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Gave up with BMW as decisions were being made by people who were "not customer facing" so you can't talk to them. I wonder how much business these non customer facing people are costing BMW, but then again, I guess they're not bothered either way. :angry:


So accepted the 40% off parts and 25% off labour. To be honest I'd lost the will to live, life's to short and I'd like my car back.


I'll put it down to experience....

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I'd respond, Gordon but I'm facing the other way.....

I mean seriously.........

When I took on CD's at EMI in 1984 - no one really knew about them in England - I'd talk to some guy who wanted his favourite Frank Sinatra on CD to Edward De Bono who rang me to complain about Stevie Ray Vaughan's guitar being distorted on David Bowie's "Let's Dance" - I told him to think laterally; actually we ended being quite pals.


Some things you just have to do.


Best, Pete.

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Guest Max Stafford

Last time you buy one of them I'd say Gordon! My old FIAT is fully paid up in February, so I'm just going to keep it running until it collapses in a heap while I stick the equivalent of the payments in my savings...


Anyway boys, I hope all your days are going well. Today, I'm going to make a nice big pot of vegetable soup, which should save me making anything else for a couple of days! :D


No major house jobs today so I'm going to pack a couple of parcels (including one for our own Tony. :) )


Then I think I'll do a bit of modelling.



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  • RMweb Premium

Gordon - sorry that you didn't get anywhere with BMW - I'm guessing that another one bites the dust as a customer, and your next car will be a different marque?

Dave - happy soup making - you've put me in the notion of making some myself - my mother handed down a recipe for a type of Scotch Broth which I have modified (took out the bit of scrag end of lamb and replaced with a good quality vegetable stock) and which can be relied on to stick to the ribs, and as it has a selection of root vegetables, a bit of cabbage, peas, beans, and barley, it's also very good as a wind generator! Must add the ingredients to the next shopping list.

Pete I remember the first demonstration of CDs on Tomorrow's World, when the player was immense and cost about £3k, and the discs were also silly money - the original publicity also tried to imply that the discs would play regardless of condition. Then the late Kenny Everett latched onto that concept and did a very amusing sketch in which he smeared a CD with everything, and it still played the loud rock music perfectly, until he smeared it with excrement, put it in the player, and it played the Bee Gees (but then Kenny Everett liked to take the wee wee out of the Bee Gees).

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  • RMweb Gold

... When I was a student in halls of residence, the room as a decent size, but was a double with two 2'6" beds, two wardrobes, and a big desk with two reading lamps at either side. The accommodation was all found, so no kitchen, and the loos and bathroom were down a long corridor, and you daren't forget your room key. There was also a very strict ruling on what personal stuff you could keep in the room. En suite? - my how things have changed, Tony.



I went to university in the early 1970s and lived out with a family for the first two years. I had a nice room, breakfast and evening meal. The house even had luxuries like central heating! I lived in college during my final year and although we had shared "facilities" it was rather nice accommodation.

I must admit Matthew's room is nice as it one of the ones they use for their conference accommodation so he has to clear it completely during the holidays. My nephew has recently started at Cambridge and it sounds as if he is at Hogwarts.





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  • RMweb Premium

so he has to clear it completely during the holidays.

We had to do that every year anyway, as you were assigned a different room each time. As the halls of residence were previously a hotel in the middle of the city which was a an open square, only half of the rooms had outward facing windows and the other half opened onto a light well, and the policy was one year outward and one year on the light well - as the light well was a very good echo chamber, you can imagine the weekend nights with drunken students conducting shouted conversations.


In my day, they preferred students to do at least their first year in halls, and moving out to digs or a flat was only encouraged for more "mature" students.

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Anyway boys, I hope all your days are going well. Today, I'm going to make a nice big pot of vegetable soup, which should save me making anything else for a couple of days! :D


No major house jobs today so I'm going to pack a couple of parcels (including one for our own Tony. :) )


Then I think I'll do a bit of modelling.





Thank you!


I was going to attempt to do something nice for dinner tonight but my wife said she really wanted sausages. I think sausages, peas and mashed potato is her idea of comfort food. She hasn't exactly been stressed at work for a few days, I think "very, very cross" was her description. Going to sleep cross then caused her to have a bad dream where Rod Stewart (probably as there was an article about him in the newspaper yesterday) lectured her about why she was a bad parent. As a result of this, tea was made at 4, 5 and 6am.

