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Good morning one and all


Sunday passed quickly without occurrences of note - although the local rag was delivered, the tomato plant yielded some ripe though tiny fruit and my carpet slippers are starting to self-destruct.  The latter indicates, I hope, that I do not spend all day loafing around with my feet up although I do wonder sometimes.  On impulse I decided to cook toad in the hole for late lunch.  When scouting around for a dessert I found a packet of jelly cubes with a use-by date of 2011.  Clearly time passes more quickly as we age.


The book I brought home from ExpoEM contains some interesting ideas, several of which seem to hold keys to unstalling some stalled m*d*ll*ng projects.  This could be dangerous.  With Scaleforum next weekend who knows what else will happen?


Meanwhile, back in the all too real world, there needs to be an emergency fodder run today as the one remaining spud is too small to be of much use.  Best done early methinks.


Best wishes to all travellers and to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing and depressed



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Haaaaragh! Me 'earties.  Today be International Talk like a Pirate day.


That's enough of that...


We have a reasonably bright morning here - slightly Autumnal.


Today looks like it is going to be rather busy, as I have a safety audit to attend.  I guess I probably hadn't better talk like a pirate.


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning all, Avast me hearties and shiver me timbers,

Rather a dull start and there could be a few squalls ahead.

Yesterday's plans didn't quite pan out as I never got around to doing any painting however the 28xx is now run in and other locos had a longish outing as well. Before I knew it there was rugby to watch followed by a couple of beers and then I spent a couple of minutes cooking the steak (The Boss does all the rest) This went down well accompanied by some Shiraz and after that we decided to watch the X- factor. What a load of rubbish that was, no wonder they're losing viewers. We switched off after about 10 minutes or so and won't be bothering again. I'll just go back to watching sport I think.

This morning I have to take Chris to the dentist and while she's there I can pop in to Champion's which is nearby to pick up some shelf brackets and timber. Following this she wants to visit the shops, I don't but we know who'll win that argument.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Avast there you landlubbers!


Speak like a pirate? Well one or two of the attendees at a meeting tonight are quite brigandish and do have a piratanical way with words.


It's raining here but I need to go out and get my hair cut.


Have a great day (and a great evening Rick).

Looks like Mick had a great weekend. Perhaps I need to get out and about on my bike?



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Shiver me timbers, where's the sun gone.


A bit autumnal here today, however the predicted overnight rain has failed to materialise.


Off north shortly to Grasmere for my first site visit, followed by my second (and final) visit of the day in Kirkby Lonsdale.


Best fill up first though.


Back later.

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Talk like a pirate? There are some who think I talk like a prize prawn!


Breakfast on the terrasse today, again, even though it's only 15 degrees. And of course my neighbour starts his stinky tractor, so diesel exhaust has drifted over here. Nice.


Sorry to hear Debs had to defer her out-visit. Recuperation needs goals and ambitions - but also needs judgement as to when today is not the day to achieve them. Hope the blip was purely temporary.


Some months ago I bought a Hornby N15 - aka King Arfur - on ebay. It was advertised as effectively new, and the evidence supported that. It was, however, quite some years old, and part of the motion - is it called a lubricator rod? My knowledge of steam loco undergubbinss doesn't get that far - had seized. So it ran rather poorly. Easing it proved fatal and the pin snapped. The relevant parts, while clearly not cast with the chassis, refused to separate, so that was that. Another chassis has now been procured, but the livery is wrong. So yesterday afternoon I gingerly swapped the wheelsets and cylinder blocks. We are nearly there.


I need to book my next trip to see Sherry. The outward leg is easy to book, but return is currently less so, due to Alison's love-life meaning she won't be available for a critical week, including our first anniversary. But maybe she will - the beau in question may be on the skids already. So I will book the outward leg and hope for good news - that he has become a dumpee, and Alison will not be visiting the Vendée again!


I hope your week has kicked off suitably.

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Back from a couple of days away with virtually zero e-communication. Just good not to have the phone buzzing every now and then.


