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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Thank you for your thoughts, guys. Jo passed away peacefully in the late afternoon yesterday. Feeling quite drained right now and staying at home today, and shall need to see as to what the next couple of days will bring.


It does seem completely unfair, I must say…


Later (I hope) …

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Morning all.


Condolences Dom. No more pain. No more suffering.


Andy ID, the most vile thing I can come up with is Idaho Politician. That sort of slips in just below fetid yak turds.


Meanwhile back in the boring borough. Nothing is happening. A quiet day I hope. I get to pretend to be someone else this week while he is on training. Killed several birds with a single rock yesterday. Shopping for the next 2 weeks done, brekkie not cooked by me for a change done, Hobbycraft for more supplies done, Maplin for a shat nav replacement done. I now have a Sony navu surplus to requirements. Its a piece of poo though. Maps are 10 years out of date and the software crashes if you go beyond the end of the world. (Watford gap) In its place I now have a lovely iPhone mount.


that's about it. Have a the best possible moan-day that you can. Remember, we are 1/365 further around the sun than we were yesterday.

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Dom, very sorry to hear that Jo died yesterday afternoon, and as others have said, look after yourselves.


Saw ex-Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill at the bookfest yesterday chatting about his book on the Lockerbie bombing and his part authorising the release of the only prisoner, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi on compassionate grounds. Very murky stuff, with then UK Justice Minister Jack Straw, BP, CIA and Halliburton involved. The truth will take decades to reveal itself, imo, possibly a century or more. The bombing occurred 28 years ago in 1988.


MacAskill came in for quite a lot of criticism but he answered combatively. There were a few questions about the accepted view that the suitcase bomb was loaded in Malta and transferred onto Pan-Am Flight 103 in Frankfurt, because Frankfurt has lost its paperwork. One thing's for sure, which is that Scotland was and is just a wee bit-player in all this.


Raining here now - deep joy, to use one of Stanley Unwin's catch phrases



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Commiserations to Dom on the loss of Jo. Hasn't anyone told the BBC that the Olympics are over? Apart from the weather forecast and the local news that was the only subject on the breakfast show this morning. Had a fair bit of rain overnight so it might have softened up the good old Essex clay enough to make it workable, checking it out later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry but cloudy breezy start and there may be some showers.

I suspect that this week not only will I be suffering caffeine but also Olympic withdrawal symptoms. Good job I've got plenty of Pride. :yes:  

I've now found out that my mate has "mislaid" my sledge hammer.  :dontknow: Probably just as well so this morning will be spent trying to figure out the easiest (and cheapest) way to fix my track problem (apart from binning the problematic loco)  I suspect it will take some time   :scratchhead:

Have a good one,

Bob. (Failed Physics, failed tracklaying, failed to recover sledgehammer)  :banghead:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from red dragon land.  Wet!

Thinking of you Dom, such sad news.  Take care young man, take each day as it comes but remember the goods times, eh?


Morning all from Estuary-Land. Commiserations to Dom on the loss of Jo. Hasn't anyone told the BBC that the Olympics are over? Apart from the weather forecast and the local news that was the only subject on the breakfast show this morning. Had a fair bit of rain overnight so it might have softened up the good old Essex clay enough to make it workable, checking it out later.


Last night was the only time I saw all the events that were stated on the line-up each night but weren't, and even more I didn't know were televised!  That's what I call 'catch up'!


Off to Penrhyn Castle in Bangor, today.  Lived here all our married life and never been there!  Report back later.


Have a good day. 

Thinking of the holidaying.

Edited by southern42
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You can buy half of Merthyr Tydfil for that sort of money.

Or, as I would prefer, a 3 bed 2 bath country retreat in Poitou Charentes with swimming pool and 3 hectares.

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