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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Dr Eldest Herbert off to start his new job ...judge dread be aware he will be in your city about 8am... Her indoors getting ready to go out teaching...and me, well it's time for my morning mug of tea.


My house work to do list has been readied so I can get on with life today safe in the knowledge that I may have some time for me, wooopiddooo!


Enjoy your time today everyone!


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from a sunny Surrey.


Another loco headlight change completed. Only a few more nights for working on the layout before loading it into the car.


Trains all a few minutes late this morning but nothing anyvwhere near as bad as the problems in and out of Marylebone this morning after a cable fire.


Half way through the working week for us after today.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a quiet house.  Cats fed, breakfast being consumed then it's off to the station to meet my mate in Leeds for a day out on Cross Country.  Tamworth is our first target but we may  o down to Rugby and Northampton as well.  No doubt the world will be put partially to rights, various politicians will be nominated for neck stretching.   (Hanging one a day is our idea of performance management for that class).  Not a bad day ahead.


Regards to all.



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I'm still trying to establish how the following chain of events came about last evening

18:45 - First pint in 'The Old Arcade'

22:00 - Finish last drink at "The City Arms"

Yet in between I managed to sing an Andy Williams  duet with a chap called (the) Jimmy Osmond !


As if my street cred was minimal before, due to my hobby; now it's non-existent.........................................

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Good moaning all. Its bloody cold in the boring borough this morning. The chillies and tomatoes are not best pleased. I have a feeling the kitchen will soon be full of paper bags containing toms and bananas to ripen them up.


Only one of SWMBO's parcels arrived yesterday. That means I can't work in the shed until it shows up. (some time between 8 and 4) Meh.


Well yesterday the brown stuff really got splattered across the sub-etha at work. Seems the pair of cockwombles mentioned on Sunday were both contractors. Both have had their contracts terminated with immediate effect. I, on the other have been brought back into the client on a more "permanent" basis in a different role on a different project. This client shall from now on be known as the Hotel California. It seems I can never leave. The upside of this is I'm now safe from the weekend deployment that has now slipped another 2 weeks, and kills the rumour of being stuck in Manchester for 4 months on an upcoming project for another client. Some poor sap will get that gig.


Got some actual modelling done last night in front of the tellybox. There I said the M word without censoring it. Modelling modelling modelling buhahahaha. :jester:  Another evening should see the bashtardisation of a Pikestuff kit completed and ready for painting. I've got 24 days to finish the module to a respectable level for the convention.


that's about it from me. Have a great day everybody and stay warm.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Blue sky and sunshine here and a dry day with sunny spells forecast. 

I'm awaiting a message from Argos to tell me that my new mower is ready for collection. As they are now in Sainsbury's where The Boss works I'm hoping this will coincide with the time I collect her from work.

All I then need to do is put the thing together and use it. There is also a lot more pruning which needs doing and as the bin is full I will have pay a visit to the dump recycling facility at some stage. This will happen either aujourd'hui, domani, dreckly or whenever I feel like it. :yes:

Have a good one,

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Quiet on here today with not a lot said for well over an hour - most unusual.  However, onwards and upwards....


Chilly first thing, but not as bad as the other morning, when we had our first frost, and I unexpectedly had to scrape the windscreen - Sunday I think it was,  Hopefully the colder spell will slow down the growth of the grass, and also kill off the last of the autumn mites which have driven Lily mad this year - and which also affected both of us as well.  Horrible little critters.


WIshes and greetings to those who are ailing or celebrating, and a special wish for a successful treatment for Alan's Brother in Law. 


Now waiting for Nick to arrive in the tractor van with the weekly supply of comestibles and other essential stuff, all of which appears to be on its way and on time.  Then it's out for a while as I've a few errands to run in Kirkby Lonsdale, then a bit of a patch up to the kitchen ceiling, which has been cracked by a small water leak resulting from my sealing the bath with a mastic which I bought from a car boot sale for a quid, and which cracked.  I didn't check it properly, and I suspect that it was not elastic enough, so as soon as the bath started to move, there was a problem - either that or the stuff was just dud.  Some new stuff from Screwfix has now been in situ for a week and is fine.  Then it's pick up 30747 from the hairdresser later on (repeat after me - that looks nice) and don't say "HOW MUCH".....


Probably back later once all of the above are achieved.


Regards to All


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Hello, from a bright but breezy Somerset.


Today is the day where I cannot put off the chore any longer. I am going to have to sweep our living room chimney before the fire can be lit later in the Autumn. So it is dust sheets, rods and brushes at the ready - and pray that the falling soot does not escape or Mrs Jonny will have my guts for garters.


I only have the fire lit for nostalgic purposes, as the central heating is more than adequate; but if I am the only one here and reading or slide-scanning downstairs it makes little sense to have the heating on around the whole house.


So I light a fire, and stare into it wistfully.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


The sun is shining and there is very little wind, a perfect day to be outside. However, they'll be no gardening today as I've nowhere to put the waste until tomorrow. So instead I'll be re-polishing the fire surrounds in the living room and dining room. They should have been done just after I finished decorating, but I just never got round to it, I can't think why!


