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The Triang B12 that was my brother's must be around somewhere in our house. I know I "modified" it so it could run on the train set Matthew had about 20 years ago. The dead smoke unit and motor were replaced and I also replaced the Triang wheels with something finer. We then painted it green but Matthew didn't want a face putting on it to represent Henry.

Maybe a respray in suitable colours and tell him it's Polish will be more acceptanle now.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Still in the process of emptying the shed, in one corner is a small shelf on which stood a plastic bottle of brake fluid. When it was first put on the shelf it was full with an unbroken seal, now half the contents have gone, mostly over the shelf. The plastic bottle it came in is unbroken and the liquid appears to have forced its way out through the cap. I've put the container with the remaining contents into a stout cardboard box and added it to the pile marked 'tip', the shelf will be joining it shortly as it is saturated with the stuff. One thing that I had forgotten that I 'found' in the shed was an old coffee table top. This consists of a solid chunk of elm four feet long, 15 to 18 inches wide and more than an inch thick. I have no use for it that I can think of has anyone any suggestions please?

Offer it to Dick would be my suggestion. 

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Just back from our trip to the bank....

Not unexpectedly it turned into a seven hour shopping trip.


I did get 6 books from "The Works" that will keep me going for a couple of weeks, sadly the model railway shop in Gt Yarmouth closed a few months back.


Ians aircraft trip reminds me of my first to Saudi in a Saudia jumbo jet. The were just 17 passengers!!!


Having just had a haggis omelette, I'm going now to fall asleep on the sofa before tonights trip to the MRC.

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Charlie's only about 5 foot 6 but boy can she deliver a 'look'!! It can pierce steel at 50 yards. Mrs NHN doesn't have anything like the ferocity of looks, thankfully otherwise I doubt I would have survived 32 years of marriage!


Old farts bike club today was a revelation, we actually managed to go for a ride and got to the destination (our new and impressive motor museum).  It's a bit odd though as several members (there's no real organised club, we just meet) don't have bikes at all, and just tag along for company as the Men In Sheds group around the corner is a bit boring and too clique-y for them!

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Afternoon all. Bit p1ssed off at the moment.


SWMBO has had an on again off again eye problem for the past couple of weeks. I think I ranted about the N in NHS standing for NO. Well 3 weeks ago after calling in and getting called back and told to wait for another call for an appt with the emergency eye clinic at Queen Mary's, nothing happened. No call back, no appointment, nada. Even the formal complaint seems to have vanished into neverland. Well the eye sort of improved a bit on its own. Appt with her local GP quack done for this coming Monday. (earliest she could get 15th working day) Yesterday the problem was back with a vengeance. Last minute appointment with new quack at the old practice was "arranged". Home she comes with a gigantic envelop and a teary request to drive to the emergency eye clinic. Off we go. 2 hours later she gets called, poked in the eye, shuffled into Dante's next level of hell the next waiting room with the same bunch from the first waiting room, and told it could take several more hours. We grab lunch and I'm back home waiting for a call to pick her up. (eventually) 2 Doctors in the whole department. 6 people on the various and multiple reception desks scowling at patients, hospital seems to have a different NHS trust for every department with the resulting administrative overhead, 1 poor nurse running about like a blue arsed fly. I've seen how top heavy the NHS is but this is idiotic. ARRRGGGGHHHH bunch of w*nkpuffins.

That's my view of the NHS too few front line staff running round like crazy with top heavy management filling in various reports and targets the Govt sets them. Just means that the patients are the ones that suffer with especially rude receptionists who think that they run the whole show. One reason that I avoid the quacks like the plague.

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That's my view of the NHS too few front line staff running round like crazy with top heavy management filling in various reports and targets the Fort sets them. Just means that the patients are the ones that suffer with especially rude receptionists who think that they run the whole show. One reason that I avoid the quacks like the plague.

In my state of not looking very closely I read that as 'nude receptionists' ...

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Evenin' all,

We're lucky here with a walk in phlebotomy clinic at the local hospital and I can book GP appointments and get repeat prescriptions online. The only problem with the appointments is that you have  to book about a week in advance so only OK for routine stuff. Used to be able to phone and get an appointment the same day quite easily but it's now a job to get through so if it's urgent I queue up at the surgery when it opens. Luckily it's only about an eight minute walk away.

Things didn't go quite to plan today so no track got painted. I did however waste an hour or so going to Hobbycraft as they'd sent me a £5 off voucher. Discovered their model railway section is no longer there apart from a couple of 2 ft wide shelves in a corner with 1 trainset, 3 or 4 bags of ballast, some lichen and a pack of 4 trees. I did buy some paint brushes and paint so managed to use up the voucher.

