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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. Got an extra day off today, which is fine with me as I feel like I need to prepare mentally for the next dentist's session tomorrow. It's been nice knowing you…  :scared:


On a more cheerful note, may I post these…







1232 "Bonn" at the Exhibition Centre from two different angles…






…and an onboard view at Eutritzscher Zentrum where we have a scheduled dwell time of one minute.






Line 10 is currently operating only from Lößnig to Central Station due to the same engineering works which require Line 11 to work to Landsberger Straße. We reverse through the Central Station West loop on Kurt-Schumacher-Straße, where you can see 1115 "Richard Wagner" at the holding point and 1102 "Gotthold Ephraim Lessing" approaching on Line 9.


I should add that I tried my camera's HDR function for a change. Is it just me or does this slightly soften the image? Not that I'm complaining as it's actually an interesting effect!


Have a good Sunday, everyone…

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  • RMweb Gold

I know somewhere that glues up scalp wounds quickly if you need that service. One problem it's in west Yorks.



Believe it or not, closing and sealing wounds was the reason that the original super glue was developed.


However, I would caution the use of a zip kicker spray to accelerate the setting time, as it does somewhat warm up the affected area.

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Loco haulage then a fair few great apes in the Prince of Wales at Foxfiepd. Some of the beers were from the South but never the less very nice. Kissingate (Sussex) black Cherry mild is superb. A great crowd of exhibitors, club members etc. It's been well over ten years that we have been coming up here with the odd break in doing the show.



That Donald character does get around.

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks. On that basis I can stop worrying about the pound now being worth only 1 euro and 11 cents. We'll all be gone shortly!


There's only one song to accompany that:


Anyway good morning all and sundry.  from a bright and sunny village.   Yesterday various jobs got done.  The friends trailer was collected and in return used to take the mattress and bedding, ruined during the cat's lock in, to the tip. After that I was able to take up the carpet which will go to the tip on Monday.  I then started on the bedroom lights.  This took three sessions in the loft, clearing things out of the way to get access and moving fibreglass insulation, then a trip to Wickes(Other emporia exist) to buy a new transformer and some LED bulbs to replace the halogen ones.  The effect is good and all is working again. 


Today is now shaping up as the first set of orders have now been posted.   Apparently it is church duties this morning followed by a visit to a 4 yr old's birthday party then tea.  


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Joined a local campervan club (on line) recently, went along to a meeting/camp in a field this afternoon.  Bearing in mind we are in our late 50's, the group welcomed us with open arms as we would reduce the average considerably, by being the youngest by a country mile.  Oh dear.

Did you make a note of the type and registration numbers?


It might be the start of a new and fulfilling hobby.


A range of books could follow ie:


Ford Camper Vans in South Wales:  Volume 1 The Valleys


Ford Camper Vans in South Wales:  Volume 2 North and West of Swansea


The heyday of Peugot Camper Vans


Farewell to VW Campervans


The last strongholds of the Dormobile

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morrow each and everyone,

I have survived the night without injury and The Boss even brought a cup of tea up to me earlier so I'm not completely in the bad books. There is even talk of bacon & eggs etc.

Sunshine and blue sky at the moment but possibility of some showers.  If so I will not garden but instead move some "things" around on the layout. I may even do some modelling or at least place thereon some items I obtained yesterday.

This afternoon another rugby match to watch, top of the table clash between Saracens & Wasps so hopefully will be a good 'un. I won't bother with the F1 highlights as I know the result.

Later there will be beer and I too am cooking sirloin steak so some more wine will be opened to go with it.

This has the makings of a jolly good day!  :yes:  :imsohappy:

Enjoy your day as much as I intend to enjoy mine,


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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all. Sitting in a field near Oswestry with a decent wifi signal.

Could you please let us know which field this is, as Shropshire has only got five places where you can receive wi fi and this information is not released to residents of the county?

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  • RMweb Premium

Richard, the Fiat/Peugeot/Citroen X250 van is the Class 47/Black 5/Hall of the camper world - fit conversion to suit!


(Fiat Tribute 550 in our case!!).


I tried to find a Campervan Spotters Combined Volume, but the local WH Smiths just offered copies of MRJ, at least two numbers ahead of the thread discussing it elsewhere........

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


I had sirloin steak last night and mushrooms on toast for breakfast - alas the mushroom start was not on the 'specials' list last night.  However the booking worked, er sort of - the chap who took it kept on calling me Williams even tho' I told him my (real) name several times; when we arrived there was no table booked in our name so I asked if he had one booked in the name of Williams, result!!  In the meanwhile laddo has managed to find a place in Warsaw offering what he describes as 'decent craft beer' but the bottle he posted a picture of describes it as "American style' - weird.


The earlier bright weather has prompted talk of 'going out' but the sky has now changed colour - I await further instruction.


