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  • RMweb Gold

I'm too much of a gentleman to comment on OD's pj incident. Oh wait, no I'm not. Regular call to Sherry or "face"time??? 




No. I absolutely hate VoIP systems, have never Skyped in my life. Do not use cellphones as phones except in extremis. Gimme a proper landline every time, thanks. Happy to txt using WhatsApp but would never want to talk over it. Sherry is quite happy with that and Viber, but has learnt that it isn't going to work for us.  

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,

Once again I've dipped out for a day or so and missed so many posts. 


I can only plead that with the new job firming up I'm putting in some time to make a success of it. 

For this reason Woking had to take a back seat and I stayed at home working up some stuff for the office. 

I appreciate that may sound a bit like....whoever got to their death bed and wished they'd put more time in at the office, but in this instance my new colleague has been

burning the midnight oil to set the business up and be in a position to bring me on board. 'nuff said. 


Hope to catch up with others at Aldershot next month? 


Today saw us on a trip down to the beach in Dorset. Very sunny, almost cloudless sky and the children loved it; sandcastles, ice creams, mild sunburn and a portion of chips. 

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  • RMweb Premium

G'evening.  Somewhat tired, a poor nights sleep last night, and guard duties today including supervising a trainee all day has left me running on empty.  Nice sunny day though, if rather windy after lunch, and very windy by the end of running, but it was nice in the glen.  Richard the CME has go on well with re-fitting the boiler to his replica Bagnall 'Annie', she's almost ready for a steam test now.  The he'll be back on to the new build, which is really coming together now, with the motion being assembled, tanks and cab done, boiler ordered, and the colour chosen!

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  • RMweb Gold

No. I absolutely hate VoIP systems, have never Skyped in my life. Do not use cellphones as phones except in extremis. Gimme a proper landline every time, thanks. Happy to txt using WhatsApp but would never want to talk over it. Sherry is quite happy with that and Viber, but has learnt that it isn't going to work for us.


What's a landline??

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  • RMweb Gold

Well, the weekend  weather down here in the far southeast corner turned out to be perfect for working in the garden. The rain forecast for Saturday afternoon did not materialise apart from a few odd spots around 5:00pm.


Progress was made on the "garden feature" so much so that I used my stock of mortar mix. Instead of online ordering a supply to collect from  my local Wickes decided to get some from the Wickes at Ashford instead meaning I could give the car some exercise on the A20 (much more enjoyable than a sprint on the M20) as my brother keeps on telling me that I don't use the car enough and not using it much can be just as bad for the car as using it too much.  Can't seem to win!! I thought doing 5,800 miles in 2 1/2 years was a respectable mileage :boast: .


15 years ago I was on holiday in Tokyo and had been out having dinner with friends, got back to the apartment, turned on the TV and saw the appalling news from New York. A few days later I was booked to fly to San Francisco and on to Chama to do a two-day charter on the Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad. Luckily flights to the US resumed on the day I was booked to fly so had a lightly loaded North West Airlines flight to San Francisco carrying very few passengers - most of those on board were stranded North West crew trying to get back home. As there were few real passengers about immigration and baggage delivery formalities were the quickest I've experienced at any airport in the US.



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  • RMweb Gold

What's a landline??


Indeed. I am aware that across the planet people are dumping landlines and relying on their poserphone. Actually, I don't like telephones at all, finding them an intrusion. Hell is indeed in hello. Invariably Sherry and I have prearranged times for chats, or she txts me when home from an excursion, when I do the calling. I pay €20 p.c.m. for a line that gives free calls to the UK, USA and Oz. Over and above the rental on the landline, from a different firm. Then there's the Internet. No fibre or cable stuff out here in the styx, as I've said before, and everything is airborne copper. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Just heard the traffic news on Radio Kent saying that both bores of the Dartford Tunnel are closed due to a power cut with traffic being diverted to the Blackwall Tunnel with queuebacks already to Dartford Heath.......wonder how far back the queuebacks will reach........


Also forgot to mention in my posting above that there was another derailment on the  Romney Hythe and Dymchurch yesterday. Locomotive and first coach rolled over after meeting a tractor on a farm crossing. Five people including the driver injured and luckily no fatalities as in the previous derailments. Train services back to normal today.



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No. I absolutely hate VoIP systems, have never Skyped in my life. Do not use cellphones as phones except in extremis. Gimme a proper landline every time, thanks. Happy to txt using WhatsApp but would never want to talk over it. Sherry is quite happy with that and Viber, but has learnt that it isn't going to work for us.


so much for my filthy minded visions of smartphone porno.
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  • RMweb Gold

No. I absolutely hate VoIP systems, have never Skyped in my life. Do not use cellphones as phones except in extremis. Gimme a proper landline every time, thanks. Happy to txt using WhatsApp but would never want to talk over it. Sherry is quite happy with that and Viber, but has learnt that it isn't going to work for us.


