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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. It took all of fifteen minutes to tackle the shrubs in the garden even though I had to use the loppers to cut back some of the thicker branches, it then took more than twice as long to clear up. I've always been wary of power tools especially those attached to the mains but any tool is dangerous if not used properly or without due care.

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There are times when I wonder whether meetings are worth attending as very rarely does anything of substance come of them. However, today I managed to gain further major business.


Rob - Many thanks for your comments. The sentiments about loved ones should be what we all strive to do on a daily basis.


Bob - Items like oven cleaning substances should never be allowed to be found in the house. You've certainly failed in the 7 P's of planning.


An evening of sorting out what is needed for the next two days at head office including a night out for a meal tomorrow.


Thinking of those ailing, supporting, grieving, recovering and missing

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all, we took FIL for his PET scan today I have no idea what a PET scan is and suspect I shouldn't Google it. The drive to the NGI was amazing no traffic in the way all the way up the A61 we were nearly an hour early but they took him through quickly and let him escape with tea and a biscuit two hours later. Otherwise the sky remained dry and a discussion about finances was cut short because the DWP have still not made a decision about Karen after 4 months. 


Thinking of those ailing, supporting, grieving, recovering and missing, hoping to hear more from TG Dave about boating and living afloat.

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. It took all of fifteen minutes to tackle the shrubs in the garden even though I had to use the loppers to cut back some of the thicker branches, it then took more than twice as long to clear up. I've always been wary of power tools especially those attached to the mains but any tool is dangerous if not used properly or without due care.

My take on portable tool accidents is that it's not the damage of the supply cable that can have drastic conclusions but the picking up said cable to examine the damage.  Go and unplug the lead and bring it outside to prevent the wise one within noticing the non working and concluding the problem is the switching off of the supply. Then helping by switching it back on again!

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  • RMweb Gold

Bob - Items like oven cleaning substances should never be allowed to be found in the house. You've certainly failed in the 7 P's of planning.



Sorry Duncan but I have to disagree there because I pass in the Ps for Points (Brownie) gained. This will stand me in good stead next week if  when purchases are necessary when visits are made to Woking (possibly) and Swindon (Definitely) - especially as she's accompanying me to the latter.  :yes:  :imsohappy:  :locomotive:

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Another nice day beckons here in sunny Teignmouth.


We also have noisy pedestrians at silly oclock. For some reason they stop opposite our place and communicate loudly with each other. Why stop? Why not carry on homewards? It must be louder for the houses they are standing in front of, we are set back a bit and at roof level of the houses opposite.


Donw, at last, someone writes thoughts similar to mine. I have long thought that the camp seems to be full of very desperate men just wanting to cross the last 21 miles after having already crossed many more. As you travel on the road from Damascus or Tripoli or Timbuctoo or Whereverville there are large signs over the motorway. I believe these signs read "England this way, the land of milk and honey" although that may be mistranscribed and it actually reads "England this way, free housing and benefits, better than Italian, French and German".

Having escaped the misery of your life surely you would settle in the first country you reach. Many British pay a fair whack to fly on holiday to Kos, Lesbos etc. It cant be all bad!


The talk of ferries reminded me of an incident when working on the Dover-Calais route. We were just nearing Dover harbour entrance and 2 passengers had reached their camper van in preparation to leave. They opened the door and their whippet type dog had leapt out. A kind of chase ensued, trying to capture the dog but it ended up jumping over the ships railings into the sea. The 2 passengers were distraught, especially as they only lived along the coast eastwards near St Margarets. The coastguard was alerted but there was no result.

Sometime later the company was contacted by the passengers concerned and thanked for the help offered but they couldnt believe their eyes when they had reached home 45 minutes later.



You all guessed it correctly.  


It wasn't the dog.


There in the porch were 14 pints of milk and 14 daily newspapers!  They had forgotten to cancel them.

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  • RMweb Gold

You should try shopping round here Mike. Even Bridgwater and Taunton seem to have lost their modelling shops.

I presume the bricks and cement come from a builders merchant. Most should have some plumbing supplies so flux should be available and solder although it it would probably be higher melting point than you would like. Beware the lead free solder some of it is rubbish. The craft shop in Minehead did order in some copydex for me.