I have found sausages in the freezer so hopefully tonight will be less fraught.


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  • RMweb Premium

Well blow me down.....:blink:


Just had a call from BMW and they're going to pay for all the parts and labour after all.....:D


Must be the power of Early Risers!

All power to the ERs - does that mean we're all still buying Beamers next car? :lol:

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Guest Max Stafford

Result Gordon, good man! Pete, I might need to borrow that 'evil eye' sometime if it's that good! :D


Soup cooking away nicely, barometer dropping and ropey looking cloud gathering off to the west, so it may be the appropriate food for tonight!


Tony, your new rolling stock is en route. Rod Stewart in your good lady's dreams? Better than Stalin, I suppose... :D



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Thank you!


I was going to attempt to do something nice for dinner tonight but my wife said she really wanted sausages. I think sausages, peas and mashed potato is her idea of comfort food. She hasn't exactly been stressed at work for a few days, I think "very, very cross" was her description. Going to sleep cross then caused her to have a bad dream where Rod Stewart (probably as there was an article about him in the newspaper yesterday) lectured her about why she was a bad parent. As a result of this, tea was made at 4, 5 and 6am.

I have found sausages in the freezer so hopefully tonight will be less fraught.



Shades of a certain Peter Sellers! " Give us a bash.....!"

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  • RMweb Premium

I have found sausages in the freezer so hopefully tonight will be less fraught.

Let's hope that they've got a bit of meat to them, Tony - I found some in there from a well known supermarket beginning with S and they had a meat content of 42%. On the other hand, if they're too high a meat content, that's just as bad the other way - somewhere about 68% meat was advised to me as the optimum by a very good sausage maker (Kennedy's of South London) - "Any more and it's like mince in a skin" was the way he put it - shame is, that butcher has now closed down and left behind many many disappointed punters.

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  • RMweb Gold

You got a stutter, Phil?......


I'd get down to the quack if I were you....:)


I have no idea what you're talking about (well, not after using the delete button anyway.....)

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  • RMweb Gold

I have just been instructed by my daughter to buy some tickets to see Take That (a pop group I believe) when they go on sale on Friday morning. She has given me four phone numbers and three possible websites to try. Does she think I'm an octopus? (I know - but there's no such thing as a heptopus) I have been warned to be patient and that it may take some time.


That reminds me of the time many years ago when my little sister asked me for Jimmy Osmond's record 'Long Haired Lover from Liverpool' for Christmas. I was 15 at the time and was constantly trying (and failing miserably) to be cool or whatever the equivalent was then. Imagine the scene in Boots in front of all those girls a pimply 15 year old asking " Can I have Long haired Lover from Liverpool please" and been told to speak up they couldn't hear. So I repeat it a liitle bit louder (but not much) and still get "I can't hear you".


Why is it that in such situations when you do say things loudly all other noise stops for those two seconds.......

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Let's hope that they've got a bit of meat to them, Tony - I found some in there from a well known supermarket beginning with S and they had a meat content of 42%. On the other hand, if they're too high a meat content, that's just as bad the other way - somewhere about 68% meat was advised to me as the optimum by a very good sausage maker (Kennedy's of South London) - "Any more and it's like mince in a skin" was the way he put it - shame is, that butcher has now closed down and left behind many many disappointed punters.

Rubbish, you heard that on the Apprentice 3 weeks ago! :lol:

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  • RMweb Gold

Latest news on the sausage situation. The sausages have been rejected. I'm afraid the degree of crossness has increased and we are now going to have pizza and jacket potato. I think my wife was cross enough to take a lunch-break today and went off to a local (East Ham) caff (deliberate spelling to distinguish from cafe) with a couple of colleagues


BoD, I do hope you get the tickets. Are you going to the Take That concert as well? Did you enjoy the film you saw the other day? I can remember going to see lots of Pokemon films with Matthew when he was little. Somehow his mother managed to avoid the cinema during those years! The last film I saw at the cinema with Matthew we came out like a pair of old grumpies saying there was no way that it was a12A with that amount of violence!

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