Even though my back doesn't ache today I am now taking some liquid pain relief - just in case. :drinks:

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The paperwork that accompanies the application states no fee to pay even though I have a month to go until my seventieth birthday. If my application is returned because the fee has not been paid I will let you know.

I seem to remember, I didn't have to pay when I was 70 and I certainly didn't pay for my renewal this year for my 73rd birthday next month.

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Evenin' all,

We're lucky here with a walk in phlebotomy clinic at the local hospital and I can book GP appointments and get repeat prescriptions online. The only problem with the appointments is that you have  to book about a week in advance so only OK for routine stuff. Used to be able to phone and get an appointment the same day quite easily but it's now a job to get through so if it's urgent I queue up at the surgery when it opens. Luckily it's only about an eight minute walk away.

Things didn't go quite to plan today so no track got painted. I did however waste an hour or so going to Hobbycraft as they'd sent me a £5 off voucher. Discovered their model railway section is no longer there apart from a couple of 2 ft wide shelves in a corner with 1 trainset, 3 or 4 bags of ballast, some lichen and a pack of 4 trees. I did buy some paint brushes and paint so managed to use up the voucher.

Even though my back doesn't ache today I am now taking some liquid pain relief - just in case. :drinks:

A couple of days ago you could have spent that voucher on some ballast.

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Little girl at a bus stop with an ice cream - in her hair over her face down her jumper - I pointed out that she was supposed to eat it not wear it. The look she gave me was evil! Age about three. They must be born with the talent

Edited by laurenceb
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Good morning one and all


...This cannot last.


Don't worry, something's bound to arise!


Aha!  I have remembered something.  A discussion began here yesterday about the festive season.  That is something which I prefer to avoid.  To an extent I acknowledge its influence by sending seasonal greetings cards to about 70 people from my past and present, enclosing in most cases a round robin letter which some recipients are kind enough to call entertaining.  I saw some nice cards in Oxfam a week or so back and bought some.  The cards are entrusted to the mail service at the beginning of December and apart from selecting and delivering a gift for a friend, that is it.  I avoid the British experience or, as I prefer to think of it, endurance test, by clearing off to Switzerland and leaving it behind.  Yes, folks, I am firmly of the humbug persuasion.




Likewise do I recognise to the fact that I have some friends who celebrate this particular event with the offering of a suitable piece of card with, possibly, an equally suitable greeting and hand-written salutation inside, but that's as far as it goes!


A few years back, I recall ""celebrating"" the occasion with a large bag of Twiglets (which I'd 'won'  in the company draw the day before) and a few several beers before reporting for work on the 26th!


Alas, it would seem that at least part of that could now be repeated as my leave application for said period was declined last January. Thus, alas, ChrisF, I will not be joining you (or partaking of our regular meeting with iL Dottore) at Wilderswil or Chur this time. (One of our fellow regulars has already threatened to complain to my MD about this on the basis that it may lower the level of the 'sense of humour' beyond his (in)sanity!) (Chrisf: think the bearded one from Edinburgh!)


La vie continue, malgre tous! (Michel Delpeche, mid 70's, IIRC)

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Little girl at a bus stop with an ice cream - in her hair over her face down her jumper - I pointed out that she was supposed to eat it not wear it. The look she gave me was evil! Age about three. They must be bourn with the talent

Many many years ago one of the friends I was having a day out (at Sheerness) with managed to spill all kinds of food on herself. We were discussing what to eat that evening and when I suggested Sue could make a lovely soup by boiling her T shirt I got a " we are not amused" look. I am a quick learner so didn't make that mistake ever again.

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John, I'll admit not knowing how this is regulated in UK law, but over here, if you apply for leave in writing at least 3 months before the event, employers are legally obliged to grant it. Simply said, the Law prohibits them to refuse you that leave period! It sort of states to employers that 3 months is sufficient time for them to arrange a replacement to do the job. I've used that rule frequently and for a long time, obtaining leave for (mostly) model railway related events ;)

Long term readers of ER may recall a few years ago Aditi booked leave, had it approved, booked a holiday cottage and then had to cancel when her employer rescheduled compulsory training days. She was told that the person who had authorised her leave wasn't authorised to do so. We were not amused. I suppose she got her revenge a year later by authorising everyone's leave that she was responsible for leaving no cover during the summer. I still think Aditi's final leave before retiring was only authorised by herself. As she said, what could they do?

