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  • RMweb Premium

I had my flu jab yesterday and it still hurts!  Flu type symptoms abound!


Despite that we have 6 new prospective scorers trained and raring to go.


Busy weekend coming up - seeing friends tomorrow then an umpires meeting in Derbyshire on Sunday.


Sleep well!



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Bad News:


Kennedy Space Center probably will be inundated by 9 - 10 feet of storm surge. Winds of 130mph  sustained maximum with gusts to 160mph Foot + of rain.


From Cape Canaveral North in FLA will see the worst effects of Hurricane Mathew.


Mandatory evacuations are taking place along the Atlantic coast.


We look lucky this time because the suggested track takes the storm up to South Carolina then loops out to sea, south and ends up back near the Bahamas as a Tropical Storm.


Don’t complain about your mild weather!


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Good News;


As Baz already knows for us old farts The Rolling Stones are releasing a new album called “Blue and Lonesome” on December 2nd containing ancient blues standards; the extra good news is that the band will also contain Eric Clapton on at least two tracks!


Quick taster:



Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

Good News;


As Baz already knows for us old farts The Rolling Stones are releasing a new album called “Blue and Lonesome” on December 2nd containing ancient blues standards; the extra good news is that the band will also contain Eric Clapton on at least two tracks!


Best, Pete.

I wonder if they will do a live show at the Cliffs Pavilion in Westcliff. Lots of people in their age group live locally.
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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


A day when not a great deal was done really, although the first job was to call at the butchers to pick up some meat. I went first thing as the postie doesn't normally call before 12:00. Then I brought down the last box of books and restocked the bookcase.


That was followed by a cup of tea, after which I decided to start building some more MERG kits, by mid afternoon is completed 5 SERVO4 modules, they and another half dozen or so just require testing, but that can wait until weekend.


Nice bit of blues there Pete, was Eric Clapton playing on that clip?


It's late, so goodnight all.

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Congratulations. I don't know what happened to my earlier post of congrats! Is this for a new degree starting next academic year or do you have strange systems like Aditi's former employers with February starts?


No, it's started now - bit quick. I've been working on it since July but then everything had to go through 'proper channels'.

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Morning all. Another night where I slept really well and feel carp this morning.


If everything actually gets commissioned today it will be a miracle.


Time for another coffee before heading out.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Gold

Been up since 4 am sorting out a few PCs that are heading to Cumbria with us. All three require big windows 10 updates so have been on overnight.


Also changed an ink cartridge that didnt require changing. Pulled the wrong colour out by mistake.


Anyway the track plans now printed out which will be pinned up around the layout so the pc isnt essential if it decides to play up as per last outing.


Just the PC's DCC and stock to load this morning.


Also hoping to call in at Banbury to see the North box one last time before it is demolished this weekend.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.  Too many pages to read in too little time for which I tender my humble apologies.


Just popping in to record 21 years of marriage today.  And as we set out on the next great adventure together here's to many more.  I'm likely to be far too tired to do much celebrating by the time Sharon is home and my next day off is Wednesday coming.  The joys of shift-work, eh?

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Good morning one and all


I think I saw a ghost yesterday.  There was a guy at the beer festival who bore a stunning resemblance to my friend Jim.  It could not possibly have been my friend Jim for he succumbed to bowel cancer two years ago.  Pray do not blame the beer for I had only just arrived.  It was weird, spooky and unsettling and there is no logical explanation.  The festival appeared less crowded than usual and the crop of annual reunions - I see many former workmates and assorted chums only at this event - much diminished.  I will return at lunchtime today and at lunchtime tomorrow but cannot face Friday night there and have a concert to attend on Saturday, when on past form the beer will be running out rapidly.


Back in the real world, it proved simple even for me to work the self-service banking machine and the offending direct debit is no more.


Bill's remark about the scan for aneurysms is interesting.  I am, of course, in the target age group but my GP practice has never mentioned it to me.  Perhaps they think there is enough wrong with me already.  I recall that in 1992 my late father was called in for screening.  An aneurysm waiting to happen was discovered, comprising a hole in an artery wall held together with a blood clot.  The really scary bit is that he was on anticoagulants at the time and could have bled to death at any minute.  The hole was repaired and he lived for another 13 years.


Best wishes to Rick for his wedding anniversary, to all travellers and to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing and depressed.



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Morning All,


Happy anniversary, Rick!


We have a somewhat cloudy morning here, and there was rain overnight.  I hope to leave work reasonably early this afternoon and get the Winter Tyres on the car.


There isn't a lot else to report, so have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


I think I saw a ghost yesterday.  There was a guy at the beer festival who bore a stunning resemblance to my friend Jim.  It could not possibly have been my friend Jim for he succumbed to bowel cancer two years ago.  Pray do not blame the beer for I had only just arrived.  It was weird, spooky and unsettling and there is no logical explanation.  


Morning Chris,


You posted while I was in the process of posting, so I missed this.


I can understand that the situation was a little unsettling, but maybe your friend Jim was doing what he enjoyed in life?


I know that many people would say that there are no such things as ghosts - but if that is the case, why are there so many reports?  The common argument today is that so many people have smartphones with cameras, and therefore why aren't there more pictures.  However, the phenomena (whatever it is) doesn't appear to be easily predictable.


I consider myself to be an open-minded skeptic on the issue - I too, have seen things myself that have no logical explanation.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning to most, congratulations to Rick and Sharon.


The new Rolling Stones Album took 3 days to record. That's not bad for a group who are not the youngest of people.


Tea being drunk then a trip to moreasons before heading to the other side of the hill to meet some friends.



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  • RMweb Gold

Congrats to Rick and John for their respective achievements. ERs needs some good news stuff!


New nursey charming and competent with the flu jab. La belle Francine has finally retired which is a shame - Deb and I loved her. I note from the business card that rendezvous are available morning and night every day of the year. Impressive. Good to get the jab done before coming to Blighty where the germs are a bit unfamiliar these days. I really hardly spend more than a couple of months per year there, which is silly when Sherry lives there. We hope that when the older horse pops them I can offload the younger one and feel freer. Feeding cats is not very demanding by comparison.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a slightly damp village.   I can report that the head is feeling OK.   The 3 fillings were all painless and the superglue is holding well on the scalp.   At least the very competent nurse washed the blood out of my hair so I don't have to go round with a target on the top.


Rick, congratulations to you both and good luck with the packing.


Aneurysms are a family trait unfortunately for me.  My mother and at least 5 of her siblings either died of them or with them.   Some time ago my brother and I both persuaded our GP's to screen us every 3 years.  Then funding changes put a stop to that.  I haven't been screened now for at least 6 years and will have to wait until the pension kicks in.   Fortunately all previous scans were fine.   A friend who was a general surgeon spent a lot of his supposedly free time doing emergency ops on leaking/burst aneurysms, the outcomes used to be fairly poor so I would have thought that some money put into prevention would have been money well spent.


Anyway the house is still quiet for the next few hours but the boss arrives back from St Annes at lunchtime.  I'm hoping to get some layout work done this afternoon and it's club time tonight. 


Regards to all.



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