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Back from the equine cruise liner. In the last 24 hours he had managed to lose a near-fore shoe, so wasn't going anywhere. Went twice round his field - no sign of the shoe. How do they do it!?


Today's alcohack took place on a spare horse, a real pocket rocket. She'd make a good pointer, were it not for the fact that she's somewhere over 18 years old...


....Worst flight (2) - Air India LHR-JFK, equipment problems with BA, all shoved on Air India, it was AWFUL, worst than being in a latrine for 8 hours :O...

Dunno when your flight was, but I can offer you a one-hour stop in Bombay Airport, courtesy of MAS, July 1983, LHR-KUL. Back then, both MAS and SIA ran standard Boeing 747s, and the one-hour stop (generally Bombay, Dubai or Bahrain) was obligatory. Bombay was the ars*-end of the world, worse than Luton is today. I came out of the Gents faster than I went in, and that definitely was a latrine. Then being earnestly plagued by desperate trinket-sellers, all peddling the same designs of chess set. That was the one occasion I couldn't wait to get back on the plane. Edited by Horsetan
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A long day working on the layout. really warm in the sun but when it clouded over it was quite chilly.


Came into the house at about 6pm and then sat in the conservatory gluing glazing into the station building on Frot Myers. The operators side of the building has been without glazing for 22 years so finally I have got round to  this task. Still a lot of work to do in the next few days .

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A day spent carrying out the mundane tasks before a working week. These were finished early and plenty of research was carried out before roast pork with all the trimmings followed by keeping track of the GP.


Flights - In no particular order, Hercules, VC10, Tri Star, Lynx, Chinook, Puma and a couple of civilian types. The worst one was landing in Gibraltar during a thunder storm on a military charter flight. I swear that we landed sideways.


Back to ER's tomorrow but only for three days of surveys.


Night all

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Ladies and gents - in need of some help and opinions.



1) This IS about trains (sorry Debs)

2) I am posting/asking here as I value the simple/straightforward responses I'll get from you ERs over opening a new thread and being deluged with ramblings and OT drivel :)

3) Since most of you are aware I'm travelling to the UK the weekend of Nov 11th and will attend at least the Hampton Court show, you have an understanding of the exact situation.


So, I have in my possession, original purchase by me in the '80s, two boxed Wrenn locomotives.

W2235 'Barnstaple' BR, and W2269 'Sir Keith Park' BR/Golden Arrow edition.

Since purchase they have remained boxed (not displayed), never run, except for occasional unboxing, checking the lubrication and running back and forth a few times on a 3' piece of track to make sure they are still in working order. They are in excellent condition given their age (some slight lining decay on one side of one tender), with boxes that are good/excellent overall.

I won't ever run them (I'm DCC plus they are too coarse detail-wise for me now) and have no need/intention of displaying them.

I'd prefer/like to have them find a decent home, not an eBay sale over here since they'd likely net "nothing", with a reasonable return given they probably have some value.

I note some Wrenn locos are listed and even sell for fairly (silly!) high prices, but I'm mostly looking to get what is considered fair for anyone interest, without being taken for a ride. i.e. I don't intend to sell them for a tenner but am not expecting top dollar (pound!!)  :O

I did a couple of years back offer them to Rails but they weren't slightly even interested, so discount that as an option/suggestion. 


So, the help/opinions required are for;

i)  Would it be worth me hauling them over when I come on my trip, in terms of getting a decent amount for them? I don't know what that amount is, but not giving them away.

ii) Are there likely to be any traders at that show I'm going to that BUY STUFF and would be interested?

iii) Alternatively is there any chance of locating somewhere (shop etc.) that'd be interested, in the SW London area? - don't have time/energy to travel way out of my way, as I'm only there Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

iv) Is it a pointless waste of time to carry them across the pond in that I'll likely be just dragging them back with me?


Thanks in advance :)

Edited by Ian Abel
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Good evening everyone


We caught up with 'The hunt for the ghost ship' on iplayer this afternoon, it turns out that we'd seen it before but we still found it very interesting to re-watch it. Other than that I've done absolutely nothing today, I might try pottering about tidying up some bits of paperwork tomorrow.


The numbness and swelling seems to be going, I am now also starting to feel the ends of my fingers, so I'm really pleased with that. The downside is that a little pain is starting to kick in, but I think this is a good sign as that also means that some of the nerves are working, which is a good thing. The bathing issue was solved with the aid of a plastic food bag and an elastic band! Necessity being the mother of invention as they say.


