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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Jamie and many more of them. The last couple of evenings I've gone to bed a bit earlier than usual, that is before midnight. Strangely that has resulted in my oversleeping both yesterday and today by about 20 minutes, just as well the clocks go back tonight but don't get me started on that which I consider as unneccessary and irrelevant in todays society. I now have the builders estimates for the drylining and installing a stud wall and doorway, ouch! Its a little more than I expected so I'll have to extend the equity release to cover the cost so I'm dusting off plans for a new kitchen of which the stud wall was part. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Last night I caught up with my old friend Mark. A couple of drinks in the pub, made more enjoyable by the fact Hobgoblin was the guest ale. It may be the reason for the headache this morning. The ale consumed this week has not helped the bladder issues either. I must remember to balance the beer, coffee and tea with water!


Enjoy your day.



I do not want to intrude on your personal issues, but I have found that changing to organic beer, wine and spirits has removed my alcohol related headache problems. Yes, I do get a hangover (which is basically feeling bad for half a day) if I over-indulge, but not the debilitating headaches that I used to get.


I brew my own beer, and I find the same thing with this; even though the gravity of my home brew can indicate 7% alcohol content. Sluggish hangover, yes; - headache? no.


But then, I don't add anything to my beer; it just clears naturally, however long that takes.


My theory is that for some people, the headache does not come from the alcohol. but from the chemicals added to the beer/wine; probably as improving clearance and preservative qualities. I have even heard of chemicals being added to wine in order to improve the taste of poor quality products.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all


Sherry and I are just reversing at Gloucester. Ooh! On the Penzance to Dundee, since you asked. Should have been two units throughout, but in fact arrived at Newton Abbott just 5 cars, and another 4 were added at Temple Meads. We change at New St, then on to Crewe, to stay a couple of nights with Sherry's daughter and family. Granddaughter Alice is 4 on Monday. I have magnanimously given over today to travelling, despite it being our first anniversary. Brownie points abound. I head for Euston first thing Monday, to catch the 12.24 from St Pancras to Paris.


Hope your weekend going well.

Edited by Oldddudders
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  • RMweb Gold

My theory is that for some people, the headache does not come from the alcohol. but from the chemicals added to the beer/wine; probably as improving clearance and preservative qualities. I have even heard of chemicals being added to wine in order to improve the taste of poor quality products.

The headache comes from dehydration!


You can drink umpteen pints, supposedly of fluid, but alcohol, or any other drug for that matter, will dehydrate you.


Severe dehydration can cause almost crippling pain in the back (actually it's the kidneys that are protesting).


This then transfers itself to the bladder, and one can experience a rather nasty burning sensation when passing urine.


A useful gauge is how strong your urine is, that the darker the colour, the less hydration you have (Of course we are talking reasonably healthy people here, and a sudden and unexpected change should be followed by seeking medical advice)  


Of course if you have a bladder that is already suffering from irritation..............


You could also use a pinch test to gauge your body's hydration level.


Pinch the skin in the area  between your thumb and fore finger, then see how long it takes the crease formed to disappear.


If you are properly hydrated, the skin will fall back almost instantaneously, but the level of dehydration can be seen if the skin tries to stick together and then comes apart and falls back slowly.

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Gold

As a sometime,occasional, fairly regular, almost permanent partaker of alcoholic beverages (but only in a small way if you get my meaning)  :jester: I have found that either drinking a pint of water before going to bed or taking a couple of Alka-Seltzer will usually stop a hangover happening. (unless I've really overdone it) 


Possibly, hopefully, with a bit of luck and a following wind. Especially the latter after certain brands of beer. :stinker:




PS And a very Happy Anniversary to Sherry & Ian today and Brian & Mrs W for tomorrow.

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


And many happy returns Jamie - and many more of 'em.


Well we really did go to Root One, we really did have breakfast - and very good it was too - and we duly bought the additional pot.  Actually I'm not sure it should be called a pot as it's about the same size and shape as a witch's cauldron and it's bl**dy heavy.  Followed by a quick Tesco visit and then home to get out of the occasional light, but very soggy, rain.


Enjoy the rest of your day folks

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  • RMweb Gold

Oh and I'm back from a pleasant 3 hours spent at the Wimbledon MRS show. Some good layouts there but I was particularly taken by some demonstration 7mm model buildings made by a guy named Michael Tucker who uses scrap card, slate and all sorts of other things from around the home including Weetabix!  He had some lovely models on display.

