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Condolences to Dom.


Sunny but heavily overcast in sunny Teignmouth today. Not raining at present.


In a way I am glad that we have the tv back from the Olympics but now it means we have only repeats, often of repeats to watch.

Last nights viewing was Midsomer. Strange how murders carried on being commited with a heavy police presence. Of course CSI would have sussed it in half the time and Miss Marple would have got her woman after the 1st murder.


For the jazz aficionado's amongst you, the Belgian jazz musician, Toots Thielemans has died age 94.

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Not much to say.  Sincerest condolences Dom.  Never the sort of news one wishes to arrive home to but thank you for your strength in bringing it to us.  Always here ..... 

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Morning All


FIrst off, sincerest condolences to Dom and a load of cyber-support is on offer here as well.


Didn't get Lily out first thing this morning as it was coming down in barrels (so about three times buckets) this morning, and still is, despite the Exeter seawead twirlers saying it would abate early on, then changed their minds about three times, and now saying it should be cloudy with showers - it's still chucking it down, and I and Lil are soaked.


Everybody's contribution has been read and rated, and I send greetings to everybody.


Matters domestic continue, and dinner needs to be prepared. 


Back later

Regards to All


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I query whether it is in fact possible to have half a hole.  Surely the half is, ipso facto a whole in its own right?


Morning all.  Welcome to Moan-day.  I have to go out later; I may be some time.


If you can have a whole hole, surely you can have both half a hole and half a whole?

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  • RMweb Premium

If you can have a whole hole, surely you can have both half a hole and half a whole?


Half a hole? Easy, archaeologists do it all the time https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_(archaeology)#/media/File:Pitsection.jpg


A pleasant morning here. I haven't looked at the forecast....


Condolences to Dom.


Later I need to accompany Mrs mole to the GP about her PIP claim, then go shopping. Also try and prepare Martyn for a college interview and later continue going through the PIP form helping to draft answers.


have a good day.



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First off very sorry to hear your sad news Dom


Congratulations to Neil on passing as a Driver


Most primates are grazers so it should suit us. In fact it is more a true carnivores behaviour to gorge on a large meal and then not eat for some time. A some point we found it easier to work together and capture a large animal or some fish. However there is a world of difference between ambling about in a forest eating leaves,shoots nuts, fruit and the odd insect compared to being sat on a sofa having eaten a takeaway and then grazing on a few doughnuts a box of chocolates and a drink (other than a glass of water most drinks are high calorie apart from say black unsweetened tea)


A am still waiting to hear the Hole truth.


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I query whether it is in fact possible to have half a hole.


I have a doughnut with a hole in the middle.

I eat half the doughnut.

I have half a doughnut and half a hole?


But .....


If I eat it evenly from the outside I am left with all of the hole.


This hole business is confusing.

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Condolences Dom, take the time to grieve and also remember the joy of knowing Jo...


Congratulations to the new "Driver", Neil.



Re: Chairs first, next thing will be buying a table... there actually WAS a matching table, and since we were already out there purchasing (not my choice remember), I suggested we might as well get the table while we were "at it". Suggestion discarded for several reason too boring to recount here, but ONE was, "...well, we'd have to find something to do with the old one then..." <sigh> :O


Tempting FATE again yesterday I posted on Facebook that my flight was on time, the weather in Minneapolis was picture perfect, and no sign of issues at JFK - HAR fu!@$ing HAR!

i) They started the boarding process on time, pre-boarding "those needing extra time", then the PILOTS appeared back at the gate, NEVER a good sign :nono:

ii) Captain informs us there is NOW weather at JFK and we've been given a 2-3 hour ground hold <expletives abound>, those on board back off.

iii) 30  minutes later, informed captain has re-routed us and we can board now and get going - YAY!

iv) Premium cabin and business class start boarding, including me, and sat down. Rather warm, no a/c running...

v) No-one else appears to be boarding???

vi) Turns out there is now some maintenance issues (no a/c was the first clue???) those on board can either stay or get off, most elect to stay as it's not that warm...

vii) 15 minutes later, they continue boarding. Get EVERYONE and the kitchen sink on board, all seated and strapped in.

viii) Maintenance inform captain that they will be ANOTHER HOUR now instead of being done!

viii) Everyone has to DEPLANE, including taking any/all the bags they've carried on - what a total fluster cuck! <groan>

ix) About an hour passes, and, now two+ hours late we FINALLY get back on the bloody thing, and are on our way.


JFK weather has relented some, BUT, we're told going to be rough into the area, they weren't kidding, felt like a roller coaster ride for the last 30 minutes inbound. Once on the ground, much faffing about to get to the gate, 20 minute wait for bags and it's still slashing it down getting the rental car causing traffic mess on the JFK airport roads.


Did I say I BLOODY HATE JFK, recently :jester:

Finally checked into hotel at 0015, about 2.5+ hours later than should have been.


Happy Monday morning campers :tomato:

Just "dandy" here now, of course, at 23 a few puffy clouds and generally a lovely day - NEVER manages to be that flying in or out :butcher: says 27 for a high.


Enjoy the beginning of the week if you can - on dungeon duty and hoping the torture regimen today is light, I'm too tired to be harassed too much. 

Edited by Ian Abel
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Good afternoon everyone.


Condolences Dom.


