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Strangely enough it does seem that people actually complain more when the weather is getting warmer. Does seem to contradict the conventional wisdom.



It's the change in pressure that causes the pain - up or down.  So low pressure behind a wet front, or a high pushing up have the same (ish) effect.   The quicker the change, the greater the pain. My hips predict the weather quite well. 

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Perhaps a "turpin" of insurance companies?


('cos it's !@#$%^& highway robbery.)


I'm doing some work currently on dictionaries - and put "Turpin" into Oxford - this is what came up




The second word does it for me.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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It's the change in pressure that causes the pain - up or down.  So low pressure behind a wet front, or a high pushing up have the same (ish) effect.   The quicker the change, the greater the pain. My hips predict the weather quite well. 


Lorna is a sufferer too, and she believes changes in pressure have a lot to do with it. What I don't understand is why air travel doesn't seem to affect her. The changes in pressure while flying are quite extreme.

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Having a few days away in the motorhome whilst the weather holds, so we are now sat in a field near Knaresborough. Had lunch in Wetherspoons in Harrogate, no alcohol involved, we don't drink, enjoyed the brunch, at least you always know what you are getting at 'spoons. The front entrance is on a hill, so that the door steps blend into the slope of the pavement. Unfortunately I managed to misjudge the position of the bottom step and turned my ankle; causing me to stagger across the pavement but I managed to keep on my feet before reaching the road. Fortunately the traffic was stopped by traffic lights: the drivers had a front row view of an old drunk staggering out of Wetherspoons, he ought to know better at his age. The Polish driver of the lorry I nearly went under smiled and shrugged his shoulders, which strangely cheered me up. Apart from a little pain the ankle was fine whilst we were walking around, only since we have been sat in the van has it started to ache somewhat. We will see how it goes for a couple of days and if there is no improvement we will cut short the trip and head home.

Stay safe all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Lorna is a sufferer too, and she believes changes in pressure have a lot to do with it. What I don't understand is why air travel doesn't seem to affect her. The changes in pressure while flying are quite extreme.


True - I haven't flown high since my surgery and ongoing problems, Liverpool to here involves flying not much higher than a kite!  It should cause the same issues I agree - so I would expect anyway.  Now THAT is worth doing research on!  I've been uncomfortable all evening, and it has just started to positively pee it down, so I presume a front has passed over, pressure dropping - looks to barometer in kitchen - yes!

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Having a few days away in the motorhome whilst the weather holds, so we are now sat in a field near Knaresborough. Had lunch in Wetherspoons in Harrogate, no alcohol involved, we don't drink, enjoyed the brunch, at least you always know what you are getting at 'spoons. The front entrance is on a hill, so that the door steps blend into the slope of the pavement. Unfortunately I managed to misjudge the position of the bottom step and turned my ankle; causing me to stagger across the pavement but I managed to keep on my feet before reaching the road. Fortunately the traffic was stopped by traffic lights: the drivers had a front row view of an old drunk staggering out of Wetherspoons, he ought to know better at his age. The Polish driver of the lorry I nearly went under smiled and shrugged his shoulders, which strangely cheered me up. Apart from a little pain the ankle was fine whilst we were walking around, only since we have been sat in the van has it started to ache somewhat. We will see how it goes for a couple of days and if there is no improvement we will cut short the trip and head home.

Stay safe all.


You too, and take more water with it next time!


Bet that gets up your nose.

 And in your head! S'not's good!

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Good evening once again.


Our eldest grandson started college on Tuesday, he's studying electrical and electronic engineering. Because of his good exam results, he's been put straight onto level 2, his mum's now calling him brain box! He will attend 3 days a week, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. He's also decided to look for a part time job too!


Car insurance is something I've got to sort out when I retire next year, as I've not owned a car for over 26 years, having had a company during that time. I'll start looking for cars after Christmas, then I'll start shopping round for insurance. I must admit, it's not something I'm looking forward to, but it'll definitely need doing.


We popped out this evening to the Trafford Centre picking up a click and collect parcel from M&S, we didn't hang around long, the place was full of (nutters) shoppers. Why is it that some fecking ejits, look in one direction whilst walking in another direction, always walk in my direction?


Dave (WW). Welcome to the crazy world of ERs, being mad isn't compulsory, but it does help!