Friday started out on the wrong foot with the planned drop-off of Mrs NB at Manchester to catch a train to Hemel Hempstead. Due to the landslip and derailment at Kings Langley, a phone call was made to London Midland trains just as we set off. It was quickly apparent that LM had cancelled all services south of Milton Keynes and she wouldn't be easily able to get to Hemel. Another phone call to Virgin Trains and we were told  that we could refund the ticket. So a quick return home for Mrs NB to collect her car and we set off in convoy towards the M6 south, where I would branch off onto the M56 for North Wales. As soon as we got on the M^, the curse of Friday struck - delays southbound from J18 to J20A. As we approached J23, the queue was back to there. Luckily, I could bale at J22 and detour via Warrington. Not ideal, but better than 10 miles of queuing M6. Then I encountered various Friday c*ckwombles on the various A roads across towards Corwen, Bala and Trawsfynydd. Taking nearly 4 hours for 133 miles...... Similar to Mrs NB's 6 hours for 200 miles.


Anyway, here's a few pics

Through Bala, the A4212 runs parallel to the Trawsfynydd-Bala line.

Looking west after passing Capel Celyn, the former railway formation can be seen cut into the hillside on the right



Then the road dips quickly to the valley bottom and a quick roadside stop another 1/2 mile down the road to look up at the railway.



Another quick stop on the A470 to look back at the decommissioned Trawsfynydd power station with Snowdonia in the background

attachicon.gifwales 3.jpg


We were staying in a bunkhouse at the side of the Rhiw Goch Inn at Bronaber.

Various views over the two evenings and mornings from outside our lodgings. (I've been trying to find the names of these two mountains, but not having much luck 


EDIT: Thanks to Rick, they are Rhinog Fach on the left and Rhinog Fawr on the right









There's always time for a "bike love" pic. This is my 50th birthday present 2012 Trek EX8 which I love riding over rough stuff.



And looking the other way from the same bridge. I think it's the Afon Mawddach.



Finally, a couple of action shots.




and Pete (who organised the trip) finishing off a really rocky section - that I'd managed to ride without dabbing a foot down.....



41.2km over 4 and half hours travel time (not including stops) and nearly 3000 feet of climbing and my legs need a good rest.


Have a good week folks.


edit: just realised that a minor detour on the way home would've taken me to Expo EM North. Not doing that saved me a few £s.........




There's also another spot on that road Mick where you look UP to the old Viaduct, I'll be there in a few weeks when I say at Bala, some great pics.

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Morning All


My how the progress on ERs goes when you leave the computer off for the weekend.  All I have managed is to pick up a few snippets along the way - Mal's good news about his cancer, and Debs' not so good news about her curtailed trip to Expo EM being the main ones.  Also Geoff's shortened trip and fish and chip tea with extra ingredients being the ofher.  Sorry for everybody else whose conributions since Friday on the seven pages that I've missed, and which are deserving of comment.  Generic greetings, and if there's anything major that I need to know, please let me know.  Oh, and Mal, a beer and chaser offer sounds lovely - my preferred beers from Scotland are from the Sulwath Brewery, and my preferred malts are from Islay, however, I really don't think you need to lay in stocks as I've no plans to visit Scotland before next Spring.


Got to pop out this morning, as the low fuel warning on the car came on yesterday, just as I was pulling onto the drive.  So a trip to the petrol station is in order, though I might just go to Morecambe, get some cheaper fuel, and also the shopping, as it will save time tomorrow.  Main problem is that 30747 put some washing on a long long time ago, and it hasn't yet finished, as the normal wash cycle is so long - how a longer wash cycle is in any way saving energy and also how a cold fill is also the only option nowadays, is meant to be progress....


Back later.


Regards to All


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Morning,overcast here at the moment, off to Ulverston to meet some friends for lunch back in time for a bit of modleing I hope.


Enjoy whatever your doing today, thanks for the comments about filling the car up Stewart, reminded me I need to do that on the way out.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Spent a couple of hours yesterday at the Dartford show, still didn't spend a lot of money, a 'ready-to-plant' building from the club stall and a bottle of liquid poly. Drove past the venue twice before I found it, mainly because of the heavy traffic which drew most of my attention. At least I didn't have to abandon the trip unlike Debs especially as I'd paid the tolls for the crossing (I'm not really that tight but I don't like wasting modelling vouchers). Apart from collecting a prescription not a lot to do today, be back later.

