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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Despite the weather predictions of a hot and sticky night I slept like a log but indoors here the temp is already 24 degrees. You can always find plenty of spiders around at this time of year, yesterday I had to rescue a big fellow (5 cm.) from the kitchen sink and he scuttled away under the units. A phone call yesterday from Tesco's informing me that the new glasses are ready for collection, excellent as its only 5 days since my eye test and I was told 15 days. On the subject of specs, a good many people wear specs nowadays but you very rarely see them on layouts, most figures appear to have 20-20 vision. A polish firm producing etched items for military modellers produced some etches in 1/72 scale that would be suitable for 00 scale figures. I have one of these frets but I haven't used it yet as its very fiddly and my own eyesight might not be up to it. Thats it for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ahh. Figured you'd just poke your head in since it is so close for you. Was going but now it looks like I'm on hard landscaping duty as SWMBO really wants the front garden finished off.


Spending the next 10 days off the beer and on the milk thistle. Last weekend was a bit much, and the weekend after is Borefts. TBH I'm finding the Rake is getting silly with far too many tap takeovers. Every bloody week now it seems.

As we do so many shows, unless i am asked to help , I use those as our days off doing shows and also reduces the chance of buying stuff that I don't really need. Already run out of space and busy trying to condense stock into Really Useful boxes. Currently trying to squeeze Grahams stock into them. His CSX pumpkin train, FEC and SGCR locos are now in one box.


I dont do all the Rake tap take overs but tomorrows does look interesting - Two Tribes Brewery who are next to Kings brewery in Horsham. Might even be part of them.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Phew what a forecast scorcher - G word banished by the management and replaced with 'perhaps we could go out'  (an interesting way of phrasing a command - I might respond).  Final stage of moving out going on over the road with stuff heading for storage, next lot arrive later in the week and I hope he parks his Range Rover clear of my gateway or he might regret his arrival.


Have a good day folks and let's see if this works -


Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Lovely sunny start and it's forecast to stay that way and will be very hot.


Today we are off to Swindon (emphasis on the we). It has been "suggested" that I don't need any more models but when did that ever stop me? We shall see.



We had a great trip to Swindon with Mr & Mrs Bob 81C and a good night out as well.  Nice to see Barry and I fear me talking to him may have caused a crash and derailment !  I really liked the layout though.

As for "needing" more models - er yes - that happened and I got a couple of bargains. A 28xx from Kernow and a County from the Hornby shop in the outlet village. The latter is a present from The Boss  :yes: so after being chipped and tested has been removed to be wrapped up for my birthday in December when I will of course be truly amazed and surprised. Since my first visit to Didcot 4 years ago and meeting Mike & Bob my GW loco stable has grown from just one pannier tank and now comprises over a quarter of my fleet. There would appear to be no hope for me and I must now rearrange the storage shelves above the layout to accommodate the latest and future arrivals.


Have a good one,





Edit for sppeeeling mistook

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

MiL said in India everyone seems to have a smartphone. Maintaining cell transmitters seems to be easier than copper cables.


 I'm not surprised after seeing photos like this!



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  • RMweb Gold
My brother never worked in India but just over the border in Pakistan he was close to finishing a telecoms project when an earthquake severed the lovely new fibre optic link.
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I am not an Archers Addict - 30747 is.

I am not an Archers Addict - 30747 is.

I am not an Archers Addict - 30747 is.

I am not an Archers Addict - 30747 is.

I am not an Archers Addict - 30747 is.

I am not an Archers Addict - 30747 is.

I am not an Archers Addict - 30747 is.

I am not an Archers Addict - 30747 is.

I am not an Archers Addict - 30747 is.

I am not an Archers Addict - 30747 is.

I am not an Archers Addict - 30747 is.

I am not an Archers Addict - 30747 is.

Go on, go on, go on,go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on!

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  • RMweb Gold


Boiler fuel delivery arrived just now; ordered 700 litres but can only get 451 litres in the tank !  Hope the price is still reasonable as well !  Carry on Summer, please, 'til Christmas and then get warmer......


Most systems seem to have an undersized tank. The price break is usually at 1000 litres  with a 1200 litre tank you are getting quite low before having to order an 1800 litre tank is a much better idea as you can still have a good reserve. 


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  • RMweb Gold

Interesting the pictures of Indian overhead cabling particularly liked the cat negotiating its way across them. I also noted that H&S seem a bit lacking no sign of any safety belts for work on poles. Makes this across the road from us rather tame

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  • RMweb Premium

Picking up on Mike's comment that he has new neighbourgs (?) I, too have new neighbours.

To put it mildly they were keen to "improve" the property and it's been a virtual whirlwind of diy activity. 

Call me "not fussy" but much of the work seemed to be replacing perfectly adequate furnishings. 


However, I'm not immune to Mrs B's despair that much of our house needs decorating and next door has virtually re-built their place in a fortnight....

So, I set to with a diy job that had been waiting some 15 years by initiating a consultancy phase with a friend.

"Erm, do you know how this outside light fitting comes off, it could do with a lick of paint....?"

Well, this was like a red rag to a diy bull. 

No sooner said that my friend deployed numerous power tools, jet washers, sanders, drills, angle grinders and within an hour we had a freshly-painted, good-as-new outside light. I did get to spray paint a bit of it, but he sort of took over.


Anyway, better dash....have a nice day everyone. Hope its not too much of a scorcher. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Tonight we are out for a meal with various of Beth's schoolfriends and assorted other halves. Then hopefully some sleep before getting one of the friends to East Midlands Airport for 05.30 tomorrow.Regards to all.Jamie

Jamie. Enjoy your meal tonight and many happy returns to the boss!