Dave (TG). Enjoy your retirement and your narrow boat.


Ian. Hope the tooth behaves and enjoy your trip around Gitchee Gumee!


Geoff. Hope the ankle improves.


Goodnight all.

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It's the change in pressure that causes the pain - up or down.  So low pressure behind a wet front, or a high pushing up have the same (ish) effect.   The quicker the change, the greater the pain. My hips predict the weather quite well. 

So do mine, almost to the minute.

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Late check in - or REALLY ER if you look from the UK perspective.


Just got back from one of the loveliest memorial services we've ever attended. The choir sang (including me) and Tony was so pleased that we did.

His wife had touched so many people that it was a great comfort to everyone to share in her life story.



Due to the very late/long running of the service we've pushed our departure on our trip back until closer to noon tomorrow. I still have to go pick up the rental car (better to use THEIR mileage than any of ours) by 9AM, but that'll be fine, just have a relaxing couple of hours after that to pack and get sorted before we hit the road.


Off to bed soon, good morning all you ERs, you'll be up before I know it ;)

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Interesting item on the news whence a Doctor is doing research into whether weather (!) affects arthritis sufferers.  Really?  New research?  Any sufferer can tell them.  I queried this with my physio just after the hip surgery, and she explained in detail about how change in atmospheric pressure affects the joint capsule.  So if the good Doctor thought to ask other practitioners he might just find he is a little behind in his quest.  Of course they are not medics....the old disease. Doctor knows best, anyone else is not to be given serious time.

Last I heard, they felt that Arthritis was sensitive when 2 items in the weather changed -- just temperature or humidity or whatever else there is didn't hurt.

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Good morning to all.


Nice early start, unlike yesterday when I awoke some ten minutes before I normally depart for work.......


Had a bit of a scare yesterday on the way home when a chap in a van decided to change lanes as I was alongside him. Front of his van connected with the offside silencer of my dear old Triumph but I managed to stay on. Turned out to be no damage to the bike despite there being an ominous mark to the silencer itself. Van less fortunate with some nasty scrapes.


Decent enough chap though and when I got over my initial indignation things were resolved amicably. To be fair, this is only the third time anyone had hit me in nearly 33 years of motorcycling so annoying though it was, I have not done too bad.The main thing was that nobody was hurt.


However, if he had moved a a second or two earlier the point of contact would have been a bit further forward on the bike and I would have been off.


Ho hum. That's life I guess.


Looking forward to some time off now. My job requires a lot of working on days off and they have accrued. I have been told to take some time off to use some up so I am off next week.


Hopefully some time for modelling, certainly some time for gardening, without a doubt some time for DIY ...or so I'm told......


Off to the local model railway shop after work to see what tempts me.....could be messy......deserve a treat.


Anyway, a cup of Darjeeling awaits as do some eggs on toast.


Creme de Menthe to all.



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Good morning one and all


The ironing is done, the tomato plant watered and there is no sign of life from the National Grid.  I do hope that their cones are not all misappropriated, tee hee.  Today will see the routine fodder run and the start of a period of anxious hovering over the National Rail website.  This is because it does not yet show train times for 3rd December, when I wish to travel to Manchester.  The trip can only be justified if discount fares are available and Virginontheridiculous Trains do not always declare them as soon as they might.  I wonder what will happen?


Barry O, I know about blepharitis only too well.   You are lucky to have a GP who can take one look at it and reach for the prescription pad.  I had to spend all day in the eye clinic at great risk of dying of boredom.  My experience is that the incidence of eye problems has been greatly reduced since my GP prescribed synthetic tears.  Oh dear, I've just tempted providence again.


A forthcoming storm in a teacup will arise from a clash of dates in April.  The fixtures secretary of the local LCGB branch asked me to run my critical eye over next year's fixtures.  In doing so I found that the April meeting is on the second Tuesday instead of the first.  Now RCTS Hitchin have had to move their meetings to the second Tuesday of the month due to an enforced change of venue and there will be a clash.  If I go to the Hitchin meeting I can't be in the Bedford quiz team or write the meeting report.  If I choose Bedford I miss the Hitchin meeting, whatever that may be, and my day with Poorly Pal.  Seven months will give plenty of time for a solution - won't it?


Best wishes to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing and depressed



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