There is a certain trader who attends shows in our part of the world who supplies flux to Eames original recipe - and it works just likely the original too.  solder from builder's mervchants and electronics emporia is rubbish so I tend to restock at shows.


Incidentally today has had some interesting successes - firstly a visit to a specialist lighting supplier in Reading produced some very low wattage LED bulbs for our picture lights.  They weren't cheap at £4.45 each but they are guaranteed for a year and if any blow in that time they will be replaced free, gratis, and for nothing (except the car mileage to get to Reading of course)will be replaced.  Secondly a visit to Dunelm Mill out at Calcot near the Savacentre resulted in a new front door mat and a  toasted 'fast sandwich' for a snack - amazingly a sausage, bacon and baked beans toasted sandwich was quite palatable.  This gave an opportunity to gaze up the new IKEA - a massive multi-storey (5 floors) car park then the 'shop' itself - we did not go in but drove past, which was quite sufficient to remind us never to go there and it's very easy to see why the traffic jams occur as the route out is not the cleverest arrangement in the western world West Berskhire

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OK - apparently I was taught arithmetic incorrectly!


If I owe you, $8,937 and have already paid you $7,000, apparently my remaining balance is $2,681.75!   :jester:  in simple terms;

8,937 - 7,000 = 2,681.75!   W H A T   !!!


This from our friendly <grrr> neighborhood energy company, who, when presented with more than the "required monthly payment" two months back now, correctly posted a credit to our account, BUT, the following month, that resulted in the remaining balance INCREASING instead of decreasing, by double that credit amount! :O


There are, so far, no interest payments (was interest free for the new a/c system in our rental property), no other charges whatsoever, BUT the remaining balance went up.

Even after they sent us (at our request) a letter confirming/listing all our payments that DO in their mind as well as ours add up to $7,000 they can't seem to arrive at us owing them $1,937.

This includes two long (40+ minutes by Mrs a month ago) phone calls, the first of which the person actually tried to explain the arithmetic WAS CORRECT, and one more today for 25 minutes at which point they did agree a $1,937 balance doesn't "SEEM" right, they still need to investigate :scared: good grief, how hard is it!


I have gone on record, and they HAVE noted, that I'm not paying a penny more, and will take them to court if they attempt to apply interest, a late fee or any other stupid addition, until they actually can manage to send me a bill for the correct balance - at which point I will pay them <sigh>


The world appears to be more moron infested by the minute...


Here endeth todays "lesson", the moral of which apparently is, assume everyone in a service industry is an idiot and you won't be disappointed.

(With obvious apologies to those in services industries who actually have a clue)


EDIT: Please note that a rating of Funny is totally acceptable, as it's reached that point in our household anyway :)

Edited by Ian Abel
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You all guessed it correctly.  


It wasn't the dog.


There in the porch were 14 pints of milk and 14 daily newspapers!  They had forgotten to cancel them.

I do note - unless it's a strangely similar event and location, that apparently the dog DID make it home, all by itself, having swum to shore and legged it home... I do hope that's true.

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Evenin' all,


A  spot of road learning today : Toton, known centre of the universe and all that, but a large dollop of confusion set in as soon as I clapped eyes on the sprawling vista before me.... nowhere on my route learning maps could I find any reference whatsoever to 'copious, enormous, endless amounts of weeds and shrubbery in the four foot' or 'row upon row upon row of redundant former assets shot full of holes almost resembling once proud and very useful Brush built diesel locomotives'. Most odd. I shall complain to my line manager at once... ;) 


Be good / stay safe / mine's a pint!

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  • RMweb Premium

Oh, by the way, just found the video about automobile cockwombleness opposite trams in Brno, which someone had posted on our driver group on Facebook a couple of days ago, on Youtube as well:

As I said then and continue to say now: Yes, folks, that is very much commonplace in Leipzig also.
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  • RMweb Gold

We had a fair few beers in the Rake then a swift half in the Market Porter before getting to our train home at LBG. We were running minute late with a booked itime of arrival at Redhill of 20.47. Our bus departs at 20.50 so we thought that we would miss it by the time that we get down the steps walk the subway then down the steps, out of the ticket hall and across the dual carriageway.


Toliet OOS on our class 387, so I was quite desperate by the time we arrived at RDH. However I was very surprised that we arrived 5 minutes early and had time to use the station toilets. First Southern train into RDH on time for us in many months. A bit worrying that there is so much make up time yet they are hardly ever on time.


