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  • RMweb Premium

Accountants have no idea about how to deal with engineering problems or even, in some instances, business problems too.

All to often a solution is b®ought in, given to the staff and told, "there you go, that will sort out your problem" because (they haven't a clue about what they're buying) that's what they've been told. They haven't even thought about asking the guys and gals who actually do the work, what exact they need to get things moving in the right direction. I mean it's only common sense to ask what, "what tools do you need?", but then again it's common sense, what am I thinking?

Edited by BSW01
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all.

Dull out.

Breakfast eaten.

I didn't wake up at the bin bag hour but Aditi did.

I think today's tasks are all sorting out suitcase type activities.

Hope everyone else's day goes well.


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Morning all from that most boring of boroughs. Yesterday was actually productive. Got more done than in the previous 2 weeks. May have to do that more often. (looks at Southeastern's live departure boards) On second thought maybe not.


Nice evening at Brewdog Soho. Food was good, their guest beers were good. Their own beers, not so much. Very disappointing. I think they have spent more time on their bar expansion and share offerings to the detriment of their beers. Finished the evening in De Hem with a couple of Jopen biers.


Quiet day today while I wait for others to catch up. May get some work done in the shed while waiting.


Half way through the week. Hang on everyone.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. Off for some food purchases and work in a while. Hope everyone is well, or at least as well as possible under any circumstances that may exist.


Fab time had at the Paul Simon concert last night. Well done, sir, and do keep it up!





And just to set the mood with some grabs from earlier concerts I like:






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Road trip and test kit delivered. Traffic was definitely heavier than normal as well.


Time for a coffee before doing what I'm meant to be doing, report writing.


If I can get enough done I can at least spend some time doing some modelling.


Back later

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Feeling a bit rough at the moment due to a cold that started last night but things seem to be improving this morning so fingers crossed. Still finding 'forgotten' things as I sort out the contents of the shed including a couple of small mats (car mats?) that will be useful to go down on the floor once the work has finished and some plastic conduit which will be very useful when putting power and light into the shed. When I was at the Peterborough show on Saturday I purchased a set of diamond drills, these are going to get a lot of use over the coming months as I prepare the shed. Thats it for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Mrs Stationmaster is off doing her community gardening bit - handy for the local Lotus and motoring exotica dealer but I doubt she appreciates that or what's on the forecourt - and the sun is currently shining.  So I'll no doubt soon be hearing the latest scandal about the local cemetery and the childish behaviour in the local council as she's working with a former town councillor, mind you some of the cemetery scandal has got into the local 'paper.


I shall nose around here but have already had my fright for the day looking at the latest scandal, and occasional commonsense, in the Peco bullhead thread and the lunacy going on in in the B12 thread - fun (not) here isn't it?


Have a good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


Mrs Stationmaster is off doing her community gardening bit - handy for the local Lotus and motoring exotica dealer but I doubt she appreciates that or what's on the forecourt - and the sun is currently shining.  So I'll no doubt soon be hearing the latest scandal about the local cemetery and the childish behaviour in the local council as she's working with a former town councillor, mind you some of the cemetery scandal has got into the local 'paper.


I shall nose around here but have already had my fright for the day looking at the latest scandal, and occasional commonsense, in the Peco bullhead thread and the lunacy going on in in the B12 thread - fun (not) here isn't it?


Have a good day one & all.

What scandal? You mention a scandal but don't give any details. I think I can speak for my fellow ER's, we need to know all the sordid details. :drag:  :mail: 

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  • RMweb Gold

What scandal? You mention a scandal but don't give any details. I think I can speak for my fellow ER's, we need to know all the sordid details. :drag:  :mail:

The real scandal is local although some of the posts in that Peco thread are pretty scandalous!


Ah, not so much a case of the wrong box but a wrong hole being the most serious one.  Seemingly a chap was buried in a spot which should not have had a grave dug in it because it was too tightly between two other graves.  Anyway hole was dug, he - boxed- was placed in it and then his wife realised there wasn't space to put any curbing and a memorial stone etc.  He has now been exhumed and reburied in a correctly spaced grave.


Meanwhile there are benches being installed (which is illegal) and the Town clerk has been tasked to sort it all out but as she is keener on getting her pic in the local 'paper than doing the less appealing parts of her job (such as work) nothing has happened on that front.  Looks like Clochmerle doesn't stand a  chance up against the tales of Bix Hill Cemetery (name changed to protect the inncocent).



Edited by The Stationmaster
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....not so much a case of the wrong box but a wrong hole being the most serious one.  Seemingly a chap was buried in a spot which should not have had a grave dug in it because it was too tightly between two other graves.  Anyway hole was dug, he - boxed- was placed in it and then his wife realised there wasn't space to put any curbing and a memorial stone etc.  He has now been exhumed and reburied in a correctly spaced grave....


Until today, I'd never thought of undertakers as "box shifters", but I suppose that's what they do!

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  • RMweb Premium

Until today, I'd never thought of undertakers as "box shifters", but I suppose that's what they do!

We have a local firm of undertakers in Batley, called ...... wait for it...... Box. In fact the wife of the firm's head, was a solicitor and made a joke about her husband's profession on her law firms website.



Edited by jamie92208
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HUMP day, good morning


Uneventful in the dungeon yesterday, however, as the subject of accountants/lack of understanding of reports and my "situation", I'd like to add this fuel to the fire :jester: ;

I'm sure we all pretty much understand basically what a "Balance Sheet" is, Assets/Liabilities, TA DA! Simple eh?? That's where you're wrong Bloodnok!

