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My CC never leaves the house so little risk of it getting in the wrong hands. And it expires this year, plus I'm not sure I'll get another one from my bank as my income has dropped dramatically since it was issued :(

A friend of mine has no passport, driving licence,or credit card.


He is also not on the electoral role.


Yesterday he could not purchase a restricted (bladed) item on line as he had no means of verifying he was over 18 year old!


They wouldn't accept a bus pass of proof of age.

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I've got that T shirt, Ian.  Paris though, not Turkey, with a card than never went to France but was used to pay the deposit for the hotel in advance! As it had never been previously used, it wasn't hard to work out where the problem was!


Surely that was an easy fix.

Someone used YOUR card to reserve THEIR room PRIOR to their stay?

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Good evening all, and good to be back home after a fairly uneventful day!


There was I, dutifully checking in a slot car delivery when, just before the end of my morning session, I was asked to stop and pack some outgoing items. Our despatch section has a mysterious modus operandum!


Screw fittings come in two main sizes. E27, aka Large Edison Screw, about the same general diameter as a bayonet, and E14, aka Small Edison Screw. Both are freely available in LED lamps, and I have been delighted with the number I have bought on ebay. Principal advantage compared to the so-called energy-saving bulbs is that they light immediately, with no warming up. They also tend to be about a third of the wattage!

So the not-very-attractive 3-light hanging fitting in the lounge, which when we moved here in 2004 had three 60-watt bulbs, now has three 5-watt equivalents throwing out at least as much light.

For completeness, there is also something called Miniature Edison Screw, but I can't recall much about that.


GES (E27) is the most common screw fitting for ceiling mounted lights with its bayonet counterpart, B22. LED bulbs are available in both fittings.


If you need to replace the fitting, my default (and recommendation) is for GU10; they are widely sourced and as easy to change as a B22!


For the record, if all of the lights in my house are on, some 60 light fittings, I'm only using around 100Watts of electricity, equivalent to ONE old filament bulb!


Medium Edison Screw (MES) is for torch bulbs as I recall.


I also recall a comment elsewhere in this forum about rocket science - that's simple!


Have a good night.

Edited by JohnDMJ
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....(Just for Horsetan) New twice weekly at the moment commute is 22 miles each way. Average speed 37mph out and 41mph back, with an overall fuel consumption of 63.4mpg. (66.4 on the way out with a reduction on the way back, although theoretically it's downhill!)...


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  • RMweb Premium

Two images for today and then it's hitting the sack for me!




1217 "Travnik" after my first cruise to Lößnig…





…and at the Eutritzsch Hospital Loop just a couple of minutes after the route closure had been announced.


Two colleagues (possibly more, but I'm not sure) were actually tasked with backing up – in other words, running in reverse! – from here to Georg-Herwegh-Straße, which was the last stop outside the police perimeter and where stranded railway passengers had been escorted to.




That was one of the two returning in reverse from up the route!


Thankfully, the person, who was reported to have been known for mental issues, eventually surrendered without any bloodshed.


See ya around, chaps and chapesses…

Edited by NGT6 1315
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Good evening everyone.


I had a couple of phone calls from my manager today, in the last one, at about 2:20 this afternoon, he said I might as well go home. I didn't need telling twice I can tell you! My laptop was shut down, my bag was packed and I was out the gate before 2:30!


Sainsbury's Grand Prix was completed tonight, instead of last night. I think Mrs W likes the idea, we'll have to see if it lasts.


John. Your FiL is certainly going through the mill at the moment, I do hope things improve for him soon.


It's time for bed, so I'll bid you all goodnight.

Edited by BSW01
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Two T20s scored.... just need to computerise these for sending data off to school.


Visited the LMRS tonight - lots of pre-exhibition preparation going on.


Its her indoors birthday tomorrow. Just got to remember where I hid her card.......


I managed to brush a plant leaf against my leg when in Sydney Botanical Gardens - it is still causing teh odd pain now after 2 years... its not just the animals that are venomous in Oz!


Sleep well al!  - and have a great day Rick!



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  • RMweb Gold

A good night out with an unplanned meet with a neighbour in our favourite Borough market bar.

To top it all off we actually arrived back in a Redhill on time. So shocked we had a chat with a driver that he knows. No surprises in how the conversation went and the current situation re the strikes.

Back home I have been having a rather strange chat with Alexa. Asked if Alexa was female. Response Was 'in a way yes'.

Plays great music but the jokes are a bit corny. Plenty more interaction before being really useful.


Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Gold



The shed now has windows and both doors, most of the roof but not much in the way of walls. Hopefully they will be installed before the snow flies.




