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Martyn's results were good, two As and three Bs to add to the A* he already had. I won't mention the others, in the subjects that he didn't like or struggled with. They're not relevant for moving on and it seems that not wasting effort on them helped him progress with the important ones. We went out for lunch afterwards at the Brewhouse Kitchen. It was cooler sitting in the pub than the garden; even under the sunshades most people outside were fanning themselves with menus.


Good to see Dave TG back with us.


Goodnight all.



Nice result Pete - congratulate him for us. Oh, and the proud parents too, mustn't forget them ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Post 129046 has been deleted following a PM from Polly to which I have replied equally privately.  


Roofer awaited and already overdue.  Need to investigate a little unauthorised rainwater ingress.  

Special acknowledgement to Mal, Stewart and I believe one or two others in regards our futures; not known as yet but the prospect of being between rocks and hard places has definitely reared its head.   


It's Fry Day.  Not POETS today as I'm booked on right through the weekend.  Unlikely to get away early on a Fry Day night at the best of times owing to heavy passenger loadings.  It should however be beer o'clock around 21 hundred hours.


Make the most of today; it's the only one we'll ever get.

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Martyn's results were good, two As and three Bs to add to the A* he already had... 


Really pleased to read that, especially as Martyn will be able to attend his preferred college.


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Really pleased to read that, especially as Martyn will be able to attend his preferred college.



“Tiny” is right! Well done Martyn....


I’m a great believer in Education (though I was mainly self-taught by reading my way through the complete set of “Knowledge” encyclopaedias) never got on with school and left at fifteen but landed on my feet by joining Decca Records at 16 - I was very lucky and never wanted to be held up as an example (unlucky with my school, though).


Best, Pete.

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I am too intellectually lazy to steep myself in serious music, but Ralph Vaughan Williams does mean something. 

I’m like that too. I’m a “know what I like” bore, luckily I like RVW too.

Butterworth is another - though I nearly went off him when I learned he was a Morris Dancer (sorry, Chris, I just find it risible, slightly). What a shame, though, that he was killed in WW1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Butterworth




Music (much better):


Another friend of RVW, btw. His Father was the GM of the NER.


Best, Pete.

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Pah! You think THOSE are strange ideas, just wait...if "The Donald" wins here in November (heaven forbid!!), you ain't seen nothing yet :O  :jester:  :help:  :banghead:

All we can hope is that it goes as Harry Truman predicted for Eisenhower: "The first day in office he'll say 'Do this' .... and nothing will happen."

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Good morning one and all


For the avoidance of further doubt, my new car is not the silver 4 door Polo spotted in the car park at Stevenage last night.  If the order is fulfilled correctly it will be white 2-door - 3 including the tailgate - and I will be collecting it next Wednesday.  It was good to see Ed at the meeting last night. Our necessarily brief conversation did not embrace his likening of the artificial islands off Sidmouth to Trident submarines but we know the truth now.   Since they were installed the esplanade has not been washed away by the sea - which, believe me, did happen - and some sand has been deposited by the waves to form a rather less lumpy beach.


There were too many distractions yesterday.  I managed to cut myself with a brand new X-Acto craft knife blade.  Poorly Pal's one and only sticking plaster was barely adequate to staunch the flow of blood so we had to go shopping, and quickly.  The shed where the layout lives is now equipped with a good supply of plasters and with any luck I will not be quite so clumsy in future.  Fortunately I managed to keep the haemoglobin sauce out of the stir fried chicken, which we both enjoyed.   PP has discovered how to watch YouTube on television.  This is a mixed blessing.  He needs to find something better to do and, it must be said, the confidence to do it, but at least he no longer watches 'Last of the Summer Wine' all ruddy day  - not when I'm around, anyway.


Today will see a fodder run and a call to the dealership about a rather stupid letter from VW Finance.  One might ask whether any other kind exists.


Lots of catching up to do so best wishes to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing and depressed



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Morning all. Another hot and humid night, but for some reason I slept really well. Clear skies again and forecast for slightly cooler than yesterday.


Only one job today in North London. The job won't take long but the travelling will certainly make up for it.


