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  • RMweb Premium

Congratulations Mrs Rick!


Congratulations Robert!


In other news Dr Eldest Herbert has received tow job offers to provide lecturing services part time. He may have to move out....oh a house with only me and her indoors...potential bliss!


Youngest Herbert has received a redundancy notice so has applied for the new posts offered by the same company. These multinationals seem to have a 6 month strategy turnover. Perhaps I have an opportunity for some consultancy service on process and strategy management?


I am now in a dilemma. Do I return to umpiring (at a lower level) or do scoring Saturday and umpiring the rest of the week?


Enjoy your time today on Planet Earth everyone!




PS I was asleep and her indoors woke me up by proffering tea, in a mug, for the drinking of.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the Charente. the sun is out and about and 3 of us are pretending to be awake and keeping quiet. Last night we had a good meal out to celebrate Martyn's birthday and when we got back and were partaking of some Jack Daniels, were startled to see lots of blue lights passing the house. A wander down the path revealed 'Les Sappuer Pompiers' in full flow. It appears that there had been some sort of fire at the grain silo that towers over the top end of the village. No one trapped or injured fortunately. Lots of excitement.


Anyway some more tree surgery is on the cards this morning. Then tanks to some info about satellites from Pete (LE) of this parish we will realign the dish to point to the left of the neighbours chimney rather than the right and hopefully may get some TV in English.


Rick, good news about Mrs Gwiwer, now the hard work and hassle of the move begins. I wish you both well.


To the others with relative trouble, I hope that progress is maintained and to Chrisf I wish you well with the cellulitis, it an be masty.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone.


It's dull, but not raining, although it has rained during the night. A day of sitting in the orifice awaits, but I'll also be able to give more details to my boss about my up coming surgery, he'll like that (not a lot) but ho hum.


Andy. That shed is looking good.


Rick. Congratulations to Mrs Rick, now the fun starts.


Robert. Congratulations on passing your citizenship.


Baz. A house with just you and the Mrs, really is bliss.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold



Just calming down with a cup (not cuppa) tea.


Train would have been on time this morning except they let it sit south of the station whilst an ECS departed South across the path of ours and  service waiting to head south, delaying both trains.


We then crawled into London Bridge now late despite all the make up time.


To cap it all the rear unit we were in (I believe that it is something to do with the GPS not working properly in the rear unit of a 12 car train at LBG), the doors failed so we had ot walk through to the next unit to get off.


No wonder no one knew about the failed doors as the platform staff were half way down the platform gassing. I told them about the rear unit (which no one else bothered to). By the time we got down to the concourse they were announcing the rear unit had failed. Second time this week.


Me wound up again.

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  • RMweb Premium

I have a speed awareness course to attend, oops! That put a certain damper on railex for me when that turned up, but nothing to done by being annoyed with it. First time in over 20 years I guess though.



I did one of these last year, and there were all sorts there - numpties who thought that "I thought that the speed cameras were turned off at night", a numpty who thought that the speed limit shouldn't apply to him as he had some super special car with all sorts of special braking systems which made it safer than other cars, and a numpty whose SatNav showed a different limit as it had been changed.  The instructors soon made short work of demolishing all of these arguments.  I was done for doing 34 in a 30 zone, which had been changed a few days before from 40 - my fault as it was lack of attention to the signs.  However, the local law (West Mercia) were clearly taking advantage as they had a camera van there quite frequently according to a friend who lives nearby.  I found it useful as a refresher as did many of the older drivers - it was the young ones who felt it to be a waste of time.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Another  greyish start with some showers and sunny spells forecast.

Many congratulations to Mrs Rick and to Robert.

I was queuing for the bloodletters at the hospital at 7.15 and was done by 7.45. About 35 minutes in the car park cost £2.50! Bloody crooks. The blood test is to see whether my new blood pressure pills are killing me or my kidneys. I think I'm still alive at the moment

I will shortly be meeting The Boss at her place of employment so we can then raid their shelves and stock up with supplies for the next few days.

Have a good one,

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Mawnin' awl. Getting better slowly. I continue to think my doc put it well when she said (though on another occasion) that in my job, no-one would forgive me if I booked on feeling unwell and something were to happen as a result. Need to shop for some food in a while but will be taking it slow otherwise.


Good news from you, Rick. Best wishes for everything else to go smoothly!




In other news, I have passed my Citizenship Test.  My certificate came through the mail yesterday, and I got 100%.  I didn't think that passing the test would be a problem - but I wasn't sure I would get everything right, so quite pleased!