I knew this trailer would come in handy one-day. I bought it in Arizona thirty-some years ago but never actually used it. It came with us to New Jersey, then back to Idaho where it sat for twenty years.


The trail up to the shop is steep and narrow and I'm too nervous to attempt backing my pickup truck up to the shed. The plan is to load everything on to the trailer and haul it up with the tractor. The trailer is being extended so that I can haul all the OSB boards and lumber I'll need to line and insulate the shed.


A wood stove is under consideration. (We have quite a lot of wood around here) The only problem is that the shed might be warmer than the house in the winter.

love the natural air conditioning
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Smiffy, that must be a big wall that needs repointing. I am in the process of commissioning a builder to do the same and install a window, all for £500. The front of my house when built had an open porch terminating in a storage/coal shed that was of single brick construction. Subsequently the porch was enclosed forming an entrance hallway and putting the access to the shed indoors. Last winter I was plagued by a cold draft which after inspection turned out to be coming from the shed. When I examined the shed from the inside daylight could be seen through the brickwork! I decided then to have a window installed as the shed was like the black hole of Calcutta even in broad daylight. Now all I have to do is find a suitable place for all the useful items rubbish that is occupying the said shed. Once the wall and window have been done I am having the outside walls insulated. Once all that is done I should have just enough space for a small shelf layout, 6' X 1'.

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When I got my (part time) job with the local Police Dept (still great fun btw) The Dept. of Homeland Security had to pass me (being a "damned Brit” and all) my details went via MI5, who eventually cleared me. I know this because I have a first cousin who was until he retired with MI5. He received a phone call about me, which greatly amused him. My other cousin who was with MI6 (until retirement) was not disturbed.

I believe “family connection” counted for a lot with the security services at some point - literally keeping it in the family.


I think it has all changed recently upon both their expansion......


G’night all, Pete.

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Did I mention it was a wee bit steep?




The good news is the trailer is attached to the tractor's three-point hitch which allows me to raise the trailer hitch and keep the platform more or less horizontal. This should prove useful when moving some 'orrible heavy machine tools into said shed. The trailer's platform is 8 x 4 (English units)

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  • RMweb Premium

I've been trying to understand the small print on LED bulbs for some time -- we're running out of the traditional ones.

I can see the "dimmable" and "undimmable" ones -- that's usually big letters.

A lot of them say "not for use in enclosed lumieres" -- most of our fixtures are ceiling mounts with a glass bowl under them.

The wattage seems to go down, but nobody makes really bright bulbs. I'd like a 250W equivalent for the garage and some storage areas. I'd even like 100W euivalents for our ceiling lights -- they should be OK in the ones that are limited to40W or 60W.


I had some CFL bulbs -- bright ones -- that said not to mount them with the base up. I did that and took the bilb back the next day.

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Morning all. Dark and damp outside so I already know that there will be an increased quantity of cockwomble drivers today.


I slept far too well again and feel totally shattered so a quick breakfast and plenty of coffee


Have a good day everyone

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Following a visit to Screwfix, there are a large number of 'energy saving' lamps in the bin.

A big improvement.

Thanks for all the guidance - a real help.

As mentioned, in one or two locations 100W equivalents would be better but I'm quite pleased for now.


Now on a hunt for exotica:

Stainless steel pull cord handles for wet room use to replace the silly little plastic examples.

A stainless steel toothbrush holder (without a tumbler).


Thanks again.

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Good morning one and all


In addition to the hormone injection I had my flu jab yesterday.  There is a drop-in session next week in a relatively nearby church hall but I am busy with other things then and it is good to get it out of the way.  No ill-effects so far, thank goodness.  Oops, that was not a sentence - sorry, Mr McCabe.  [Now that was a guy who knew how to command the attention of a class.  The first time he entered the room he whacked a random boy round the head and then introduced himself.  Respect!]


Today I have to go back to the GP.  The cellulitis has cleared up really well, touch wood.  Even though the appointment is at 09.50 he will keep me waiting and Poorly Pal will get anxious even though I have promised to ring him when I set out.  I think I may have prepped too many vegetables but the act of stir-frying reduces volume considerably, or at least it does when I do it.


I made a couple of credit card purchases yesterday.  One was for my Peterborough ticket and I did not even contemplate trying to make the webshite work, preferring a simple phone call and a conversation with a human being to the endless grief that the on-line method generates.  The other was from a ticket site and is for Jack Carty's gig in Witney in three weeks' time.  Getting there from Harpenden after Area Group will be fun but one must be adventurous once in a while.


As always, best wishes to all travellers and to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing and depressed 



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