Brian - Good luck with the swim


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


Last week of the school holidays. Taking the wife and kids down to that London for the day. Myself and no1 son are going to the IWM and HMS Belfast. The ladies are going the V&A and horse guards museum.


Looks like it will be a hot one in the big smoke.


Good to see TG back. Some fantastic view points and locations. A lovely idea.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Another hot night. Temperature wise I am talking aboutt.


We are getting away from the big smoke tonight heading to cooler climes in the West Midlands for tonight after work.


Southern looking Ok so far at the moment. Good that its our last journey on them till next Tuesday.

Edited by roundhouse
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Good to see Mr Spams posting here.


I seem to be doing a bring-and-share lunch at Alison's place today. I have a casserole with chicken in a sauce, she has the veg and the rice. Her sons will eat varying amounts. They are all still recovering from their trip back from her beau's place in the Vendée. The Laguna managed it, but at slow pace. Yet in 250km it 'only' used a litre of water, while on the down trip it used 4. As water has not been seen on the dipstick, and the oil isn't emulsified, I still wonder if a faulty thermostat is the problem. It would be a lot cheaper than the new engine she has had proposed.


Some hedge trimming here before the sun gets its act together today. Only 33, they say. Still too darn hot.


Hope your week winding up well.

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Morning all.


Bit cooler for POTS day today with risk of thunder.


One thing that does grow well here is zucchini. This is one of the smaller examples. Must admit I'm not that keen on them :)




Nice looking courgette!

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That was a big mistake saying Southern was running OK. Chichester and Tonbridge train cancelled due to crew shortage plus the Vic and LBG trains now getting quite late so decided to chance it on Thameslink. Air con not working particularly well but better than the coach we were in last night.


On top of that we had to walk as the bus was showing about 15 late


This morning I managed a little bit of weathering on a couple of HO scale fright cars as it was way too hot to work on the layout out the front of the garage.

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The Laguna managed it, but at slow pace. Yet in 250km it 'only' used a litre of water, while on the down trip it used 4. As water has not been seen on the dipstick, and the oil isn't emulsified, I still wonder if a faulty thermostat is the problem. It would be a lot cheaper than the new engine she has had proposed.


Could be a leaking the head gasket. The coolant might be getting sucked into a combustion chamber and ending up going out the exhaust. Any sign of exhaust gas bubbling up through the coolant?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. A warm night it was, so not totally awake yet, I admit…


Dave, glad to see you're back. And what a lovely gesture it was you made in memory of Is. I'm sure she would totally approve of how you went about it.


Shift on Lines 9 and 11 later, ahead of which I'll probably be running an errand or two. Weekend is scheduled off, though. There's a bit of gardening which will need to be done some time, but if it really will get as hot as the forecast predicts, I doubt I will do that just now…



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

Rain on and off all day yesterday getting heavier in the evening. Good for the gardening but hindered work on the roof. However today looks better. This weekend is the Watchet Music Festival as it is only a couple of fields away we shall no doubt hear something but not well enough to enjoy. We did have the pleasure of 'One two, one two' over and over yesterday as they tested the sound system.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Slightly cooler here today. A crow seems to be competing with pigeons for attention this morning.

Not too much happening today. Well at least not planned.


Ian, we had a Renault that used to lose a lot a coolant. It turned out to be a split in the seam of the water header bottle.


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 I've posted my doctor's letter to Benenden, with a view to knee repairs,

I hope you fare better than I did, when I asked them for help with the removal of the metalwork in my hip, when it started to calcify, and they told me that the procedure was not in their list of approved operations.

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Hey up!

Breakfast awaits.

Tea to be drunk then... Another walk scheduled. Well it does help to burn off food.


Enjoy your day and congrats to all with news of their GCSE grades.



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Good morning all,

Very warm here again and another fine day in prospect. 

I see Chris has now joined my club which reminds me that I need to buy some more plasters. (and possibly a tourniquet) as there is a (small) chance that I will be wielding sharp implements later. Didn't get anything much done yesterday as "other things" intervened. By the sound of it she's going to intervene again in a minute.  :girldevil:  If gardening is mentioned there may be a fight but I will consider doing some watering.

More tea now needed to replenish the coolant I've been losing overnight,

Have a good one,


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