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  • RMweb Gold

Boy, the lecture room I'm in on Tuesdays is incredibly badly ventilated :blink: . No windows as it's deep inside the building and the ventilation circuit did not appear to be working all too well. Been thoroughly wrung out when I left and needed some coffee upon returning home.



Perhaps you need one of those rehydration backpacks that hikers and cyclists wear. Either that or they are trying to prepare you for classroom conditions!



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Glad to see humour is still alive and well on here. Mine has diminished as I've been doing battle with BMW most of the day. :angry:


Best offer so far is 40% off the cost of the parts. No word as yet on the labour element. Battle will be resumed again tomorrow. Just as well I don't need the car at the moment....

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  • RMweb Gold

Glad to see humour is still alive and well on here. Mine has diminished as I've been doing battle with BMW most of the day. :angry:


Best offer so far is 40% off the cost of the parts. No word as yet on the labour element. Battle will be resumed again tomorrow. Just as well I don't need the car at the moment....



Has anyone on the forum you found out about the problem got a larger offer? At least they had a part for you. My Sil's Galaxy (not the world's rarest vehicle) was off the road all summer as Ford were unable to source a small part of the vacuum system. If BMW accept they are 40% liable for the part they surely should also cover 40% of the labour?



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I think I'd have to buy a ticket to increase my chance of winning.

The Washington State lottery used to have an advertising campaign which would definitely have qualified as 'Truth in advertising'. The message was "Your chances of winning are 1 in 14 million - considerably worse if you don't buy a ticket"!

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  • RMweb Gold

The Washington State lottery used to have an advertising campaign which would definitely have qualified as 'Truth in advertising'. The message was "Your chances of winning are 1 in 14 million - considerably worse if you don't buy a ticket"!


Actually although I don't buy lottery tickets my wife is in a lottery syndicate at work. I think her main reason for joining wasn't the chance of winning lots of money but being the only one left in the office if they did win and she hadn't joined!




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


So that's half a week over again! Oh, by the way, did I mention the elevator controls in the building where I have my Wednesday and Thursday courses make no sense at all? As in, I wanted to go to the 31st floor, but the durned thing reversed on the 29th after a few people had boarded there and returned all the way to the ground floor before it would then go to the 31st :blink: <_< .


Have a good day everyone!

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Hello all. Wasn't in yesterday but called back today for what I think really will be the last stint until next year.

It is getting warmer though not Summery yet. 22/23 today.

Good luck with the battle with BMW Gordon.

Well done on the track building Phil. That really was phenomenal progress.

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Morning All,


It appears to be a tolerably good morning outside. Rather cold, but dry - we'll see what the weather brings when the sun comes up!


The elevator sounds interesting Dominik. Reminds me of a former colleague I worked with in Frankfurt. He had worked as a Software Engineer for Otis - he refused to use the lifts and always took the stairs :O


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

The elevator sounds interesting Dominik. Reminds me of a former colleague I worked with in Frankfurt. He had worked as a Software Engineer for Otis - he refused to use the lifts and always took the stairs :O


Another example: I was meaning to go to the 29th floor, but the elevator reversed on the 17th and returned to the 5th before eventually going to the 29th. I mean, I can imagine it must be challenging to set up the controls such that nobody needs to wait excessively, but surely there must be better alternatives in situations like those I described? I think it'd help a lot if there was any advance information which way the elevator were to go next inside the cabin, so that you could at least get off closest to your floor and walk the rest. However, given that the old campus is to be abandoned within the next several years anyway I don't think there will be any significant bits of modernization in that building.

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Morning all mid term excursion to carlisle today it looks like the only place it will be raining.How does a girl fit two Volvo estate loads of (for want of a better word) stuff in a room of 18 square feet?


Morning all...

Good grief Mick, a single bed is 18 square feet. That must be one hell of a small room....:)

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Morning all!


I think I used to fit a similar amount of stuff into a similar sized room at Uni, Mick... It's a student thing...


Not sure I'd fancy a 31st floor day. I coped for a little while in the CN Tower, but I'm not great with heights. Think I'd be nervous if I was there for a prolonged period!!

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I am always amazed how small some rooms in Halls of Residence really are! A friend of mine had a tiny room, and I mean tiny - there was room for the bed, a miniscule table, and not much else.