Its p1551ng it down here, has been all day so I'm glad I decided to stay inside. To quote ChrisF, I'm doing "unspecified pottering" and thankfully I'm getting through quite a pile of bills that had become a large pile instead of being filed.


Back later

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The Avocado triffid that grows quite a few mm every day and has to be turned away from the light 2 or 3 times a day.post-19606-0-63868000-1471871310_thumb.jpg

However I upload it, upright or on its side, RM Web puts it sideways!

Edited by lightengine
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Wow - just sold a jigsaw that I got at one of these Sunday morning in a field functions for 75p and which was a double of one that I already had for over £25 on Ebay.

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I have a doughnut with a hole in the middle.

I eat half the doughnut.

I have half a doughnut and half a hole?


But .....


If I eat it evenly from the outside I am left with all of the hole.


This hole business is confusing.



If you eat half the donut you no longer have any hole.  You have caused the hole to become one with and a part of the greater cosmos.  

If one has a Polo mint with no hole in the middle is it still a Polo mint?  Does the hole itself form an integral part of the Polo?  

If one nibbles a donut around the edge until it is half -eaten then the hole still exists in its entirety and your patience and restraint in donut consumption is better than mine.


It must be beer o'clock by now.




New driver Neil


An event which slipped my attention while watching for news from Dom.  Congratulations.  That definitely makes it beer o'clock.  I'll have a whole one, not a half.

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Or, as I would prefer, a 3 bed 2 bath country retreat in Poitou Charentes with swimming pool and 3 hectares.


I've got a 3 bed 1 bath with very large model train shed and piscine in that are so it can be done.



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Wow - just sold a jigsaw that I got at one of these Sunday morning in a field functions for 75p and which was a double of one that I already had for over £25 on Ebay.


One of my better buys was an oil painting by Van Klomp titled 'The Fallen Madonna With The Big B00bies'.  I originally bought as I thought it might suit as a 'talking point' in the downstairs loo in our new, and at that stage far from complete, house, but the proportions were all wrong so it hung around for a while under the stairs until I put it back into auction, and duly turned a rather reasonable profit (after costs).

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One of my better buys was an oil painting by Van Klomp titled 'The Fallen Madonna With The Big B00bies'.  I originally bought as I thought it might suit as a 'talking point' in the downstairs loo in our new, and at that stage far from complete, house, but the proportions were all wrong so it hung around for a while under the stairs until I put it back into auction, and duly turned a rather reasonable profit (after costs).

So in between, you hid it in various places like the cellar, the bin, and also lusted after Yvette (aka Vicki Michelle).  Did Herr Flick not manage to divest you of this at some stage?


Edit - Dave (WW) - I see you lurking there - why not come in, the ER water's normally lovely

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My sincerest condolences to Dom. May you have the strength to remain positive.


The heavy rain over the weekend has had an impact on the Ratty. No trains today, due to line blockages. ONe blockage was an impromptu river crossing the track , and depositing debris all over it, and the next was that part of the track was completely under water at Irton Road station. I am glad that I wasn't scheduled to be on guard duty today.

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If it takes 6 men 3 days to dig a h...................


But that depends how big the bucket is to empty the bath................


Quick break in from the road.

Mostly 18 degrees and raining all day - playing havoc trying to keep the car demisted all day. Off out again soon for another hour.


Will catch up properly later as there's no Olympics to watch :no:




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Just had combined breakfast, lunch, and afternoon tea. I needed to do some woodwork and wanted to finish before eating. Today's "woodwork" wasn't like anything learnt at school, just chopping lengths of timber, screwing with big screws and slapping on preservative. This was to make a new stand for our bird table. It should last longer than the original one.


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Evening all,

Bobby is now happiness shaped  after fixing his point shorting problem. I had some good advice from one very nice man here and also an offer of assistance from another. Thanks chaps. However I didn't really want to change my points and on looking closely at the problem it occurred to me that possibly filing the offending rails might do the trick. After some Googling I found that this solution has been used elsewhere. I called in the rail grinders aka my rotary mini tool and a small file and set to work. (very carefully and without self harming)  After a few attempts I cured the first one and then was quickly able to do the others. The Q1 now runs as sweetly as Ian A said it should (also checked a  selection of other locos in case I'd made things worse for them) and everything's working fine in both directions. Fingers now firmly crossed that this will last and I can now get on with other stuff.

A pint of Pride has been poured and will now be enjoyed.

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  • RMweb Gold

My sincerest condolences to Dom. May you have the strength to remain positive.


The heavy rain over the weekend has had an impact on the Ratty. No trains today, due to line blockages. ONe blockage was an impromptu river crossing the track , and depositing debris all over it, and the next was that part of the track was completely under water at Irton Road station. I am glad that I wasn't scheduled to be on guard duty today.


No wonder Trevor was pulling his hair out earlier today (according to my spy in the north)


So in between, you hid it in various places like the cellar, the bin, and also lusted after Yvette (aka Vicki Michelle).  Did Herr Flick not manage to divest you of this at some stage?


Edit - Dave (WW) - I see you lurking there - why not come in, the ER water's normally lovely


Sorry to disappoint Stewart but alas I'd had to cut the cellar out of the plans at an early stage on financial (lack of) grounds, so the lovely (?) fallen madonna just spent her time under wraps under the stairs being brought out occasionally to titilate visitors.

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