I must have missed that you were planning to apply for this, Robert… Will you hold dual citizenship once you're through with all the formalities? Sorry if you should have mentioned that elsewhere!



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Morning all.


2am phone call.  Successful outcome subject to immigration being cleared and contract being signed.  Details will emerge over the days ahead.  Lots to think about and plan for here now.  Message ends.


Have a good Thursday.


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  • RMweb Premium


Liking this video from Erfurt, which I think should be comprehensible as is!


Generally speaking, trams need to be able to stop within a distance of 39 m when conducting an emergency stop from travelling at 50 kph. See Annex 2 of the Tram Construction and Operating Regulations for detailed tables: http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/strabbo_1987/anlage_2.html

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  • RMweb Gold

Like Dd I did wonder what was the reason for the slow motion loo seats. However now I know I wasn't the only person wondering "why", I did some online research. Preventing noise and avoiding trapped fingers when the seat falls would seem to be the answer. Not as exciting as the loo light with pir sensor mentioned by one of our ERs on Facebook!

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Sunny morning here, and overnight, there's lots of good news to be taken on board.  Rick - great news on the job front.  Now let's hope that the move to the UK can be planned - looks like the rolling stock sale that you mentioned will have to proceed now.  Hopefully you'll manage to get a layout on the go here once you're settled.  And Robert, well done on the citizenshp result.  Also good wishes to those who are seeing improvements in health, both personally and family members.  Likewise greetings to those ailing. 


Trip to town this morning to combine taking Lil to kennels, a trip to the bank, a bit of shopping, and pick up 30747 from work.  So best get going.


Might be back later, but unlikely, if not, back at the weekend.


Regards to All


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Great news, Rick, hope that everything else goes smoothly.


Glad that your mum's op was successful, Jim, it can be a worrying time. Hope that her recovery is fast and sure.


And congrats, Robert, 100% is wonderful. Just don't let the AfD know!


Hi, Glover! Always a warm welcome here.


Gabe and daughter took me to see the new Bridget Jones Baby last night - good fun - no spoilers here. Sometimes Ms Zellweger's smile looks a little pained, and the accent seems a little more precise now. But is's pretty good - not 5 stars - with some laugh out loud comedy. I see that it tanked in the US on opening weekend, but has already made back its money from UK screens. Sully isn't released here until early December :no2:


Dunno if it's the film, but Gabe has a horrendous migraine just now (started at around 2am) so will be out of action for a few hours. She gets them very rarely, thank heavens, but are horrible when they occur.


Hope your day is good



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And congrats, Robert, 100% is wonderful. Just don't let the AfD know!



Oh, don't get me started on this bunch of lunatics, as this would, for one, stray too far into politics, and, second, might just lead to my using unusually strong language not commonly heard from me…

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Congratulations to Mrs. Rick on landing the job and at least you can get better broadband in most of the UK. I posted a pic of another 'novel' loo seat on my Facebook page, a bit more useful than a slow shutting lid IMHO. I have just noticed that my number of posts is 4900, it does not of course include ER's and other Wheeltappers posts. Congratulations and commiserations, be back later.

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Another clear blue sky here in sunny Teignmouth.


Congrats to The Gwiwers and to Kew who have seen sense and litigation won't be needed. Also, congrats to Citizen Rob of this and a foreign parish. I wonder if the Deutschland test is easier or harder than the UK test?


Rene Zellweger looked a bit ill at ease a few weeks ago on the Beeb show after the 6pm news. Her lips looked like they had problems smiling and she seemed to be squinting and rarely opening her eyes fully. Am looking forward to a plethora of sequels which seems common these days. Bridget Jones Wedding, Break Up, Divorce, 50th Birthday, Breaks a Nail are some I could think of. Then in 30 years time there will be the remakes.



apologies for being a bit cynical about the exploitive film industry

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The trip North to the orifice was uneventful, so much so that I was sat at my desk before 9:00, quite an unusual event on a school day.


My mileage claim has been submitted (its all electronic) as requested, but as yet I still haven't been able to have a chat with my boss.

I get the feeling that its going to be a loooooooooooong day. I might try to slip out at lunch and have a trip to the model shop in Preston.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Like Dd I did wonder what was the reason for the slow motion loo seats. ........ Preventing noise and avoiding trapped fingers when the seat falls would seem to be the answer.........




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I must have missed that you were planning to apply for this, Robert… Will you hold dual citizenship once you're through with all the formalities? Sorry if you should have mentioned that elsewhere!


That's the general intention, if all works out correctly.


The next step is the language test in November!

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