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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a bright sunny start to the day but it dropped cold last night only a week or two before a jacket will be required. A meeting about moving office this morning a bit of a jolt after 18 years hidden in the corner... I also slept well but feel tired, tea is being consumed rapidly and is helping. Good luck with the day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone.


Is a sunny start to the day, so I'm hoping that it stays that way, I'm also hoping for POETS day too.


My planned visit to Macclesfield has now been changed to Hyde, I just hope I don't find Jekyll there!


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Are we linking this comment to the slow motion loo seat as well? :)

After the curry it will need to be a fast motion seat with the added extra of Johnny Cash singing Ring of Fire.


Rick, I don't envy you doing the move, the upside is that you might discover the black hole where all those little bits of models fall into.


Morning all from a beautiful and sunny Charente Maritime. We got most of the big tree down yesterday and even cleared a lot of the brash up. Our log pile is starting to grow. One errant branch did manage to fall the wrong way and brought the phone/internet line down but fortunately the line didn't break and we were able to hook it back up without any problem A nice bike ride in the afternoon completed a good day. However we had le However we had less luck with the satellite dish. We will try again tonight I have a cunning plan.


Today another cunning plan is coming to fruition. Martyn and I are heading off to Angouleme to buy a winter cover for the swimming pool. If plans work out lunch will be taken on the railway station doing a spot of train watching.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather a pleasant start to the day here with blue sky & sunshine. It is forecast to become cloudier and breezier later.

The Boss is now on holiday from work so will be here for the next 11 days. It's her birthday next week but we're starting to celebrate it tomorrow with a family visit to a restaurant that we all rather like. She's also off out to afternoon tea today at the same place with friends from work including the lass who lost her husband in very sad circumstances  5 months ago. It will be the first time that she's been back to see them all.

In other news parking wars are about to break out in our quiet little road. Two families opposite now have 7 cars between them and are hogging all the spaces. It doesn't really affect me as I have room for two cars off the road and one in front of them although I had to remind one young man yesterday that even partially blocking my access was not on. He has moved up a bit now. The person with the main problem is our next door neighbour. She is a bouncer doorman person and frequently comes home from work in the early hours. She is not amused that she can longer park outside her house and has to drive round the corner. We all know that you don't own the road in front of your house but I foresee fireworks in the very near future.

It has been "suggested" that some domestic tasks need doing so I better get on and assist.

Have a good one,


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morning all, it's bright blue skies over London Bridge at the moment and none of my work colleagues seem to have arrived just yet. The noise of the works in the London Bridge area is very loud currently - I can hear it 5 floors up through the state of the art double glazed office windows. I assume it is platform destruction works (platforms 1 and 2 are being realigned and probably straightened.


Younger Lurker has picked up his first cold of the school year. Not that has stopped him being packed off to school!  Thinking of school we haven't seen Andyram for a while. Hope he is OK.


All the talk of curry and red hot chilli makes me hungry. My favourite two meal types!


Have a good day and hope your weekend delivers. My includes the delivery of a washing machine!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Our road is currently being resurfaced so its fairly clear of cars.


However as those without drives are now parking on the main road its quite tricky to get out of our road, actually almost impossible to see oncoming traffic. There is going ot be an accident when some of the vans park close to the our side road entrance as you cant see the main road traffic.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning so a nip down to town beckons. Yesterday was the 'official' Autumn Equinox but it is today when the day and night are both 12 hours and further north it is tomorrow. The Autumn Equinox is when the sun passes directly over the equator, that occured just before 2 p.m. yesterday. The 'delay' in the equal day/night is down to the tilt of the Earth and is more pronounced the further from the equator you are. Another useful useless fact I have picked up on my travels. Bye for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

I am currently on a break form turning over some garden where  the Obergrumpenfuhrer wants to plant some heathers.


Normally I baulk at such misery, but these are being planted to cover a rather bald and vulgar looking mound on one of the outside corners of the garden you know what!


My poor R*ston battery electric machine has finally fallen to bits after many years of faithfully serving the  you know what.


It has been repaired and given a coat of green paint, but no red stripes, as I don't want it  to take residence in a t*nnel.


Please note I am keeping on the good side of The Queen of Collie Towers (at least until I get my specialty track gauges :angel: )

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Many congratuations to Mrs Rick; sincerely hope the packing and moving won't be as traumatic as you fear. Am sure you'll be pleased to be closer to your parents.


Good news about FiL, John.


Thanks for the vid-link, Mike, good to see a 2-6-0 working.


A bit fresher here today, and Gabe has unexpectedly become free this morning so we're off to John Lewis for our free coffee and cake to do some - get this - pre-Christmas shopping. That's looking around for Xmas gifts but not actually buying them just yet. Gets me out of the house, I suppose!


Hope your day goes well



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I was awake early enough to be an ER but after putting Robbie out for garden inspection, I made some tea and then went back to sleep.

I would probably still be dozy if Aditi hadn't asked my opinion about a message on her Windows PC.

Lunch, take Robbie for a walk and then off to Westcliff this afternoon seem to be the plans. Aditi would like me to dig up a conifer that should not be near the pear trees. I will do it after the visit to Westcliff. That is a hospital appointment. I think this appointment will be just a chat about my parathyroid oddities. Having had to deal with Robbie's parathyroid problems this summer I am much better informed!

We watched about 3/4 of the Woodstock documentary last night. Tonight will be the remainder and some of the bonus content on the other disc. We saw bits of the documentary while we were at the V&A exhibition on Tuesday.