Edited by Tony_S
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Good evening everyone


POETS day was achieved, I managed to get home just in time for a mid afternoon cup in of tea in the company of Mrs W. It's been very quite here this afternoon as we've had no grandkids round. It's the start of half term so they've gone down to Stoke to spend the weekend with their other grandma's. They'll return on Sunday evening as Ava has a dental appointment early on Monday afternoon and picking them up on the Monday morning might well be pushing it a bit. We've no doubt that their parents will make the most of the whole weekend to themselves, I know we would have done!


We popped out earlier to the Trafford Centre this evening for a few last minute bits of shopping, mainly for bottles of oat milk that we have on our cereal each morning, as I won't be able to drive for about 3 weeks. I won't look in tomorrow morning as I'll be off to hospital for my op, hopefully I'll be able to look in sometime tomorrow afternoon. However, as I have to be there for 7:30, I think an early night is in order, so I'll bid you all goodnight.

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Conratulations, commiserations, best wishes etc to those that need/require them as I've only had chance for a skim read of two days of ERs.



The office shell at the warehouse is virtually complete, with Thursday mostly spent cutting MDF sheets and fixing them in place with LOTS of screws. We had a couple of battery packs per power tool, so as soon as one went flat it was exchanged with the one on the charger.



Meanwhile today, I seem to have won another trophy and some more alcohol whilst playing golf...

(It may be awhile before I get chance to play again and not for alcohol over-consumption reasons)

Today was our annual Captain's Day Out, where the Captain books a course and a few of us - 22 in this case - turned up to play for a few prizes.

Our team ended up winning the overall team score and there were four bottles for us, 2 whisky, 1 gin and 1 vodka.. Guess which one I bagged?


On the way to the course, it coincided with me dropping a mate a Preston railway station for him to continue his all-line rover ticket, having stayed overnight at a local hotel. It would've been rude not to photograph the Preston Docks bitumen train, but I'll spare you that directly (pics posted in the Class 60 thread), instead snapping the ex-Preston Docks but now Ribble Steam Railway Sentinel "Progress".



And catching up with it crossing the road/rail swingbridge at the dock entrance.



Driving work Saturday, but Sunday is a trip on the Blackburn Hawks supporters coach to Whitley Bay, in the company of Junior NB who is home from uni for a week. Guess who had to pay for the coach tickets?

Quite looking forward to the banter on the bus.


Have a good weekend folks.




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Very busy day today. SWMBO and I went for a walk this morning around a circular route we hadn't done before. Although the weather was dry, the ground was not, and I soon found that my new (cheap) walking boots are not very waterproof. My feet were very wet after tramping through 100 yards of long wet grass. While out, my hearing in one ear just packed up, due to wax. I have had this problem for 40 years. This time, I have just inserted the Otex drops, and it will hopefully clear up in a day or so. Back at uni, both ears blocked in the space of a couple of hours, and I seriously thought that I was actually going deaf!


Gardening followed this afternoon, with a few more weeds removed. Surely they have to slow down their growth soon?


For the last hour, I have been watching a load of Pink Floyd videos from the 60s on BBC Four. I hadn't heard some of those tracks for very many years. Took me back a bit! Now onto the 1960s "psychedelic music" including some classics as A Whiter Shade of Pale.

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Today is Trafalgar day, and on the nearest Saturday Snowflake sailing club would hold their dinner. However Horning Sailing club which is the summer club at the same premises will be holding their end of season prize giving and dinner tomorrow.

So Snowflake's are holding their Trafalgar dinner next week!

Two chances to get suited and booted or in my case Kilted.!!


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This evening has been spent the same way as Simon. Although a bit younger, I appreciate a whole range of music.


Tomorrow it looks like I'll be able to get to the Beckenham Model Rail Show and catch up with Ian and Newbury. Must make sure that the battery is charged for the camera


Night all

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Dont forget that the M25 orbital car park is full Fridays from about 11am.

Ian! How right you were! Having found the wake to be unviable, we set off south before Midday. We finally got to Dorking about 18.00, with only two short breaks!


The funeral was a bit more organised than those I have attended recently, with an order of service. And a celebrante. The surviving twin, Dr Keith, delivered an epic eulogy, closely followed by a friend who wasn't far behind in quality. There was a poem and hymn, although given Adrian's lack of faith that was a surprise. But I enjoyed hearing my wife sing! Then we had a neighbour, apparently a preacher, who was deadly dull and added no value. I am certain Sherry's ordained cousin, Sarah, could have done a better job. The grieving widow gave us some acknowledgement. I am not sure we will see a lot more of her.


Now in an olde worlde coaching inn, and busy at our alma mater and the local vineyard - Denbies - tomorrow.


Have a good weekend!

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