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Pete's warning to Ian about Hurricane Matthew reminded me that its very late in the season for such a hurricane, normally the hurricane season is over by mid October. Best time to visit the region if your having a break is November to April, Ian from what you said t appears that you will be there early next year so you will get the best of the weather.  Bright and sunny here this morning but quite breezy, thats it for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

A chilly but sunny start to the day - autumn is truly upon us now. 

A badly needed haircut yesterday. Quite a reasonable cost once you take into account the scaffolding!

Whilst reading some works emails I seem to have doodled a rather interesting plan for a model railway. Winter project, perhaps? 

Anyway one of said email looks quite interesting so better crack on.

Hopefully see some of your this Saturday in Aldershot?

Best wishes to one and all. Andy 

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  • RMweb Premium

Back late last night from a long weekend in Barcelona to celebrate an anniversary, take a look at Gaudi's architecture. and discover Catalan cuisine.


Central heating on again - just to take the chill off, you understand, as well as marking the traditional start of the model making season.

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The Lurker, on 04 Oct 2016 - 09:56, said:

Greetings all from London Bridge. It's a little cooler today, blue skies, white clouds.


All is quiet although, excitingly, I have renewed the garden waste service bin contract today.


Life doesn't get much better, surely.


Have a good day all

I'll be right over with this half a tree that needs disposal. :sungum:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Bright and breezy here. We did have the heating on for a while when we got home last night but it is warm enough now to need windows open.

I will be collecting Robbie today from the kennels.


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Well, it only look an hour to complete the chimney sweeping - resulting in 2/3rds of a large bucket of soot which, after a spell of outdoor 'weathering', will find its way onto the allotment. 


Job done for a couple of years I reckon, and little or no leftover mess. :)

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Got some actual modelling done last night in front of the tellybox. There I said the M word without censoring it. Modelling modelling modelling buhahahaha. :jester:  

Not sure where the non modelling ethos started but it certainly wasn't at the inception of ERs.

When GordonS started the thread several incarnations ago there were about six of us who were early risers.

Where would we have been without tales of the advance of Eastwood through staircases and the subsequent bonfires.

... or the incarceration of Sam to avoid the lures of fishing away from modelling ... or the election of a succession of tennis beauties as ER mascots ... and much else better forgotten (such as the wellbeing of Shergar in Gordon's sheds).

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  • RMweb Gold

Well, it only look an hour to complete the chimney sweeping - resulting in 2/3rds of a large bucket of soot which, after a spell of outdoor 'weathering', will find its way onto the allotment. 


Job done for a couple of years I reckon, and little or no leftover mess. :)

Oh Cinderfella, you will have time to make it to the ball!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bright and sunny but it got quite cool yesterday evening getting down to 10C.  No plans for the G word today - the bin remains full.  Highlight of the week - still to come - will be a trip to The Mill At Sonning to see 'Blithe Spirit'. ChrisF and other 'Archers' fans will perhaps be interested to hear that the cast includes Oliver Sterling (Michael Cochrane) although not in the principal male role and he will be accompanied by his real wife (who isn't called Caroline) playing his wife; in view of his past in 'Sharpe' I'm afraid I shall have to restrain myself from booing when he walks on stage although perhaps I should think instead of Grange Farm and cheer loudly.  Clearly Oliver's move with Caroline to Tuscany is allowing Michael to spend a bit of time doing other things.


Tea, toast, and a boiled egg have just been offered by the catering dept so I shall take my leave and wish you all an enjoyable day and that all your trains may run on time(ish) for those having to venture out on them or just doing so for fun.

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  • RMweb Gold

It looks as if Robbie and I will be in charge at home for a few days. MiL lives near Aditi's sister but SiL is going off to Scotland for a few days with her husband. As I may have mentioned MiL was hospitalised on her return from holiday as she had a chest infection. She is home now but according to SiL and her husband ( both doctors) MIL is showing signs of dementia. Aditi's brother (also a GP) isn't convinced and is more inclined initially to explain it as post infection and reaction to quite powerful antibiotics. So while SiL is in Scotland Aditi will stay with her Mum.


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Not sure where the non modelling ethos started but it certainly wasn't at the inception of ERs.

When GordonS started the thread several incarnations ago there were about six of us who were early risers.

Where would we have been without tales of the advance of Eastwood through staircases and the subsequent bonfires.

... or the incarceration of Sam to avoid the lures of fishing away from modelling ... or the election of a succession of tennis beauties as ER mascots ... and much else better forgotten (such as the wellbeing of Shergar in Gordon's sheds).

I think it has become more of a comedy thing than serious. Having a faux taboo makes life more interesting.

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Dr Eldest Herbert off to start his new job ...judge dread be aware he will be in your city about 8am... 

Oh that was why I could hear "two tones" sounding at about that time  this morning.

I hope things go well for him. One down, one to go is it?

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