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  • RMweb Gold

Not really Richard but I do cut easily.  The only 2 breaks I've had are actually in my hands regrettably after thumping someone. (in self defence I might add so not really regrettable and they came off worse). Main injuries from rugby were cartilage and ACL which resulted in my retirement at 32. (and eventual knee replacement due to arthritis in said knee)

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John, on occasions there will also be GNR, BR (Eastern Region) LMS, BR (Midland), GWR, Great Western, BR (Western), Southern, BR (Southern), SE & CR, LB & SCR and an APT-E (whatever region that was attributed to)

As you can see I haven't got a clue what I'm doing - I just like playing with trains.  :imsohappy:  :yes:


And I fully agree with that principle! (AKA Rule 1)


I'm booking an operation to have my tongue surgically removed from my cheek!!! :jester:

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Not really Richard but I do cut easily.  The only 2 breaks I've had are actually in my hands regrettably after thumping someone. (in self defence I might add so not really regrettable and they came off worse). 



Story came out during one of FIL's hospital says this year that during his navy days he was on a charge


He hit someone.


He said he was told that if he'd used his fist it would have been O.K. 


But he used a rifle butt.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well I made it home tonight in sensible time of just under two hours from leaving work but it was a close call as the train was delayed outside Purley. Odd when you think that 40% of trains aren't running.

So a sprint for the bus as it was already at the bus stop.


Back to find a pack of replacement Farish motors for an umber of filled class 66s. One now working again after fitting a new decoder as when the motor goes it blows the decoder.


A bit of work on more Revolution tank cars and that's just about all for tonight.

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Had a look round Bangor today, this time it was the town, not the hospital. We were expecting a sort of seaside town with promenade, views over the Menai strait and an attached town with shopping centre. It turns out to be a town built on hillsides and wherever the seaside was we didn't find it: perhaps next time. Looking for somewhere to eat we came across a pub called The Feral Cat. On the menu were Feral Cat Burgers. We ate elsewhere. Caught in a rain shower in Caernarfon this afternoon, the first for twelve days. The weather may be changing. Tomorrow we will be looking round Caernarfon Castle, they are displaying the remembrance poppies in there for a month. Stay safe all.


Edit, just found out that admission to the castle is by advanced booking only and they are sold out for the next few days. If you are intending to see the exhibit book on line in advance.

Edited by Ohmisterporter
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No hurricane here but we are getting clobbered by the remnants of a Pacific typhoon. Lots of rain at the moment and 50 MPH wind gusts tonight. Operations to transfer a load of carp from the garage to the shed are currently on-hold pending less inclement conditions.


We managed to extract the boat from the lake this morning. This year I will try to remember to remove the battery.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone.


It's been a funny old day today, managed to get all my work done and get home by mid afternoon, despite not feeling 100%. But since then I've started with a cold, which has steadily gotten worse as the night wore on. I'm feeling really crap now and I might not go into work tomorrow if I don't feel any better. The thing is, I will now have to ring the hospital first thing in the morning and cancel my op (which is due to have on Saturday morning) as they can't do it if you have a cold, which is a bit of a bummer!

Not that I'm going to miss not having it, I just want the thing over and done with.

I'm now dosing myself up with LEMSIPS and I'm off to bed.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


Laddo didn't buy a car (thank goodness) but at least he seems to have decided what he would like if he can find one at the right price - a Mini, which seems quite a sensible choice to me.


Tomorrow is going to be my second ER day of this week as I'm again off westwards heading for Tytherington (the one near Frome, but via Taunton in order to be picked up for a lift - definitely saves driving) so I'll be traversing Somerset like some sort of yo-yo.  And I can also do my good deed for the week by handing over the written confirmation for the Taunton MRG visit on the Saturday of the RMweb members' weekend 'event' at Taunton next April so at least that part will be fully organised.

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So far failed to convince AnyRail to adapt their CAD (Computer Aided Design) software for railway layouts to DCC practices.


Equally failed to upgrade my WinRail CAD software (already adapted but now needed on a different computer from my original installation)


Will happily PM with anyone who wants to know the differences; just need to convince my colleagues who introduced me to AR of its shortcomings!


11 Nov. booked for Shoreditch RMWeb meet. Just have to get there!


Meanwhile, looking forward to my new work regime from Monday; day to be spent fully in sales office, not split 50/50 anymore with the warehouse. NHN: be warned! (T111 - you know who you are! Worse - you know where I am!)


N Gauge test layout: baseboard now cork-lined. Next step gravel mat ballast type sheets. That'll be the scenics complete! Backscene - suitable monitor displaying the location of stock and the routes set! (My background is BSc Control Systems Engineering; you my have gathered that I don't do scenery!)


Rule 1 certainly applies!

Edited by JohnDMJ
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  • RMweb Premium

Good night all to those just off to bed.


Good morning to others - it's a beautiful day here.


Up and about early as Sharon had to be away before any small brown birds had broken wind.  Her expertise is required for the day at some rural outpost about 4 hours drive away and for a 9am start if you please.  She negotiated 9.30.

Change of socks and undies has taken place, previous incumbents currently in the sloshing machine.  Vacuum cleaner doesn't know what is about to occur.  More suction than the average dental appointment.