We made the bus home aswell.


Unfortunately Southeastern arent running anything near so well today which added to AndrewC's decision not to join us tonight and just aswell as they are still up the creek.

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My take on portable tool accidents is that it's not the damage of the supply cable that can have drastic conclusions but the picking up said cable to examine the damage.  Go and unplug the lead and bring it outside to prevent the wise one within noticing the non working and concluding the problem is the switching off of the supply. Then helping by switching it back on again!

I've got to the stage of only using battery powered tools. That way there's no chance of me doing anything to the cable

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Good evening all,


My commiserations, greetings, wishes to all in need as usual. Duncan: such a loss at so early an age!


Mind is firmly set on this weekend's mayhem at a location adjacent to Ford Railway Station - the Gaugemaster open Weekend.


My role appears to be in the Continental section of the shop (and I am the only 'John' in the Company http://www.gaugemaster.com/staff.html even though I'm in there twice!) so if you feel moved to come and see what's going on, please (try to) come and say 'Hello!' General discounts are available! Details are in the Forum's Calendar pages.


More booking in of Märklin stock tomorrow. They're sending their technical expert over tomorrow for training courses on Friday and customer-facing on Saturday and Sunday, so have to get the goods available to sell or for his use.

Edited by JohnDMJ
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Oh, by the way, just found the video about automobile cockwombleness opposite trams in Brno, which someone had posted on our driver group on Facebook a couple of days ago, on Youtube as well:



As I said then and continue to say now: Yes, folks, that is very much commonplace in Leipzig also.

It is slightly reassuring to see that idiocy is international, I wonder how many of those clowns claimed that the tram swerved and hit them

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Good evening all,


My commiserations, greetings, wishes to all in need as usual. Duncan: such a loss at so early an age!


Mind is firmly set on this weekend's mayhem at a location adjacent to Ford Railway Station - the Gaugemaster open Weekend.


My role appears to be in the Continental section of the shop (and I am the only 'John' in the Company http://www.gaugemaster.com/staff.html even though I'm in there twice!) so if you feel moved to come and see what's going on, please (try to) come and say 'Hello!' General discounts are available! Details are in the Forum's Calendar pages.


More booking in of Märklin stock tomorrow. They're sending their technical expert over tomorrow for training courses on Friday and customer-facing on Saturday and Sunday, so have to get the goods available to sell or for his use.

I had an interview there in the 90's.

Whilst chatting at the interview I mentioned a couple of items I had. 2 rail Hornby Dublo A4 Golden Fleece which I was then told they never made only 3 rail. The other was some British outline Lilliput HO private owner trucks. Again I was told that such things were not produced.

I lost interest at that point!

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Better news on the health front today. Following a blood test and 24 hour blood pressure monitor last week my wife's doctor told her today that she was suffering from a deficiency of vitamin D. Looking at the symptoms on t'interweb she has almost all everything listed for this ailment. What a result! Now started taking vitamin D supplement tablets. Recommended eating fatty fish, liver, eggs, and other foodstuffs that are fine by me. I will let you know of progress with this.

Good night all.

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An early ER for me tomorrow for my trip to head office.


John - As long as nothing gets in the way I'm planning on a visit this weekend


Geoff - Some good news for the wife's health (and for you)


Night all

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Shopping in Teignmouth is pretty much as outlined by others earlier today. When Woolworths went the chance of buying much vanished. Just recently an electrical shop closed, it sold bulbs, plugs, electrical fittings etc not white goods. We still have a place selling white goods but I would shop around, if you know what I mean.

We have an M & co and a few other ladies clothing shops, 1 shop where elderly men can buy clothes (if you like your trousers buttoned up under your armpits), a delicatessen, 2 well stocked DIY shops, 8 charity shops, at least 23 coffee shops and 16 pubs. You cannot buy a new cd in town nor new household furniture but you can buy loads of clotted cream fudge and pasties. Presently we only have 2 or 3 empty shops, none of which are boarded up.

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  • RMweb Premium

Not a good day, in a not particularly good week at work (although excellent compared to ceasing to be). A whole army of folk seem to be intent on dreaming up new hurdles, obstacles and reasons for the project I'm working on to spend forever going in circles. One step forward, two back? If only I were that lucky. What a waste of time, effort and money.

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