Thanks to WhatsApp voice calls we get to chat to Matthew most days. He hasn't been in many places with a landline for some time now. His reason for using Whatsapp voice rather than a mobile to our mobile or mobile to our landline is economic.

MiL said in India everyone seems to have a smartphone. Maintaining cell transmitters seems to be easier than copper cables.

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  • RMweb Gold

Indeed. I am aware that across the planet people are dumping landlines and relying on their poserphone. Actually, I don't like telephones at all, finding them an intrusion. Hell is indeed in hello. Invariably Sherry and I have prearranged times for chats, or she txts me when home from an excursion, when I do the calling. I pay €20 p.c.m. for a line that gives free calls to the UK, USA and Oz. Over and above the rental on the landline, from a different firm. Then there's the Internet. No fibre or cable stuff out here in the styx, as I've said before, and everything is airborne copper.


I must admit that unless I know who's calling I don't like answering either the landline or mobile.

My mobile is really used more cash an Internet tool or for texts. You can reply when you are ready rather than in te midfle of a transaction in a shop or pub

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,

Once again I've dipped out for a day or so and missed so many posts. 


I can only plead that with the new job firming up I'm putting in some time to make a success of it. 

For this reason Woking had to take a back seat and I stayed at home working up some stuff for the office. 

I appreciate that may sound a bit like....whoever got to their death bed and wished they'd put more time in at the office, but in this instance my new colleague has been

burning the midnight oil to set the business up and be in a position to bring me on board. 'nuff said. 


Hope to catch up with others at Aldershot next month? 


Today saw us on a trip down to the beach in Dorset. Very sunny, almost cloudless sky and the children loved it; sandcastles, ice creams, mild sunburn and a portion of chips. 


Priorities Andy you have taken a while to find a job so prioritising getting off to a good start makes sense. Just make sure that once settled in you do have enough leisure time.


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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone.


The weather has been glorious here and I've had a good day in the workshop too. The floor's been swept and I even hoovered it, I have a vacuum cleaner which fits into one of my cupboards, it's very small but adequate for my needs, I could do with mopping the floor, but I think that will do for another day. It's a heck of a lot tidier than it was and I could even sit at the workbench and do some work too.


We/I usually cook all our meals from scratch, but occasionally we'll buy a ready meal, tonight was one of those occasions and we had an M&S moussaka for tea, very nice it was too!


Earlier this evening I spent an hour or so talking to my brother in Canada. We usually speak every 4 weeks or so but it's been 6 since we last spoke, so there was plenty to catch up with.


I just went to lock up at the front door, only to realise that we hadn't unlocked it today.


Back to work tomorrow, so I'll bid you all a goodnight.

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  • RMweb Gold

What's a landline??

It is a cable that attaches a pair of telephonic instruments together allowing a person  to speak to another person at the other end of this wonderful apparatus.


A proper landline enables you to do likewise, but with a home counties accent.

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  • RMweb Premium


Back from Swindon.


Mike the beer ran out about lunchtime!


Grandadbob said hello and the trainset misbehaved. Blithering cob@£t point machines!


Bad weekend family wiseas my sister wrote off her car on the way to wedding. She is OK physically but I detected has been hit for six by the whole shamozzle.


I left my phone at home on Friday so had a lot of calls to check out on my return.


Sleep well everyone


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  • RMweb Gold

Would the Bird place have been the Child Beale Trust I assume twixt Pangbourne and Streatly? I don't think they have birds there now. Although that wouldn't be north of the Goring Gap. I have walked from Streatly to the White horse at Uffington along the ridgeway good country.




No it was Well Pace Bird Farm - so called - at Ipsden Don.  Child Beale looked reasonably busy as we passed on our initial leg and a sign suggest they now have meerkats but I think the railway is either moribund or gone completely.  Our trip also took us past Chiltern Air Park, which seemed to have quite a crowd of watchers in the (what I presume to be) viewing area, there was a chalked notice about wing walking viewing and there was a suitably equipped bi-plane sitting on the main, hmm, apron - the presence of the 'air park' (it's a field actually, with a grass landing strip) amused herself quite considerably, and it has moved across the field over the years.  We then headed up through Ipsden and doing a bit of research afterwards because I knew it was in the vicinity I found the yard where the van body used to be is at the end of  lane which leads to Rowan Atkinson's rather controversial 'petrol station' style very modernistic house.


Nuffield place is always worth a visit and the scones weren't long out of the oven so went down very nicely with a cuppa.

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