This evening I enjoyed my first alcoholic drink for over a week, a bottle of 'Golden Sheep' whilst Mrs W had a brandy and coke!


With that I'll wish you all a goodnight.

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Ladies and gents - in need of some help and opinions.



1) This IS about trains (sorry Debs)

2) I am posting/asking here as I value the simple/straightforward responses I'll get from you ERs over opening a new thread and being deluged with ramblings and OT drivel :)

3) Since most of you are aware I'm travelling to the UK the weekend of Nov 11th and will attend at least the Hampton Court show, you have an understanding of the exact situation.


So, I have in my possession, original purchase by me in the '80s, two boxed Wrenn locomotives.

W2235 'Barnstaple' BR, and W2269 'Sir Keith Park' BR/Golden Arrow edition.

Since purchase they have remained boxed (not displayed), never run, except for occasional unboxing, checking the lubrication and running back and forth a few times on a 3' piece of track to make sure they are still in working order. They are in excellent condition given their age (some slight lining decay on one side of one tender), with boxes that are good/excellent overall.

I won't ever run them (I'm DCC plus they are too coarse detail-wise for me now) and have no need/intention of displaying them.

I'd prefer/like to have them find a decent home, not an eBay sale over here since they'd likely net "nothing", with a reasonable return given they probably have some value.

I note some Wrenn locos are listed and even sell for fairly (silly!) high prices, but I'm mostly looking to get what is considered fair for anyone interest, without being taken for a ride. i.e. I don't intend to sell them for a tenner but am not expecting top dollar (pound!!)  :O

I did a couple of years back offer them to Rails but they weren't slightly even interested, so discount that as an option/suggestion. 


So, the help/opinions required are for;

i)  Would it be worth me hauling them over when I come on my trip, in terms of getting a decent amount for them? I don't know what that amount is, but not giving them away.

ii) Are there likely to be any traders at that show I'm going to that BUY STUFF and would be interested?

iii) Alternatively is there any chance of locating somewhere (shop etc.) that'd be interested, in the SW London area? - don't have time/energy to travel way out of my way, as I'm only there Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

iv) Is it a pointless waste of time to carry them across the pond in that I'll likely be just dragging them back with me?


Thanks in advance :)

Ian, I would suggest contacting an auction house, preferably one that specialises in model railways.  

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Evening all.    Outlaw and offspring duly fed and watered, house tidied and quiet again.   Supper about to be consumed.   


Flying, first flight aged 25 on a CP Air 747 Manchester-Toronto solid charter.  For some reason I got put upstairs and 16  of us had first class service all the way. Since then a variety of modern  beasts.  Worst landing at Leeds Bradford when we bumped down sideways on so hard the overhead lockers flew open. 


My brother flew for BOAC then BA , started on VC10's that he loved.  Then onto 747's 737's and finally 767/757's before retiring.  He has some interesting stories to tell.


Bon nuit a tout le monde.



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Is parquet weather similar to our parky weather or is it herringbone clouds?


It's a more genteel sort of weather. I do think "Gosh, it's a little parquet isn't it?" sounds so much better than "Gor blimey! It's bleedin' parky, init?

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Aircraft types copped for haulage - Viscount 800, Dakota, Comet4b, Tu134, IL80, BAC 1-11 (a number of times, rarest was a white tail job on a BA flight in the second half of the 1990s), BAC Trident, DC9/MD80, Boeing 737, 757, 747, Airbus A319 and A340.  Roughest landing ever - LHR in a British Midland MD80, I think the bloke up front wanted to see how strong the undercarriage was as he definitely gave it a good working out.


Anyway a distinctly ER day for me tomorrow as I am attending a meeting at a preservation site with and have to catch a train before 08.00 - mission details not yet for public consumption.


G'night all

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Ian, I would suggest contacting an auction house, preferably one that specialises in model railways.  



Did contact one (don't remember which now) but issues/concerns were that the photos I could send didn't seem to be sufficient for a decent suggestion of value etc., (I sent a LOT, but I guess they maybe are nervous about not actually seeing the real thing - not that they're rare/worth millions or anything!!) they'd rather have me ship them so they could see, plus the whole shipping carp to an auction house, especially if it doesn't sell/make my stated minimum makes it mostly a time-consuming non-starter it seems.