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  • RMweb Gold

I have a rather different view to you. If there is a clearly defined path one side cycles the other I would try to keep clear of the cycle way however often they just lump all in together. Cyclist moan at cars expecting them to keep out of the cars way, but cyclist expect walkers to keep out of their way. So if I am driving my car I am asked to be careful of cyclists but the cyclist are not prepared in return to be careful of me when I am walking. Walkers also get badly treated by cyclist using footpaths as cycleways when they should not be using them to cycle.



We have a special breed of cycle lane in Telfland.


It does not follow the road in places and where it shares space with the footpath sometimes the footpath and cycle lane swap sides at a road junction so that having crossed the road, you are suddenly on the footpath, and the poor pedestrian is suddenly in the cycle way.  The local authority seem to fail in showing the change until you are about 20 metres past the junction (if at all).


As you so rightly point out, some of the footpath/cycleways have no distinguishing separators, so you just have to be careful, whilst others which share suddenly become pavement only without clear definition of where the cyclist is supposed to go.  My attitude is that if the cycleway is blocked, I slow down, and if necessary, dismount and walk until it is safe to carry on cycling.


I walk, cycle and drive, so am aware of the problems facing each of those activities.  Sometimes you meet morons who cannot see beyond the end of their noses.  But I also encounter others who show great consideration and common sense.  I trust no one, so do not come to grief nor get bad tempered, unless I am hit by another space user. (three times so far as a pedestrian by cars going too fast in a confined space and/or where visibility is limited.........but each time within a 30mph restriction.)


I've only ever had stern words with a cyclist on one occasion, and that was when he was cycling into a traffic calming chicane.  He was cycling the wrong way down a one way street, in the dark and with no lights on.


However, I stand by the statement about those with long dog leads, after all they wouldn't let their dog wander across to the opposite side of a main road would they?  Likewise those who insist on headphones when walking along.  all I ask is that they do not go into their own little world.  Too many get hurt, or killed when they decide to step into the road without looking or do likewise at a level crossing.


Cyclists who insist on using headphones whilst riding ought to be prosecuted for careless cycling.  I tried it once and it is truly distracting and lulls you into a false sense of security.

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Gold

Robbie has a long lead as it allows me to stay on the footpath while he rummages around in the foliage alongside the path. I also know how and when to use the button to retract the lead, There used to be some quite aggressive cyclists who thought the best way to make use of the footpath was to ride straight at walkers. They all seem to have disappeared. Now one gets a cheery excuse me or a gentle ding from a bell. Something else seems to have disappeared too, those people with dogs that chase bicycles. Even the joggers smile sometimes too now.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon, muggy and grey here with a thunderstorm and rain due to start in 28 mins according to Accu weather and the radar sequnce would confirm that, we will wait and see!


A mucked up morning with the dentist cancelling on me and rearranging for Thursday, just a checkup required, went to a depot of a large parcel distribution service to collect said parcel as requested ( missed them yesterday) only to find it was back out on the van! Arrived home to find it had been left with neighbours today but at least I have got it.


Needs some lamps for the layout so off for a net trawl and maybe a purchase.


Enjoy whats left of the day

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  • RMweb Premium

I don't have a problem with cyclist they give these 2 a wide berth always.


When my youngest was little he had trouble say Alsatian(s), instead he would call them alterations, maybe he had a point!

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  • RMweb Premium

It's just started to rain, the sun's been threatening to come out but the clouds have thought otherwise, it's been like that all day, but very warm though.


Back home now, but I was too early to catch Mrs W putting the kettle on, oh well there's always tomorrow.



Back later

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It's just started to rain, the sun's been threatening to come out but the clouds have thought otherwise, it's been like that all day, but very warm though.


Back home now, but I was too early to catch Mrs W putting the kettle on, oh well there's always tomorrow.



Back later

Currently 32 with blazing sun in the boring borough. Shed's air con working overtime.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.  Or afternoon, evening, night as appropriate.


May I tender my apologies for absence these past few days?  It has been significantly wet here which is probably a Good Thing and for once it has fallen as continuous steady rain rather than the torrential and damaging storms we often have in Spring which can dump several inches of rain in an hour all of which runs away to the storm-water system after causing havoc and destruction.  Instead it's just been wet, wet, wet.  Any similarity to the name adopted by a group of musicians is unintended.


It has also been uncommonly busy.  Additional hours and days of Attendance at the Palace have been requested at short notice in response to the numerous assaults of late and the decision to increase staffing levels to what many of us consider to be the bare minimum acceptably safe level.  The effect is that part-timers such as myself are largely working full-time hours to provide the additional resources needed.  SWMBO flies out on Friday for the Big Interview in London which has also meant significant investment of time in calming her, helping her pack and select suitable interview garb for what might be a hot sweaty day or which may equally be a cold London Autumn day.  She has trips booked to visit my folks (and has been forewarned to expect that they may appear significantly different through ill health and old age to her last visit two years ago) and to Cornwall to visit mutual friends there.


We expect to know the outcome of the interview by the end of the month.  If successful we then expect her to be required to start as soon as she can work her notice here; probably therefore in November.  Assuming she and they are then happy and a probationary period is passed I would be looking at a one-way trip home before next Easter.  


Best wishes to all especially those enjoying or enduring the heat of Back-to-School Week in the UK; the weather always seems to warm up the week they go back to school!

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  • RMweb Gold

Currently 32 with blazing sun in the boring borough. Shed's air con working overtime.

And all the trains are messed up.


Southeastern showing 50 minute delays due to signalling problems between Charing Cross and London Bridge, Lots of cancellations on Southern and Thameslink due to an earlier incident around Haywards Heath. Many of ours cancelled with our normal train home showing the inbound run from Horsham as delayed.


So sardines in this heat wont be much fun.


Edit - many Southeastern trains up to 90 minutes late

Edited by roundhouse
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