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Good evening all!


I awoke with, what seemed, a brilliant idea to occupy me for the day; let's write an article for the company e-zine on how to use the Maerklin Mobile Station to control Fleischmann N Gauge locomotives. More an experiment than m*d*ll*ng!


So, out came my N Gauge test track, a locomotive and the Mobile Station and a test bed was assembled.


5 keystrokes on the MS and the loco had been found and, with a nudge of the speed control know, was running round the test track quite happily! 5 keystrokes and a 'twirl' don't make much of an article, so I retired to the local hostelry for sustenance. (The Gobby Hoblin obliged!)


Let's try the Maerklin Central Station, I thought.


Took a few more key taps (touch screen with stylus) and, job done, loco running round track. Maybe the seeds of an article, but not a War-and-Peace emulator!


OK, icing on the cake, let's get my Android device to control the locomotive. App installed on device, all netwrok criteria seemingly met, App fails to connect to the CS! WHY??


Anyway, given that my Z21 is now not at, like everybody else's (and works!) and it and its multimaus handset are now at the current revision of software, it ain't been too bad a weekend!


(the thought was to add the article to this string provided by Maerklin themselves:



Part 3 due out 7th October)


Apologies for broaching the peripheral subject.


Wishes, greetings, etc. to all as required

Edited by JohnDMJ
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Good evening everyone.


Well that's the weekend over and done with, where the hell did that go?


However, I've had quite a good day today, truth be told, I managed to build and test, 2 - twin 12vDC regulated power supplies. These will be used to supply my MERG servo drive units so that the control circuit and the servo drive circuit are fed independently, meaning there will be a reduced chance of electrical interference within the unit. The next step will be to test and calibrate the servo drive units themselves, next weekend perhaps?


The soup that I made this afternoon went down very well with Mrs W. I made enough for 8 portions, so I've been enable to freeze 6 of the portions, so we've got plenty to look forward to in the future.


I just went to lock up the front door, only to realise that it's never even been unlocked today.


Goodnight all.

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And with this link which directs you to l-nv.info, which is run by several colleagues of mine, I bid you good night!


This particular page contains a set of images from the Innotrans rail industry exhibition where an interior mock-up of our new Solaris NGT10 trams was displayed. Furthermore, a set of visual renderings both of the interior and, indeed, the exterior design was shown.


TBH, I pretty much like the design preview. Smart and modern, I think, though of course, your taste may vary.

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There was a hole in our road once.  It was duly reported.  It was still there a year later, getting bigger from time to time.  The council said they had a man looking into it .........


Happy to report Sunday was a much better day (after earlier outbursts by the neighbour) than its predecessor and a generally relaxed and up-beat mood prevailed about the Palace.  Today has dawned sunny though storms are predicted.  I'd best get the G-word in train before the skies darken.

Edited by Gwiwer
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However, I've had quite a good day today, truth be told, I managed to build and test, 2 - twin 12vDC regulated power supplies. These will be used to supply my MERG servo drive units so that the control circuit and the servo drive circuit are fed independently, meaning there will be a reduced chance of electrical interference within the unit. The next step will be to test and calibrate the servo drive units themselves, next weekend perhaps?


Something just went over my head Brian.

I'm gonna stick to Connecting words.

Good night I need to calibrate my pillow!

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Morning all. The start of another busy week which I'm hoping will be easier than last week.


I had to speak to my neighbour last night. Just before going to bed at 22:40, there were 4 children running round in his garden screaming and shouting. I wouldn't have minded too much if they were teenagers but they were all under the age of 4.


Plenty off coffee being consumed.


Have a good day everyone

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Good morning one and all


Back to reality after a good and sociable weekend at Scaleforum.  Oh dear, that was not a sentence.  My English teachers would not approve.  Where are you now, Mr Cousins, Mr McCabe, Mr Turner, Mr Parish and Mrs Stuart?  I managed to sell some surplus stuff at the bring and buy but the team could not account for one sheet of transfers.  I can only wonder whether it stuck to another sheet or to someone's fingers.


Today is important.  I must write and post a cheque for my Swiss holiday and forthwith hasten to the bank to arrange for the funds to be in place when said cheque is presented.  On Wednesday I have my injection which will ensure the supply of hot flushes until just before Christmas.  The following day I am to see the GP to review the treatment of the cellulitis, which seems to be responding well to the unpronounceable antibiotic.  In there somewhere will be the fodder run, including the ingredients for lunch with Poorly Pal on Thursday.  Evening entertainment comes on Wednesday at the HMRS area group and on Thursday at Stevenage Loco Society.  It's all go here.


On the Today programme this morning there will be an item examining why people keep looking at their mobile phones.  Mine is a very basic one and is switched on when I know I want to use it, unless it switches itself on as it did twice last Saturday.  My grasp of technology is limited but surely these devices tell you when there is a need to look at them?  I find it a tad rude that I should have to compete for attention with a box of tricks whilst trying to have a conversation face to face with its owner, who become oblivious to his surroundings whenever the blasted thing flickers and pays £££ per month for the privilege!  Maybe my grasp of etiquette is dated but surely it is proper to accord undivided attention to the person with whom one is speaking?