I'd lose probably as much as I'd make just in the shipping (insured of course) and return if necessary, plus their take, to make it not worth the bother.

I don't need to sell them/get any money out of them, just thinking that since I'm coming over anyway if I bring them with me and can sell them "simply", it'd give me some spending money for new stuff:)

Edited by Ian Abel
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Aircraft types copped for haulage - Viscount 800, Dakota, Comet4b, Tu134, IL80, BAC 1-11 (a number of times, rarest was a white tail job on a BA flight in the second half of the 1990s), BAC Trident, DC9/MD80, Boeing 737, 757, 747, Airbus A319 and A340.  Roughest landing ever - LHR in a British Midland MD80, I think the bloke up front wanted to see how strong the undercarriage was as he definitely gave it a good working out.


Anyway a distinctly ER day for me tomorrow as I am attending a meeting at a preservation site with and have to catch a train before 08.00 - mission details not yet for public consumption.


G'night all

If you want to become a "total anorak", there's always FlightDiary where you can track all your flights and even a banner you can add to a forum...




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Aircraft types copped for haulage

Does it count if you took off in it but didn't land in it?


In that case I can add a couple of Cessnas (Cessnae?) and an Britten-Norman Islander ;)

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Did contact one (don't remember which now) but issues/concerns were that the photos I could send didn't seem to be sufficient for a decent suggestion of value etc., (I sent a LOT, but I guess they maybe are nervous about not actually seeing the real thing - not that they're rare/worth millions or anything!!) they'd rather have me ship them so they could see, plus the whole shipping carp to an auction house, especially if it doesn't sell/make my stated minimum makes it mostly a time-consuming non-starter it seems.

I'd lose probably as much as I'd make just in the shipping (insured of course) and return if necessary, plus their take, to make it not worth the bother.

I don't need to sell them/get any money out of them, just thinking that since I'm coming over anyway if I bring them with me and can sell them "simply", it'd give me some spending money for new stuff:)


I suppose you could ask a member of this forum to dispose of them for you on Ebay.  However I think that there is a Wrenn collectors club that may be able to help.

Found it.



The expert is Maurice Gunter who I did meet a few years ago.



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Some great sunrises and sunsets here this week and autumn sunshine during the day making leaves on the trees look golden yellow - orange.  Tried to catch it on camera one morning but by the time I got outside the sun had gone behind some clouds.


Also, watched the long band of cloud moving southwards on the far side of Anglesey - for once not venturing our way!


Exhibition beckons - meaning some weathering, painting and sticking to do.


Sleep first.

' Night all and nos da.

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Mawnin' awl. Having brekkie right now and will be home by five post meridiem, I guess. Verdict is still out on present weather but showers are predicted for the afternoon.


I bought us a Caribbean cook book last week, so we tried something Cuban for dinner last night. Have to look up what it was called but it comprised minced beef and pork, peppers, olives, raisins and fried plantain. Nice stuff actually, especially for counterbalancing the dreichitude (is that a word or did I just create it?) of European autumn, so I guess we'll be trying a couple of other dishes from this book as well.




In that case I can add a couple of Cessnas (Cessnae?) and an Britten-Norman Islander ;)



Tha' be the Scottish plural, no? :jester:

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Morning all. Still dark outside so I haven't even checked on the weather yet.


For some reason, I feel totally shattered this morning so copious quantities of coffee will be required.


Several surveys to complete today so hopefully an early finish so that I can get back and write them up without making myself too late


Have a good day everyone

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Good morning one and all


I see we are discussing flight.  My first one was in a glider, at Tibenham airfield in Norfolk during that unsettling time between finals and results in 1969.  The sensation of being aloft in silence almost total except for air rushing past the dome and the distinct unease of seeing the ground rushing up to meet us on landing.  My first commercial flight was from Heathrow to Ronaldsway in 1976 for the probably one and only Isle of Man folk festival.  Since then - not much, actually.  Berlin twice, Luxembourg once [one way only], Beijing via Charles de Gaulle once and Gatwick to Ronaldsway in, I think, 2006.  My most recent flight was from Heathrow to Vancouver and from Toronto to Heathrow, both overnight.  On that trip the outward flight as an hour late taking off because the aircraft was too hot.  In December.  I'm not sure which I dislike more, flying or airports.  Eurostar and its terminals behave too much like airlines for my liking but I find it the lesser evil.


