trip but decided not to go to Yukea as their website didn't seem to show what I was looking for. I don't really blame them as I'm not really sure what I'm looking for either!

I did manage to pick up a storage caddy thingy from Hobbycraft for modelling paints & brushes and The Boss found what she was looking for so all was not a complete waste of time.

There seem to be various vegetables being peeled & chopped in the kitchen so I suspect some sort of soup is being prepared for lunch.

I'm off to string barbed wire, pile sand bags and lay anti-personnel devices in the front path in preparation for later.

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Morning all,

Apparently "we" are on a diet. 


That's fine, says I. I'll just put all those sweets, confections and chocolate in the bin then. 


Not so fast, Mr B. Apparently, those are needed as anti-stress supplies at swmbo's work. 


Sympathies to all who loath tonight's imported festivity; I shall be dressing up as a tax inspector.  :scared:


Have a nice day everyone and best wishes to all those with recent anniversaries of a marital or birthing variety.  

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' Afternoon all from red dragon land.


Up early to take youngest to railway station after house sitting for us a day out with some friends. Sunny all morning with what looks like sea fog on the horizon.



So far as I am concerned, this is All Soul's Day. Unfortunately no meetings tonight. Maybe I just lock myself in the garage with the layout and let the little scroat's knock on the front door to their heart's content. I suppose it's for one night only, whereas the "penny for the guy" routine went on for a week or more.



Er hum.  One night?


Last week, someone on here (sorry, I've forgotten who) mentioned that afternoon roads were clear because the kids were on half term.  Er...try again.  Friday afternoon, they were all down the M56/M60 and in Chester Services.  Vampires, witches and spooky things, the lot of them!


We were on our way to Witch Hazel Grove with Camel Quay and it's 'Obby Oss and Teaser.

100 mile journey.  We'd be there by 3.30pm easily...!!!??!!  Uh-uh.

Stockport (note time) and we still had a couple of miles to go.



Our Friday evening meal was at the Witches Brew Five Ways and Saturday's was at the Monsters' Den The Three Bears - put me off my food, to be honest!   Staff must have come from Rent-a-Spook.


Spooks were also allowed into the exhibition halls, Saturday and Sunday!  Still, Miss Marple and the Bishop; Poirot and Inspector Japp, the local Bobby; Stationmaster and cat; and the Harbourmaster were all out on CQ to keep an eye on things.


Seems the spooks were all on their way home at the same time as us but didn't seem to be heading to Wales although there were a few stragglers in Chester Services so, after a slow start, we had a quick journey home.


Enjoy your day if you can and don't get spooked.


EDIT And a happy birthday to Dom.

Edited by southern42
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