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Bonjour TLM.


Up early in the fog and off to the Centre Auto in St Hilaire, where the lovely man and his wife tell me they can put a new rear light cluster on next Thursday. I didn't ask how much...


So no driving for a few days, which suits as we still have lots of maintenance to do, but not at the moment as the Arthritic Thumb is playing up. So, tea and telly for a bit.


Do well, everyone.

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Morning all,


Mrs Stationmaster and the Good Doctor duly deposited at Reading and presumably aboard the train - which has just passed Castle Cary a couple of minutes down, amazing how we can nowadays obtain such info when years back not even Con-trol got it that quickly.  So a few domestic tasks are set for me - all duly written down in large print in case I pretend to have lost my specs.


I recently forgot my credit card pin number so today set about trying to find out what it was - having lost the 'please keep separately'  piece of paper which recorded it.  Remarkably simple process to get back the number but with suitably impressive, but again fairly simple, security question and then a metal mickey gives you the number, tomorrow I shall alter it to something more memorable (I hope).  


Have a good day one & all

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Well I was wrong about the rain last night, it must have dried quickly, as the back garden didn't wet when I looked out of the kitchen window. Also the autumnal start faded away and it became very sunny once I was in the Lake District and I had to wear sunglasses for the rest of day.


The kettles just boiled, time for lunch.

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Some good news - my CT scan shows that the cancer has gone. So the op and chemo have worked.


In 6 months they test my blood for cancer markers (and for another 3 years), and in a year it's another CT scan (then for 3 years). After that I'll be priority for endoscopies - deep joy - and after 5 years they give me a dvd :-))


They'll also be putting me in touch with the neuropathy team to deal wth my numb toes (peripheral neuropathy from the chemo), and with surgeons to deal with the stomach hernia - an after-effect of the main op.





Belated response - but congratulations, Mal, that is good news.

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Well quiver me whimbrels tiz squeak like a prat day!


The evening peak crowds assembled, along with the duty station-master and one of our most senior managers, was able to enjoy a brief celebration of the moment in character.  The 17.36 Greensborough train was duly announced thus: ""Ahoy me hearties. Welcome aboard the good ship Metro. We wish ye a fair wind and a smooth passage tonight. The ship alongside dock 1 be the 5.36 fer Greensboro serving at all ports around the Great City Circle ter Jolimont, sailing express Jolimont ter Clifton Hill and then serving all ports ter Greensboro. Stand clear o' the gang planks please, ship be settin' sail - stand clear o'the gang planks"


I refrained from making any comment audibly in the direction of an unfortunately large woman having a little difficulty with the ticket barrier entry lane.  "Avast behind" might have been the last thing I ever said in that job!!!


Best wishes to all.  I need to empty this bottle before I attempt putting a ship into it.  Hand me the hour-glass - the minute one is too small.  That's why it's called the minute one.  Arrrrrrr.

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Greetings all.


A quiet weekend was had, a few domestic task which I shall not bore you with, particularly the one involving a replacement loo seat.


And here I am back at work. The sky is grey but it is dry, for which I am grateful, seeing as I have not brought a brolly in with me. I hope "brolly" doesn't fall in the same category as "telly".


Best wishes to all

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Grey day in the nautical paradise that is sunny Teignmouth. No pirates visible here today but sprats are being landed at 16.30 hours at the fish quay as part of the Taste of the Teign festival. Hopefully nobody dressed as Cap'n Jack Sparrow will be ooohing or aarrhing!

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Greetings all.


A quiet weekend was had, a few domestic task which I shall not bore you with, particularly the one involving a replacement loo seat.


And here I am back at work. The sky is grey but it is dry, for which I am grateful, seeing as I have not brought a brolly in with me. I hope "brolly" doesn't fall in the same category as "telly".


Best wishes to all

Don't worry about "brolly and telly" fallout. Sit down and have a cuppa. They'll get over it, after all we are Brits.

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