Have a  nice day one & all

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Jamie has jerked a memory by posting a clip of Tom Lehrer.  It so happens that I got to play "We will all go together when we go" on the radio something like 35 years ago.  How come, I hear you cry.  OK then.  Circa 1981 I had got home from the beer festival early on the Saturday night and turned on Hereward Radio for the Paul Veysey programme.  Paul was appealing for anyone who had any Tom Lehrer records to get in touch.   I picked up the phone straight away.  The upshot was that he invited me to join him on the programme two weeks later!  I duly went to Peterborough with my records and we chatted on and off for a couple of hours, interspersing the words with Tom's music.  Corny as it might have been, we ended the show with that song.  Paul thanked me for coming and expressed the hope that we might work together again.  Some hope.  The next weekend I tuned in again, only to hear "This is the last Paul Veysey programme".  Gulp.  What happened?  Was it anything I did?  I phoned Hereward on Monday morning and was told that Paul has gone on holiday.  He never came back.  Much later I learned that he had left the radio business for the motor trade.  Who knows what might have been?


Jamie, you are a man of taste!  Thanks for the memory.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning


Once again late up, well it is weekend. Not had chance to catch up yet, hopefully I'll do that later.


The sun is shining so I'm off to give the brassware on the front door a polishing..


Back later

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Cracking day here in sunny Teignmouth. About to venture out for lunch somewhere serving a nice red.


Having a cat is much easier than having a dog because you can send it round my garden to crap all over it. Presently I am running out of spiky rose cuttings. (Feel free to send some by post if you have any spare). I also use the stuff that is made of lion crap, which works for a short time. Chicken wire being used now over bare areas of ground. I need to buy a decent water pistol again.

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As part of the archive I collected yesterday are drawings and (IIRC as I last saw then 50 years ago) a patent for steam heating for railway carriages taken out by my great grandfather. I haven't opened them yet as I can't find a clean pair of c cotton gloves, and want to get some acid free paper to store them with. Questions:

  • Would these be of interest, as I intend to make them available online?
  • To whom would they be of interest?
  • There is no intention of selling them, but how would I go about getting a value them for insurance purposes?

And I will post them on here when I've scanned and archived them. I do not intend displaying them (light fade) but will display copies. The online archive will be free to download - Creative Commons will apply.


Any opinions/answers grateful received.

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 Especially when you get two 'persons of very mature years' who get as close as you can to a stand-up fight without actual physical contact ...[and] are clearly preparing their handbags for use as projectiles.

Mmmm, so this is where the UKIP fracas took place...


And moving swiftly onto VW Campervans, have you seen how eye-watering a new VW Transporter done out as a camper costs? Nice looking vehicle, though.


Nice day here, chillier than usual, but managing the evenings with just the living-room fire on, haven't given into full-blown central heating temptation yet.


Walk later on Arthur's Seat



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  • RMweb Premium

Jamie has jerked a memory by posting a clip of Tom Lehrer.  It so happens that I got to play "We will all go together when we go" on the radio something like 35 years ago.  How come, I hear you cry.  OK then.  Circa 1981 I had got home from the beer festival early on the Saturday night and turned on Hereward Radio for the Paul Veysey programme.  Paul was appealing for anyone who had any Tom Lehrer records to get in touch.   I picked up the phone straight away.  The upshot was that he invited me to join him on the programme two weeks later!  I duly went to Peterborough with my records and we chatted on and off for a couple of hours, interspersing the words with Tom's music.  Corny as it might have been, we ended the show with that song.  Paul thanked me for coming and expressed the hope that we might work together again.  Some hope.  The next weekend I tuned in again, only to hear "This is the last Paul Veysey programme".  Gulp.  What happened?  Was it anything I did?  I phoned Hereward on Monday morning and was told that Paul has gone on holiday.  He never came back.  Much later I learned that he had left the radio business for the motor trade.  Who knows what might have been?


Jamie, you are a man of taste!  Thanks for the memory.



Thanks for that Chris.  I got to appreciate Tom Lehrer when I was 10 or 11 and a family friend brought her Dansette with auto changer as we only had a 78 player at the time.  Among the LP's she had was a 10" "Songs of Tom Lehrer".  I still know many of them by heart and am banned from playing either of the two LP's or CD that I've got by the boss.  However a few years ago some young people who were visiting church used to spend evenings at our house and 3 of the four loved him the 4th was in Beth's camp.  His satire is as relevant today as it ever was. Though I must admit my favourites are the Irish Jig about the murderous girl, I hold you hand in mine and the love songs.






Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


I had sirloin steak last night and mushrooms on toast for breakfast - alas the mushroom start was not on the 'specials' list last night.  However the booking worked, er sort of - the chap who took it kept on calling me Williams even tho' I told him my (real) name several times; when we arrived there was no table booked in our name so I asked if he had one booked in the name of Williams,

If a table or room isn't available you should remark that if it were the Prince of Wales booking they would find a space. If they answer affirmatively , tell them he isnt coming and you will have his table.
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  • RMweb Premium

My Dad built a boat in our garden. One chap from down the road thought he was really clever by pointing out Dad's stupidity as "he wouldn't be able to get it out" . Dad did what he always intended and demolished the fence and replaced it with gates when the boat was ready to be trailered away.

Was your Dad AKA Des Barnes, then? (Older Corrie followers will see the point).

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  • RMweb Premium

Train back to a Barrow and a final pint in the Duke of Edinburgh before walking back to our hotel.


Good to know that you're swelling the coffers there.  If you're back via Lancaster, then their other establishment serves equally good pints.

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