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Well, poor Alison would not have been impressed by what I wasn't wearing before! And pyjama trews with a fly can be a bit dodgy.....

Churchill - it is said that on one occasion, when advised that his fly buttons were undone, he replied, 'Dead birds don't fall out of their nests.'

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Good evening everyone.


Well, the whole day, (ok, what was left of it after I'd had a lie in,) was spent out the front. The block paving was completed before lunch, the brass work on the front door was tackled after lunch. You now need sunglasses on as you approach our front door. That was followed by straightening the outside light beside front door. I fitted a new one a couple of months ago, but although I'd drilled the mounting holes correctly, it didn't hang straight, it's one of those little jobs that really bugged me, but I'd always got more important tasks to do, or the weather was against me. Anyway, it turned out that the light assembly had been built askew. So the solution was to completely dismantle it and rebuild it straight, it was then refitted, so that's another job done. So I managed to get all the jobs I'd got planned for the day completed. Tomorrow will be a bit more relaxing, although I do have to tidy up the workshop, so I may pop down there for an hour or two perhaps.


For tea I made homemade paella, afterwards we adjourned with ours cuppa's to the living room and sat on the sofa, Mrs W decided to watch this weeks recording of Kirsty and Phil, I decided that a little eyelid inspection was the order of the day. My eyelids passed their inspection.


Goodnight all.

Edited by BSW01
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  • RMweb Gold


The car is now fine, no steering vibration and almost no brake vibration...


I'm pushed to think of an explanation, but Julie has driven it as well and says it's completely better. Perhaps I've got a self-healing car.


Over to Cancale for lunch on Tuesday, so we'll see.

Glad your car is OK. I read something similar on an American Volvo website. Their car had been parked somewhere very muddy for a while before driving and really sticky mud had baked onto the wheels making them out of balance. I can't imagine that would have happened where you had yours before departing for France though.
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The car is now fine, no steering vibration and almost no brake vibration...


I'm pushed to think of an explanation, but Julie has driven it as well and says it's completely better. Perhaps I've got a self-healing car.


Over to Cancale for lunch on Tuesday, so we'll see.


Was the car parked for while? Could a tire develop a temporary "flat spot"? (I've no idea if that's possible.)


EDIT: I asked Google, and apparently it can.



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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.


I have been wandering, not quite as lonely as a cloud, and am boogered. Buttermere and Haystacks for those who know the area.

Repaired to the local town for the evening to enjoy some local ales. Sitting watching the world go by there are times I wish I were forty years younger.

Now back in hotel with maps thinking about tomorrow.

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Busy few days.

I hope I've ticked boxes where required.


Totally amazed by watching the Paralympics and those conquering their adversity. The high jump last night was just (apologies to use a certain word) awesome.


(Slight pause to watch Hannah and Kare with their medal ceremony proudly singing away)


Niece's Jack Russell is well on the road to recovery. She greeted me with a wagging tail last night and wanted to go out for a walk. Unfortunately, she can't go too far, as there is the risk of the wound opening up.


I've been working elsewhere for a couple of days alongside my driving (more of that soon) and have been making a start on moving along with my new layout after it's first show last weekend. A minor repair was needed as a couple of baseboards had a weak joint due to me not using enough glue when building them.


No need for an ER tomorrow, with a late work start. Hopefully a few miles on the bike later tomorrow to ready the nether regions for a couple of days in the saddle in North Wales in the near future.


Have a good Sunday folks.




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Busy few days.

I hope I've ticked boxes where required.


Totally amazed by watching the Paralympics and those conquering their adversity. The high jump last night was just (apologies to use a certain word) awesome.


(Slight pause to watch Hannah and Kare with their medal ceremony proudly singing away)





Methinks that the certain word is on this occasion justified.

Night all

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  • RMweb Gold

Didn't every 6 year old spend Christmas this way in the 1950s?  No Nay Never.


Christmas 1954 was - like most other Christmases back then - spent with my maternal grandparents down on the farm.  They'd had electricity installed in 1953 - mainly for the new milking parlour but the house was done as well - and had bought a tv set in time for the Coronation so no radio at Christmas (in fact I'm not sure if they actually had one) but some tv in the afternoon, I think,  after Christmas Dinner.


G'night all.

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If you are at all squeamish, avert your gaze now ('cos this is about trains)


Like a certain H. amphibius, I am contemplating scaling up to 1:43.5 when if my shed ever gets built. The notion of using battery power (dead-rail they calls it 'ere) seems like a good idea for a lot of reasons, and it would certainly help if I ever want to extend into the great outdoors.


I've been looking into what's available in the way of RC equipment for trains and I came across this new development. It's still a bit immature by the look of it, but it's probably worth keeping an eye on if this sort of stuff holds any interest for you.

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Good morning one and all


Why did I expect to do any gardening yesterday?  It rained rather a lot and paused just long enough for me to dash out and post a letter.  Fortunately Postie brought a pile of comics.  After three silent phone calls in less than an hour, each guaranteed to rile me, I discovered a Hairy Bikers cookery programme about chicken and there was an hour occupied happily.  Later I had the Last Night of the Proms on without paying it too much attention until the tenor came on dressed as an Inca to sing Rule Britannia.  Something made me wonder how well the man in the Go Compare ads would be received in that role - not dressed as an Inca, obviously.


Today I make no promises, save to cook myself that sirloin steak.  Will I stick with the plan to serve it with saute potatoes or succumb to the lure of chips?  Whatever the outcome of that conundrum, the suspense is as nothing compared with the outcome of Helen's trial in The Archers. Gentle reader, you have probably more sense than to be gripped with that particular saga but when did I ever claim to be sensible?


Best wishes to all travellers and to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing and depressed



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Good morning all,

Up earlyish after a terrible night's sleep or lack thereof. Dry start and a bright morning with long sunny spells is forecast and there may be a bit of cloud later but should stay dry.

New toy behaved perfectly last night and is now run in. 

Today we are off to Swindon (emphasis on the we). It has been "suggested" that I don't need any more models but when did that ever stop me? We shall see.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Up earlier than usual, woke up half an hour ago and looked out of the window to see a dead fox laying in the street, almost certainly roadkill. I contacted the council but not confident that it will be treated with the urgency that is needed.

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And I was going to suggest nets to keep the birds off. :jester:


The only thing that keeps deer out is a 7 foot high fence. I've tried plastic deer netting but when they get hungry enough they force their way through it. Nothing is sacred. They hoovered the hydrangeas in the pots right outside our front door. Anything green is a target, including fir trees.

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Good morning from Aberdeen


Had a good day photographing the GBRF rail tour on its 3rd day as it passed through Elgin. Then it was beer in Aberdeen. What a great place it is now for both real ale and craft beers.


This morning we head to Dundee for lunch then Edinburgh where this time we hope to do the tram line before we hav a few drinks then board the sleeper back to London.


Looks like another pleasant day up here.


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