Met Bill and had a chat and also Robert Thomson (RT Models) from whom I obtained some detailing parts for my DJM Austerity. That could be fun as a soldering iron, scalpel & superglue are required. I'm guessing the glue is for the incisions in the fingers! 

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As a sometime,occasional, fairly regular, almost permanent partaker of alcoholic beverages (but only in a small way if you get my meaning)  :jester: I have found that either drinking a pint of water before going to bed or taking a couple of Alka-Seltzer will usually stop a hangover happening. (unless I've really overdone it) 


Possibly, hopefully, with a bit of luck and a following wind. Especially the latter after certain brands of beer. :stinker:




PS And a very Happy Anniversary to Sherry & Ian today and Brian & Mrs W for tomorrow.

I find that these days my internal ballcock valve is leaking, causing my cistern to fill up to the point of wanting to be emptied every two hours or so after drinking three pints in the pub after club nights. Once home and to bed, I always drink a glass of water each time I visit the W.C. to avoid hangovers. It does seem to work. Of course I could cut down on the amount of beer I drink but I feel I must keep the brewery trade in business.

Edited by Judge Dread
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The headache comes from dehydration!



I don't believe that, although it is a reason repeated regularly by those who wish to pontificate on the subject.


Maybe that is the excuse put out by the big brewer sponsored scientists?


It must be a very very coincidental occurrence that I only suffer from dehydration when imbibing with non organic produce.


I have been almost legless from not realising the strength of my home-brew, and drinking too much; but no headache in the morning.


The same happens with very expensive malt whiskey and cheap supermarket own brands.

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My plastic driving licence has arrived, complete with picture. If I ever get a passport I will use a different picture, as I'm not sure I would be allowed entry anywhere with this one. No money to pay although my 70th birthday is the 15th November and 70 is when free license replacements start. (This follows from discussion a couple of weeks ago when I thought I was being ripped off by the post office). Other than that, waiting for more paint to dry.


Stay safe all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from a dull Gateway to The World.


Happy Birthday to Jamie and Happy Anniversaries to Ian and Sherry and to Brian and Mrs W.


Not a lot happening here.   Mrs mole had her PIP assessment on Thursday, after various shenanigans. I accompanied her and don't think it went too badly but we won't know until she gets the result. She's a bit less stressed now but still worried. She also has a new chap so I think that may be helping.


We are going to Woburn Safari Park tomorrow, assuming we don't forget the clocks. Apparently we're meeting one of Mrs mole's friends for her birthday. Martyn loves animals (not that I don't) but I think I've mainly been asked in order  to provide a mobile banking service. It's close to my home turf; Sunday afternoon drives often passed through Woburn Park to see the deer, long before the Safari park opened.


I need to pop out to Sainsbury's. There's a pub next door.... 


Have a good day.



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  • RMweb Gold

Oh and I'm back from a pleasant 3 hours spent at the Wimbledon MRS show. Some good layouts there but I was particularly taken by some demonstration 7mm model buildings made by a guy named Michael Tucker who uses scrap card, slate and all sorts of other things from around the home including Weetabix!  He had some lovely models on display.

Met Bill and had a chat and also Robert Thomson (RT Models) from whom I obtained some detailing parts for my DJM Austerity. That could be fun as a soldering iron, scalpel & superglue are required. I'm guessing the glue is for the incisions in the fingers! 

So you will be turning out the kitchen cupboards looking for all this stuff Chris won't be best pleased. :nono:

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't believe that, although it is a reason repeated regularly by those who wish to pontificate on the subject.


Maybe that is the excuse put out by the big brewer sponsored scientists?


It must be a very very coincidental occurrence that I only suffer from dehydration when imbibing with non organic produce.


I have been almost legless from not realising the strength of my home-brew, and drinking too much; but no headache in the morning.


The same happens with very expensive malt whiskey and cheap supermarket own brands.

Much of an individual inclination towards a hangover is all all do do with a person's metabolism.


Individually we all have different metabolic rates which dictates how fast we can process food and drink etc.


Simplistically some are more prone to headaches or other minor ailments than others. bacuse they cannot process things quickly enough.


As an example, being an organic food and drink sort of chap, your body is attuned to healthy and wholesome.


Put your body through a processed food or drink regime, and you have issues.