Yesterday was almost uneventful.  The delivery brat defaulted again but he/she has managed the vital task of providing me with 'Bedfordshire On Sunday' for four consecutive weeks.  As I have to go into town today anyway it will be no big deal to go via the newspaper office and collect a copy.  I'm used to it.  The only event of note was receiving an e-mail from someone from whom I wanted to buy something, apologising that my mail had been routed into his spam box and he had not spotted it for several days.  I was able to tell him that it keeps happening at my end.  Despite adding the addresses to my contacts list there are at least three regular originators whose material goes into spam.  I wish I knew how to cure this.


In other news, carrot does go well with gammon steak.  One mega-carrot remains in stock so that is one less thing to add to the list for tomorrow's fodder run.  Tonight there is a railway film show in Kettering which, despite being linked to F***** S*******, looks good.  Later in the week there is a meeting of the HMRS chapter in Bletchley [Wednesday] and a visit to Poorly Pal when I shall cook us tuna to a recipe by Sophie Dahl [Thursday].  As a result of what seemed like a good idea at the time yesterday, laundry, there will be ironing tomorrow.  Whoopee.


Best wishes - all together now - to all travellers and to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing and depressed.



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Morning All,


I trust you are all well?  I have just come back into the office after a weeks holiday.  I decided to use computers and the internet as little as possible during that time and just recharge my own batteries.


It was a fairly quiet break, and we did a few day trips to various places - including the Modellbahnwelt in the Odenwald.  It isn't quite a big and impressive as Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg, but it is still worth a visit.


I also put up an LED floodlight with movement sensor for my neighbour.  Somebody tried to break into her house during the night last week, and although they didn't get in it is still rather close to home.


Dom, question if I may; slap-bang in the middle of the village of Lützschena is a large industrial complex that has obviously seen better days, just north of the Linie 11 route. Any idea what that was? It had a railway connection, long time ago and older imagery shows in the currently empty space/car parking a large building that fronted the road, I assume it was associated with the complex behind it?


I am clearly not Dominik, but I am sure he won't mind me jumping in.


The derelict Sternburg Brauerei perhaps?  See Here: http://www.rottenplaces.de/main/sternburg-brauerei-6257/


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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What ever flew from the UK to Cyprus for RAF Wives and family, back in 1959 was my first flight but I'm to young to remember it.


Hairiest flight A Viscount going to Benbecula from Inverness, we'd already had a couple of very low passes / attempts to land in the fog / very low cloud, the third Time we flew down the runway the pilot spotted the runway, put us down with a very  heavy thud and slammed on the anchors and reversed the propellers. we stopped with the front wheels on that dark line in grass coming off the middle of the end of the runway and had to back up before he could turn!!!! https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@57.4858204,-7.3499118,172m/data=!3m1!1e3

looking at the line on the satellite picture others have gone further off the grass since!!!


second hairiest a very windy day at Heathrow, A cross wind, in an airbus from Bahrain, one rear  wheel in a tilted aircraft, then levelled out and the other rear wheel down. Then drop the front and a sudden jerk as we straightened out down the runway.


Other aircraft flown in. 747, 777, 737, Tristars to the Falklands, Hercules, a Chinook  in mid winter with all  doors open with an underslung container and snow getting in the cabin.


A little aside 12 years after the hairy landing on Benbecula, some comedian in the RAF sent me back to work there. if you zoom out on that google satellite map slightly you'll see a cross shaped building that was RAF Benbecula and used to have two Radars alongside it which I worked on.


And my proud claim to fame overtaking Concorde in a Chipmonk....











 We were flying flat out and level over the grass down one side of Filton Runway, while Concorde taxied down the runway. when we came back an hour later Concorde was strapped down and testing her engines .

Edited by TheQ
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Morning from a dark Surrey.


A few more ore windows glazed this morning on FortvMyers building. Adding all the window bars is the next task. There are a lot of them to do.


Theameslink a bit of a mess this morning with over running engineering works nor of St Pancras and driver shortage meaning the train before ours being cancelled. Luckily it's half term so fewer people at the station.


Ian A - There will be second hand traders at the show but as to what they would give for Wrenn I am not sure.

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