Part of the reason I'm STILL prisoner in the dungeon is that management "types" at various levels up and down the food chain apparently need to have their own special versions of everything, including a sodding Balance Sheet in their own special format. THis is also true for most ALL the other financial reports I'm building!


So far I have created, JUST FOR THE BALANCE SHEET here, a Monthly, Quarterly, Bond Filing, Clinic/Departmental, and NOW am working on a "consolidated" version that is about 20 columns wide, separating out every tin-pot clinic, department, and outhouse as an individual group/column!

Each of these versions, whilst they can be "cloned" as a starting point, require unique/rearranged line items/grouping by accounts - BECAUSE SOME NITWIT wants them that way.

Explaining that they could save a ton of money (my time designing, developing and testing) and energy if they were ALL THE SAME FORMAT, falls on deaf ears.

It's also a known fact (Finance Department confirmed) that most of the versions are never referenced by ANYONE! DUH! No wonder health care costs are so high here :O



Jemma and the Mrs arrived safely last evening, albeit a switch to La Guardia instead of JFK as at the last minute seems a ton of standby folks decided to list for the JFK flight and it looked like they'd not get on. No matter really, switched listing and arrived 20 minutes earlier than the JFK flight - slightly longer drive to pick them up but no matter.


Today they'll explore Long Island some (whilst I slave in the dungeon :( ) before I take them for their evening flight to Madrid.


That'll be it for here, unless I do a mischief to some management folks. Unlikely since none of them ever venture down to the dungeons. Maybe I'll do some more mischief in other RMWeb threads <evil grin> :locomotive:


Unseasonably lovely here, already 19 at 7:30AM, partly sunny and expecting 26 for a high.


Hope you manage to survive the HUMP and head downhill for the weekend...

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Some box shifters undertakers can supply coffins in various team colours if you want. So, er, who'll be going for the "red" box, and who'll be choosing a "blue" box?!?

Err, I dunno, which one  more accurately portrays the BR/SR era without giving lip-service to the correct scale, colour and number of rivets on the prototype - I don't want to spend eternity being portrayed incorrectly??? :jester:


Coat, hat, on me bike...

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  • RMweb Premium

Some places can do more than colours for coffins. It's a Speciality of Ghana.

Me I'd like a small loco, problem is with my weight I'd need a 2-8-0




Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Gold

Err, I dunno, which one  more accurately portrays the BR/SR era without giving lip-service to the correct scale, colour and number of rivets on the prototype - I don't want to spend eternity being portrayed incorrectly??? :jester:


Coat, hat, on me bike...

Cremation may be the answer, as you'd be a genuine ash colour.


n fact  one can see a nice little side earner for box shifters in the scenic scatter ranges.

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Cremation may be the answer, as you'd be a genuine ash colour.


n fact  one can see a nice little side earner for box shifters in the scenic scatter ranges.

You're definitely onto something here... I need to change my will to read;

"...cremated, and the ashes to be spread on the ground around the various locos on the loco shed section of his layout..." :senile:

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  • RMweb Premium

Cremation may be the answer, as you'd be a genuine ash colour.


n fact  one can see a nice little side earner for box shifters in the scenic scatter ranges.

Yeah, I like that idea, I might even get to play on my own layout!

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Morning all,


Mrs Stationmaster is off doing her community gardening bit - handy for the local Lotus and motoring exotica dealer but I doubt she appreciates that or what's on the forecourt - and the sun is currently shining.  So I'll no doubt soon be hearing the latest scandal about the local cemetery and the childish behaviour in the local council as she's working with a former town councillor, mind you some of the cemetery scandal has got into the local 'paper.


I shall nose around here but have already had my fright for the day looking at the latest scandal, and occasional commonsense, in the Peco bullhead thread and the lunacy going on in in the B12 thread - fun (not) here isn't it?


Have a good day one & all.

Having had a read of these threads, I was sorely tempted to light the blue touch paper and run. For my own sanity I decided against it though

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  • RMweb Premium

Having had a read of these threads, I was sorely tempted to light the blue touch paper and run. For my own sanity I decided against it though

Having had a glance at them also, I think you made a wise move!

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Stay calm Ian A... wait till they ask for a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which measure the effectiveness of  the Business KPIs they set up in SAP reports.. been there ... got the T shirt.


At Vickers they trained all management in the ins and outs of finance as they seemed to think Engineers should understand this "Black Art". Of course it then led to all sorts of daft things happening like.. making money!!


Today has been a bit tiresome due to one or two non railway related problems which I think I have now flattened out - I could have done with some help from HH though as they may not stay flattened!


So back to earning a crust - wagon weathering agogo



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  • RMweb Premium

Cremation may be the answer, as you'd be a genuine ash colour.


n fact  one can see a nice little side earner for box shifters in the scenic scatter ranges.

When the route of HS2 was first announced I did suggest that we ought to have a bin by the clubroom door in which members ashes could be collected so that when it's built we could offer a contribution towards its construction.



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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon, all.

Just dropping by to wish you all well.

For those beer-ologists who directed me to the Waterloo Tap, many thanks.

We stuck to the weakest of beers (Halfmast, 3.2%) due to the planned length of the session. :drink_mini:

The upshot of that was that each of us was repeatedly making excuses to nip to the rest room! 

It does explain, however, why the area is known as Water-loo, though. 

Apologies if the Thames was, as a result, a little higher yesterday evening than the tide tables would have suggested!  

Anyway, the sad purpose of our session was achieved with a glass or two raised to her untimely passing. :cry:   :angel:


I've picked up that there may be shenanigans going on in other threads, so on that note I'll elect to keep my sanity, slope off and get back to work. 

Have a nice evening to each of you. Andy

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