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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Andrew for that tip, the beer has been removed from the fridge forthwith. Problem is that I have nowhere cool to store it at the moment but I should have when the builder has finished next month. The ex coal store that is being fitted with a window and dry lined has a concrete floor that remains cold even during the hottest weather due to its being on the north side of the house and being in shade for most of the year. When the builder does the dry lining I will ask him to leave an area of bare brick beneath the worktop which is at the north end anyway, I will then just close it off with a curtain.

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Miracles didn't happen nor did POETS.


<RANT> The complete cockwombles who've planned this project need shooting. The equipment that I am interfacing with didn't work thanks to sheer incompetence and the wiring was totally wrong. Back on Monday in the hope that it will get sorted properly during the weekend. Adding to my frustration, it then took over 2 hours to drive 15 miles to get home. </RANT>


Rick - Congratulations to you both


A relaxing evening and the alarm clock is NOT being set for the morning although I will be attending the Croydon MRS show as previously stated


Thinking of those ailing, supporting, grieving, recovering and missing

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Look mum! Walls!




Well, er, two of them anyway.


Bob Rob The Builder sent the A Team yesterday (after I expressed some serious dissatisfaction) and their illustrious leader, Jimmy, spent several hours redirecting the roofing screws into the purlins. I image the A Team sent the B team some constructive suggestions.


They have now finished all the bits and pieces of trim. All that remains to be done is to fit the siding on the front and back.


In a little while I will drive almost to Montana to purchase a wood-stove for the shed from a gent in Mullan, unless it turns out to be a pile of rusty junk of course. Wish me luck.


Bit wet here, but quite delightful compared with the weather in Florida and Georgia.

Edited by AndyID
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Good evening all!


Couldn't reist a couple of comments!


Since when did the charts ever indicate quality?  I neither know nor care what is in them these days but I'm old enough to remember "Tears" by Ken Dodd spending six weeks at No.1.




Remember it when it first came out, last saw him perforn it live about 6 years ago at the King's Theatre, Southsea from the stage where Tommy's Pin Ball Wizard scene was filmed. Have also been advised, from the same stage, to not sleep in the subway by Petula Clarke!


Good morning all,

Firstly congratulations to John and Happy Anniversary Rick & Sharon.

Late here but I have been up since 7.00 and got involved assisting with domestic stuff.

Rather dull here and some showers possible.

Yesterday's visit to the bank actually went very well because we saw a very nice lady who knew Chris from Sainsbury's and she sorted things out in a few minutes. Strangely when we got home the user non-friendly website was fine - perhaps it knew that the name was previously wrong so was suspicious. :jester:

I see Duncan is visiting the Croydon show and on looking at the details Messrs Masters of Epsom are one of the traders. Never seen him at a show since I've been going to them in the last few years and when I checked his website it appears they are now an online only business.  

I will be visiting the Farnham show tomorrow with Bob (81C) so look forward to seeing you Mike and possibly Andy B.

Have a good one,



Croydon and Farnham; might involve a bit of travelling this weekend!


Only four bottles of Trappist? You shouldn't stint yourself Tony. I hope their not hanging on to it, you have to go to Belgium for the best stuff. My bottles of Chimay Tripel are waiting for Christmas in the fridge.


I'd keep quiet about the Trappist beers (good though they are! ;)


Kings Lynn as far as you need to go. The nice people at Beers of Europe stock just about every major Belgian brewer. Although with the Dartford crossing being what it is these days I can get to Brussels faster than I can get to Kings Lynn most days.


Phil, never ever keep beer in the fridge for more than a day or 2. Especially beers that gain much from bottle aging like tripels, imperial stouts, and Eisbocks. Keep them in a cool dark place until Christmas. Chill them just before drinking.


I prefer my beers at room temperature!

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Still sitting in a field near Worcester with an iffy wifi signal and struggling to catch up. Generic greetings and commiserations to all. Believe me you fellows, you do NOT want your dongle to pack up. Stay safe all.

I'm hoping for many more years of useful life out of my dongle, trust me :jester:  :jester:


Coat, hat, etc...

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  • RMweb Gold

John, I'm only doing the Farnham show (at Aldershot) tomorrow and not Croydon (at Warlingham). On Sunday I will be doing the Sutton armchair rugby show which will be at...er ...Sutton.


I keep my beer in the cupboard under the stairs and it stays just right for me at just below room temperature.

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Errmmm, Ian, is any of the ladies still available?  :maninlove:





I'm not sure I'm at liberty to say - under pain of :triniti:  :butcher: as previously described - however, I could say "...for now their careers have been foremost in their lives..." if that helps answer it :secret:

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Whelp... back from the ultrasound experience.


Took longer to drive there (3 miles away) than have the ultrasound.

One of the oddities about getting old(er) is that even more everyone who you deal with seems to be school children! I'd swear the ultrasound technician couldn't have been more than sixteen!! Still I shouldn't complain, she was far better looking than some of the matrons wandering the halls :jester:

Of course I have to wait for various levels of staff to review the images then forward them to the Dr. who will THEN report back to me.


Back to work, I'll check in later...

The NHS gives you the result there and then.



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Be careful of the one with the terrible growth on her head it may be genetic.



