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  • RMweb Premium

Evenin' awl.


Condolences to Ian.


Mrs mole's flat move was completed on schedule, by lunchtime today, although most was accomplished yesterday. I'm still suffering from strained back and foot muscles.  I've had a relatively lazy time for the rest of the day including a brief eyelid inspection. 


It was also her birthday yesterday so we went with friends for a Chinese meal at a local restaurant. It's one frequented by the Chinese community and students so it's not your run of the mill joint. I ate from the Szechuan selection which was interesting, lots of dried red chilli in the sauce.





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  • RMweb Gold

Sorry to hear that Ian - always a terrible shock even when not exactly unexpected.


Definite ER for me tomorrow as I'm off to Taunton to meet a couple of other RMweb members and a mutual friend - don't be surprised to find the entire railway industry will have been put right (ha ha) by the time we've finished dissecting it.   Oh and the return journey will see me being accompanied by some  model trains, but don't tell her.


G'night all

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone.


Well that's the front door brassware looking nice and shiny, whilst I had the polish out I buffed up a couple of candle sticks and the brass knob on the cellar door, so lots more brownie points earned again.


This evening I spent a pleasant hour or so chatting to my brother in Canada. We don't usually have an agenda, we just chat at about everyday stuff.


Well it's back to work tomorrow, so I'd better get to bed.


Ian. Sorry for your lose.


Goodnight all.

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Thank you, everyone, for your kind words to Ian. He will be up early tomorrow and travelling but I know he will appreciate your thoughtfulness when he has the chance to be online.

I am glad he had the internet and the email arrived. If it was sent by Messenger he may not have received it like 4 messages I received last week, 2 of which took just over 2 years.

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Good morning one and all


I do not normally go a bundle on cute little animals but there was one on BBC Breakfast yesterday - live coverage of a six week old baby rhino gambolling round his paddock.  Gambolling is not an activity that I had ever associated with rhinos, lumbering being much more like it.  When he saw his mother the gambolling turned into a gallop towards her.  It made me feel positively soppy, assuming of course that feeling soppy can be positive.


Later in the morning I got out the shears and tackled some of Mrs Electric Chair's overhanging ivy.  In the process I could not help noticing that there are many more dock leaves than I remember and I plan to take some of them out this morning ahead of the green bin emptying scheduled for tomorrow.  Late lunch was the promised sirloin steak and, hoorah, I got the saute potatoes right on this occasion.  The good news is that the latest attempt at fruit set in jelly has set this time.  The bad news is that it had not done so by the time I was ready to eat some of it yesterday.  Step forward strawberry instant whip, a good substitute.  I do not always tell Poorly Pal of my culinary misfortunes.  He has left it to me to decide what to stir-fry for our lunch on Wednesday.  How emboldened will I be?


Best wishes to all travellers and to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing and depressed, with special thoughts to Ian for his very sad and cruel loss.



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Morning All,


It is rather a strange morning, weather wise - I am not sure if it is warm or cold!


We had quite a busy weekend, Saturday was spent felling a tree in the garden that was really too close to the garage.  I am quite sorry to see it go, because it was a rather nice Ginkgo, However, better to get it down while it is small enough to handle.  An Apple tree has been planted in its place, somewhat further from the garage wall.


Sorry to hear your news, Ian.  Wishing you all the best, and a safe trip to the UK.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all from the boring borough. Its Monday. (insert profanity here)


Ian, so sorry for your loss. 2016 is really turning into a bumper year for the reaper.



A rant at how useless the NHS can be. SWMBO has a problem with her left eye. calls 111. Goes through the whole Q&A triage over the phone. An hour later a GP from the Queen Mary minor injury centre calls as the information gathered is useless to them. So she goes over the same set of questions again. She confirmed with the GP that someone from the centre will call asap to arrange an appointment to come in and get a referral to an eye specialist. Don't drop in, wait for the call. Nothing, no call, no email, nothing. The whole day wasted more or less. We hung about in Sidcup just to reduce the travel time for when they called. They didn't call. After 4pm we gave up and went to the pub. Today a nastygram complaint will be filed and she will wander off to the walk in clinic at Moorfields. Bunch of hopeless sh*tweasels. This is what you get when they close the A&E and replace it with a call in appointment minor clinic.


Off to the shed for the day. No work to do so I'm still on "bench time". May as well milk it for all I can and get some reading done and maybe some modelling during breaks.


Have a good one all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone.


Where did that week go? Once more it's back to work and today my travels take me to the Widnes and Warrington area. They are all easy jobs so won't make my first day back too taxing and will also keep down the mileage too.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well that's the front door brassware looking nice and shiny, whilst I had the polish out I buffed up a couple of candle sticks and the brass knob on the cellar door, so lots more brownie points earned again.


keep going and soon you will be Ruler of the Queen's Nay..veee......

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  • RMweb Gold

Safely aboard my TER train to Paris. Loco-hauled! Just stopping at Chartres.


Thanks for all the generous thoughts. What Sherry hasn't mentioned is her own sense of loss. While she had met Adrian only a handful of times, she relished the fact that her new in-laws were bright and entertaining people, and both Adrian and his twin Keith performed stellar service at our wedding. Keith has pointed out that Adrian had 62 years of wonderful healthy life. Typical twins, they remained close.


Bizarrely, this is all a little familiar. Deb and I moved to France in September 2004. In mid-October I had a short trip back to the UK to see a lady who is now my wife. Deb knew the circs, of course. On the eve of my departure, news came through that Deb's sister Helen had been found dead. Deb insisted I carry on with my plans. 12 years later, almost to the day......

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


FIrst and foremost, commiserations and sympathetic thoughts to Ian (and Sherry of course).  No age at all, really.  However, through the sadness, there are all the positive thoughts as you celebrate his life.


Generic greetings to everybody else.


Mike, that's a cracking photo, and the clarity is amazing, and I was about to Google the bus reg to get the fleet number, when I noticed it can be read in the pic without resorting to a search - RT2706 by the looks of it.


Food run as the fridge has a lot in common with Mother Hubbard's cupboard, and it has to be Aldi, as we fancy a decent steak (and thanks for the suggestion, Chris I'll get some nice waxy small potatoes and saute them).  Their 28 day matured steak is melt in the mouth stuff, while the last equivalent we got via our online account with the M supermarket would have made a good substitute for shoe leather (both in taste and texture).  TBH I'm not as taken by the M supermarket recently for online, as I had a pretty rotten bacon joint and also some very sour apples which have now been in the fruit bowl for a week, and are just getting to barely edible.  Admittedly, their Customer Service team refunded without quibble and gave us a fiver credit to our online account for goodwill, but the fact reamains that the stuff wasn't right initially.  Rant over.


Lily also has to go to the vet this afternoon, and 30747 has the dentist - ours is retiring and she wants to get any treatment out of the way before being handed over to his successor.  That in turn might mean I get a new dentist and DIabetic Specialist Nurse, as she is our dentist's wife, so will probably be going around the same time.


Back later.

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning


Have a good trip Ian.


A lay in for us after a few beers last night.


We head home this morning. Hopefully a good run will get us back early afternoon. Unload theclayout and juggle the boards round in the garage as Banbury is out next.


Plenty of discussions over the weekend on future layouts but need to either get rid of a layout or two or build that shed in the garden!

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