Mal - call centres are often unable to employ more staff if they work anything like those here.  They contract with their clients to provide service-for-fee often at very competitive and cut-throat rates meaning they employ the bare minimum numbers.  Some centres also handle calls for multiple clients meaning that while there might not be any sudden rush to buy life insurance there may be a huge spike in calls for the latest plastic gizmo being advertised as "Only available to the fist 500 callers".  We had that where I worked.  We provided claims services to all brands in the Group.  A storm affecting one town wouldn't even be on the news in another meaning (for example) that callers in Glasgow were unable to get through because roofs were off in Plymouth.  It is in their interests to staff according to anticipated demand but events can skew that demand. And I don't know anywhere that doesn't have long queues on a Monday morning.

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  • RMweb Premium

Golf was good today. Therefore NB is a happy bunny needing extra space in the car to take a couple of trophies home tomorrow morning. Then it's off to BRM Peterborough.


POETS if you can.




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Golf was good today. Therefore NB is a happy bunny needing extra space in the car to take a couple of trophies home tomorrow morning. Then it's off to BRM Peterborough.


POETS if you can.





I was just reading that golf course attendance is going down. So much so in fact that a golf course at Turnberry and another near Aberdeen are losing money. With any luck you might be able to buy one (or both) from a certain ba'-heidit Lewismon at a seriously discounted price.

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I was just reading that golf course attendance is going down. So much so in fact that a golf course at Turnberry and another near Aberdeen are losing money. With any luck you might be able to buy one (or both) from a certain ba'-heidit Lewismon at a seriously discounted price.

Hope springs eternal.

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  • RMweb Premium

Today was renew the license on the RV day. Step one was visit to determine the mileage. Step two was "Service Ontario". woops -- didn't see the asterix that we needed an emissions test (didn't we have one last year?). Drive up to test site (only one in Guelph that handles gas RVs) to see if busy. Back to the RV, hook up the battery, drive to test site. Test site is NW corner of the city; RV is stored SE corner. 10 minutes to test then over to Service Ontario again. Back to garage to add sticker, then to storage site. Total time ca 3 1/2 hours. Test site confirmed that we were last there 2 years ago.
So that's why I only managed 5 glue joints on my engine shed today.

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Today was renew the license on the RV day. Step one was visit to determine the mileage. Step two was "Service Ontario". woops -- didn't see the asterix that we needed an emissions test (didn't we have one last year?). Drive up to test site (only one in Guelph that handles gas RVs) to see if busy. Back to the RV, hook up the battery, drive to test site. Test site is NW corner of the city; RV is stored SE corner. 10 minutes to test then over to Service Ontario again. Back to garage to add sticker, then to storage site. Total time ca 3 1/2 hours. Test site confirmed that we were last there 2 years ago.

So that's why I only managed 5 glue joints on my engine shed today.



What's an emissions test?

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Good morning one and all


What a lot of free publicity for Marmite yesterday.  Marmite, as I am sure you know, is the French word for a type of cooking pot, or it is if I remember those Asterix cartoons correctly.  I must bear that in mind of and when I buy more utensils.  For the moment a wok meets many of my needs.  As for the brown stuff in a jar, I'm surprised that Tim Shackleton has not used it for weathering yet.


Today I must do the fodder run, unremarkable as it is, followed by a stroll into town to visit the bank and to see if there is anything in Debenhams that is worth buying for 5% off.  The list of exclusions on the voucher is lengthy in the extreme but I could do with some slightly less moth-eaten hand towels.  Then what?  Should I watch Question Time on i-player and try to spot Horsetan in the audience?  I heard the start on 5Live last night but it had its usual effect of sending me off to sleep.


Looking ahead to the weekend, I will be at Peterborough on Sunday and hope that my cousin 88C will have shaken off his cold.  I will be missing Apple Day at Bromham Mill, which I quite enjoy, but it looks like being rather wet, which I do not enjoy.


Best wishes to all travellers and to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing and depressed



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Good (?) morning all and trying to get used to the post improvement (aka strike) service that Southern Failways will be presenting today.


Hope springs eternal.


Does she?


Good morning one and all


What a lot of free publicity for Marmite yesterday.  Marmite, as I am sure you know, is the French word for a type of cooking pot, or it is if I remember those Asterix cartoons correctly.  I must bear that in mind of and when I buy more utensils.  For the moment a wok meets many of my needs.  As for the brown stuff in a jar, I'm surprised that Tim Shackleton has not used it for weathering yet.


Today I must do the fodder run, unremarkable as it is, followed by a stroll into town to visit the bank and to see if there is anything in Debenhams that is worth buying for 5% off.  The list of exclusions on the voucher is lengthy in the extreme but I could do with some slightly less moth-eaten hand towels.  Then what?  Should I watch Question Time on i-player and try to spot Horsetan in the audience?  I heard the start on 5Live last night but it had its usual effect of sending me off to sleep.


Looking ahead to the weekend, I will be at Peterborough on Sunday and hope that my cousin 88C will have shaken off his cold.  I will be missing Apple Day at Bromham Mill, which I quite enjoy, but it looks like being rather wet, which I do not enjoy.


Best wishes to all travellers and to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing and depressed




I'd not be surprised to find you as a marmite lover; it is, after all, a by-product of the brewing industry!


Regards Peterborough, present, please, my salutations to Matt, Matt and Kat at the appropriate stand.

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