I thought it was a hat, now you're saying it's genetic? Oh dear.... :O


She still quite cute though :yes:

Boys, boys... let's relax and take a deep breath ;)


The ladies were amused once they saw how that picture turned out, but Liz (on the right) decided it was OK/appropriate for some reason that I don't recall now.


Both/either of them are quite the catch as they are very well read, bright young women and several MORE in their graduating class, all pilots - and I fear I've said too much now.  :banghead:


If my "final directive" is opened rather sooner than I'd ever wish/hope (i.e. whilst this part of the thread is still visible!!) I fear Jemma will disown me after seeing it!


I THEREFORE submit I've BEEN KIDNAPPED AND it was posted by an impostor who broke into my office this afternoon and hijacked my account - that's my story and I'm sticking to it! :O

Edited by Ian Abel
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The NHS gives you the result there and then.




  I'm sure they do, but they don't need to have an army of folks look at it and pass it on so they can rob you blind rack up the charges a la the US health care system <sigh> :triniti:  :butcher:

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  • RMweb Premium

E'ning all. First of all, happy anniversary to you and the Mrs, Rick, and many more years to come!


A dreich morning was followed by a reasonable afternoon, which took me on Line 11 which in the north is currently being diverted due to engineering works…





…specifically, to Landsberger Straße, which is Line 4's northern terminus usually. As the latter line does continue working there, Line 11…






…needs to use the diversion loop created from one of the tracks previously belonging to the long-defunct Rudi Opitz Depot which used to exist here. The tram was 1222 "Bologna", and its driver you might just know!





While stood at Virchowstraße, I felt like capturing this impression of the single track section in Markkleeberg, set in the middle of the road.



And with that, I shall be off to bed for today. Night, all!

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I THEREFORE submit I've BEEN KIDNAPPED AND it was posted by an impostor who broke into my office this afternoon and hijacked my account - that's my story and I'm sticking to it! :O

Just say your ER account was ERaped.


Maybe the girl woke up with the horses head in her bed.

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That is very true, but Oct 87 had gusts to about 110mph along the south coast and less inland, but the winds close to the hurricane eye are sustained at 110mph, with gusts even higher.  That doesn't bear thinking about in the UK.

I remember this one- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1968_Scotland_storm as pretty exciting.

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  • RMweb Gold

I didn't respond very well to the radio alarm this morning so I must set my phone alarm too. I am hoping to get my flu jab at the GP surgery walk in clinic Early tomorrow. I didn't get a letter inviting me this year (Aditi did) but I asked the receptionist and she said from my records I had had one for many years she couldn't see them turning me away. If I don't qualify I'll pop down to the local pharmacy and buy one. Aditi can go next Saturday as she isn't on Mummy care. MiL rang me tonight to say she was having a lovely time, they had been shopping, had lunch out and then afternoon tea. Aditi's interesting coking was somewhat praised too. MiL then asked if I were going to visit tomorrow. I said I thought Sunday was more likely. "Are you sure?" I replied I thought so. She said in that case she and Aditi could go for a swim, jacuzzi, sauna etc tomorrow. I think MiL may be getting better.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


This afternoon I managed to test my recently built SERVO4 units, all 13 of them, I found 1 dry joint and I must have inadvertently put a polarity sensitive capacitor the wrong way, as it went with quite a spectacular POP, doh! Luckily I had a spare, so I changed it and when it was retested, it was fine. After that, before any more were tested I visually checked the capacitors in them all!


It was a bit quieter here than usual, both Ava and Evie had been sent home from school earlier in the week, with some sort of vomiting bug, so we're both a little subdued. Max had the same bug last week, but he was his usual self today, but as the girls were quiet he had no one to wind him up. We're both still bucking follocksed though!


Really enjoyed that glass of red tonight.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Gold

G'night all.


And the 1987 storm (or another about then) I had an urgent call from herself to return home and it was an interesting trip with bits of tree flying about the railway and speed restrictions just being imposed on the Thames bridges between Didcot and Reading due to worries about scouring.  the drive home from reading station was even more lively considering that it was only a couple of miles to Tilehurst - lots of bits of advertising boards and shop signs flying about in the Oxford Road but the worst, and biggest, piece was part of what the cousins over the pond call 'siding' about 12ft x 8ft which came off the front of Great Mills and went flying across the Oxford Road a couple of cars ahead of me.


Once home I found part of the roof in the front garden and loads of houses had tiles off or chimneys down - fortunately I was straight off the builders merchants and got enough tiles to do the job but we couldn't get a builder for a couple of days and of course it rained , and rained in torrential fashion all night and half the next morning, totally exhausted my stock of newspaper saved for recycling

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Latest information from Haiti is that “Matthew” (sorry, Tony!) is responsible for 842 deaths.


Savannah and Beaufort in GA are in peril from flash floods due to overwhelming rain coupled with storm surge. Tornado Warnings now reach into North Carolina. It’s going to be a very rough night for some folk to the north of Florida. The “eye” is now level with Florida/Georgia border.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Good evening. It's been busy the last few days and as it is late and I am finishing the last glass I thought I would drop in. Last night included a few beers at the hackney carriage the new micropub handily close to invocation models. I liked it and we all enjoyed black prince porter from bexley brewery(keeping it local). That's my kind of beer. Curry afterwards so a good night. Not caught up properly so best wishes to all

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