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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry start and should be a fairly mild day with sunny periods.

Duncan, enjoy your trip to Devon.

More track repainted yesterday.Slowly getting there.

Domestic duties are on the agenda today. The Boss is to be met at work and shopping needs to be done. After that I'm on house cleaning duties as we have the offspring and grandchildren coming to dinner tonight. I expect the noise and laughter levels to be raised at GDB Towers.

I may get a chance after lunch to do a bit more on the layout providing Herself doesn't require my help in the kitchen.  :nono:  Thinking about it she probably won't. Nah, no chance.

Have a good one,


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Good morning one and all


I wonder if I will enjoy lemon and lavender marmalade.  This was one of the innovative flavours on sale by the WI yesterday on Bedford market.  Much later I found a jar of marmalade made by my late father in 1990.  I dare not open it.


Today I will visit Poorly Pal.  As well as a bit of m*d*ll*ng I will cook tuna as per Sophie Dahl.  You sear the tuna steak for a minute on each side and lay aside. Then you stir fry some suitable vegetables upon  which to lay the tuna.  The last bit is the sauce.  One spoon of soy sauce and one of runny honey, mixed and boiled up in the wok, is dribbled over the tuna and vegetables.  With any luck it will not trigger the smoke detector.  The recipe came from the BBC website when it still carried recipes.  Evil was the day when they were taken down.


I fear that some have detected humour where none was intended.  Much as I like some of my ramblings being rated 'funny', I do not think it a laughing matter when some good m*d*ll*rs are rusticated from the forum, still less when others feel constrained to flounce off and take their skills and wisdom with them.  Granted, every village has its idiot and every ballet its prima donna but this place is the poorer for their absence.


Best wishes, then, to the missing, ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving and depressed, and to all travellers whatever their journey.



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Morning all. Up earlier than usual. Off for a day of weasel hunting at Excel. Corporate display stand. Allegedly I'm being dragged along as a technical resource. (ie carrier of cables, plugger of plugs, master of the demo backend operations) Should be good though.  


Just need to survive a day of buzzword bingo.


Enjoy your day.

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  • RMweb Premium

The front edge of my  first baseboard of my own was stuck on last night, hopefully the two sides tonight,.

Dry and a reasonable drive in this morning, except for the idiot in front of me with the break lights going on and off randomly and who was doing 25MPH in a 50 limit clear straight road.


 Measuring lots of resistors today. So this is blatantly lifted from the "things that make you smile" thread contributed by Sidecar Racer


Edited by TheQ
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I was offered a “V@gina’s against Trump” T-Shirt yesterday - but turned it down as readers might have got confused.


I first thought that it had  read: “Virginia against Trump”........


Did my right knee’s meniscus in yesterday by twisting my leg awkwardly. Operation now scheduled for next Tuesday mid-morning. Apparently I’ll be able to carry on normally either side of the Op on the day.


Medicine is amazing nowadays......


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Certainly is Pete. When I had my first meniscus op in I think 1978 I was in hospital for 5 days. It was an early keyhole type op and was much better than the older op which I believe meant a hospital stay of at least 2 weeks.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning most..lummy Pete you are up late!


Dr Eldest Herbert off to deliver lectures...one thinks he is realising working full time is tiring!


Lots of parcels to do today including one to a shop in Beckhole....may see that weathered and for sale shortly methinks.


Ta ta for now!


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Previously a successful day in London.  Two new sweatshirts from Marks so I can post the old one's to the Vatican.  Then the bedroom TV and a posh lap top purchased from John Lewis.  The latter will merely be a super typewriter, so I don't plan to connect to the Webby thing; except that is the only way to download Microsoft.  Tony A, who posts here occasionally, can expect a phone call.  The only problem was my Partner card didn't work in the card reader so payment made with my Nationwide card.  Then the Trafalgar Square post office to send the second letter to Germany for Spur Null bits, including zwei Schaukästen, so Tony will be asked for a doctored map of the Franken railway system and arrival and departure boards for Höchstädt.  Then to the Nationwide to pay off the cards - I don't like being in debt!



Oh ******!


At least I wasn't asked to provide the card as well.  :nono:



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It's a dull start to the day, but at least it's not raining. Mrs W has just left for her Zumba class so the house is now very quiet. I'll meet her later so we can do a little fodder run for fresh fruit and veg. Not much else is happening today, save for my mid afternoon appointment at hospital.


Back later.

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Off to a committee meeting for our local model engineering society today. A week ago the Agenda looked like we might have a relatively quick meeting, but since then our Chairman has added so many items that it has now gone onto a second page. Looks like a flask and sandwiches will be the order of the day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the village.   SWMBO is watching the Bake Off final on catch up so I'm sworn to silence.   Not sure what I'm going to do today but more excavations in the modelling room may be done.  I did find some floor yesterday and returned safely so that was a positive result.    After various very helpful comments on my layout thread I may well be having discussions with a model boat specialist to get a couple of dinghy's to put on the river on the layout. 


Pete, hope the knee gets sorted, I've had both done in recent years and was back cycling after only a few days.  When I sked the surgeon how soon I could get back on the bike he replied "As soon as you can stand the pain".   The follow up physio later told me it was the perfect form of physio.


Anyway regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Feeling a lot better this morning, just as well as I have to finish clearing the shed and making it ready for the builders. That involves running conduits and fitting the patrices for the electricity supply and lighting before the dry lining is done.


Certainly is Pete. When I had my first meniscus op in I think 1978 I was in hospital for 5 days. It was an early keyhole type op and was much better than the older op which I believe meant a hospital stay of at least 2 weeks.

Your first, how many have you had?