Evidenced by your ability to process pure malt whisky, but not the processed cr*p at the cheaper end of the market.

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  • RMweb Premium

Sadly I won't be drinking pure malt whisky tonight, it is my favourite tipple. But I will be drinking rum and or brandy at my sailing clubs late ( postponed due to clashing with another event) Trafalgar dinner.

That's if I can get off the sofa, as I laid 3/4 ton of concrete path today up to the new foundations I've just started digging and laying for the railway shed extension.


Ah I've just heard SWMBO return from her weaving group, time to move...

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


First and foremost Happy Birthday Jamie and Happy Anniversary Ian and Sherry and Brian and Mrs Brian.  Not forgetting generic greetings to everybody else.


Been pretty driech day here, with fine drizzle, fog, and cloud. 


Taxi duties done for the day, and I've just managed to get online and to say hello. 


Back tomorrow, as nothing much more to say here today.


Regards to All


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Good afternoon all!


Having popped into work and failed to achieve what I wanted to do, I then went into LA to do some shopping and have lunch!


A couple of drinks in the pub, made more enjoyable by the fact Hobgoblin was the guest ale. It may be the reason for the headache this morning. The ale consumed this week has not helped the bladder issues either. I must remember to balance the beer, coffee and tea with water!

Enjoy your day.


The 'Goblin is doing the rounds as Roundhouse and I have found in different parts of the Country; did your pump also have the flashily lit tap label as well?


The headache comes from dehydration!


You can drink umpteen pints, supposedly of fluid, but alcohol, or any other drug for that matter, will dehydrate you.


Severe dehydration can cause almost crippling pain in the back (actually it's the kidneys that are protesting).


This then transfers itself to the bladder, and one can experience a rather nasty burning sensation when passing urine.


A useful gauge is how strong your urine is, that the darker the colour, the less hydration you have (Of course we are talking reasonably healthy people here, and a sudden and unexpected change should be followed by seeking medical advice)  


Of course if you have a bladder that is already suffering from irritation..............


You could also use a pinch test to gauge your body's hydration level.


Pinch the skin in the area  between your thumb and fore finger, then see how long it takes the crease formed to disappear.


If you are properly hydrated, the skin will fall back almost instantaneously, but the level of dehydration can be seen if the skin tries to stick together and then comes apart and falls back slowly.


Caffeine included! The colour of the urine has, I believe, been proven an urban myth in this field but the skin test is good. The phenomenon known as Dry Eye (where the eye does not stop watering) is also an excellent indicator of dehydration. Simple remedy - eat ready salted crisps! Both my GP and several pharmacists have suggested this as dehydration causes a drop in the body's salt levels.  The fat content of the crisps is dealt with accordingly.


As an aside, I read an article recently proclaiming that eating fat does not make you fat as we are designed to process it to our advantage. Said article was based on research from before the birth of a certain Mr. J. Oliver and cites sugar as the culprit. Come back Atkinson's diet; it's the kind of food for which we are designed!


Personally, I'll stick to the least processed foods.

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Much of an individual inclination towards a hangover is all all do do with a person's metabolism.


Individually we all have different metabolic rates which dictates how fast we can process food and drink etc.


Simplistically some are more prone to headaches or other minor ailments than others. bacuse they cannot process things quickly enough.


As an example, being an organic food and drink sort of chap, your body is attuned to healthy and wholesome.


Put your body through a processed food or drink regime, and you have issues.


Evidenced by your ability to process pure malt whisky, but not the processed cr*p at the cheaper end of the market.



Well, you get full marks for trying hard to prove that added chemicals are not to blame for headaches.


Maybe you have shares in companies who are trying to sell poison such as nitrates?


However, I will hope that others will try  organic beer/spirits; and not just follow the bar room bore/ daily mail story that organic must be rubbish.

Edited by jonny777
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Soldering iron time: have a Salter digi bathroom scales to repair, and an old Panasonic SA18PM mini stereo system with a non-functioning CD changer mechanism to fix....

Update: Salter digi scales fixed. Panasonic CD changer not looking so good, but I have downloaded a service manual.....


Since the soldering iron was still hot, I thought I'd do a bit more assembly of that GNR(I) S class 4-4-0 which I hadn't touched since the start of the year......




The upper frames are now finally in place and in the correct position, which means we can try the smokebox and boiler assembly in there and see how it looks:



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