Best wishes to all travellers and to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing and depressed - oh, and those who put people before phones.



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 at 22:40, there were 4 children running round in his garden screaming and shouting. ..... all under the age of 4.


Plenty off coffee being consumed.




Hopefully those two are not as closely connected as may be implied ;)  Though by the sound of things ......... 

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Morning all from the Charente. Looks like we will have a good day today. Some clearing of tree branches and a run to the vineyard for more supplies are my tasks. Yesterday the trip to La Rochelle went well.


Regards to all.



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Morning All,


Hmmm - Now, where did the weekend go?  It was there a minute ago.


It is quite autumnal now, the trees are starting to turn brown, and it is quite chilly overnight.  However, during the day it is still unseasonably warm.


Looking at my appointments calendar for today, it looks like there is going to be a certain amount of testing to do.


Have a good day everyone...

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I had gathered from Matthew's comments also, that rainwear would be advisable. He said he had been told that the rainfall in Cork was similar to Utrecht but Cork has considerably more days in which rainfall occurs. He popped into the university on his arrival to let the geography department know he was in town as he knew that they had a PhD student doing research with the Polish community. The university were very welcoming and have been very kind in allowing access to resources.



Interesting town, Cork. Have you looked at its 20th century history?  Had a terrible time in 1920, still suffered after Eire formed. See Irish Civil War.


Have a good  time, Pete.

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Good morning.


A great weekend at a Freemo. Not so goood coming home with the M40 being closed in both directions for a while. The 2 hour 45 minute journey turned into 4 hours but with running of trains ceasing at 2.30 it wasn't as bad as a normal show finishing time. Car unloaded by 7.20pm and the leg extensions removed ten minutes later so that they are now ready for a Fort Myers next trip up the M40 then M6 and on to Barrow In Furness in two weeks time.


Lots of trains cancelled this morning due to staff shortages but at least ours is running. Thameslink running late so that been put behind our stopping service which is unusual.

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Good morning everyone.


A dull start to the day, cloudy but dry at the moment. As I've no work it's looking like a week in the horrorfice, oh the joy.

However, I do have a weeks holiday to look forward to next week, that can't come quick enough!


Back later.

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Good morning all,

A bit of a dull start although there is a hint of blue sky through the clouds. Sunshine & showers are forecast.

Took a walk to the GP surgery at 7.45 to make an appointment. Joined the queue and discovered why you can't get through on the phone lately - they're ignoring the phone and just dealing with the queue at the desk. I've managed to get an appointment with the right doctor at 9.10 so another walk shortly.

As The Boss is on holiday this week she wants to go out somewhere - anywhere! I suspect orders will be posted when I return from the doc.

Have a good one,


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Good morning all.


Back from my hols. At least most of the bad weather held off until I returned from the Welsh Marches/Offas Dyke exploration.


I was tempted by the Tornado meets FS week at the SVR but given that the travel tickets and parking options had all been sold months before the event, plus I am the only one in our family with any interest in railways, I gave it a miss. Did anyone go?


While I was away, the wasps discovered my grapes - and with hindsight it might have been better to have consumed the grapes before I left or taken them with me. But only about 10% seem to have been sucked dry and it is always best to let nature have a few. The rest taste lovely and sweet.

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Morning all,


Back to earth with a bump today as it's a day for another visit to one of the good Count's blood letting followers and possibly time to g for a hat trick in bruised arms - we shall see.  We have had some rain but hardly on a  par with Cornwall's liquid sunshine, real wimpish stuff that descends more or less vertically instead of horizontally - definitely know we're back home from that.


I suspect I will be let off 'days out' this week following last week's exploits although the G word might will appear if the weather is dry enough.  BTW some interesting developments are approaching in the model railway world, some people are likely to have a very interesting time at the Warley show (if not sooner) while the runes and faeries are suggesting that 2017 will be an expensive year for those who like their toys 'straight from a box' (of various colours).


Have a good day one & all

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The Good Lady has called.  She is back in London for the day before flying to Dubai overnight on her way home.  Unfortunately she has had a most disturbing awakening on the Night Riviera from Penzance.  We have used that service many times, and I have used it a good many more times before we met and before it bore the name.  We have never had anything less than completely professional service.  This morning she was woken an hour before the arranged time, was then called 15 minutes later and asked the attendant to allow her to dress.  The male attendant then entered the compartment having been told clearly to not do so.  He was firmly told to go away.  He returned a few minutes later and let himself in uninvited.  He was again told to go away.  He returned once more by which time SWMBO had managed to dress.  Again he let himself in without being invited.  We are taking this very seriously though it seems GWR are not.  No-one at Paddington was willing to listen to a complaint and the GWR phone number advised her to "Speak to Serco - it's not our train".  Yes it is.  It's not a Caledonian Sleeper, it's the GWR one.  Not happy, Jan.


Storms have hit.  Wind is blowing the chickens inside out.  Rain is threatening to pressure-wash the drive for me.  Plenty more to come over the next few days.


Enjoy Moanday where ever you are.  

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