I was fortunate enough to have a room on the corner of the building - which was quite a bit larger than the others!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Wet again which is not good news. Yesterday I found out my builder is allergic to rain. Should have turned up to prepare for and lay a concrete foundation slab for the new Engine Room but didn't show. Of course he didn't bother to ring and say he wasn't starting on the appointed day! Looks like I may be reorganising the date for the building to be put up as currently it is due to arrive on Monday. Ho hum.


Best of luck with the fight with BMW Gordon. I had some aircon bits replaced on mine at their cost even though it was out of warranty and I had imported it myself. In my case the dealer rang up the head office and argued the case for me even though he hadn't sold the car and knew it was out of warranty. He even let me take the car without settling the bill till he had finished his discussions with BMW! Most impressed was I. Keep pushing them.


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Premium

Not sure I'd fancy a 31st floor day. I coped for a little while in the CN Tower, but I'm not great with heights. Think I'd be nervous if I was there for a prolonged period!!


This is how things look from up there:





The TV tower in the background's quite a bit higher still, of course!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, wet as you like here. I'm just preparing myself for a road trip which involves picking up new glasses, some Plastruct for the Bridges of Bodge City and visits to eldavo's mansion and then my mother.


Bodge City update - 18 points (switches) and 1 diamond crossing made so far - have now run of materials which brings me to another point. This is how my conversation with quite a well known supplier of these materials went.


Me: 6 6m packs of 3mm copperclad and 6 6m packs of Code 75 flat bottomed rail please.


Him: Certainly sir.


Me: OK - according to the website that's 6 x £6 and 6 x £4.99. Correct?


Him: Let me see (rustle rustle pause) Well no sir that's actually 6 x £7.50 and 6 X £6.50.


Me: That's not what it advertises on your website.


Him: I know sir - the website developer hasn't given us the code to change things so it's out of date.


Me: Grrrrrrrrrrrrr


The funny thing is that a few weeks ago I bought the same stuff for a price that was somewhere in the middle of these, and the bundle quantities were different. Not a happy bunny, so Marc, I wont be doing it your way any more.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


There is quite a breeze here (not quite strong enough to send the bin-bags flying along the road) today but it is quite warm.

I'm certain the highest building I've ever been in was the Prudential tower in Boston. Very impressive views of the city. I don't think any building had more than four storeys at any educational institution I studied in.

Mick, we are going to visit Matthew in a couple of weeks. My wife works in a college but doesn't get half-term. Matthew's room is quite spacious and he has his own en-suite. We'll see how well he has coped at keeping tidy when we visit though his Uncle and Aunt who visited said it was very tidy. My friend's daughter once asked him if he could fit the freezer she had bought for her student house back home in their car!



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Raining in NYC area but mild at 69f.


I used to have an "office" on 6th Avenue in midtown next to the Radio City Music Hall. It was on the 37th floor and I still had no view! I may as well have been in the basement.......


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All (just)


Not too cold here today, but looking as if it's going to heave it down with rain any time now - probably waiting for Mrs 45156 to walk round to the bus stop before obliging.


Late on parade, as I had a home visit from work, as there's a new office manager, and she wanted to meet me. Fine, she's met me now.


Gordon hope your fight with BMW comes to a just end soon - I would have thought that there's nowhere to hide if the problem's been debated on the web by so many other owners - I wonder if BMW actually read any of the web forums?

Phil Happy hunting for bits for Bodge City.

Mike You're probably on the road now, but happy Carlisle trip. When I was a student in halls of residence, the room as a decent size, but was a double with two 2'6" beds, two wardrobes, and a big desk with two reading lamps at either side. The accommodation was all found, so no kitchen, and the loos and bathroom were down a long corridor, and you daren't forget your room key. There was also a very strict ruling on what personal stuff you could keep in the room. En suite? - my how things have changed, Tony.

Dave No show is just about standard for builders these days when it's raining - I think they assume that you'll work it out for yourself that they're not coming unless it's dry. :(


As to being in tall buildings, I tend not to frequent them if I can help it, as I saw "The Towering Inferno" at the pictures when it came out. At that time, the now Mrs 45156 was working on the top floor of the tallest building in Croydon, and during a fire alert, she once asked one of the firemen who attended what the maximum height was that safety of all the occupants could be guaranteed, and was told 7. Since then, I've been a bit wary of anything really high.

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