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  • RMweb Gold

Matthew told me last night that the cinema he went to in Cork had a dog, a sort of Jack Russell that just wandered about during the film. Robbie slept through most of the Woodstock film last night but left the room rapidly when Carlos Santana performed.

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  • RMweb Gold

Many happy returns for tomorrow Gordon.


I have been released from domestic duties so as today (according to Google) is the 358th anniversary of the first advert for "a China drink" I'm celebrating by having some proper tea instead of the decaff. that I have been mainly drinking.

After that I may go up to the room upstairs that contains that which I should not mention and play with the contents. (and it's not the room with the slow closing lid to forestall at least one of you making comments about what I may or may not be doing therein  :jester: )

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I'm seventy-one today,

seventy-one today!

I'll be seventy-two in the morning, but -

I'm seventy-one today!!!


That reminds me of a Spitting Image sketch marking Ronald Reagan's 75th birthday:


White House staff (collectively): SUR-PRISE!!!


Staff member: It's your 75th birthday, Mr. President!


Reagan: Really?.....How old am I?


Staff member: Er....you're 75, Sir.


Reagan: Gee.....yesterday I was 74, today I'm 75. Guess I'll be in my mid-eighties by the end of the week......Well, at least I've still got my marbles left... [*rummages in his pocket*]...and here they are! God I love those little green ones....

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Just a "drive-by" posting to let everyone know that "I'm Not Dead Yet".


Things looking up on the job front (final interviews last Tuesday, which went well), the Wolfpack is generally well and (mostly) well behaved, I got a rave review for my theatre performance by a local Critic, I have bone growths on my right patella where no bone growth should be, I am still modelling - glacially, and I recently took delivery of a Buffalo Pro Ice Cream Maker and have been making diverse ice creams and sorbets ever since (Limoncello Sorbet anyone?)


Congratulations and commiserations to all as appropriate. Next week I hope to catch up with the online correspondence on Early Riser: be prepared for a rather tedious and long post commenting upon things that catch my eye.




p.s. It's nice to feel missed by the ER crew... :scratchhead: :O :jester: :sarcastichand:

Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Premium


Thinking of school we haven't seen Andyram for a while. Hope he is OK.


Andyram posted on on another thread yesterday, so he's till alive!



Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh and I managed to get home early as well!


It was nice to work as part of a team again today, it's great having the freedom when you're working on your own, but it's also nice to have company too.


A lovely warm sunny day and no sign of Jekyll whilst I was in Hyde. The grandkids are coming round for tea tonight, so no doubt we'll both be knackered later, when they've all gone home. But we do live seeing them, honestly!


Back later

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  • RMweb Gold

Don't you love some organisations?


Tomorrow I am helping run a range for the Scout Association.


They were short of range staff and equipment, so I offered to help out and to fill any holes in their inventory with my stuff.


I sent them an email asking them what they wanted me to take to Shugborough Hall.


For instance: Did they want me to bring any equipment down for those with mobility issues?


The reply, I received this morning,  was..............................


A map!  Nothing else.


I suppose I am spoilt when I help out the Girlguiding UK, who are hyper organised.


But what should I expect of the SA?


After all the chief scout is Bear Grylls................................. Says is all really!


(Best I just take a car full of what I consider essential: Rifles and Pellets are a good start!)

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It seems that Rob The Builder wasn't actually looking at the prints for my shed when he ordered the metal for the roof. The steel panels were about six inches short, but I allowed the crew to reduce the overhang at the sides so we could get in with the job. Unfortunately there wasn't enough material to clad the overhang at the ends either, but they only discovered that when they ran out of roof panels! Oh sh!t, oh dear.


I just hope Rob The Builder manages to complete the job before he goes bust.


Did I happen to mention I am the "president" of our water association? I'm about ready to tell these eh holes where they can stick tender my resignation. But you'll have to tune-in to the next installment to get the straight-skinny on that.

Andy - seems to me "Rob the Builder" is more like "Rob the cowboy!". Obviously doesn't seem to have a grip on the task at hand and you're suffering from it. :O  :triniti:  :butcher:  :rtfm:

If he doesn't go bust before he finishes the job, I'd expect your suit for damages will finish him off.

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POETS and welcomed for sure - been a struggle to "work" for a week after a nice vacation, especially with the ongoing ache from that tooth extraction... oh well, at least I'm here :)


Beyond the stupidity with my utility company, little to report from yesterday, it came, it went, done.


Continuation of moderate to serious rain in the region, and we've so far had 30.81 inches of rain this year in the Twin Cities area, now surpassing 1911, the previous record!

More on the way today and this weekend, some again severe according to the forecasters.


17 and overcast right now, only expecting to make 20 for a high.


POE if you can, I'm going to try for it :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

A'noon.  It was actually sunny this morning for the old farts bike club, so a good turn out.  New member with a lovely 1955 Norton Dominator 88 500 came along, nice to see.  I went on Debs BMW 800 as it hadn't been out for a while - she won't be able to ride it much more this year as she is having more carpal tunnel surgery in a few weeks. I can only ride it for an hour or so myself before the hip cries enough.  It may be for sale soon I think, the smaller bikes in our collection get ridden a lot more nowadays.  Shame really as it is in lovely condition for a 25 year old bike.


Finally decided to order the 'Worth Valley 72' USA Dock Tank, and perhaps get a black one in a few months if any are still available. I didn't want to miss the limited edition 72 as I remember riding behind it so much when I wuz a lad.  It always impressed with it's chime whistle and really sharp exhaust, and I have always liked things a little off mainstream!


It's got very windy out now, I suspect the weather is about to break, my internal weather forecasters are informing me.

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