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  • RMweb Gold

Ooops, should have said first knee op. Total of 4 on left knee, Meniscectomy, ACL reconstruction, Arthroscopy and total knee replacement. The starboard side is OK (at the moment)





PS. For the ACL I was in hospital for about 24 days, home for 14 days (on crutches leg bent at strange angle in cast then back to hospital for another 6 days to have cast removed and intensive physio.

Arthroscopy I was only in for about 3 hours.

Knee replacement in for 4 days. That was a lot easier than the ACL and about 30 years later!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Even more mist than yesterday although it has cleared a bit but we still can't see the lair of the multi-millionaire on the other side of the valley (who is seemingly making a nuisance of himself with some loony plan to alter - even more - the topography of the valley which run.s down the hillside in front of his grand pile (which the Russian Govt has allegedly been trying to take off him).


On a far more mundane (realistic?) level today is faux Friday so a Waitrose shopping we wlll go but in the meanwhile even more importantly some mushrooms are meeting a saucepan in the kitchen and I'm tasked to make the tea - right that's done and the mushrooms are being subjected to an experimental method of seasoning in an effort to catch the way our new favourite local restaurant does them.


Have a good day folks.

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Morning all. A great nights sleep and for a change I don't feel totally shattered.


A quick coffee before heading off to South East Devon and hopefully internet access is good.


Have a good day everyone

have a good journey, south Devon is looking ok at present

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Ooops, should have said first knee op. Total of 4 on left knee, Meniscectomy, ACL reconstruction, Arthroscopy and total knee replacement. The starboard side is OK (at the moment)





PS. For the ACL I was in hospital for about 24 days, home for 14 days (on crutches leg bent at strange angle in cast then back to hospital for another 6 days to have cast removed and intensive physio.

Arthroscopy I was only in for about 3 hours.

Knee replacement in for 4 days. That was a lot easier than the ACL and about 30 years later!

wouldn't having a wooden leg fitted have been easier?  ;)

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wouldn't having a wooden leg fitted have been easier?  ;)

It might have been easier, but Bob needs the blood reservoir. Remember that scalp wounds bleed a lot.


Tony A has been let off for 24 hours, the PS hasn't been sent to the local Waitrode yet.



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I've received a letter (for information purposes only) from HM Revenue & Customs NIC&EO department.  It's about my private pension(s).  Well, they have completely missed one of them.  For the one they have included, they have got the start date wrong.  The pension scheme pay me comfortably more than the Guaranteed Minimum Pension so is there any point in me contacting HMRC?



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I was offered a “V@gina’s against Trump” T-Shirt yesterday - but turned it down as readers might have got confused.


I first thought that it had  read: “Virginia against Trump”........


Did my right knee’s meniscus in yesterday by twisting my leg awkwardly. Operation now scheduled for next Tuesday mid-morning. Apparently I’ll be able to carry on normally either side of the Op on the day.


Medicine is amazing nowadays......


Best, Pete.

Errr wow,  I'm still waiting for a date for my knee op., and that's going private.



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Tony A has been let off for 24 hours, the PS hasn't been sent to the local Waitrode yet.




PS at Waitrode??? If that's how you type, we will have problems.  :jester:


Anyway, it will have to be next week and in return I need a PAT test on the transformer that I dropped.


Now I am going out to play with the grandchildren.  :senile:



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  • RMweb Premium

I've received a letter (for information purposes only) from HM Revenue & Customs NIC&EO department.  It's about my private pension(s).  Well, they have completely missed one of them.  For the one they have included, they have got the start date wrong.  The pension scheme pay me comfortably more than the Guaranteed Minimum Pension so is there any point in me contacting HMRC?



If they've missed it, then they will not be taxing it, so they will blame you for not declaring it and as well as back tax, you could get hit by a fine!!

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BIN day today, and I'm home to do the honours.


Uneventful yesterday, my one day "in" the office, and I left early as the heating system seems to NOT understand the setting "heat". As we only moved into this space a couple of months ago, we've as yet not had the need to exercise the heating, just the A/C. I spend enough time in the Long Island dungeon space freezing my t!ts off to want to also do it here. :jester:


Had to do a shopping run first thing as we were out of milk, and somehow "accidentally" picked up a donut while I was passing the bakery department - who says unplanned trips to the shops are a nuisance??


4 and cloudy on the donut run first thing, remaining cloudy all day and a high of 12 forecast.


May your BINs get the service they require.

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  • RMweb Gold

BIN day today, and I'm home to do the honours.


Uneventful yesterday, my one day "in" the office, and I left early as the heating system seems to NOT understand the setting "heat". As we only moved into this space a couple of months ago, we've as yet not had the need to exercise the heating, just the A/C. I spend enough time in the Long Island dungeon space freezing my t!ts off to want to also do it here. :jester:


Had to do a shopping run first thing as we were out of milk, and somehow "accidentally" picked up a donut while I was passing the bakery department - who says unplanned trips to the shops are a nuisance??


4 and cloudy on the donut run first thing, remaining cloudy all day and a high of 12 forecast.


May your BINs get the service they require.

As long as it wasnt a box of doughnuts :sungum:

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  • RMweb Gold

I found this little poem in a second hand railway book and would like to find the author if he is member on here.


My engine now is cold and still

No water does my boiler fill

My coke affords its flame no more

My days of usefulness are o'er

My wheels deny their noted speed

No more my guiding hand they need

Wy whistle has lost it's tone

It's shrill and thrilling sound is gone

My valves are now thrown open wide

My flanges all refuse to glide

No more I feel each ungiving breath

My steam is now condensed to death

Life's railway o'er each station passed

At death I'm stopped and rest at last.




Copied word for word, pencil written on a old non watermarked paper.


Enjoy Bob

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